She Work As A Nurse

She Work As A Nurse


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‘When You Marry A Nurse, You Marry Their Job’: Husband Reveals The Gritty Details Of His Wife’s Life As A Nurse
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True love can be measured in actions, not just words. And the support that you give your spouse as they chase their life’s greatest passion is worth its weight in gold. One husband who is an example to us all is Cole George who loves his wife Ashley unconditionally. And here’s how.
She works endless shifts as a nurse and while she takes care of her patients, he takes care of her emotional wellbeing, the house, and their 4 kids. When Cole shared the story on his Facebook page, the support from the online community was enormous and many felt that they could relate to Ashley’s life.
“It wasn’t as much an inspiration as it was a calling,” Cole told Bored Panda about how his wife Ashley got into nursing. Scroll down for the full interview.
We know how tough it is being a nurse, doctor, or other healthcare professional. To see that exhaustion on the job is not an isolated issue, have a read through Bored Panda’s earlier article about how a sister revealed the gritty details of her twin’s life as a nurse.
“She just knew, just like I knew I wanted to be in the Military,” Cole said about his wife’s calling. “She knew where her heart was. That was in nursing, she was originally trained as a pediatric nurse, both her sons were premature and NICU babies. Ashley being able to always use her training and being able to pick up on certain things that a patient does allows her to keeps her training on point and apply them. Every day is an opportunity for her to be better. The other part of her motivation comes from this family (work family as well). We are all so very proud of her and what she does.”
Cole also revealed to us what the biggest challenges of being a nurse’s spouse are. “The biggest challenge for being a spouse of a nurse is probably not much different than that of a first responder or a military spouse. Long days, long nights, sleeping alone, always wondering if they are safe.”
“In the last couple of years, [the question of] nurses’ safety has been on the rise with attacks from a multitude of patients. Patients that have drug problems, psychiatric issues and some that just don’t like being in a hospital setting. For myself, personally, the hardest part is the missed meals, and time with our kids. We both work full time, but opposite shifts. So I try to let her sleep during the day and get all 4 kids out of the house doing activities. Riding dirt bikes and quads, RC Cars, our 10-year-old old daughter is building her own Harley Davidson Motorcycle. So we stay busy.”
“I never want to give up, neither of us would want that. We always push each other. We want to see each other succeed. Is it tough!? Hell yeah! But it isn’t so thought that I’d quit. Or I’d quit her,” Cole exclaimed.
“If we care or love our spouse’s and they love what they do, then it should not matter if they are oil workers, fishermen or first responders. We married them. We should support them. Even if it is something that we may not really care for. It was their career choice. I was not about to let anyone tell me that they were not going to be part of my life because I chose to go into the military,” he talked about his relationship with his wife. “She chose me knowing what I had done, I chose her knowing what show does. It’s what makes her her. I wouldn’t change a thing.”
According to Cole, while his wife is at work, he makes sure that the house is clean and that all the chores are done. He feeds their kids and helps them with their homework so that Ashley can focus on her vocation with everything that she has. What’s more, he even prepares food for Ashley to take to work. Right there. That’s real love right there.
Cole also understands the importance of quiet emotional support: he listens to his partner and lets her vent. He even tolerates her wearing ‘the worst’ socks that he’s promised to burn in a ritualistic way.
Exhaustion from overwork is by far the biggest challenge that healthcare professionals face. Unfortunately, it is far from the only problem. For instance, not many people think about it, but nurses face actual threats to their health and safety at work. From pathogens and potential injuries from needles to bullying, harassment, actual physical violence from patients.
Nurses would love to spend more time taking care of their patients, but lots of them lose hours and hours on end when filling out paperwork and entering data into electronic health records. In other words, time that could be spent nursing people is instead spent on bureaucracy. Which is necessary but eats up huge chunks of time.
To learn more about nursing and the challenges that health professionals face daily, Bored Panda reached out to Emily, a nurse who works in an emergency room in Ontario. “Working full-time, you work four 12-hour shifts (two days and two nights). It is a lot of hours, but your body becomes accustomed to the work. The most I have worked in a row is 5 shifts, which is a lot. I know nurses who do 6 or 7 in a row.”
“I myself don’t feel I could work safely at my best doing that. A lot of nursing floors are very mentally stimulating. You don’t really have the option of ‘not functioning.’ If that happens, people can die,” Emily highlighted the responsibility that sits upon the shoulders of health professionals every single day and night.
She continued: “I thrive on stress. When people code, when a trauma [case]comes in, that’s when I hit my stride. I function better under pressure. That being said, taking care of yourself outside of work helps you manage your work-life balance so you can go in for your set, or pick up that overtime.”
Emily explained that, in her opinion, having more staff in hospitals would help nurses work better. However, she said that what’s also important is “more funding for the floors to keep beds open.”
“A huge reason why the wait times are so long in emergency rooms is the patients we have in the department already: we don’t have anywhere to move them. They’re not able to be discharged, so they can’t go back to the waiting room. We are ‘bed-blocked’. Hospital funding gets cut and the first on the chopping block are beds and staff.”
“That being said, in Ontario the crisis beds and the mental health wards have their beds cut down to basically nothing all the time. So, unfortunately, you have people who are placed on a mental health form and cannot leave the hospital because they are a danger to themselves or others, and they can be in the emergency department for days and days because the miniscule number of mental health beds are all occupied.”
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Jonas is a Bored Panda writer who previously worked as a world news journalist elsewhere. After getting his bachelor's degree in Politics and International Relations at the University of Manchester, he returned home and graduated from Vilnius University with a master's degree in Comparative Politics. Jonas enjoys writing articles ranging from serious topics like politics and social issues to more lighthearted things like art, pop culture, and nature. In his spare time, Jonas writes books and short stories and likes to draw lighthearted illustrations. A huge fan of literature, films, philosophy, and tabletop games, he also has a special place in his heart for anything related to fantasy or science fiction.
Justin is a photo editor at Bored Panda. He was fascinated with visual arts and arts in general for as long as he can remember. He was obsessed with playing and making music in his teens. After finishing high school, he took a gap year to work odd jobs and try to figure out what he wanted to do next. Finally, around 2016, he started learning how to use Photoshop and hasn't stopped since. He started working as a visual advertisement producer in 2017 and worked there for almost two years. In his spare time, he creates graphic collages and even had his first artwork exhibition at "Devilstone".
Nurses are the secret weapon of healthcare. It would crumble without them. They are rarely given enough gratitude, love, pay, or acknowledgement. I salute you nurses, as you run across the floor on your tired feet, sit and talk with a lonely or scared patient, how you put on a brave front in the face of uncertainty, how you fight for the rights of your patients...some you just met, and how you compartmentalize all your feelings. I wish I could thank personally every nurse who has helped me through 15 years of a horrendous illness. Hug a nurse today. Say thank you. God knows they need it.
Beautifully said! My sister is a nurse and a perfect representation of a super hero. She runs herself ragged everyday and I couldn't be more proud of her.
nurses Don't have the respect they deserve. You can see A LOT of tv show about doctors... but nurses? my wife left that profession because she didn't get any respect from her bosses, cost her almost her life. that's a shitty profession and so many bosses Don't care about them
I was a nurse for 35 years. I would come home exhausted day after day. I would often hurt my back, ankle, neck etc. I would take ibuprofen and get on with it. I loved my job,BTW. When I was young, I would think that what would do when I got old. Would I be using a walker to get up and down these halls? I was joking of course. I am 67 now and I am not laughing. When I was 61, I was working full time as an RN. I was diagnosed with cancer. I had to quit, went to bed and had to retire. I am not in bed anymore. I am cured of cancer but my injury ridden body kind of fell apart. Chemotherapy and Radiation are horrible to the body. I have been told due to all of the injuries that I have had, I have a body of someone in their late 80's. Debbie It's been 5 years since my last treatment and I have to cut this short
Nurses are the secret weapon of healthcare. It would crumble without them. They are rarely given enough gratitude, love, pay, or acknowledgement. I salute you nurses, as you run across the floor on your tired feet, sit and talk with a lonely or scared patient, how you put on a brave front in the face of uncertainty, how you fight for the rights of your patients...some you just met, and how you compartmentalize all your feelings. I wish I could thank personally every nurse who has helped me through 15 years of a horrendous illness. Hug a nurse today. Say thank you. God knows they need it.
Beautifully said! My sister is a nurse and a perfect representation of a super hero. She runs herself ragged everyday and I couldn't be more proud of her.
nurses Don't have the respect they deserve. You can see A LOT of tv show about doctors... but nurses? my wife left that profession because she didn't get any respect from her bosses, cost her almost her life. that's a shitty profession and so many bosses Don't care about them
I was a nurse for 35 years. I would come home exhausted day after day. I would often hurt my back, ankle, neck etc. I would take ibuprofen and get on with it. I loved my job,BTW. When I was young, I would think that what would do when I got old. Would I be using a walker to get up and down these halls? I was joking of course. I am 67 now and I am not laughing. When I was 61, I was working full time as an RN. I was diagnosed with cancer. I had to quit, went to bed and had to retire. I am not in bed anymore. I am cured of cancer but my injury ridden body kind of fell apart. Chemotherapy and Radiation are horrible to the body. I have been told due to all of the injuries that I have had, I have a body of someone in their late 80's. Debbie It's been 5 years since my last treatment and I have to cut this short

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Batsheva Goldstein, 32, a contestant from Brooklyn, cooks constantly at home and dreams of hosting a show on the Food Network, but she works as a nurse. 1 Listen
19.11.2019 · She works endless shifts as a nurse and while she takes care of her patients, he takes care of her emotional wellbeing, the house, and their 4 kids. When Cole shared the story on his Facebook page, the support from the online community was enormous and many felt that they could relate to Ashley’s life.
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11.04.2010 · A nurse who works in the maternity ward works with new babies and women on a continuous basis throughout the night. During some of these checks it is very likely that clothes can become spoiled with either …
Diana works as a nurse. She likes her job very much because she likes to help people. She also worked as a nurse when she lived in Bulgaria. Diana works at a hospital in the evenings. Her shift begins at 10 p.m. and ends at 8 a.m. in the morning. She would like to work during the day, but right now the hospital needs her at night.
21.07.2021 · She began her career as an operating room nurse, just getting started as penicillin was introduced to the health care world.
Is it possible to get a job as a nurse?
Is it possible to get a job as a nurse?
No matter where they work, who they work with, or how they spend their day-to-day on the job, nurses make the world a better place every day. If you're considering pursuing a career in this noble profession, here's information on nursing education and experience requirements, where to find job listings, and tips for acing an interview. …
What kind of job does a nurse have?
What kind of job does a nurse have?
…said it was important to communicate with colleges during the search process. (Source: Noel-Levitz 2012 trend study) Nurses play significant roles in hospitals, clinics and private practices. They make up the biggest health care occupation in the United States.
What kind of settings does a nurse work in?
What kind of settings does a nurse work in?
Nurses may work in a variety of health care settings, such as hospitals, private physicians' offices and nursing facilities.
Alison Doyle is the job search expert for The Balance Careers, and one of the industry's most highly-regarded job search and career experts. Nursing isn't an easy profession, but with the challenges come the rewarding feeling of helping others. …
06.10.2019 · To gain admission to nursing programs, you will need to demonstrate that you are comfortable interacting with sick or injured people. Volunteer at a local hospital or nursing home while you are in high school, if possible. Working as a paramedic or getting certified as a nurse's aide are other ways for you to gain clinical experience.
Betsi Cadwaladr, also known as Beti Cadwaladr and Betsi Davis, worked as a nurse in the Crimean War alongside Florence Nightingale, although their different social backgrounds were a source of constant disagreement. Her name today is synonymous with the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, the largest health organisation in Wales. In 2016, she …
Almost all her life, she worked as a nurse, standing out for her [...] competence, professionalism, sociability, devotion, patience, availability and as well as all those full of prayer moments to ask God for a cure or a conversion.
17.03.2009 · 2) except when waived under paragraph © of this section, the facility must designate a licensed nurse to serve as a charge nurse on each tour of duty. (b) registered nurse. ( 1) except when waived under paragraph © or (d) of this section, the facility must use the services of a registered nurse …
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she works as a nurse | English examples in context | Ludwig
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Betsi Cadwaladr - Wikipedia
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She Work As A Nurse

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