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Sheena Shaws avale


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Alle anzeigen Alle mit blonda getaggten Fotos

Missbrauch melden


Thanks to Gianluca for the interview
Gracias a Gianluca por la entrevista
Processed in Lightroom Classic, Photoshop, Portrait Pro and Color Efex // Model: Kseniya
Top : *MC* Seduce Me Lingerie / Noir
Panty : ***ArisArisB&W~Alus45~Blonda - HUD COLORS
The Blonde d'Aquitaine, is a French breed.
Lo Bocau Vielh (Gasconha) Vieux Boucau (Gascogne)
Objetivo/Lense: Tamron 24-70mm f&2,8 VC
Algunos derechos reservados // Some rights reserved
**Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Creative Commons
**Creative Commons Atribución-No Comercial - No Derivs
If you wish to have a printed copy of this photo, please contact me.
Si te interesa obtener una copia impresa de esta foto, por favor contactad conmigo .
Polera para M o S, te hacever super flakita, es apretadita. (precio en la foto). Falda negra para 36 o 38. (precio en la foto). Polainas, más adelante pondré las medidas. (precio en la foto).
Consultas, dudas o pedidos a flickr correo o
Ella es Paola, hoy es su cumpleaños. Feliz cumple Pao!
She is Paola, today is her birthday. Happy B-day Pao!
Mercado de pulgas (flea market). Parque Kennedy, Miraflores.
(ahora 3mil)Este vestido es ideal para el verano pues es de lycra, fresquito y mega elasticado, las mangas son tipo princesa y en la parte de la cintura tiene un elastico, esta lleno de detalles lindos, llega hasta arriba de la rodilla, talla s-m. En excelente estado!! medidas en la foto del lado. 4mil
© Catalin Pop, All rights reserved. Site personal
flor mareliña que entre espiñas chora,
ou das redes da araña un tenue fío,
do meu nume saudoso... Antes reparo
que nas rosas dos vales, que sorríen,
que nos mantos dos pinos, que se engríen,
que nas blondas do mar, que se rebela .
Envoltorio del regalo de primer sorteo de Fácil y Sencillo. Envoltorio con papel kraft y doilies.
20 different colors and you can put it separately. Detailed high quality lace in this sexy and exquisite outfit. Essential for many occasions
- 2 For Slink - Physique and Hourglass
Este vestido es ideal para el verano pues es de lycra, fresquito y mega elasticado, las mangas son 3/4 tipo princesa y en la parte de la cintura tiene un elastico, esta lleno de detalles lindos, llega hasta arriba de la rodilla, talla s-m. En excelente estado! medidas en nota. 4mil
Dos meses sin subir foto (: creo que 4to medio consume y el preu igual.. ademas de salir, obvio.
> Acá no es raro cachar a cachondas comiendo anaconda que frente a su papi abraza su peluche adornao con blonda.. ♫
Una Clavariessa , és en una primera definició una persona que custodia unes claus. En algunes ordres militars, el clavari, era el cavaller que tenia certa dignitat i al càrrec del qual estava la custòdia i defensa del principal castell o convent. També es refereix, i aquest podria ser el cas que mostrem, a les dones germanes d'una confraria o d'una germanor. En el cas del País Valencià, es refereix per extensió a les dones que organitzen la festa d'una santa o d'un sant i la seua funció es fonamentalment religiosa. Solen utilitzar la teula i mantellina, sent aquesta última una peça de seda, blonda, llana o un altre teixit, adornat de vegades amb tul o encaix, que usen les dones per cobrir-se el cap i les espatlles en festes o actes solemnes i que es col·loca per sobre de la teula. El meu amic Xavier, al meu costat mentre jo feia aquesta foto, estava despistat mirant a un altre lloc i quan es va girar i va veure a la clavariessa amb aquesta indumentària, no va poder evitar exclamar amb rotunditat, ¡¡¡"... hòstia Batman"!.
Una clavariesa , és en una primera definición una persona que custodia unes llaves. En algunas órdenes militares, el clavario, era el caballero que tenía cierta dignidad y a cuyo cargo estaba la custodia y defensa del principal castillo o convento. También se refiere, y este podria ser el caso que mostramos, a las mujeres hermanas de una cofradía o de una hermandad. En el caso del País Valenciano, se refiere por extensión a las mujeres que organizan la fiesta de una santa o de un santo siendo su función fundamentalmente religiosa. Suelen usar la teja y mantilla, siendo esta última una prenda de seda, blonda, lana u otro tejido, adornado a veces con tul o encaje, que usan las mujeres para cubrirse la cabeza y los hombros en fiestas o actos solemnes y que se coloca por encima de la teja. Mi amigo Xavier, a mi lado mientras yo hacia esta foto, estaba despistado mirando a otro lado y cuando se dió la vuelta y vió a la clavariesa con esta indumentària, no pudo evitar exclamar con rotundidad, ¡¡¡“...hostia Batman”!!!.
Miniaturas escala 1:12 para casas de muñecas.
more pictures in the set: misShadow
ez a kép jó bizonyíték arra, hogy az ezüstszínű műszerfal-árnyékoló nagyon jól használható derítőlapként. :)
Photographer and model : Stella Sangria
This is an image looking at the stern of P157 Mjölner, a Hugin-class guided-missile patrol boat. It was taken in the summer of 1985 off the-then Soviet port of Liepaya in what was is now Latvia.
The Hugins were 150-ton, 35 knot guided-missile patrol boats that could carry up to six Penguin surface-to-surface missiles (Swedish RB-12s) - two containers for them just aft of the superstructure. In this instance, the rear deck has been rearranged with two pairs of rails to allow the launch of what appear to be depth charges over the stern.
Each Hugin was 36.5m long, 6.2m in the beam and had a draught of 1.6m. They were manned by three officers and 19 men. Surprisingly, their diesel engines were retreads, having been taken from the earlier Plejad-class torpedo boats.
All three crewmembers are male, although the longer-than-British-standard vivid blonde hair of two of them initially led some around me to wonder if the Swedes were operating at sea with women. However, this did not occur until 1989.
I took this aboard HMS Boxer. The image has been scanned from a B&W negative.
Detta är en bild att titta på aktern P157 Mjölner, en Hugin-klassificerar fjärrstyrd robot patrullbåt. Det togs sommaren 1985 utanför-dåvarande Sovjet hamnen i Liepaja i vad som var är nu Lettland.
Den Hugins var 150 ton, 35 knop guidad-missil patrullbåtar som kan bära upp till sex Penguin surface-to-surface missiler (Svenska RB-12s) - två behållare för dem just akter om överbyggnaden. I detta fall har den bakre däck arrangerats om med två par skenor för att tillåta lanseringen av vad som verkar vara djupladdningar över aktern.
Varje Hugin var 36,5 långa, 6,2 i balken och hade ett utkast till 1,6. De bemannade med tre officerare och 19 män. Överraskande, deras dieselmotorer var regummerade, efter att ha tagits från de tidigare Plejad klass torpedbåtar.
Alla tre besättningsmedlemmar är män, men längre än brittisk standard levande blonda hår av två av dem från början ledde några omkring mig att undra om svenskarna arbetar vid havet med kvinnor. Men detta inte skedde förrän 1989.
Jag tog detta ombord HMS Boxer. Bilden har skannats från en svartvita negativ.
I recently got the most beautiful laces i have seen in the mail.
Enkeli wanted to put some of them on her... and I couldn't resist to take pictures ;_; She is so beautiful!
Hace poco recibí las mas hermosas blondas que he tenido en mis manos *O*
Enkeli se las quiso probar, y se veia tan bella que no pude resistir tomar unas fotos...
Dit is onze jongste dochter gefotografeerd tussen het publiek van de Efteling.
This is our youngest daughter photographed between the audience of theme park the Efteling (The Netherlands).
© Todos los derechos reservados. No utilice sin mi permiso. / © All rights reserved. Do not use without my permission.
4 de Septiembre de 2011: Día Mundial de la Salud Sexual
1. El derecho a la libertad sexual.
2. El derecho a la autonomía, integridad y seguridad sexuales del cuerpo.
3. El derecho a la privacidad sexual.
6. El derecho a la expresión sexual emocional.
7. El derecho a la libre asociación sexual.
8. El derecho a la toma de decisiones reproductivas, libres y responsables.
9. El derecho a información basada en el conocimiento científico.
10. El derecho a la educación sexual integral.
11. El derecho a la atención de la salud sexual.
* Tarea Máster Estilismo TRENDS Macabre by Melinda Bayn
HEADPIECE, tram -Glitter branch headpiece by moca Loup
little bones. Wyrd - The Brunette by Nova Faerye
LIPSTICK, [Pink Fuel] Powder Pack SL - LELUTKA (September 2018) by Mochi (mochi.milena)
EYESHADOW, SlackGirl Powder Pack JULY 18 Lelutka by SlackGirl
NAILS, ~GD~Doll Boutin Vol. I(Long Coffin) by Jesse Pinkman (kea.amarula)
NAILS PEDICURE, >^OeC^< Sheena - Clawz Burmese Polish by Neural Blankes
SKIRT, AVALE Kora Skirt - Black by Amara Myoo
BRA, [LIZ] Thais Overall Slink/maitreya/belleza {Denim} by LIZIAAH (liziaah.lavecchia)
JACKET, LiViD : Funeral Blazer_Duchess by Giselle Aristocarnas
NECKLACE, Bauhaus Movement - Madonna Necklace GOLD by LouLou Hill (loulou.teichmann)
RINGS, *AvaWay* LILIAN_Ring by Avaway
LEG CHAIN, .BF. Isabelle Leg Chain Gold by .BF. Store (sonnya.finesmith)
GLOVES, 12. Dead Dollz - La Calavera - Gloves - Black by Kiddo Oh
AZOURY - Rosebud High Heel Shoe [Black] by Aniki Seetan
Para un look Macabre opte por el color negro y púrpura y el dorado como toque de elegancia que representa mas mi personalidad.
Una chaqueta ceñida pero con un look antiguo en sus detalles de encajes negros y mangas con volantes. Solapa abierta que muestra un escote pronunciado que permite ver el sujetador de blonda negro.
Falda larga con abertura en una pierna hasta la cintura le dan el toque sensual que quise para mi propuesta de Macabre.
For a Macabre look, choose the color black and purple and gold as a touch of elegance that represents my personality.
A tight jacket but with an old look in its details of black lace and sleeves with ruffles. Open lapel showing a pronounced neckline that allows you to see the black lace bra.
Long skirt with an opening in one leg up to the waist give the sensual touch I wanted for my Macabre proposal.
Luminarias de la cafetería La Blonda, en Cuenca. Aparte de una preciosa decoración que no desentona con ellas se desayuna de lujo...
Tomada a pulso mientras dábamos buena cuenta de nuestras tostadas.
Más info del empaquetado en mi Craft BLOG
More info of the wrapping in my Craft BLOG
Actrita si cantareata Aubrey O'Day, care s-a facut cunoscuta prin intermediul reality show-ului "Making The Band", a pozat in Playboy. Blonda a renuntat de curand la trupa Danity Kane pentru proiecte solo...

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This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet.
This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet.
This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet.
To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the authors.
This prospective study examined the effect of lactation instruction and palatal obturation in decreasing time to feed, increasing intake, and on growth in eight breast milk bottle-fed newborn infants with cleft lip, cleft palate, or both.
An A, B1, C1, B2, and C2 reversal design was used with eight mothers. In A, baseline data on minutes fed by breast were recorded. In B1, baseline on minutes fed with a Haberman bottle was recorded. In C1, minutes fed following lactation education and palatal obturation were documented. Lactation education was information given to mothers to recognize infant feeding cues and to have infant-led feedings. The palatal obturator was a passive molding appliance. In B2, the obturator was removed and minutes fed noted. In C2, the obturator was returned and lactation support provided. Mothers kept feeding logs, satisfaction was assessed, and infant breast milk intake and flow rate were recorded during each study phase. Routine nutrition evaluation of weight, height, weight for height, and feed volume was completed by a registered dietitian during and following completion of the study.
Feeding times decreased with all infants, volume consumed increased with seven of eight infants, and flow rate increased with all infants. Mean feeding times during B1 and B2 phases (Haberman bottle only) were 34.4 and 32.3 minutes, respectively. Mean feeding times during C1 and C2 phases (obturation and lactation education) were 15.1 and 15.6 minutes. Volume of milk consumed during B1 and B2 feedings averaged 36.5 and 37 mL, compared with 67 mL and 76 mL during C1 and C2 phases. Growth as measured by height, weight gain, and weight for height during the study and the first 2 years of life compared favorably with that of children born without clefts.
The combined use of a palatal obturator and lactation education reduced feeding time and increased volume intake and was associated with good growth. Mothers who had desired to breast-feed elected to use the obturator to support high-volume intake, decrease infant fatigue, and provide breast milk for nutrition.
... In the Netherlands, following the surgical repair of the palate, 79% of parents of children with cleft palate reported improvement in feeding [10]. There are different feeding resources such as feeding bottles, tubes, spoons [16, 17] and a few cleft centers use palatal obturation as it improves the seal of the palate and controls the generation of negative pressure [18]. Combinations of feeding interventions also have positive impacts on children with cleft lip and palate [14,17]. ...
... There are different feeding resources such as feeding bottles, tubes, spoons [16,17] and a few cleft centers use palatal obturation as it improves the seal of the palate and controls the generation of negative pressure [18]. Combinations of feeding interventions also have positive impacts on children with cleft lip and palate [14, 17] . Turner and colleagues reported a reduction in feeding time and increased volume of milk intake in a sample of infants with oral clefts following the use of palatal obturator and feeding education [17]. ...
... Combinations of feeding interventions also have positive impacts on children with cleft lip and palate [14,17]. Turner and colleagues reported a reduction in feeding time and increased volume of milk intake in a sample of infants with oral clefts following the use of palatal obturator and feeding education [17] . Growth indicators measured in these children such as height and weight for age also have shown favorable measurements that are comparable to that of normal children [17]. ...
Awareness of feeding among mothers plays an important role in the growth and development of children with cleft lip and palate. Mothers' increased awareness provides the right care and nutrition to these children in order to grow and achieve their developmental milestones.

This study aimed at (1) assessing mothers' awareness on breastfeeding and formula-milk feeding, weaning, growth, and development of infants with cleft lip and palate and (2) the relationship of mothers' awareness with their level of education and monthly household income.

This cross-sectional pilot study included all the mothers of infants aged up to one year who had cleft lip and/or palate attended Dental Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya between the years 2015 and 2016. Mothers of infants with oral clefts associated with other syndromic features and chronic illnesses were excluded. A pre-tested interviewer-administered questionnaire was designed to collect data. To assess the clarity of the questions, prior to the study, the questionnaire was pre-tested in 10 mothers of infants with an oral cleft but not selected for the study. Frequency distributions and descriptive statistics were used to describe study variables. Spearman Rank test was used to determine the association of mothers' awareness with their level of education and monthly household income with a 95% confidence interval.

The sample consisted of 101 mothers who had infants born with a cleft and the response rate was 100%. Except one, all mothers reported that they have received overall feeding instructions either from a doctor, nurse, cleft center staff or a midwife. Over 65.3% of mothers were aware of feeding-related factors including; breastfeeding, formula-milk feeding, and weaning of infants with a cleft. Overall more than 80% of mothers were aware of factors related to growth and development of the child including urination, sleeping pattern, weight and growth charts. The education level of mothers was not significantly associated with mothers' awareness of any factors related to breastfeeding, formula-milk feeding, weaning and growth, and development. Further, mothers' awareness of breastmilk as the best food for babies under 6 months (p = 0.028), weaning at 4-6 months (p = 0.024), replacing milk feeds by weaning foods (p = 0.02) and not providing junk foods to infants in between main meals (p = 0.01) were significantly associated with monthly household income.

The findings of this study suggest that mothers were aware of factors related to feeding infants with a cleft lip and palate and their growth and development. The awareness of mothers about certain factors related to feeding and weaning was significantly associated with monthly household income.
... Ultimately, the feeding interventions and obturators were analysed from the identified randomised controlled trials (n = 4) (Brine et al. 1994;Shaw et al. 1999;Prahl et al. 2005;Masarei et al. 2007a) and descriptive studies (n = 22) (Tisza and Gumpertz 1962;Williams et al. 1968;Paradise et al. 1969;Paradise and McWilliams 1974;Campbell and Tremouth 1987;Clarren et al. 1987;Saunders et al. 1989;Choi et al. 1991;Richard 1991;Lang et al. 1994;Trenouth and Campbell 1996;Kogo et al. 1997;Oliver and Jones 1997; Turner et al. 2001; Mizuno et al. 2002;Da Silva Dalben et al. 2003;Garcez and Giugliani 2005;Masarei et al. 2007b;Sabarinath et al. 2008Sabarinath et al. , 2009Britton et al. 2011;Ize-Iyamu and Saheeb 2011) and are discussed in detail below regarding their role in patients with clefts. ...
... Nutritional gain: Favourable outcomes have been reported for infants with seemingly intractable feeding outcomes. In such studies, the principal measures were height and weight, and the combined effects of the obturator, lactation education, and breastfeeding resulted in better weight gain within normal limits (Kogo et al. 1997; Turner et al. 2001 ). However, in other studies (Prahl et al. 2005;Masarei et al. 2007a), these measures did not differ Eur Arch Paediatr Dent (2014) 15:1-9 5 123 significantly between groups who used an obturator and those who did not. ...
... In addition, no significant differences between cleft types were found in physiological measures of bottle feeding, including the length of sucking bursts, rate of sucking, peak-topeak intervals, percentage of positive-pressure generation, and the suck-swallow ratio
Orgie de double pénétration
Une chatte allemande défoncée
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