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This film should be in the Top 250! It's sheer genius is nearly overwhelming. It is brilliantly directed, and provides some of the best dialogue I have ever heard. I laughed, I cried, I climaxed, but not in that particular order. This is the movie all of America must see! I hear Siskel and Ebert gave it two thumbs up... way up! They even threw in some candlesticks and zucchinis.
Robert Black's Fuck My Dirty Shit Hole... The Movie
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There are too many candidates R23, you have to be more specific about what you consider depressing.
I've heard Youngstown, Oho is pretty bad but I haven't been. I'm in the Northwest and would say Aberdeen, WA, is one of the most depressing places in this region. Kurt Cobain's hometown which explains a lot about his music and suicidal tendencies.
Detroit. Period. No other major metropolitan city has ever reverted to farmland till Detroit.
St. Louis is pretty grim. New Orleans, beyond the surface party sheen, is a filthy shithole. But McComb, Mississippi is probably the most depressing place I've ever spent time in. The mall was like the one from "Roseanne" - WalMart is the anchor store. There's just nothing there and no reason not to run far away.
St. Joseph, Missouri. Dirty, decaying, empty, and full of the dumbest people I've ever seen. It's known for one thing and one thing only--Jesse James' House. We drove around for 20 minutes and must have asked a dozen people for directions to it, and not one damned person knew what we were talking about.
Definitely St. Louis. The city has lost more than 2/3 of its population since 1950, it has the highest crime rate of any city in the country, the downtown area has 35% of its office space vacant, the entire metroplitan area continues to hemmorage jobs, the airport is under-utilized and half empty, and the inner ring suburbs that surround the city are quickly turning into crime ridden slums (Jennings, Wellston, Pine Lawn, Moline Acres, just to name a few). %0D %0D Yet the clueless people and the area's "leadership" think everything is just great the way it is and keep telling themselves they're better off than Detroit or Cleveland.
I'm from rural Oklahoma originally. It could definitely be a contender.
I've been to St Louis, Youngstown, and Galveston before. Of those three, Youngstown is the worst, with Galveston a close second. But there are certainly worse shit-holes in this country.%0D %0D
Galveston has a beach - Detroit gets my vote.
Crystal Beach is on the mainland, not Galveston Island.
Agree about Bridgeport, Connecticut. It's almost like you're in the third world. Many CT residents do not get off I-95 in Bridgeport for any reason whatsoever. If your tank is on empty, you're about to shit your pants, etc. you just white-knuckle it till you cross into Fairfield. Sections of New Haven and Hartford are just as bad. %0D %0D Years ago, I got lost in Newark, New Jersey at 1:00 in the morning looking for the airport. Jesus Christ what a fucking shithole that place is.
Isn't Bridgeport, CT where Ricky and Lucy moved to?
Ever hear of Imperial County, California? It's located in the far southeast corner of the state, brushing up against Arizona and Mexico. It's in the middle of a god-forsaken desert where the temperature often exceeds 120 degrees during the summer. The country's most polluted river, the New River, runs through it, carrying untreated sewage from Mexicali, Mexico, to the Salton Sea. Currently, the county holds an unemployment rate of 25.1%.
The county is home to some of the absolute shittiest cities and people; but an unincorporated area called Slab City, or just "The Slabs," takes the cake. The dictionary definition of dreary...
Another vote for Youngstown, OH. Depressing and symbolic.
If you think Detroit is bad you should drive north and check out Flint.
Wow! That is hard to decide. There are so many god candidates!
The state of Michigan is pretty much a mess. The remaining people aren't very nice, but that is understandable. I wouldn't call it a shithole, but I would say it comes pretty damn close.
R39 That's a very broad brush with which you are painting. There are many good and nice people in Michigan. Many of them have fallen on very hard times. And yes, there are some real shithole towns. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater.
I'll second Flint and add Pontiac.%0D %0D Detroit is just a tragedy, but Flint and Pontiac have always been shitholes.
I stopped to see Old Shawneetown, Illinois, the one the flood people refuse to insure since there is no levee. The first bank in Illinois is there, a place that gave money to establish Chicago. It is across the street from crumbling brick buildings. One of them, with the bricks mostly missing from the second floor, had an operating bar. The streets were worn down to nineteenth century brick paving. And when I stopped in front of the bank to read the plaque my car was surrounded by feral dogs who would not let me move forward or back for a good ten minutes.
Bakersfield, Ca. is stiflingly hot and the people are miserable.
As far as shitholes go, I'd vote for Fort Stockton, Texas, which only exists as the only place within hundreds of miles to pull over and sleep when you're driving across hellblasted West Texas. It's truly Hades on earth.
When my partner and I stopped there, we stopped at a Godforsaken motel where the clerk wore a bolo with a turquoise crucifix. The only place open on a Sunday at 7 pm was Pizza Hut ('and you better hurry, 'cause it closes at 9"). Bars? They didn't have any, at least none that would dare open on a Sunday. When we got back to the motel, she glowered at us and told my partner "Here's the keys for you AND YOUR BROTHER."
We backed the car in to the cinderblock motel so no one could get in to the trunk. Every station on the TV was showing either home shopping or televangelists. I'm from a small town and can still be charmed by them; this was a place that would have driven any rational person to suicide within a week.
Benton Harbor should be added to the Michigan cities list.
In fact, no matter what the locals say, pretty much all of Berrien County is depressing. Not one Starbucks in the whole county.
Not one Starbucks, you say? That actually sounds... nice.
[quote]It's known for one thing and one thing only--Jesse James' House. We drove around for 20 minutes and must have asked a dozen people for directions to it, and not one damned person knew what we were talking about.%0D %0D %0D Don't believe it for a minute. You just know they all said among themselves afterwards 'Hey who sent those two dykes looking for Jesse's house off on a wild goose in the wrong direction! Ha!' %0D %0D They're stupid in the right direction are local yokels.
Cairo, Illinois is a nearly abandoned, depressing town on the Mississsippi River. ou always read about it on some urban planning forum.
Some parts of Michigan are still beautiful.%0D Ithas many top notched universities.
Gary, Indiana.%0D I really think that some decay can been seen as beautiful.%0D I am inclined to believe those dreary border towns lacking any green are the most depressing.
Every Northern shit hole decaying city.
r31, I had a great time at Slab City. Wouldn't necessarily want to live there, but the old timers took us in like family, protected us from even perceived harm, housed and fed us. And the parties are ridiculous.
Somewhere near Dick Cheney's testes.
r61 has obviously never been to Fort Worth.
oh, honey. its so transparent. All this thread is is just one more insecure uneducated 20something from somewhere in the north trying to compensate for his own small world or lack of top-rate education or legitimate world travel by beginning a thread to bash places in the south and midwest so he can continue to live in his grandiose vision that he is worldly as he day dreams between fixing double decaf latte's on his second barista shift at some Starbucks in Trenton or New Brunswick.
r29, the Ricardos lived Westport, not Bridgeport.
R25 is correct: Barstow, CA. Scary and toxic-sludge adjacent.
#65, me-OW. We can't all go to Harvard. Now pull your caftan out of your crack; I know it's starting to get real hot down there in Fla.
R61 lived in Fort Worth for 16 years.
r61 - then you must know that FW has a great downtown area and a lot of cultural events. Bass Hall is pretty amazing,Sundance Square, etc. I don't even think it qualifies as depressing much less a shithole. Yes, it has a few dreary neighborhoods but what city doesn't?
Hello, Thread. Worcester MA here. I own this one. Move over, bitches.
I've spent time in most of the big Midwestern cities. Detroit was awful the last time I was there (2002) and I can only imagine how much worse it is now. St. Louis is nearly as bad.%0D %0D I don't know much about the south beyond Texas. I've lived for weeks at a time in several different cities in Texas and they were all terrible. Not falling apart terrible, but hot and filled with loud, obnoxious assholes. Everyone said Austin was different, but it really isn't. It's just full of loud, obnxious asshole hipsters.
Worcester ain't that bad. It has several great colleges, Lake Quinsigamond, proximity to Boston and leafy suburbs. There are far worse places. %0D %0D
In that case don't bother giving me the directions
Belle Glade FL Do a google maps street view search of SW 6th Street & SW Ave C Belle Glade FL
Unbelievable squalor... and it goes on and on for city blocks and blocks and blocks...
Isn't Belle Glade where they traced the start of AIDS in America to? Haitian hookers giving it to truckers who brought it north?
Any border town with Mexico. Just awful.
[quote]Agree about Bridgeport, Connecticut. It's almost like you're in the third world. Many CT residents do not get off I-95 in Bridgeport for any reason whatsoever. If your tank is on empty, you're about to shit your pants, etc. you just white-knuckle it till you cross into Fairfield. Sections of New Haven and Hartford are just as bad.
I used to visit a friend who was a grad student at Yale back in the 90's. The poor people I'd see on the street in New Haven scared me.
I actually grew up in Bridgeport. It wasn't as bad in the 60s. Really went downhill in the late 70s. Too bad. It's a great location with a lot of potential.
How come Madonna never 'beautified' Pontiac, with all her $$ ?
Beautiful downtown New Madrid, MO from the levee.
The most depressing fucking shithole in the continental United States has to be the one attached to Dick Cheney.
Hartford, CT is pretty much a warzone now outside of the downtown business district, and even there you don't want to hang out after dark. As soon as all the offices close for business people high-tail it out of downtown to the suburbs.%0D %0D It's a real shame because Hartford has neighborhoods that could be beautiful - a lot of gorgeous Victorian homes and the brownstones are comparable to anything in the West Village, seriously. Unfortunately, the crime is epidemic and the state of CT wrote off Hartford decades ago.
oh, come on Hartford is NOT that bad. It has some pretty nice architecture and urban renewal areas.
Exaggeration is not becoming on a man...
I would imagine Gary, Indiana.%0D %0D Haven't seen Gary in a long time, but it was a complete shithole going way back.%0D %0D For the person who listed the entire state of Indiana (is that you Evansville native who hates Indiana and always indicts a whole state?)....%0D %0D Indiana has some lovely beach towns on Lake Michigan with beautiful beaches such as Michiana Shores, Dunes State Park, New Buffalo....%0D %0D plus Bloomington, Indiana and nearby artsy towns are nice and picturesque including a Big Ten University - Indiana University which has a lovely campus
The Slabs? I rememeber the slabs in the movie "Into the Wild". catherine keener's character and her husband would make a pilgrimmage to the area yearly. They kinda romanticized the place.
Beautiful Zug Island, Michigan over looking beautiful Ontario
Girls, girls, your whole country is a shithole!
What is the primary ethnic group that's causing the trouble in Bridgeport, Waterbury, New Haven and Valley Forge?
R98 I can't speak for Valley Forge but in the CT cities, it's a mix of races. Not one in particular.
Camden, New Jersey across from Philadeplhia. Just laid-off 160 cops in a city whose major industry%0D is crime and drug dealing.
Even the Lip Gloss And Prada Queens feed off of each other for lack of anything better to do!!!!
The worst I've ever been to is Aberdeen, Washington. It's Kurt Cobain's hometown, and as soon as you see it you instantly realize why his music was so depressing.
Buffalo is NOT a dump nor a shit hole. Compared to these examples it is Shangri-La.
I second Atlanta. A dumb, fat, whore of a city.
I've never been to Atlanta, but everybody I have ever known who has been there hated it.
Does it have to be continental U.S.?
Any town that's had a big military presence. They leave a huge, destructive footprint wherever they are and manage to make things even uglier when they're shut down.
You are correct R71, Fort Worth has some truly lovely neighborhoods, and areas. The problem with them is that they are (for the most part) populated by bigots, rednecks and (gasp) devotees of Fox News. If memory serves me correctly, it is the only of the "large" cities in Texas to vote McCain/Palin. Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, and El Paso supported Obama.
[R72] wins it. Worcester MA is the "most depressing f*cking shithole in the continental U.S." Went to college there, and somehow thought that it would have the best of Boston and the Berkshires. Boy, was I wrong. If the world ever needed an enema, they'd put it in through Worcester.
R72 here. Thanks for the shout-out, R114.
Augusta "Disgusta" Georgia -- the city with an open-air sewage treatment plant on one end (next to the airport...welcome to Augusta) and a paper mill at the other. Nothing in the world smells as bad as a paper mill.
Throw in a population of Bible-thumping, homophobic, pig-ignorant racists, an economy in the crapper, a downtown as dead as any rust belt city, and summers with the thermometer and the barometer both in the 90s.
Atlanta. Populated by welfare trash acting like Southern aristocracy.
Hands down, Alamagordo, New Mexico.
Levittown, PA and surrounding communities.%0D %0D Absolute FILTH.
[quote]thermometer and the barometer both in the 90s.%0D %0D Oh, my!
[quote]You are correct [R71], Fort Worth has some truly lovely neighborhoods, and areas. The problem with them is that they are (for the most part) populated by bigots, rednecks and (gasp) devotees of Fox News.[quote]%0D %0D Then if that's the criteria for a depressing shithole, then you can say most of this country is a shithole, including parts of NYC and Boston.%0D %0D I think the OP was talking more about places like Camden, Detroit and East St Louis.
LA tops my list. What a soulless, empty, vapid, cultureless cesspool.....
I find LA to be one of the most beautiful places on earth.
Let's hope the prediction for an earthquake tomorrow through the 26th is erroneous.
Disgusta, GA. There is a good reason people call it that. When I was there while stationed at Fort Gordon, I remember reading at least once a week a letter to the editor in the local paper how gays should be sent to prison. I mean seriously. It has to be the most homophobic city I have ever lived in.
Clermont-Ferrand, France, makes most of these places look like NYC.
Any large city in the US has sections that could fit the bill as "the most depressing fucking shithole in the continental US. And any large city in any country on earth has sections that could easily be considered "the most depressing fucking shithole on earth".
But of course, on DL and most any other online chat board a city's worth is always based on it's worst areas or attributes, mainly because too many people who frequent these boards are mental cases who thrive on shitting on some one, some thing, or some place else.
[quote]But of course, on DL and most any other online chat board a city's worth is always based on it's worst areas or attributes, mainly because too many people who frequent these boards are mental cases who thrive on shitting on some one, some thing, or some place else.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Minneapolis is the worst place I've ever lived. It's fallimg apart from the inside out, a few years ago a bridge collapsed, a few weeks ago a major urban gas line burst into flames. There is no money for even basic maintenance of the city. People are working sixty hour weeks just to pay for cheap apartments and running around with broken teeth and cheap shoes because wages are so low. But just as another poster on this thread said about a different city, people are just as happy as can be, freezing their asses off for nine months of the year with huge simles on their faces. Sort of like a sick, not funny at all Mayberry.
Nine months, R133? You are ridiculous - it's only chilly in Minneapolis from November thru early March - that's only 4 and a half months.%0D %0D It's in the 50's today and will be in the 50's most of the rest of March.%0D %0D When you exaggerate so wildly, it deflates any argument you might possess and feel.%0D %0D Washington DC is MUCH WORSE with is horrible, incessant high humidity and heat.%0D %0D And you seem to be running around with people who have very low level jobs - sorry to hear that. There is a whole world of people not in low level jogs.%0D %0D Also, as an aside, the bridge is not the responsibility of Minneapolis - it is the responsibility of the State of Minnesota which does inspectio
The entire state of New Jersey (with a special aromatic mention of Elizabeth).
The only good thing about NJ is it's on the way to somewhere else.
I am not a proponent of New Jersey, but it has many beautiful parts and beautiful counties toward the western and middle parts of the
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