She Left Her Ass

She Left Her Ass


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Just in case you thought you could parent whatever way you see fit in 2014 America:
A North Augusta mother is in jail after witnesses say she left her nine-year-old daughter at a nearby park, for hours at a time.
Hours at a time? At a park? In the summer? Gosh! That certainly sounds normal and fun like a reason to throw a mom in jail—and place the child in state custody.
Here are the facts: Debra Harrell works at McDonald's in North Augusta, South Carolina. For most of the summer, her daughter had stayed there with her, playing on a laptop that Harrell had scrounged up the money to purchase. (McDonald's has free WiFi.) Sadly, the Harrell home was robbed and the laptop stolen, so the girl asked her mother if she could be dropped off at the park to play instead.
Harrell said yes. She gave her daughter a cell phone. The girl went to the park—a place so popular that at any given time there are about 40 kids frolicking—two days in a row. There were swings, a "splash pad," and shade. On her third day at the park, an adult asked the girl where her mother was. At work, the daughter replied.
The shocked adult called the cops. Authorities declared the girl "abandoned" and proceeded to arrest the mother.
Watch the news: It sounds like Debra Harrell committed a serious, unconscionable crime. The reporter looks ready to burst with contempt. But what are the facts? She let her daughter play at the park for several hours at a time—like we did as kids. She gave her a daughter a phone if she needed to call. Any "danger" was not only theoretical, it was exceedingly unlikely.
But, "What if a man would've come and snatched her?" said a woman interviewed by the TV station.
To which I must ask: In broad daylight? In a crowded park? Just because something happened on Law & Order doesn't mean it's happening all the time in real life. Make "what if?" thinking the basis for an arrest and the cops can collar anyone. "You let your son play in the front yard? What if a man drove up and kidnapped him?" "You let your daughter sleep in her own room? What if a man climbed through the window?" etc.
These fears pop into our brains so easily, they seem almost real. But they're not. Our crime rate today is back to what it was when gas was 29 cents a gallon, according to The Christian Science Monitor. It may feel like kids are in constant danger, but they are as safe (if not safer) than we were when our parents let us enjoy the summer outside, on our own, without fear of being arrested. 
But because some busybody thought she knew more about this girl's safety than the girl's own mother, a family has been separated. Harrell is in jail and the child is in the custody of the Department of Social Services. If only the girl had spent her whole summer sitting in McDonald's—surfing the internet and eating a Big Mac instead of playing outside and getting fresh air—this never would have happened.
Lenore Skenazy is president of Let Grow, a nonprofit promoting childhood independence and resilience, and founder of the Free-Range Kids movement.
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Your children are only yours to do with so long as we allow it, citizen.
Citizen is definitely a byword for peasant.
Excuse me, the official term is now “civilian.”
In casual conversation, the word “thrall” is used.
No, it’s not even that. We complain a lot about the nanny state, true, but it’s just part of the chicken society. That is, societal standards regardless of who enforces them have gone off kilter.
But a society of chickens that doesn’t throw the non-chickens in jail isn’t nearly as bad.
Funny thing-if she sent the 9 year old on her own to go sneak into another country-the mom would be considered a hero. Let her play in the park? Criminal.In an odd twist-why is the park dangerous? Because our government cannot protect us-and has no desire to.
…so the girl asked her mother if she could be dropped off at the park to play instead.
The girl set her up. And rightly so. I was held for my protection in the family underground bunker at its undisclosed location until I was 16. What was this mother thinking?
So what will it take for us to get them to lock you back in that bunker?
When FOE was a child his parents told him to never touch the basement door. They said something horrible lurked on the other side and would get him if he did.
Then one day, shortly after his 16th birthday, he mustered up the courage to open that door. And what he say was amazing. Birds, flowers, trees, *sunlight* and other people.
And it wasn’t 1886, it was 1996! And there was an Indian guy on the other side explain it with crude exposition.
When I was in elementary school, I had to walk to school, which was several blocks from our house. My mom followed me on the first day just to be sure things were cool but after that I was on my own. Hell, I can still remember being locked out of the house and forced to play outside. At 8 years old, I had friends all over the neighborhood and we happily explored the creeks, streets, parks and alleys that made up our neighborhood.
Has something happened over the past 40 years that caused “predators” to suddenly sprout all over the county?
*** touches base at Roy’s, then wanders around all day who the hell knows where ***
You touched the base of Roy’s what?
My father was a probation officer and he always said if you really wanted to reduce the chance of having your kid molested, you would never let them interact with any relatives. According to him the vast majority of molestation cases he had were by close relatives and not strangers.
Exactly this. Most kids aren’t dumb enough to let strangers touch them. It’s the “trusted” family members you’ve gotta look out for.
Don’t let STRANGERS hurt your children! Just leave them with me and let them sit here in their uncle’s loving and warm lap…
That is some selection bias right there.
Everyone’s gone to the movies now we’re alone at last.
My childhood was pretty much the same. As a soon-to-be parent, this shit terrifies me. I want my daughter to have the same freedom I did.
Has something happened over the past 40 years that caused “predators” to suddenly sprout all over the county?
Sensational news coverage has convinced people that this is so, but it’s not.
Sensational news coverage has convinced many that your fellow citizen is a bigger threat than your govt. There is never a good reason to contact the authorities. You will regret it.
My wife is convinced that there is a child molester lurking around every corner.
Same here. Then we had a neighbor move in from Switzerland and the wife was great. She totally let her kids run free and convinced my wife that it was OK. No idea why a Swiss Miss was more convincing to my wife than I was, but I liked the results.
On Google street view, our house and our neighbor’s (the Swiss couple) show a pack of boys (all barefoot and wearing only swim trunks) playing ping pong in the driveway, playing 4-square in our driveway with no adults anywhere to be seen.
The swiss neighbors also set it up so that kids could jump from the slide attached to their swing set onto one of those low trampolines and into their above ground pool. The kids all loved it. Every parent who saw it said “That is really cool. You are going to be sued”. Fortunately now one was seriously hurt and the kids enjoyed it for 3 summers in a row.
“That is really cool. You are going to be sued”.
My sister has a trampoline in her back yard. She, I swear to the effin’ lord on high, made all the neighborhood kids’ parents sign a waiver before they could play on it.
The saddest thing is that it’s a really good idea.
Yeah, this is actually a good idea. I had several friends with a trampoline, and kids were injured using them on a regular basis. I knew two kids who literally broke their necks (both of them were very lucky in that they were not paralyzed). Now, our parents just took the mindset that kids injure themselves – at home and at friends’ houses – and it’s not usually the property owner’s fault. Today, I could picture a parent suing another over their own child being stupid enough to try doing a back flip on someone else’s trampoline.
There are. They wear blue and carry guns.
Same here- and she is a nurse who recently got her masters degree…
I want my daughter to have the same freedom I did.
Although I noted the news factor, there’s another at play: the birth dearth. Children have become scarcer as a proportion of the popul’n. People without kids of their own feel an ownership stake in those of others, and society generally is more protective of them (in intention, not necessarily in fact).
In a proper world, they would be beaten with a clue stick and told STFU and MYOB.
In a truly proper world, all progtards would be buried in the landfill and everyone would enjoy their constant freedom.
You’re always very violent aren’t you? Quite frankly, they can have their own progtopia to live happily ever after in*.
*Actual results will probably be all of them buried in landfills, but at least it’ll be self-inflicted.
They’re welcome to leave the US for some some shithole worker’s paradise as far as I’m concerned. But you’re a fool to think it won’t come down to force to stop these cretins. There is little reasoning with them. If they die en masse it will be because they forced our hand. I’m just a realist.
I think that you’re Shrike’s conservative alter ego. Progtard = Bushpig
It fits in well with the idea that the Stte needs to provid day care for all, so moms aren’t forced by a sexist society into staying at home and can realize their Full Potential as Working Human Beings.
They are working on this now. My home state of WA is the test case. So WA has been systematically shutting down day cares bit by bit over tHe last decade or so. To create a child care shortage so the state will have to step in.
Same here. “I’m going out to play” meant you would find (or probably not find) some combination of me, my brothers, a few cousins, and any of about a dozen boys in the neighborhood somewhere within about an 80 square mile area that we could easily reach by bicycle. That was from about 6-years old until I got my drivers license.
My mother worked nights in the ER, so during the day while she was sleeping we were not allowed inside the house from 10am until 5 pm. And this was Florida summers with 90? plus heat with 90% humidity. None of us ever got heat stroke though, because we would just drink water out of the garden hose.
Whenever I talk about my childhood it seems like I’m talking about the 1950’s or something, but it was the ’80s and early ’90s.
It may be the cumulative effect of the news media. Normalcy is not news, but unfortunately news subtly comes to be perceived as normalcy.
Jefferson may have been wrong. We may have been better off with gov’t & no newspapers, because then gov’t may not have gotten so bad.
In defense of the police here,mNorth Augusta is not a place to let your kids play alone. Those freaking gypsies from Murphy Village are likely to snatch them up just to break their inbreeding patterns.
Word to the wise. If you’re in North Augusta and somebody wants to sell you something, make sure their eyes aren’t an inch too close together. If they are, you’re about to be had.
In other news, gypsies rounded up and placed in Obama Happy Fun Camps. No gypsies could be reach for comment. We’re sure there’s nothing untoward about that.
Did we say “rounded up”? They were cordially invited. A whitehousespokesman assures us that cake and punch were served.
I hear their group shower facilities are to die for!
Uh… death, please. No, CAKE, cake, cake, sorry.
You can tour those happy fun camps.
*If* you sign the waiver and non-disclosure agreement that you won’t record anything, ask questions of the inmates *cough* I mean CAMPERS, and will not talk about what you see and hear inside the happy fun camp with personnel not cleared by the state department.
gypsies rounded up and placed in Obama Happy Fun Camps
Were they issued neat little armbands?
Another example of how Leviathan always hits po’ folk hardest.
If this woman was holding down an office chair instead of flipping burgers, she could afford to leave her kids with state-approved strangers at her local licensed and registered daycare center.
Clearly it’s women upon whom society has declared fatwa. After all, notice that of nearly sevenscore comments on this article, none is decrying the automatic assumption that only a single MAN could do anything untowards to the poor girl.
If we only notice the misogynistic way that the girl is treated as a damsel in distress, that means society is only obsessed with putting women in their place, right?
I can’t think of a single progtard big gubmint policy that DOESN’T hit po’ folk the hardest.
Now this mom is sitting in jail and not earning a dime to support her child.
One (of many) terrible thing about the arrest is how arbitrary this is. How can a parent determine whether they’re violating some law? Is half an hour too much? If I hate my neighbors can I just wait until they do what most parents do and leave their kid unsupervised for a period of time, then call the cops?
jesus fuck, who wants to live in a country where you can’t let your nine-year-old go play in the park without having to be physically present watching her, every fucking second?
Not only that, think of the psychological damage being caused from 24/7 surveillance by parents.
If you don’t get to do all those things you really didn’t want your parents to know about as a kid, you’re sure as fuck going to do -all- of them (to excess) when you turn into an adult.
Not only that, think of the psychological damage being caused from 24/7 surveillance by parents.
Feature, not a bug. How else are you going to habituate your children to the idea of the NSA?
“What if a man would’ve come and snatched her?” said a woman interviewed by the TV station.
Ummm, a man did come and snatch her. And you not only stood there and did nothing, you’re applauding the guy who snatched her. Maybe you could have stopped the guy from snatching her?
in my best Jay Peterman: the very pants I was wearing.
Very astute grasp. . . . Thank you.
…He was very authoritarian, and he had a gun.
Splat splat splat… the noise of my brains hitting the wall after my head explodes. The country that went to the moon is now afraid to go outside and play?
Who is more likely to take your children away, a random stranger or the State?
The answer to that, more than anything, should inform people how radically misplaced their fears are.
Damn. My mom would have got the chair.
I’m shocked that I remained in her custody, actually.
The country that went to the moon is now afraid to go outside and play?
We won the war against running with scissors, and this is what it got us.
Someone should point out that plenty of the central American children Obama seems incapable of dealing with are being left to their own devices or with coyotes–in ways much worse than sending your kid to a playground. It’s kind of amazing to see someone effectively accused of neglect for dropping their kid off at a playground against a media backdrop of supposedly thousands of neglected illegal immigrant children, who are apparently routinely remanded to the custody of the parents who neglected them–by this standard.
Maybe all the illegal immigrant parents coming to pick up their coyote-herded kids should be charged with child endangerment and have their kids taken away from them!
I’ve been kind of wondering why someone hasn’t suggested that.
People act like “kids getting snatched” happens all the time, when it’s really pretty rare.
By the same token, you’re acting like cops make these kinds of arrests all the time, when it’s really pretty rare.
When I was that age not only was I playing at the park without supervision, I was walking to school without supervision, and going downtown to the library on the bus without supervision. I was riding my bike all over the neighborhood without supervision. Hiking over to the university, sneaking into the President’s lounge, and re-arranging the furniture.
Without supervision.
That sounds like a Union Grevence there pal…a teamsters rep will be over to see you shortly…
I was wondering outside in the desert with a BB gun without supervision at that age.
I was selling my mom’s mink coat, her diamond rink and her “medication” at that age.
should be “diamond ring” Damn! I’m not drinking enough vodka and scotch, but I’ll fix that soon enough.
What age is the cutoff? I’m serious, my sister has 4 kids, and I don’t want to have to threaten anyone at CPS in the near future…Gosh darnit. Now I’m on a list!
I think it’s twelve and under. Depends on the state.
Wait…there’s a real number!?!?!? Holy ass!!!
CPS can get involved until a child (person) turns 18 in PA. If the child (person) is already under supervision when he or she reaches 18 CPS can continue supervision until 21.
They are a disgusting bunch of failed social workers, not one of whom has a stable home life of her own. They are truly horrible people whose only goal is to get more funding every year by inventing bullshit.
Full disclosure – I have no kids but I am a defense attorney and have defended a lot of kids in these types of cases.
Many relatives of a former girlfriend of mine were CPS workers. I wouldn’t let any of them be fire watchers, let alone have anything go do with children.
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She Left Her Ass

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