Схема транспорта 2030

Схема транспорта 2030

Схема транспорта 2030

Сербский портал рока

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The Development Programme envisages an increase in the length of rapid-transit and high-speed railway lines by to. Capacity of double-decker sleeping compartment railcars expanded by. Capacity of double-decker first-class sleeping railcars increased by. In , innovative double-decker train traffic began on the highly congested Moscow-Adler and Moscow-St Petersburg routes. In —, the Government has decided to allocate funds amounting to:. The Russian Government has decided to start developing design documentation and conducting engineering surveys and has allocated funds of RUB Total planned funding and expenditures on the Moscow Transport Hub development project in — The selected text to comment: RU Download PDF 20,3Mb. Company overview Message from the Chairman of the BoD Message from the Chairman of the Management Board and President Highlights of core operations Market review Goals and objectives in Key threats Description of risk management system and its operation Basic principles of the risk management system Financial risk management Insurance Traffic safety. Transportation and Logistics Business Unit Passenger Transportation Business Unit Railway Transportation and Infrastructure Business Unit International Engineering and Transportation Construction Business Unit Social Unit. Investment planning approaches Project to rebuild and modernise the Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian Mainlines Modernisation and innovative development projects Energy efficiency. Key financial results Analysis of income from transportation activities Analysis of expenses on transportation activities Cost optimisation Procurement activities Other types of activities Other income and expenses Management of working capital Government support for Russian Railways Payment of taxes and fees Share capital and dividends. Debt policy Debt portfolio structure Leasing Landmark transactions of Work with ratings agencies, investors and analysts Information disclosure and reporting policy of Russian Railways. Corporate governance system General Meeting of Shareholders Board of Directors Corporate secretary Management Board Supervisory and audit bodies. High-speed transportation in Russia The Development Programme envisages an increase in the length of rapid-transit and high-speed railway lines by to Map of rapid-transit and high-speed passenger transportation until Map of rapid-transit and high-speed passenger transportation according to the Russian Railway Transportation Development Strategy until Moscow-Kazan High-Speed Railway In —, the Government has decided to allocate funds amounting to: Travel time from Moscow to Kazan 3 hrs 30 min. Length of Moscow-Kazan HSR track km. Overall effect from the gross output of the Russian economy RUB Overall budget effect prior to 3. Total length of tunnel 2, m. Project of the century Total length km. Each year the Baikal-Amur Mainline will transport approximately 12 mln passengers. Railway construction and modernisation Main projects involving the elimination of infrastructural constraints in In , the Company put into operation: In , the Company rebuilt: Railway tracks 3, km. Long-haul cable communications lines Main projects involving the elimination of infrastructural constraints in Investment in projects to eliminate infrastructural constraints in totalled RUB Development of the railway infrastructure of the Moscow Transport Hub. Total planned funding and expenditures on the Moscow Transport Hub development project in — RUB Interactive analysis Development of the eastern operating domain Statement from President Statement from Chairman. Legal disclaimer Site map Terms and definitions Reference Information.

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