She Usually Wear Trainers Wear High Heels

She Usually Wear Trainers Wear High Heels


She Usually Wear Trainers Wear High Heels
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November 4, 2016 By Jessie Benson 9 Comments
Today’s fitting remark for runners is simple: Don’t wear high heels!
I know, I know. They are so cute. And dresses and skirts look so much better with some sort of heel- at least a wedge, right?
Listen to my PSA. You love running right? It’s not worth it!
I will sacrifice style from here on out in the name of running. I’m investing in more pairs of shoes from THIS LIST . Christmas present ideas? More Tiek’s please!
I mentioned in my weekly recap s that I have been experiencing some pain under my big toe. It started a few weeks ago after pacing my sister at the Twin Cities Marathon , but it was truly aggravated when I wore high heels the whole day at work, which was a day that included A LOT of standing and walking, and then more walking/standing during a dinner and into the evening.
That following weekend I ran the Hot Cider Hustle with my friend Vicki. After the race, my toe was VERY sore. We hiked around Taylors Falls that day, only aggravating it some more. I took the next two days off of running.
After two days of rest, it seemed healed so I jumped back into running on Tuesday. As I continued to run throughout the week, I figured the pain would lessen. I assumed it was just sore from the heel-wearing day.
Yet the pain was still nagging and I started to get worried.
I turned to Google (always a smart choice, right?) to self-diagnose.
I thought it might be turf toe. Turf toe is a common injury for football players (and other athletes). It’s usually a sudden strain though. My pain was gradual and seemed to be more of an overuse injury. So then Google suggested that perhaps it was sesamoiditis or Morton’s Neoroma .
I continued to run on it. The pain wasn’t terrible, but it was still bothering me. I was icing it after each run. I started to get worried that running on it going to make it something serious.
I needed more information from someone other than Google.
Like any paranoid runner who wants to continue running ALL THE MILES FOREVER AND EVER, I wanted a diagnosis. I went to Bier+Brauer Chiropractic Tuesday morning. After describing my symptoms, he had me do a few simple movements- walk on my heels, walk on my toes, rise up and down on my toes, walk normal, etc. Then he did some soft tissue work on the foot.
His diagnosis? Sesamoiditis. Just as I had self-diagnosed (Thanks Google! Who even needs a doctor?)
As he did the soft tissue work on the sore area, it was easy to pinpoint the pain to exactly the two spots where the sesamoid bones are located around my big toe.
But the doctor’s #1 tip? NO MORE HEELS .
He explained to me just how bad heels are for you. Other than sesamoiditis, there are plenty of other issues caused by wearing heels. But sesamoiditis is definitely an issue for people who wear high heels. Mine was probably originally aggravated from when I paced my sister; my gait was altered due to the different pace.
Of course, pounding the pavement on my foot after it was aggravated didn’t help. Yet I believe that it would not have become an issue if I hadn’t worn those darn heels!
I don’t even wear heels that often, so that’s the frustrating part (though also part of the problem- if you wear them more frequently, your sesamoid bones might actually toughen up a bit.)
But no worries- this is not a terrible injury. It should not affect Boston Marathon training. My feet just need a little TLC!

Here’s a little more information about sesamoiditis just in case you ever encounter this issue: ( source )
“Most bones in the human body are connected to each other at joints. But there are a few bones that are not connected to any other bone. Instead, they are connected only to tendons or are embedded in muscle. These are the sesamoids. The kneecap (patella) is the largest sesamoid. Two other very small sesamoids (about the size of a kernel of corn) are found in the underside of the forefoot near the great toe, one on the outer side of the foot and the other closer to the middle of the foot. Sesamoids act like pulleys. They provide a smooth surface over which the tendons slide, thus increasing the ability of the tendons to transmit muscle forces. The sesamoids in the forefoot also assist with weight bearing and help elevate the bones of the great toe. Like other bones, sesamoids can break (fracture). Additionally, the tendons surrounding the sesamoids can become irritated or inflamed. This is called sesamoiditis and is a form of tendinitis. It is common among ballet dancers, runners and baseball catchers.”
High heels shift much of your mass onto the balls of your feet and your tiny, delicate toe bones. Therefore, s esamoiditis is most likely to occur in women who wear high heels frequently as that keeps the toe joint in such an extreme position constantly. People who do activities that repeatedly flex their toes are also at risk, such as runners. (High heels + running = bad combo!)
Now, I’m not going to swear off heels forever. There will be occasions where I will wear them but only for short periods of time and definitely not for a full day at work plus more…Lesson learned!
Are you a high heels wearer? Is there another style sacrific you’ve made in the name of running? Please share!
I am definitely not a high heel wearer so as I was reading, I was saying “Phew! I’m glad I don’t wear them daily!”. I think it’s been like a year or more since I last wore heels and even then, it was only for like 30 minutes (I had my flip flops ready in the car to change into! ha!). I see only one woman at my work wearing heels (like super duper high heels) and she could barely walk straight but for some reason, she likes wearing them. Most of us are flats-wearer. I cannot stand wearing heels … Read more »
Google can be helpful though it can just as easily steer you in the wrong direction too.
Hoping your recovery is going well Eri!
You know, I used to wear high heels daily. That changed in 2014 when I got Achilles Tendonitis and was in a boot for a few weeks – and then couldn’t wear heels really the same ever since. I’m so glad you went and got it checked out! I love Aerosoles wedges – they shift the weight to be less on the ball of your foot and they have a memory foam cushion in them, like walking on clouds!!
Glad to hear you’re in the no-heels camp I’m going to purchase some Aerosoles wedges!!! Thanks for the tip.
I stopped wearing heels a number of years ago when I committed to running marathons. I wear them very occasionally and only for special events. At the time, I was concerned with shortening the Achilles tendon, but sounds like you had a more painful problem!
I got some really nice flats from Schuler Shoes but I will definitely be consulting your Friday 5 list as well. Time to dig my mOm’s Birkies out of storage!
Yes, love the Birkies! If only I could wear them year round…they are so comfy.
I’m going to check out Schuler Shoes! Love supporting a local store too Thanks for reading and commenting Kristen!
[…] 5 miles at a 9:08 min/mile pace. That morning I had my appointment at Bier + Brauer about my toe. This post explains the situation in detail. The short version is that I have sesamoiditis under my right big […]
I used to wear heels all the time but stopped a few years ago as I realised they weren’t great for me as a runner. I wear them very occasionally now, but no longer find it terribly comfortable so it has to be a VERY special occasion!
[…] the relief in taking off that one shoe! I was surprised that that the sesamoiditis reared its ugly head as I thought that issue was in the past! 26.2 miles will do that though. […]
This is my blog about finding The Right "Fit." I'm an avid runner, marathon enthusiast, and fitness experimentalist who uses my little space of the internet to share my passion for and experiences with running and fitness (...and a little about fashion.)
I write mostly about running and my quest to run a marathon in every state and every continent. But you'll also find some information about different fitness classes in the Twin Cities and more.

I'm interested in both women's and guys opinions. What do you like or dislike?
I prefer something more comfortable.
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I have absolutely loved the responses to this question. Clearly there's a lot of diversity. I'd love to eavesdrop on a conversation between my friends at the extremes. Time for me to come clean. I am not a fan of heals. Purely looks. I prefer minimal makeup. Heals to me are the foot equivalent of makeup. I often see too much. Give me a woman in jeans and canvas sneakers any day.
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High heels really make a woman more attractive but I can’t wear it everyday for example at work it’s intolerable and I’m sure I’ll fall once an hour. I always wear my trainers just wear high heels in parties and celebrations
I wear…. Heels like trainers Trainers like sliders (flip flops) Sliders like heels
I used to like them quite a lot and have a few pairs mostly the Chucky boot kind with 5-6 inch heel as they’re most comfortable and aesthetically pleasing to me that aren’t stilettos. But the haven’t worn them in years. It’s just not worth the pain.. if I dress up and wear a nice dress and makeup etc I’ll still wear trainers (that match) I don’t care. Those of you that wear it cool.. looks great just make sure you cal walk in them please. Also nothing is classy about taking off heels half way through a night because they hurt too much. Don’t wear them then simple as that
Seeing this photo made me drool. Can I lick?
Pretty much anything but boots or wedges I'm not a big fan of heels with the big thick soles. My wife has some mid heels, 4inch, some really cute flat sandals, or with a slight heel, she really like bernardo sandals, they are a bit more expensive but are made well and she says they are very comfortable. Ballerina flats look great with jeans. Not a fan of those shoes with the long pointed toes.
—I’m guessing all you ladies, who do not like high heels, also do not like BJ or , therefore, you will end up like the wives of the 45-55 years old that I work with…Men who have to live with Puritans of Said opinion. —It’s a sad day when the man will cheat over chasing heels .-Whether it be daisy dukes, cowgirl tasseled heeled boots peacock feathered cowgirl hat, and waist to ribs wrapped jewelry OR leather/rubber, and .
Heels are OK I guess, but honestly I find barefoot to be sexier. As a man, I also don't have to deal with the issues that can come from foot and ankle injuries that can come from falling off heels. One of my dear friend's daughter is in her early 20s and had to have surgery to repair her ankle after wearing stilettos to a date. Sexy I guess, but in my opinion, anything over 2 inches is overdoing it!
Heels can look great and enhance a woman's legs appearance, but even in the short run, they WILL wreak havoc on your feet. I see SO many women with bunions, crooked toes, and misshapen feet. They don't get that way from wearing flat or low heeled shoes.
Most women I know just wear them on special occasions
The always look great when I put them on but I regret it as my feet always hurt so I hardly ever wear them
I can't wear 'em myself, (hurts my back) I love to see women in heels, but understand the blow back, as it is hard on their back and legs. HEEL LOVER
There is a most definite love/hate relationship between me, my feet and high heels... I would love to wear them, but my poor feet win ever time!
High heels definitely make a woman's calf look very nice, but I defer to the woman. Sometimes she likes to wear heels, other times something more comfortable... that's all fine with me.
No high heels are way too hard to walk in. So unless it's hiking boots or combat boots no
I love this response. You know you're at the extreme end of the spectrum?
you forced me to update the question
i love heels can't imagine life without them!
depends on the day and activities. heels are cool but not exactly practical for a hike in some woods.
Heels? Absolutely NO!!! Those are pretty-looking torture devices.
I'm not actually a fan of high heels I don't even see why people like them but it probably doesn't matter
I prefer something more comfortable. High heels only for the occasions
They look good but don't they hurt? I mean the entire foot is in a position it was not designed for. And for what, a fashion statement? Call me old fashioned but fuckin your body just to be in line with latest fashion is stupidity, innit?
I like both, but I wear sneakers most of the time
I love seeing my woman in high heels, and she knows it!!!
If you’re tall I don’t like them if you’re not that tall then they’re fine I don’t want some girl looking Like she’s 6 foot 2 trying to beat me out when I’m 6 foot 1

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