She Likes Rough

She Likes Rough


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G.V.R. Corcillo (Goodreads Author)

February 13th 2013
by Blackbird Press

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Recommends it for:
Those who want a good laugh

There were moments in this book that had me laughing hysterically. I loved the h Lisa. Her self-esteem and insecurities touched something in me. Many times I laughed with her at her own expense and sometimes it was uncomfortable. I've heard that the best comedy can be uncomfortable. Lisa wanted to become brave to prove that her life mattered after a lifetime of being a victim. She means well and has a good heart. Lisa's growth as a person and the building of her self-esteem was awesome to read. J
There were moments in this book that had me laughing hysterically. I loved the h Lisa. Her self-esteem and insecurities touched something in me. Many times I laughed with her at her own expense and sometimes it was uncomfortable. I've heard that the best comedy can be uncomfortable. Lisa wanted to become brave to prove that her life mattered after a lifetime of being a victim. She means well and has a good heart. Lisa's growth as a person and the building of her self-esteem was awesome to read. Jack (the H) was a typical guy. He was also a little snobbish and uptight. Lisa confounded him at every turn. He became her coach even as he used her for his own gains. He also kept her and their blossoming friendship a secret. Jack's growth was painful in many ways as well. I liked the everyday names of the H/h (refreshing). The angst was real. The situations were often hilarious (and sometimes funny/uncomfortable). I enjoyed reading this one and will read other books from this author. 1/22/2014: Edited rating from 4.5 to 5 stars because I can't stop thinking about - still laughing & want to read again. 3/11/2014: edited for typo - also, just had a good discussion about this book with someone new who thought it was funny and had a great grovel. I am reading it again right now.


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Jun 24, 2014

Becky Monson

rated it
it was amazing

My oh my, this was such a good book. I could not put it down. Major book hangover when it was over and I just wanted more! This is chick lit - and the very best kind. A fun escape with a happy ending. Exactly the type of book I like to read. Ms. Corcillo has a spectacular voice. Her writing is new, fresh, different than others - but in a good way. I laughed out loud at many points, and this is a rarity for me. I find things funny, but rarely does it get me to actually vocalize it like I did with
My oh my, this was such a good book. I could not put it down. Major book hangover when it was over and I just wanted more! This is chick lit - and the very best kind. A fun escape with a happy ending. Exactly the type of book I like to read. Ms. Corcillo has a spectacular voice. Her writing is new, fresh, different than others - but in a good way. I laughed out loud at many points, and this is a rarity for me. I find things funny, but rarely does it get me to actually vocalize it like I did with She likes it Tough. I HIGHLY recommend!! Can't wait to read more from this author!


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The Good. How soothing and relaxing the entire story was to my mood. This is the perfect read if you’re looking for a few good chuckles and lots of smiling while reading a light romance, as I was. The Mmeh... Okay. You’ve got to be up on your movie-television game, which I barely passed. I missed on the metaphors for Anna Paquini, Loretta Castorini, and yes... George Clooney, Morris the Cat, and quite a few others. And still, this amazingly doesn’t take away from the story. In fact, this factor i
The Good. How soothing and relaxing the entire story was to my mood. This is the perfect read if you’re looking for a few good chuckles and lots of smiling while reading a light romance, as I was. The Mmeh... Okay. You’ve got to be up on your movie-television game, which I barely passed. I missed on the metaphors for Anna Paquini, Loretta Castorini, and yes... George Clooney, Morris the Cat, and quite a few others. And still, this amazingly doesn’t take away from the story. In fact, this factor increases the numerous theatrics and makes the story overall highly entertaining. The Best Part! Aside from the COVER & TITLE, I loved that opening, along with Lisa’s discovery and uncovering of the money she apparently signed away while in a coma. I adored her start at HEYA. Too amusing. That helicopter ride was another enjoyable moment... and as well the many experimental trials that follow, in addition to the premise of this wonderfully amusing tale. Lisa and Jack remind me of bread and butter. Soft, often sweet, one flexible... the other unyielding, one works well as a stand-alone desert, but the other not so much, yet together both make for a delectable pair.


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May 23, 2014


rated it
did not like it

review of another edition

This book was terrible. The premise is tolerable - girl freaks out about wedding and goes to drive through, drive through collapses on her and she is in a coma for 3 months. When she wakes up, she's thin and rich from the settlement and decides to become "brave" by going on adventures with a guy who owns an adventure equipment company. All of your basic chick lit characters are there - whacky neighbors, neurotic heroine, overbearing family, but they're never developed. Our heroine is hysterical
This book was terrible. The premise is tolerable - girl freaks out about wedding and goes to drive through, drive through collapses on her and she is in a coma for 3 months. When she wakes up, she's thin and rich from the settlement and decides to become "brave" by going on adventures with a guy who owns an adventure equipment company. All of your basic chick lit characters are there - whacky neighbors, neurotic heroine, overbearing family, but they're never developed. Our heroine is hysterical and unlikeable. It's unclear why her paramour is interested in her and why we should be rooting for two such unpleasant people. The writing was choppy and there were several times when I had to re-read to understand that time had moved forward. Stay away from this one.


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Mar 07, 2014

Glynis Astie

rated it
it was amazing

review of another edition

GVR Corcillo had me from the first page! I was immediately sucked into the world of Lisa Flyte and her hair raising adventures. I am a HUGE fan of a heroine with attitude and Lisa has it in spades. She made me laugh out loud often (punctuated with an embarrassing snort), slap my hand to my forehead in surprise from her zany schemes and tear up when she finally figures it all out. Add to this the smoldering Jack Hawkins and you have a story that will keep you engaged from start to finish. Reading
GVR Corcillo had me from the first page! I was immediately sucked into the world of Lisa Flyte and her hair raising adventures. I am a HUGE fan of a heroine with attitude and Lisa has it in spades. She made me laugh out loud often (punctuated with an embarrassing snort), slap my hand to my forehead in surprise from her zany schemes and tear up when she finally figures it all out. Add to this the smoldering Jack Hawkins and you have a story that will keep you engaged from start to finish. Reading this book was a thoroughly enjoyable experience and I look forward to GVR Corcillo's next book with relish!


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My choice of books is often based on my mood and last night I needed something light that would make me smile. She Likes It Rough did just that. How many of us daydream about sudden wealth and remaking our lives? Lisa Flyte gets to do it for real and learns that it isn't as easy as daydreaming. Yes, everything's a bit exaggerated and over the top, but that's' what made this book fun! Lisa doesn't lose all her 'fat girl' insecurities when she gains the money and loses the pounds, so she sets out t
My choice of books is often based on my mood and last night I needed something light that would make me smile. She Likes It Rough did just that. How many of us daydream about sudden wealth and remaking our lives? Lisa Flyte gets to do it for real and learns that it isn't as easy as daydreaming. Yes, everything's a bit exaggerated and over the top, but that's' what made this book fun! Lisa doesn't lose all her 'fat girl' insecurities when she gains the money and loses the pounds, so she sets out to change her unhappy life. Her choices might not be the best, but I found them understandable and I liked that she didn't change so much as accept who she was and demand the respect she deserved. Jack was a different kind of leading man and at first, I thought he might be one of those cardboard cutouts, but no! He's got problems of his own and I loved the last few chapters. I, for one, am looking forward to Corcillo's next book. This book was good, but I have a feeling she's one of those authors who'll only get better.


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Apr 05, 2014


rated it
it was amazing

review of another edition

This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it,
click here.

I was given a copy of "She Likes It Rough," by author Geralyn Corcillo. I owe the author a huge apology for not getting the book read in a timely manner and then posting my review. I have a million excuses, but none will make up for the fact that I fell through on getting it all taken care of. I sincerely, apologize for this mishap. I actually started reading the book on April 6 and was finished by April 7. Granted it's 302 pages long, it was a fast read. When you have a book that has a great sto
I was given a copy of "She Likes It Rough," by author Geralyn Corcillo. I owe the author a huge apology for not getting the book read in a timely manner and then posting my review. I have a million excuses, but none will make up for the fact that I fell through on getting it all taken care of. I sincerely, apologize for this mishap. I actually started reading the book on April 6 and was finished by April 7. Granted it's 302 pages long, it was a fast read. When you have a book that has a great story, sometimes you just get swept up in the characters that you can't put the book down. ***** In "She Likes It Rough," we find Lisa Flyte on a quest to improve her life. She has just recovered from a tragic accident that has now thrust her into the news and tabloids. Lisa is tired of all the horrible jokes that have left her emotionally scarred. She has discovered that of all people, her family has taken advantage of her in more that one way. She also can't trust many people to enter her circle of friends, that , well basically includes HER! Taking the bull by the horns so to speak, Lisa decides that if she is going to make a change, she needs to change the most important aspect of her life...her. With that goal in mind, she has to open that hard exterior of a person she has become and allow one person in, Jack Hawkins. She knows that the adrenaline junkie, action bound, athletic company owner, and all around hottie, is what she needs to overcome all her obstacles. Only problem is she has to convince this man that he is what she needs. Struggling with discovering who she is capable of becoming and viewing herself in the eyes of others is not going to be easy. However, if Lisa wants to change her past, she has no other choice than to chase Jack up a mountain in a Dolce and Gabbana power suit. It's this trek up the mountain that sets the New Lisa Flyte into a new direction and putting the Old Lisa Flyte to rest. With her millions on the line as well as her soul, we begin to witness what others call an ugly duckling transform into a beautiful swan that will not only grab your heart from her sorrows and pitfalls...but you will also be laughing from the mistakes and just down right life that Lisa stumbles through to become the new woman she is destined to become. ***** At first when I was contacted by the author to read the story, I was a little hesitant. Judging the book by the title, I assumed it was going to be some erotica novel. Being reassured by the author that it wasn't, I took this book on and was happy to see that it was actually pretty darn good. Granted there were a couple of sex scenes in the story, it was nothing that I would feel uncomfortable reading aloud to a group of people. What I loved the most was how the author took a tragic destined individual who had a poor self-image and transformed her into someone magnificent. This book is perfect for those women who have been through tragedy and the brunt of ill jokes, or just aren't happy with themselves. "She Likes It Rough," will have you laughing at times by the tom-foolery of Lisa. You'll be crying at the heartbreak that she endures. You'll become so mad at the other characters in the book you will find yourself wanting to go and slap some sense into them. But most importantly, you will fall in love with Lisa Flyte. I love a good story that puts a character through the emotional hell as Corcillo has. So many books are touchy feely that you honestly know that this is never going to happen in real life. However, with "She Likes It Rough," you are getting to witness what many women and men are having to endure. You get into the mind of a person that is not happy with the exterior of their body as well as what is inside. What we get with this book is how one woman decides to cope with all the crap she has been dealt over the years. To finally say "enough is enough, I'm going to change this mess!" What I hope others will get out of this book as I did is, the only way things are going to change in your life is for you to make them change. Things aren't going to do it on their own or by the help of others. It's either poop or get off the pot! The author may never had intended for this to be a motivational book, but in my opinion, this is what we have on our hands.


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Every once in a while there comes a book that grabs you from the first sentence and doesn't let go...until long after you've read it. A book that begs you to read it all in one sitting. A book, that at times, is so real - you wish you could jump into the story and live it. A book that you know you'll read several times. One that has found its place among your favorites. This is that book. She Likes it Rough is written in first-person, a common perspective lately in ChickLit books. Honestly, I've h
Every once in a while there comes a book that grabs you from the first sentence and doesn't let go...until long after you've read it. A book that begs you to read it all in one sitting. A book, that at times, is so real - you wish you could jump into the story and live it. A book that you know you'll read several times. One that has found its place among your favorites. This is that book. She Likes it Rough is written in first-person, a common perspective lately in ChickLit books. Honestly, I've had my fill of that perspective. Not because it's overdone or it's the new fad. I'm over it because I don't feel like you get the whole story. You don't get everyone's thoughts, their feelings, their deepest darkest secrets. You get one point of view. One. And that doesn't usually work for me because I'm nebby. I want to know what everyone is thinking, what they're feeling, what their deepest darkest secrets are. I want to know what makes the love interest tick. I want to know the whole shebang. By page two, I didn't even notice I was reading a first-person perspective. The author does a fantastic job of showing the reader everything they want to see. I could feel Jack's frustration with Lisa. I could feel his passion. I could feel his humor. I understood why he was the way he was. It was amazing. Another thing I loved about the book? Lisa's voice. She's scatterbrained, she goes off on tangents, she's not afraid (despite what she thinks) of showing her fear, she questions herself. She's so real. I love that. I love that I could relate to her. She's funny, she has a heart of gold, people adore her, she loves animals, and yet she has no idea of her worth. So many women, I'm sure, can relate to that. We're so busy pleasing everyone else that we forget our own worth. And I love that by the end of the book, she realized it and stood up for herself. She took a stand, drew that line in the sand, and she refused to deviate from it. And Jack. Oh Jack. He's flawed, he's gorgeous, he has cobalt blue eyes, he's a man, he has principles, he has a sense of humor, and he likes animals. He's practically perfect and a definite contestant for Book Boyfriend...hell, Book HUSBAND. There is so much to him, yet you feel like you know him so well. This book has it all. Love, Romance, Family Drama, Friendships...and Humor. Lots and lots of humor. I laughed so hard at times, I had tears running down my face! It's definitely a good idea to have a couple of tissues on hand while reading, not just for the laughing tears, but also in case of
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