Shes A Gusher

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(Commission for fuzzytoaster )

"Hey, about that drain pan-"

Poor Lexi. Those M35a2's just have no manners, and just splash their fluids on any pretty girl who gets under them. They don't even offer her a towel afterward. Oh well, just another occupational hazard in the 369th Heavy Ordinance Battalion.

Red, Lexi © Fuzzytoaster
Art © the guy who at leasts asks you to take off your shirt as not to ruin it, me




lol i just got the joke if you think about it


If they only had protection, it would prevent the mess


Penis, guns, and now drain pans? What a wonderful invention.

Whoops. That's gonna be a pain to clean out of her fur.


very nice! Red was excited to show us this pic!

Very nice.
"hey maybe now you don't have to complain about the tight space by the axel anymore"
(mechanics are funny)

ouch.....that will leave a mark on the fur -w-;

No PPE!That be a direct safety violation lol.


PPE?! We don't need no stinkin' PPE..... *BOOM!*.... HELP!




Looks like someone'll need a shower after this ^w^

I just love the way you do liquids, so... *cough* fluid looking.
Brilliant :3

Thinking about it for a moment... Oh GOD would that be hard to wash out of fur...x.x

"According to the Lube Order LO-9-2320-209-12-1 you're... doing just sexy. Wut?"

Oh that's some bad oil; surprised that was still running...


Should see the stuff that comes out of locomotives!!! It eats light!!!! :P (Conductor)


True :P My husky is only a railfan, not a rail mechanic ;) And I've only ever changed the oil on cars!


^.=.^ tis all good, but really the oil is evil :P black death ha ha

I wish I had the patience to color @_@

I applaud you.

Damn. Normally it would be a pain to get out of clothing, imagine having fur and then getting covered in oil

With the look on his face I just sorta see the fox asking "How did you even get it open on both ends at the same time?" It'll definitely be a few days before she feels clean again...


I will definitely have to agree on this one, I know the pain of hot oil. ><


Yeah, hot oil may be painfully to come into contact with, but at least it drains faster.


The engine came on her. CArs DO have feelings lol

Uggg Been there >_< 9+hours a day drenched in every manner of hydraulic, transmission, motor, and antifreeze known to man since 1959 >_<

I hope it hasn't been running in the last few hours, that oil can stay hot for a long time~ <3

Loving this scene! XD You did a great job with the oil!

No! Not the sweater hogans!!

Another excellent pic.


Your icon is filled with so much win that it's trying to escape. Thank you for having that x3

omg that isn't what I think it is it

Urgh, that'd be next to impossible to clean out of fur without a hell of a lot of soap. Poor girl XC

Such thin innuendo with your art titles

Make sure you get both drain plugs on the Deuce.

She must be a green horn to not realized the possibility of spilling oil all over her. Oh well her mess our entertainment.


Nah, if you work on vehicals enough you know they like to randomly pop the bolt without warning and gush all over you
They are worse then a virgin male having sex for the first time


Yeah, these 40+ year old "girls" (deuces) tend to spill their drink a little. I believe its known as an "Active Rust Prevention" feature. Works wonders!


You'd be surprised how many people don't know about it sadly. :( I see them walk into my shop all the time.


LMAO! Poor poor guy, he got too excited and put a little too much torque on the nut. Now his screw is screw is broken and the plug needs to be bored out. *sigh goes off to find the tools* :P

I feel like such a horrible person for faving this... XD

At least it didn't get all over her face =P

This certainly isn't an innuendo for anything...

After having spent the last 15 years working on vehicles in the Heavy Transport, Automotive, Military/Civilian Aviation sectors, I cannot count the number of times this has happened to me. :}

I can imagine clambering out from under thee is a very. slippery action.

If memory serves me right those things usually run 15W40... and my experience with heavy vehicles make me feel nothing but pitty for that poor woman. That stuff is not fun, especially when still hot from a day or so of operations.


Next time she'll know to crack the oil fill cap first to depressurize it before climbing underneath.


You are correct good sir. 22 qts of it.

Takes me back to my days as a crew chief in the military.

This looks like a job for Mike Rowe.

`DAWN... Tough on grease, yet gentle`

OUCH. O_<; I changed my oil after waiting a couple hours after driving it... It was still really fucking hot. lol Hope those things have extra cooling coils...


My Father made me do it once while the engine was at operating temperature.



I know I had just got back from town and he made me do it. I’d never done an oil change before so I didn’t have a clue as to what to do.

It's gonna be a bugger to clean that oil up from that lovely blue fur she's got.

And I sware that the wheelloader at my workplace has become self-aware somehow. Because, every time you as much as put your toe under the thing it'll spray your trousers with oil as an air-pressure blast keeps the system free of water. That never happens when you're a safe distance away from the machine, oh no.

Wha, Heavy Ordinance Battalion? Why not Jaeger Battalion?

She will never ever get that out of her fur ever again. (8U

Ugh. Reminds me of changing oil on an old Caterpillar engine. There was just no way for me to pull the oil filters without getting oil down my arm.

When I was on maintenance in a run down keg factory one of the two 4 stories high hydraulic presses broke down and they had to disassemble the thing. So they were removing the piston with a heavy duty forklift and a guy had to stand under it to check the clearance. We all thought there was no oil left in it any more. Boy were we wrong! There was at least a good 50 litres left in it with a lot of gunk behind the piston. The gunk being oil with an assorted mix of metals, plastic and rubber specks. And the guy standing under it got hosed with it. We was completely drenched in polluted hydraulic oil. And that wasn't the worst of it! The factory only had the most rudimentary of washing facilities and they were on an almost impossible time limit so he ended up working 9+ hours covered in the stuff!

errr, that sucks. oil sticks to fur after all and stuff. plus it sticks like hell. if you want i can help clean it out, but i'll have to tae out the hazmat suit....

Her facial expression is win.

"Oh shi-"

-Character art by Strype
-Truck design by Tony Hayward

Better the mess be on her chest, then in her eyes.

Lexi: "Aww what the hell..."
Lexi: "... :'( "

:( Poor thing...

Such is the hard life of working in MOW WWW -TER TEE!


lol i was worried about opening this in the same room as my brother

Looks like it's dropping a... ...Deuce and a Half.


Fun picture, though. LMTVs be jealous.



Your Horatio moment just gave me diabetes. (lol)

And yes, LMTV's be tripping balls..

After reading all of the comments, I must say, so many references and jokes I do not understand... 3:

But anyway, this made me laugh, as sad as it is ^~^

Poor Lexi..

I love how Red is just standing there looking at Lexi with a smile on his face. He must be thinking something like, "Sweet! Free lube action!"

HA! This made my night after 2 weeks of nothing but Army troubles with the damned humvees

Damn, she is indeed. XD I love the look on his face.

I run my engines before changing their oils and seeing this makes me want to roll in dish soap-covered snow because that shit would be hot as hell, lmao

As someone who's worked on vehicles before all I can say is EWWWWWWW...

It sucks getting dirty oil all over you. Then you just want to take a hot shower.

Also, I think that vehicle got a little too excited with her under it and blew it's load.

Aw, man! That will never wash off now!

Reminds me of working in my dad's auto repair shop.
...It took days to get that oil out of my hair. :/

I admit, I got a good chuckle out of this. xD Nice job, I honestly have to say you did a good job making the oil LOOK like oil.

Really beautiful work on this, capturing liquid effects in such a manner is quite tough to do! And the expression fits the situation perfectly, yuck!

its interesting to me how many people comment on your work ignoring the fact that even if you tried your hardest there would be no way you could really get to everyone. i think that is the sign of a true artist. anyway that over onto the art

i love your facial expressions and your ability to portray good emotion in the face. that is something i know i have a hard time with (frankly if they open their lips its over XD)

i must say strype your work is truly of the highest quality and always a joy to see. Ive been following you for a few years and back then i thought you couldn't get any better but you progressed still and keep doing so. good work mate and keep up the good work. i look forward to the next strype masterpiece

your arts always so amazing, and the amount of detail you put into them is breath taking!

Been there. In fucking 40 Degree weather, had to let out all the nasty fluids of a Stryker after a rain storm. Hot shower afterwards was nice, though. ;D

Been there and part of my job where i work for the past 5+ years and on my own vehicles as well. 15W40 is the WORST to get out of your skin let alone when it is a GOOP mess in about 55 degree weather and SOMEONE did not plug it in
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