Shock Penis

Shock Penis


Penile Electroshock Therapy
For Penis Enlargement
Electroshock therapy has been around for decades, used to treat a variety of ailments such as muscular strains, fractures and soft tissue tears. Sound waves have been used effectively to treat kidney stones. Recently, some studies have suggested that Electro-therapy may be an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction.
Low-level electrical stimulation of the penile tissue stimulates neovascularization. This is the formation of microvascular networks of blood vessels. The result leads to increases blood flow and even greater tissue growth. What’s more, is that the effects are long lasting. The increased vascular network has long term effects and is very effective at treating erectile dysfunction for patients who don’t respond well to oral treatments such as Cialis or natural herbs.
The penis is lined with smooth muscle and the electric pulses contract these muscles. As with any muscles, constant contractions wear down the muscle tissue and causes it to grow back stronger and larger than before, essentially adding size to the penis. Smooth muscle tissue is very responsive to this type of stimulation, including the muscle of the penis.
There are some devices specifically designed to apply electrical shocks to the penis. The intensity of the shock is considered very low. Patients who underwent electroshock treatment for erectile dysfunction had no complaints of pain or discomfort.
Using the stimulation device should not replace other core penis enlargement techniques such as jelqing, stretching and pumping. Electro-stim is a great PE technique which is easy, comfortable (maybe even pleasurable), effective and passive, ie you can continue doing other productive things (like work) while using the device.
The best time to apply electroshock therapy is after all the core PE techniques have been completed for the day, electric stimulation is meant to be a recovery system rather than a ‘work-out’ like jelqing and stretching. If your penis is sore from a good workout and day’s worth of stretching (using an extender), then ending the day with some electroshock therapy is a great way to kickstart the healing process and see greater gains, faster.
Is it safe to use if you have a pacemaker or defibrillator?
Does this help with peyronies disease?
I’ve been using electric stimulation pads and cock ring for a good six months on my penis. All of a sudden my penis is getting huge is this ok?
What are the dangers of using it and side effects ?
can you get gains just from using shock therapy ?
Yes, I believe the shock therapy builds and develops the smooth muscle in the penis, adding to small but noticeable increases in girth and strengthens ejaculations.
Dos it enlarge pennis permantly and how long dos it take
It can speed up recovery from enlargement routine and help develop/add smooth muscle. This may result in small increases in girth.
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Disclaimer: *Increase the girth and length of your penis at your own risk. These enlargement methods may cause serious damage. Consult a doctor first. We are not responsible for any harm caused by practicing male enhancement.

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