She Had An Orgasm

She Had An Orgasm


By Mary Smith. Updated: October 9, 2017
Feminine sexual satisfaction is different from men's, and this simply happens because women's anatomy has nothing to do with men's. In the case of men it's easy to tell when they have reached climax because, normally, the moment of maximum pleasure is accompanied by ejaculation, whilst many women don't ejaculate. Then, how can we tell when a woman is having an orgasm? in oneHOWTO we'll explain the signs that a woman has climaxed.
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First of all, it's good to understand that there is a difference between ejaculation and orgasm, although in most cases men experience both simultaneously, which makes it easy to know when they've reached climax.
On the other hand, it's important to pay attention to other details to realise women are having an orgasm. Although during sex, like men, women groan or use orality to express we're enjoying sex, this is not necessarily a sign that a woman is experiencing climax. To know if a woman has reached orgasm you'll have to pay attention to body language.
To start with, when a woman is excited the clitoris usually increases its volume and the woman will start lubricating. During orgasm, the vagina contracts, suffering small spasms, something that is easy to feel during penetration.
These spasms, which can be experimented in a more or less intense fashion, can also manifest externally. The woman contracts as part of the feeling of pleasure she's feeling, even pressing her legs or retracting a little to enjoy the feelings better.
Another way to tell when a woman is having an orgasm and climaxing is by observing her nipples, because normally, when this climax is reached, the previous erection that they maintained throughout the sexual act usually disappears and returns to normal, i.e they are not tense, but much more relaxed. Although it is not a 100% effective sign, the truth is that the appearance of the nipples can help you know if you are finished or your body is still excited.
And not only the nipples but the breasts, in general, harden when they are having sex and these are much harder and more erect. For this reason, you can know if a woman has climaxed if you see that her breasts have relaxed and are now softer and loose.
When a woman reaches an orgasm the heat of the vagina increases, a corporal reaction that indicates maximum pleasure. The breasts go harder during orgasm, and some girls experience other normal reactions such as heavy breathing and redness on the face.
However, one of the most effective indicators that can help you know if a woman reaches orgasm is vaginal lubrication. While it is true that they do not ejaculate like men, it is also true that they expel a little flow when they reach the climax and, therefore, that can be noticed because you will feel that it is more wet or that even has wet you a little to you during intercourse, this is sometimes also known as squirting. Although this is a fairly reliable indicator, it is also true that there are women with lubrication problems by not generating much flow naturally and, therefore, can be an indicator that leads to confusion.
The best way to know if your girl has reached orgasm is to get to know her. Keep in mind that many women pretend because they do not end up enjoying sex to the maximum, so it is important to work on a sincere relationships where sex is not a taboo and can be discussed openly. Treating the subject of sex naturally will make both of you enjoy your encounters to the maximum and, moreover, for you to enjoy incredible orgasms.
A woman will reach orgasms if you stimulate her correctly and this is why it is not enough for you to just penetrate but you will have to activate her entire body to get her to enjoy sex completely. A good preliminary session or a penetrating interplay with kisses and caresses will make your girl fall at your feet and reach an imposing orgasm. Knowing the reactions of the woman when she has an orgasm will be easier to recognize in other sexual encounters.
These are signals that a woman has reached an orgasm. They can all be accompanied by groans of pleasure, although this does not necessarily determine an orgasm.
If you want to know what happens during orgasm to a woman's body, check out this oneHOWTO article.
If you want to read similar articles to How to Tell when a Woman is Having an Orgasm, we recommend you visit our Sentimental relationships category.
How to Tell when a Woman is Having an Orgasm
How to Tell when a Woman is Having an Orgasm

By Esra Gurkan For Mailonline 12:40 BST 18 Aug 2016 , updated 14:35 BST 18 Aug 2016
Not only can women have orgasms with or without sex - they can also experience them at the most obscure and inconvenient times, apparently.
Some very honest ladies have come forward on Thought Catalog to share their most unexpected moments of ecstasy.
From orgasms on the Tube, on a horse or even in the gym, these climaxes are definitely not confined to the bedroom.
We've all heard that certain strenuous activities can cause the hymen to break.
For one woman however, horseback riding caused her to experience something a little different.
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Mila, 24, said it happened at an equestrian event in high school - when her horse got spooked and sped up for a second.
'Something in the rhythm change made me rub a certain way and suddenly I was hanging on for dear life as I had the weirdest orgasm ever,' Mila confessed.
'I couldn't look that horse in the eye for a week after and I felt totally exposed by having that happen in front of my teammates.' 
Another private moment happened in public for Jenny, 22, when she was in gymnastics class as a teenager and had an orgasm while hanging from the bars.
'At the time I had no idea what had happened, just that it felt amazing. 
'I tried to make it happen again for weeks,' she said.
'Years later, I masturbated for the first time and I was like "oh, that's what that was!"'
Addison, 29, got quite a surprise at home one day when she experienced what she described as 'one of those rapid fire sneeze sessions where you're totally out of control.'
Addison continued: 'I then had an orgasm and fell off my chair. 
'Best part was that the sneezes were snotty so there I was halfway on the floor having an orgasm with snot on my hand.' 
At the time I had no idea what had happened, just that it felt amazing 
Another candid story came from Eva, 23, who was 'on one of those sling shot rides at the fair' where you're thrown into the air.
'I came so hard from that I lost a sandal,' she said.
One woman admitted she was 'crushing super hard' on her Medieval Literature professor in university.
During one lecture, Chloe's fantasising got so intense that she 'got off right there and started gasping and people started looking.'
She then pretended to have a coughing fit to cover up her orgasm.
Unfortunately, she said: 'I haven't been able to do it again since although I'd prefer it didn't happen again in class, ever.'
Audrey, 21, was doing crunches at the gym when she had an 'incredibly intense' orgasm in front of about 20 people.
'I pretended that I'd gotten a really bad cramp instead but it was still mortifying,' she confessed.
Piper, 25, had her first orgasm accidentally at 12 years old.
She admitted: 'I went to church camp every summer and they had a high ropes course there that required you to wear a harness. 
'There’s nothing like experiencing the most intense pleasure you’ve ever felt while suspended forty feet in the air with your youth pastor telling you "everything’s okay" because he thinks you’re freaking out about falling.'
Alexis, 31, might have had an accidental orgasm but she wasn't able to hide it from those in the vicinity.
'I started doing yoga seriously about 10 years ago and one year, out of absolutely nowhere, I had an extremely intense orgasm at the end of a class,' she said.
'Literally let out an ‘ooooh’ surrounded by people. Thankfully my studio is super chill. 
'The teacher actually laughed and clapped and then other students started laughing and clapping.'
Vicki, 26, had a very surprising addition to her commute home.
After reading an article about kegel exercises, she was determined to strengthen her pelvic floor muscles and did them intensely for a few days.
Kegel exercises can be done anywhere and so Vicki would do them on the tube going to and from work.  
She confessed: 'Wouldn’t you know it, I have this completely unexpected and earth shattering orgasm during my commute home and I end up bending over in my seat and pulling my hoodie over my head.
'I’m sure everyone else thought I was about to puke everywhere but I was in my own world.' 
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