Shitting While Cumming

Shitting While Cumming


Shitting While Cumming




Quinn Myers
January 24, 2021

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It’s not an orgasm as much as it is intense constipation that pushes hard enough on the prostate to force out a burst of prostatic fluid
“The first time it happened, I was 23,” says a man who, given the details that follow, asked to be called “Tuttle.” “It had been a few days since I’d made a deposit at the porcelain bank, and nature started pounding on the door after my morning coffee.” Tuttle says he “walked with fierce purpose to the nearest available toilet and sat down expecting fireworks.”
Fearing hemorrhoids, Tuttle refrained from pushing and waited for his body to take over. “I was hunched over, holding back tears, hoping that this wasn’t the end when my phone rang,” he explains. “The break in concentration opened the floodgates, but when I looked down to survey the damage, I was shocked. Near the front of the toilet bowl was an unmistakable bloop of semen that had apparently zoomed right out of my dick.” Upon seeing this, he adds, “My groaning became more like, ‘OoohhhOO WWHHaaa? ”
Medically speaking, Tuttle experienced something called a “ urethral discharge .” According to Alex Shteynshlyuger , Director of Urology at New York Urology Specialists, because the rectum sits adjacent to the prostate , “constipation-induced pressure in the rectum can cause pressure on the prostate and result in the urethral discharge of prostatic fluid.” (To be clear, prostatic fluid isn’t semen .)
To that end, constipation-inspired urethral discharges aren’t as rare as you might think. Last week on Reddit, for instance, numerous men rhapsodized about their own bowel movements that also arrived with, as Tuttle puts it, “a little jizz plop floating along .”
Ryan, a 35-year-old in Vermont, first experienced a urethral discharge in college. “It really freaked me out, but I didn’t say anything to anyone or ask anyone about it,” he says. “I did, however, search it up online, only to find very minimal info. It basically just said it will happen to some people.”
For what it’s worth, Tuttle says calling it a discharge isn’t exactly right. “It definitely feels good, but not at all like a full-blown nut buster,” he tells me. “My best comparison would be, if cumming is like a really good neck pop after a long day, flaccid-poop jizzing is like popping one of your fingers — still nice and all, but no one nearby is going to be like, ‘Ooh, that sounded good!’ afterwards, ya know?”
As is the case for Tuttle, Ryan says this “happens routinely now, depending on diet and stool size ,” but neither have opted to speak to their doctor about it. “I’ve never told a doctor about it because it never felt like something was wrong,” Ryan explains.
More often than not, Shteynshlyuger says such a urethral discharge is little more than a sign of constipation . However, if it happens often enough that constipation can be ruled out , it’s time to consult a physician. Most notably, it could be the sign of an enlarged prostate . “An enlarged prostate can protrude in the rectum and cause increased pressures, as well as an increased amount of prostatic fluid that can be expelled during bowel movements,” he explains.
While neither an enlarged nor inflamed prostate are signs of prostate cancer , both can lead to more serious health problems . An enlarged prostate could be to blame for urinary tract infections, kidney stones and hemorrhoids , and an inflamed prostate, which Shteynshlyuger points out is “often caused by a variety of STDs,” can be the cause fertility issues , among other things.
With that in mind, “if the urethral discharge is a persistent or frequent occurrence,” Shteynshlyuger advises a medical evaluation “may be of value, and may result in a diagnosis of a significant, but treatable, medical problem.”
When I relay this information to Tuttle, he assures me that he’ll set aside the embarrassment and mention it to his doctor the next time he gets a physical. Nonetheless, his enthusiasm for the act remains high. “You always remember your first time,” he concludes. “Because on that day, I became more than a man and achieved what few people can — I went into that stall expecting to go number two, but instead, I created a number five.”
Quinn Myers is a staff writer at MEL. He reports on internet culture, technology, health, masculinity and the communities that flourish within.

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Communities > Men's Health > ejaculation while pooping

Sorry I did not know where else to post this...
Recently i have been having a non orgasmic ejaculation of semen when pooping. It only happens if it is the first time i have gone that day, and usually if I have not had sex the night before... I was used to having sex every day, but recently since i have not been seeing my girlfriend as often it is 2 times a week. I was figuring it was something related to my prostate?? Has been happening for past 2 months.I have no idea, I havent heard of anyone else with this problem.. Please help
Ps. 20 years old

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I would agree with your comment as I am a 31 yr old guy who is also on a high dose of fentanyl to deal with permanent nerve damage in my back. They have me on 125mcg/hr. Which I have been told actually is a very high dose well maybe it is for the average person but I am not I am the rare person. I have had this problem since July of 2012 when I was on 108mg of dilaudid. Aka hydromorphone a day. I have tried the little pink capsule of colace but it didn't help then I went and tried lacolose and if u can swallow it down it does help, but I have since stopped both above and started takin what is called "probiotic" I take 2 every morning and 2 every night and by the 2nd morning I was back to ******** normally and no more sperm was leaking out. You can find this probiotic at stores like shoppers drug mart or any health food store. Hope this helps!

I am 41 and this happened to me the first time yesterday while straining hard. I was very constipated and didnt even feel it happen. When i stood up i saw it and freaked out. Glad to know this happens to others. No orgasm, in fact i was in extreme pain due to the constipation. Im going to start taking miralax daily to prevent constipation. I take high dose narcotics for chronic pain and tbat causex constipation.

Hi kid,
My hubby has had his prostate removed as of a couple months ago and now he can only get an erection when he is pooping and constipated.  He mentioned it to his doc, and he said that it is all connected as far as nerves to the penis are deep seated close to the rectal area.  I think it could easily be checked with a sonagram if you are worried.
Burney and Les  

I have had the same experience you have sometimes when pooping. (non orgasmic ejaculation of semen) It only happens sometimes during a straining poop. I'm a 35 year old married man that has sex fairly regularly. So, I'm going to consult my doctor to make sure I don't have prostate cancer or something. You are not the only man with that problem. -James


I Found out Why this was happening and it has stopped. It started when i was taking zoloft, and continued when i discontinued and went on prozac. After researching on the internet it said that some people have this problem when on anit-depressents. I just happen to have this problem from both zoloft and prozac which is fairly rare. But after discontinuation I no longer have this problem. It has been 3 weeks since I last had this happen, and its been 3 weeks off prozac. I ran it by my psychiatrist and he said it is rare, but does occur. So he discontinued my meds.
Hope this helps someone!

Thanx for all your input

Im on prozac and can relate to all the symptoms mentioned above. 23 yrs old. I need the prozac, glad to hear I'm not the only one experiencing this very strange occurrence.

I still have the problem and I guess it is because I take prosac. I'm going to get off of prosac and see my doctor and see if this stops.  thanks.

i've been having the same problem ( non orgasmic ejaculatiion  while pooping) for about two months.Was to embarressed to say anything till today.Told my wife, we found this site, feeling better knowing im not the only one.I am taking vicodin and have been for years,but not till two months ago this started. Im kinda scared!

  I have same problem as listed above. I know it has nothing to do with anti depressents as I do not take them. It usually happen when I am taking a straining ****, but worries me in thinking I may have enlarged prostate. I have no insurance, and cannot afford to go to doctor to get checked out. As it is, I am doing all the research I can in hopes to better edjucate myself, as well as give myself some piece of mind. As the others have said before I'm glad I'm not the only one.

Hey, I am experiencing the same problem while pooping. I had a spermatocelectomy at age 18 during Sept of 07 and after it healed, I believed they made a small error. I may have a tiny opening in a seminal vesicle.  I did alot of research, so it's nothing really to worry about now since I been having non orgasmic ejaculations for over 2 years. I will get it fixed in the future.

Have had this problem on 3 occations only was taking celexa antidepressant and was switched to welbuterian so I take it that its not just isolated to prozac and zoloft...

Am having the same problem...yet am not on any depression pills or medications

Sep 13, 2016

I am also having the same issue and never taken any anti antidepressant bu i am taking vegetable salad. Whenever i used to take this then i started out non orgasmic ejaculation of semen

I'm 20 years old, sometimes when I poop, I will ejaculate as well. Ive never taken any anti depressants, there's no pain, I just ejaculate when I poop. Anyone have any idea and advice on what it could be?

I may have some insight into the issue. When you milk a prostate, you stick a finger (or whatever) into your bum and express the prostate from there. It may be that the hard poo is milking the prostate.

Yes I agree and it makes sense but it's not a problem is a normal function this can let you know that the prostate is working properly

Agree 100%. Also your body needs to release it so if you've stopped masturbating as frequently, having sex, etc then this could be a response. I used to jack off every day and this wouldn't happen. Now I try to maybe twice a month, so this occurs sometimes when I poop. Similar to how intense sports activities can cause you to cum. However, if it is happening when your just walking around I'd be a little worried. Also I don't think it should be a heavy load, but everyones different.

Jul 25, 2011

please help if possible i have bin having the same problems that everyone on this page has.I was wondering if i should see a doctor or if it nothing to worry about.I read some of the other comments but im not taking any medications and not haveing sex.(im about 14 years old)

I also have the same problem but its really diffrent with me I can not ejaculate while having sex or masturebation I have I little clear liquid come out but not *** but when I take a crap every time I have alot of thick *** come out weather im straining or not I was wondering if I have a narrow urethrea and it wont come out only.when I strain I want to have children im married have been wife for 15 years and no kids I know its not my wife because she got pregnet twice befor with diffrent men but.had abourtion sorry cant spell to good I just dont know whats going on I need help answers if anyone can help me please please please get back to me my email is ***@**** please someone help me I have tried going a long time with out ejzculation

Im 28 and in good health, but have been a little constipated lately, due to taking tremadol as i recently dislocated my shoulder.
Today was my first bowel movement in 2 days and it was like a damn tennis ball Due to being constipated. I assumed that when i seen semen coming out from my penis that the large stool had massaged it out of my prostate as i gave birth to this tennis ball. however, later today i had another bowel movement which was normal and again semen was present. I was just wondering if anyone knows of, or could this at all be an indication of prostate cancer or any other prostate related desiese?
Thankyou for your time and input.

I have been having this problem for 10 years I have never started in my late teens when I was in the army...I was very startled when it first happened it felt like I was urinating myself when it happened. It was very sporadic from then on until recently. It happens almost everytime I have to relieve myself. I don't think its cancerous or anything like that. It may just have a sensitive prostate. I may sometime in the near future talk to my doctor about it but honestly I have learned to like it

its nothing to do with the prostate alone I can assure you!, when I have one a little stuck I get wood, I have No prostate at all that's in some Laboratory freezer!!! and alas its the Only Time I get Wood No Viagra/Cialis/or Cavaject works, and no way am I gonna Change my sexual orientation!!!, very flippin Frustrating I can tell you.

Only medication i was taking was prozac, and it was prescribed by my doctor and i have stopped taking it recently. Still have this problem.

Hope the bet for ya my hubby just experienced the same issue kinda worried but I know everything will be okay go is with us

I have this problem aswell i think its from an erection that wasnt tookn care of (if you know what i mean) and then taking a straining poop which caused my seamen to be pushed out i dont think it serious

I figured that i also have non orgasmic discharge when im pooping especially at initial stages of the bowel movement.Thing is most guys experience this problem.iv not had it checked but from the comments im reading i think its nothing to worry about.Shalom

I'm fifteen years old. Today the same thing happened to me for the first time and hopefully the last time. I was straining (which I practically never do, but this was stubborn one and I just needed to get the job done), I look down when I'm about to wipe and I see a string of sperm hanging from my penis. Can somebody help me out on figuring out what this could be? I'm not on any medication or anything of the sort.

Oct 20, 2018

I've looked this up so many times and came to the same conclusion every time. This also happened to me several times. It is only your bowels and straining that do this. Don't strain if you can help it, also, don't use that pee-string muscle to stop your bowels as it pushes your bowels not only out but back in as well. This is normal. Don't worry, don't strain.

Apr 30, 2020

I think this may be the best advise so far and I’ve scrolled thus
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