Shoe Cleaning Slave

Shoe Cleaning Slave


Shoe Cleaning Slave
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Rated: 13+ · Interactive · Fanfiction · # 2180847
Girls from Danganronpa series have you under their control! And at their feet!
Created: January 25th, 2019 at 4:04 pm
Modified: April 30th, 2022 at 5:28 pm
This choice: “Lick my shoes clean.” · Go Back...
You cringed. You had to lick clean those dirty things!? Celeste kicks you in the nuts. You groaned in pain, but your body didn’t show no pain. Celeste looked very angry! “You heard me slave! Clean my shoes!” Your body grabbed her shoe and started licking the underside of it. It tasted so awful! There was a lot of dirt on the underside of it! You gagged from it! Celeste then kicked you in the nuts again, with her heels of course, which hurt badly! “Every time I hear you groan you will receive a kick in the nuts! Understand?” Celeste immediately turned from angry to normal. This person is not ment to be messed with!

Even though you couldn’t control your body, could still make noises with your mouth! You couldn’t talk though. You tried your best not to gag while licking her dirty heels! After a long while her shoe look somewhat cleaned. “Now the other shoe. Hurry up!” She kicked you in the nuts again. You groaned in pain again as you proceeded to clean her other shoe. Her other shoe looked clean now. Celeste looked at her shoes. “Acceptable. Now, take off my heels. Gently!” She threatened. Your body proceeded to take both them off. Once they were off you could smell their terrible stench! “Put your nose inside them and sniff all the stench out! You had me running all over the place just to find you! Now as punishment you sniff all the stench out of them!”

You picked up one shoe and put your nose in it. “Deep sniffs now.” You sniffed hard, filling your nose with the putrid stench! It was awful! You tried to stop but your body kept sniffing! You couldn’t do anything accept to let the stench go through your nose. After a while the shoe didn’t smell as bad anymore. “When your done sniffing the stench out, lick clean the insole!” Once you heard her command you licked the insole of her shoe. The taste of salty shoe sweat was awful as well! You grimaced as you continued to lick clean her insole. When you were finished with the first one, you picked up the other one and started the process all over again! Starting with deep sniffs and then licking the gross insole!It took a long while, but you were finally done! “Hmmm, well done slave, but I don’t think I’m satisfied yet.”

Celeste then said to you...
Where will this interactive story go?
indicates the next chapter is blank and needs to be created.

© Copyright 2022 Michele (UN: michele2 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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I can’t move. No matter what I try and do I can’t seem to make my body move no matter how much I struggle. I can’t see. I know I’ve got my eyes open but I can’t see a damn thing no matter how hard I strain my eyes. It’s cramped. I keep bumping into walls right next to me and right above me I know for a fact I’m crammed into some kind of box but I have no idea why or where. It smells. All around me I can smell an awful scent like vinegar but I can’t open my mouth to breath through that instead. In other words I a in a bad situation and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it no matter how hard I try. The only thing I have any control over is is my senses. I can tell I’m in a car moving somewhere and that I’m in a box and I’d give anything to get rid of my sense of smell right now. All of the sudden I feel my head hit what I assume is the top of my box as the vehicle I’m in comes to a stop and the car turns off. I can hear some movement and the sound of car doors opening behind me. The box I’m in starts moving as I’m pulled somewhere and I can hear the voices of two women. I swear I’ve heard them before but I just can’t remember where. “Who wanted this one again cause this one was just a hassle?” One of them said. She sounded young maybe early 20’s if I had to guess. She seems to be annoyed but more worrying is th pity I hear in her tone. “Some rich family up here. Real twisted from what I gathered. After the husband died they ordered from us but it seems they just didn’t like them being into their actions.” The other responded. She sounded older and worse sounds completely emotionless. I fell myself fall for a moment and then lifted back up as I sway back and forth. They are carrying me somewhere fuck I can’t call out what is happening. “They want an unwilling one? Jesus poor guy I would feel bad for him if they weren’t paying so well.” I hear the younger one say. Fuck are they talking about me? What are they doing to me get me out of this box. “What happened to their old one or did they just off him.” The younger one says only furthering me fear. “No they sent him back to us but I’ll admit it is one of the more brutal returns we had. It took about three months of recovery just to get him back into a stable state.” the older one replies. I don’t have time to panic at the meaning behind that because I feel myself stop moving and see a small window slide open giving me the first breath of fresh air in a while. As I look into the face of a young blond girl who flashes me a mocking smile. “Aww he looks so confused. Its okay cutie I’m sure the Ruechilds will take nice care of you they paid a lot of money to make sure you are the perfect little servant.” She gives me a quick air kiss and closes the tiny window as I hear a banging on a door. I wait until I can hear a door opened and a new woman's voice cheerfully beaconing my current captors inside. Once again I feel my box moving for a bit and eventually set down on the ground with a thud. The impact seems to send something in my box into the air and onto my face. It smells like the inside of the box but twice as bad. It's some sort of smooth cloth that I try to shake of my face before I remember I can’t move. I try and move my focus from the terrible smell to the voices that begin outside my box. “So to get him moving again all you have to do is give him a command we already have him trained to listen to you.” I can hear the blond woman from before explains to someone. “Oh perfect and you got him to specifications right? Like hes not like the last one he won’t be into it and shit?” A new voice I don’t recognise responds. It sounds younger than the blond and a bit too excited for my comfort. “No need to worry this one was trained to be repulsed and still follow the commands of you your sister and your mother as requested. If you wish to have another person have the same privilege you need only expose him to their scent for anywhere from five to ten hours.” The older woman responds. Wait their scent? What does that mean is that what this thing on my face is? God it smells why can’t I move? “Alright you can’t imagine how excited I am right now. You guys will be wired your other half of the money and I’ll make sure to call you if we need anything” The new girl replies happily. I hear the women exchange goodbyes and three sets of footsteps walk away from my box and the sound of a door closing in the distance. Eventually I hear a set of footsteps making their way back to my box stopping by my head. Eventually the small window on my box slides open and light filters through the black object on my face. I hear her stifle laughter as she pulls the object off of me and I’m face to face with a woman with golden brown hair. She looks no older than 18 with a beautiful face and blue eyes staring down at me with a playful smile. “Hello servant boy. You probably have no idea what's going on but don’t worry we’ll get to that just let me grab the rest of your mistresses and well start introductions okay?” She taps me on the nose with the end of the last sentence and begins to back away but stops herself quickly before turning back. “Oh I know grab one of those socks and start taking some deep whiffs to get us started while I grab the others okay.” she says with a smile before dashing off upstairs calling out. What was she talking about? I didn’t understand until I finally felt my hand move for the first time as it wrapped around part of the bedding of my box and slowly moving it in front of my face. I see my hand holding a yellowish knee sock in my hand. I can feel the crust on it and more importantly feel my repulsion. And then I see my hand slowly move the sock to my face. I try to move my head but it wont respond. All I can do is watch as I place the crust sock to my nose and involuntarily take a deep breath. My nose explodes as the insanely strong smell of old sweat and cheese enters my head. Every fiber of my being tells me to run or pull back but my body takes another breath and my hand just keeps pushing the sock into my face harder. Jesus it's awful I feel like I want to throw up but I can’t. Is this what was making the box smell bad? Is this what was on my face? Finally I hear several footsteps running downstairs and past my box quietly whispering to each other. All of the sudden my box flys open with a loud tadah as my eyes adjust to see three women sitting on a couch by the end of my box. I can tell immediately the people are will off by the looks of the expensive furniture all around the room and how high the ceiling is. I also finally get a good look at the girl from earlier. It looks like I was right she looks about 18 maybe senior year or first year college. She is wearing a tank top and yoga pants with her hair down. I also subconsciously note her breasts are about C-cup and her ass is definitely shapely. She is standing in front of the couch in the center gesturing to my box with a giant grin. To her left is a girl a lot younger id say maybe 13 years old somewhere around middle school. She is wearing a very frilly and expensive looking dress with even brighter brown hair bordering on blonde with bright blue eyes. However those eyes are hard to see as she wipes tears of laughter from them. Apparently seeing a helpless man forcefully jamming a sock into his face and inhaling is funny to this girl for some reason. I also notice that compared to her frilly dress she seems to be wearing a firly dirty looking pair of cowgirl boots that don't seem to match the dress at all. Finally to her right I see an older woman that looks to be in her 40s somewhere. She is wearing a low cut business blazer and suit pants both of which look very expensive as well as a pair of black nylons and a pair of business flats. Looking at this woman and the other two girls you can easily tell they are related. That being the case it's easy to tell where the other two girls got their looks. She has hazel hair hanging over her shoulders and blue eyes as well as a set of D-cup breasts and a nice hourglass figure. She's leaning slightly forward and looking down at me with a calm loving gaze but the hunger behind it worries me. “Oh Katie hunnie you already have him sniffing one of those yucky socks. You should have at least given him a little time before you started having him perform duties.” The older woman said cooing at me as if I were a child. The 18 year old girl standing in the center apparently named Katie falls back onto the couch kicking her feet up onto an ottoman. I see she's wearing a pair of chucks and kneehigh socks. “Nah he has to get used to his new role sooner rather than latter. Besides I had to know if his training worked and it sure looks like it did. Just look at that disgusted look on his face and watch this.” she says to the older woman before turning back to me and saying “Okay servant boy I want those breaths to be deeeeep breaths right now.” She says with a sadistic smile on her face. I try and stop my body but I can’t as I feel my body take a massive breath filling my lungs with the disgusting smell of what I now know is a sock belonging to Katie. As soon as one end I feel myself taking in another massive breath of the stale sweat smell. My head feels like its getting dizzy and I feel like I want to vomit but my body just keeps taking in deeper and deeper breaths of the vile cloth pressed into my nose. “That's awesome and it's way better he doesn’t like all the gross stuff like the last one. Will he do anything huh? Cause I want to make him do something really gross.” The youngest girl finally stops laughing to deliver probably the most chilling line so far. The look of childlike joy and yet adult like sadism she had in her eye momentarily distracted my from the fetid sock in my face. “I know I know but I think it's time to finally stop playing with our servant and finally clear up his confusion ya.” Katie said to the others before leaning forward a bit and looking at me saying “Put down the sock and get on your hands and knees at our feet.” As she says this the older woman and young girl lean back also kicking their feet up onto the ottoman. I finally ,to my relief, put the sock down into my box and feel my body rise and fall onto my hand and knees crawling out of my box and onto the carpeted floor placing myself at the end of the ottoman. Katie then claps twice and all of the sudden I can move my head again. I look frantically around before realising its doing no good and place my focus back on the three girls in front of me. “Now servant I am going to introduce you to your new mistresses and we will each inform you of your duties to us.” She said gesturing to the other two girls “Now on top of whatever duties we may have you preform you will also have some general chores but we will get to that as well. Now first off is my mother Jaclyn who you will refer to as mistress Jaclyn.” She explained to me as if talking to a dog while gesturing to the older woman to her right. “Aw don’t worry about me to much baby I don’t really want to uh … play with you like my beautiful daughters here. No I just want to take care of you and make sure you are a good little boy okay?” She said in a voice as if talking to a baby leaning forward a bit. She then leans back and follows it up in a mocking stern voice “Of course if you do misbehave you will have to be punished but you wouldn’t do that would you. Oh no your a good boy. Here why don’t you show me your a good boy and lick Mistress Jaclyn’s flats okay?” I’m in shock. I’m a human fucking being she can’t treat me like I’m a fucking infant I’m 22 years old these people can’t control me. But once again my body proves me wrong. As I shake my head no I feel the rest of my body slowly crawl forward as I place my head at the bottoms of Jaclyn’s flats and stick out my tongue. I have enough control to make the lick as small as I can but am swiftly interrupted by Jaclyn interjecting. “Oh no baby I guess you are new to this. Its okay let me help.” She says lovingly before looking me right in the eyes with a bit of playfulness. “Okay take your tongue and run it from the bottom of my shoe all the way to the top three times each.” And just as always I feel my body lose control as my tongue sticks out all the way and I take one long lick up the bottom of this woman's shoe. My mouth fills with the taste of old leather and dust. I don’t think I have ever felt more repulsed in my life and yet I feel myself go in for another lick and another. Right as I think I can relax I feel my head move over to the other foot refreshing my mouth with the taste of dirt as I lick the bottom of her other shoe three times. Finally I gain enough control to pull back and pull my tongue back in. I go to spit but I hear Jaclyn int
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