Shipman and I

Shipman and I


"Would you like to come back to my house, I have a bunch of photos of Alaska in the winter, I think you would really enjoy seeing them." she smiled.
"Yea, that sounds great! It will be nice to see what a furnished base housing looks like."
We shared a laugh. "I remember what that was like." she said.
I was pleasantly surprised when she turned onto the road I lived on, and then turned into a driveway four houses down.
"I live four houses down from you!" I said.
"Wow really?"
She unlocked the front door, and we stepped into her living room. I sat down on the couch, while she bent down in the cabinet looking for a photo album.
"It should be in here somewhere" she said.
I stared at her long legs and smooth round ass bent over less than three feet from me. She found it and sat beside me with the album.
"Girl, get comfortable, take them shoes off. "
I unfasten the straps while she took off her shoes as well. She turned toward me sitting Indian style; I could see her solid black thong under her skirt clear as day. It appeared as if she was shaven. I began flipping through the pages, she smiled as there were pictures of her in a bikini.
"Sorry those are from Arizona. ",She said
"I don’t mind, you look amazing!"
She looked at me, and I smiled. Upon finishing the book, she showed me their bedroom. Silk sheets, and cherry wood furniture, made the room sparkle.
"Have you ever kissed a girl, Jayme?" I asked. She looked at me.
"Have you?" she shot back.
"I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked it’s none of my business." I said.
"You want to kiss me?" she smiled.
I laughed nervously. She took my hand and sat me down on the bed.
"I have kissed other women, and I have been with other women. If this is a problem for you, I understand."
I smiled "No it’s not a problem."
She smiled at me. She looked into my eyes, and slowly touched my face, then kissed me softly, in a way I have never been kissed, she ran her fingers through my hair, and slowly ran her tongue over my lips. She pulled away .
"How was that for a first kiss from a girl?"
My face flushed, my panties were soaked, my loins burned. I wanted her, I wanted her pussy on my mouth, I wanted to lick her nipples, and I wanted to touch her pussy. I smiled at her.
"Very nice." she laughed.
"Well I need to make dinner." Jayme said.
I glanced at the clock, "So do I."
We slowly walked back to her vehicle. She pointed out a few flowers she had planted. She drove me back to the commissary and She stopped in front of my car, and leaned over, and I kissed her. I got out of her vehicle and watched as she drove off.
The next day drug by, I thought of Jayme’s soft sweet lips, and how great they felt pressed against mine. I spent most of the day in bed catching up on some reading, and checking my cell phone to be sure Jayme or my husband hadn’t called. Around noon I finally took a shower, and straightened up the house. I put a whole chicken in the oven, with some potatoes and carrots, and decided that I wanted to have sex with my husband as soon as he came in the door. I put on a red see through lingerie that I had bought just a week ago, and slipped on my heels. The heavy aroma of roasted chicken floated through the air. I stood next to the counter when I heard the sound of the car door slamming. Chris opened the door, and started bitching.
"Do you know that son of a bitch told me……FUCK" he stood at the door gazing at me.
I smiled, "you were saying?" I giggled.
"Fuck baby!" he managed to get out.He dropped his stuff, and walked over to me, and kissed me with a lot of tongue, and he ran his hands over my warm body, reaching behind me grabbing my ass. He kissed my neck and chest; he picked me up and sat me on the counter. He kissed my soft tan legs,all the way up to my thighs.
"Mmmmm something smells delicious." he said smirking. He pulled my panties aside and stuck his tongue in my pussy.
"Damn baby you’re like a waterfall, you have been waiting for me huh?"
He licked my pussy. He kissed my lips hard and full of passion, while taking his clothes off. He walked to the couch in his ABU pants, and combat boots. He removed his boots. I hopped off the counter and slowly walked to the couch. He took his pants off, and his hard cock flopped out of his boxers as he pulled them down. I kneeled in front of him and took his hard cock into my mouth and sucked the tip hard, while rubbing his balls. I climbed up on top of him, and slid his cock into my pussy; they both let out a sigh. I began fucking his cock, bouncing up and down, he pulled my tits from the red flowing lingerie, and sucked my tit hard. I bounced hard on his dick. He told me to get up and bend over the counter. I walked to the counter and bent over it, he stood behind me and lined his cock up with my pussy and slammed it in. He grabbed my long hair and fucked me hard and steady until he filled my pussy with his cum. He panted laying his head on my back. He jumped into the shower. I fixed his plate; we sat at the dinner table and began eating.
"Shipman said his wife said you two went out for lunch yesterday." Chris said.
"Yea, we did, it was really nice of her to invite me out."
"I’m glad you have made a friend so quickly." he said
"She kissed me."
He coughed "Bullshit! She did not!" he said
"Yes she did, with tongue!"
"You are a bad liar!"
"I swear to you baby, I am NOT lying to you!" I said
"Well, where did she kiss you?"
"She kissed me in their bedroom."
He smiled "That’s hot!"
"Yea it was, I was so wet when she dropped me off!"
"I wonder if Shipman knows."
"haha I don’t know if he does or not." I replied
"If she kisses you again, take a picture of you two kissing!"
"No way you pervert!"
We climbed into bed and fell asleep after a quickie. The idea of me kissing a woman had turned him on.
It had been two weeks since Jayme kissed me. I hadn’t heard from her since. Was I supposed to call Jayme? I picked up my phone, and called Jayme. No answer. A few minutes after one PM Jayme called me back.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey girl, what are you up to?" she said.
"Nothing much, sort of wondered if I made you upset?" I asked
"No girl not at all, I was nervous to call you, you know being that I kissed you, I thought maybe I scared you away."
"No you are too beautiful to run from" I told her.
"Why don’t you come over? I really hate talking on the phone."
"Okay, I’ll be there in a few minutes."
"Okay bye."
I got to her front door, knocked Jayme answered the door, and we embraced for a hug. I could feel her breast against mine. She smiled at me.
"Well aren’t you going to kiss me?" I asked. She smiled even bigger. We kissed each other gently with just a little bit of tongue. We lay down in her bed and talked about the past two weeks. We admitted to each other that we missed one another, and the kiss we had shared. We began kissing each other again. She glided her fingers over my body lightly.
"I miss having a woman to play with." she said.
"You can play with me if you want to." I said, feeling embarrassed.
She kissed me hard, and pushed me back onto the bed and climbed on top of me; she kissed my neck and my chest. She pulled my shirt off , reveling my pink bra , and straddled me, and pulled her shirt off. She stood up and took off her pants, and took my skirt off, both of us in our bra an thongs, I felt a little embarrassed that my black thong did not match my bra, but she didn’t seem to notice. I loved the way her red bra and thong glowed off of her skin. She climbed on top of me, and gently grinded her pussy onto mine, I moaned slightly. She undid her bra allowing her firm round breast to fall out. I grabbed her tits, then sat up and sucked her nipples. She leaned back in pleasure. She then unsnapped my bra and began sucking my tits. She kissed down my body, and got to my thong, and noticed it was wet.
"I really turn you on huh?"
I smiled and said "yea, you do you are very sexy."
She pulled my panties off my bare pussy, and slid a finger around my pussy lips. She licked and sucked on my pussy lips. I grabbed my tits and moaned at the feel of her warm wet tongue on my pussy then she slid her fingers into it. I gasped in pleasure. I pulled her up and took her thong off. I was correct she was indeed shaven. We got in the sixty- nine position, her on top. I licked her pussy and fingered it, she moaned wiggling around. I felt tension in my pussy, and could feel it in hers, I licked harder and fingered her harder, and she did the same. She came first she trembled on top of me as pleasure overwhelmed her sexy body. I came quickly after she did; the way she sounded when she came pushed me over the edge. We laid in bed for quite some time just enjoying each other’s bodies. She walked me to the door, and kissed me, and I kissed her back. She promised to call the next day.
After I returned home I sat on the couch waiting for my husband to come home. I was so confused as to what had happened. Did I just cheat on my husband? Is it cheating when it’s with another woman? I went to the shower, and climbed in washing my body, I heard Chris’s voice. I’m not ready to tell him, but I need to I thought to myself . He was in the bedroom when I was stepping out of the shower; I walked into the bedroom, with my hair wrapped in a towel, and towel wrapped around my body. He grabbed my waist and pulled me to him. I smiled. He undid my towel and let it drop to the floor. He began sucking my tits. I pulled away.
"What’s a matter baby?" he asked.
"I just don’t want to have sex tonight."
"Fine." he said.
He got up and went into the kitchen. "Baby I’m sorry, I just had a bad day." I said.
"Its fine." he managed a smile.
I watched him make a sandwich. I laid down in bed and quickly fell asleep.
I woke up to the phone ringing, I answered it was Jayme; she had bad news, and wanted to come see me. I heard a knock on the door, I opened the door, it was Jayme and she was obviously upset. I hugged her tight.
"What’s wrong Jayme?"
"We are being reassigned." she said.
"Oh, wow where?"
"Florida, at Elgin."
"Dang, figures I find a friend, sleep with her and she’s leaving."
We both laughed awkwardly.
"Are you excited about the warm weather?" I asked her to ease the tension.
"Yes and no." I smiled at her then kissed her on the lips. She smiled. She quickly took off her shirt, and I followed in suit taking of my shorts right after her, we began making out on the couch. Feeling each other’s bodies. We moved to the floor, both completely naked now. She lay on top of me kissing my mouth, darting her tongue in and out of mouth. She made me sit up, I followed her orders. She sat in front of me, placing her right leg over my left leg, and slides her left leg under my right leg. We began rubbing our pussies together, moaning. She came quickly, but continued to trib with me. Right when I was getting close to cumming the front door opened.
My husband and Shipmen came in, Jayme and I both scrambled to cover ourselves up. Both men stood at the door mouths open in disbelief of what they had just witnessed. Shipman spoke first.
"Well, why did you guys stop?" he smiled.
My husband smiled, and quickly agreed with Shipman. We looked at one another, and began kissing each other. My husband and Shipman sat on the couch, watching Jayme and I kiss each other, we slowly began tribbing once again. As Jayme and I were rubbing our soaking wet pussies together, I noticed the hard cocks growing in Shipman’s and my husbands pants. I smiled at both of them, and sucked Jayme’s nipples hard, with her mouth open wide moaning loudly, I stuck my tongue in her mouth. I kissed her hard with a lot of tongue. We fondled each other’s breast. Finally Shipman couldn’t handle the heat anymore. He stood up and unbuttoned his pants and walked over to Jayme and shoved his cock into her waiting mouth. I watched as he abused her pretty face with his massive cock. Chris soon followed behind Shipman, I opened my mouth as my husband pushed his cock into my mouth. Jayme and I continued rubbing our pussies together, as our husbands fucked our mouths. I heard Shipman begin to moan as he came in Jayme’s mouth, I watched as cum dipped off of her chin. Chris then came into my mouth, Jayme and I immediately began kissing, and swapping the cum back and forth between us. We swallowed both , Chris and Shipman’s cum.

Jayme and I fucked each other every day for the next two weeks. Sometimes the guys would join in, sometimes, just us sucking their dicks, then swapping cum, and sometimes I would suck my husband’s cock, while Jayme ate my pussy, and Shipman fucked his wife. Other times, Jayme would suck Shipman’s cock, while I ate her pussy, and Chris fucked me. The day they left, Jayme and I cried, and promised we would go on vacation together to do it all again.

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