She Got Switched

She Got Switched


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California residents can opt out of "sales" of personal data.
Can this woman promote her music and not rehash her past traumas?
We have newsletters to help you stay in the loop AND newsletters to help you forget! Try one today!
You're gonna click on this post out of morbid curiosity.
"The 'straight as spaghetti' concept started making a whole lot of sense to me from that day on."
Tieghan Gerard of Half Baked Harvest has since changed the recipe name, but Vietnamese Americans don't believe she's internalized why the appropriation was hurtful.
"I know that one day if I decide to leave the adult entertainment industry, I can confidently say I’m leaving with a lot of knowledge."
The rumors are true: all of these cult-faves are popular for a reason.
50 Things To Help Make Every Room In Your House More Comfortable
Just 36 Cool Products You've Probably Never Thought To Buy
37 Products That Might Help Make Winter A Little Less Miserable
28 Products From Amazon That Reviewers Actually Swear By
Garland faced questions from the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday as part of his confirmation process to take over the Justice Department.
These ladies are actually BFF goals.
Millions of people had called for justice for McClain, who died after he was put in a chokehold by Aurora, Colorado, police.
I had to watch every single one of these scenes for this post. Don't you forget that.
Featuring bartenders, servers, baristas, etc.
While the US government bickered, the coronavirus exposed the rampant inequality in our society. The poor got poorer, the rich got richer, and the bodies piled up.
"People are horrified, I know. We'll take it out in editing."
It’s common practice for big brands to ask smaller influencers to create content in exchange for commission and “exposure.” Many Black influencers say that is no longer acceptable.
Obsessed with everything pop culture, entertainment, and TV & Movies?
"I was surprised by the places I got stretch marks, like my vulva! "
You'll definitely be clicking ~express~ checkout when you see these cute duds...
Authorities said that the explosion killed Christopher Pekny, 28, and injured his 27-year-old brother, Michael Pekny.
"Only about half of licensed real estate agents ever sell even ONE property."
I think I honestly blocked that performance from my memory.
Your cheeks are going to hurt from smiling so much. 😁
"I'm NOT one of your little friends..."
Can't talk, too busy thinking about Mud Hippos™.
Don't mess with Texans, especially in the freezing cold.
Look what they've done to the place.
“They can’t use the word “royal” in anything. How petty is that?”
"For the longest time, I've been trying to set the record straight. Because no matter what you think you know, it's just the tip of the iceberg."
Don't get freaked out when we're right...
"Sooooooooooo this is my jacket from preschool."
Readings and discussions from Emily St. John Mandel, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Naomi Klein, Sally Thorne, and many more.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Peter K. and Lara Jean are back!
Come on, you must know who Robby Ray is...
Let us ~read your mind~ and decide which decade you would belong in.
Pixar lovers, cake lovers, come one, come all!
HBO's Allen v. Farrow revisits the stories of Dylan and Mia Farrow, providing a deep deconstruction of a ’90s tabloid obsession.
Your aura's looking reddish-orange to me.
I've listened to the song 1,000 times but hadn't noticed this until now.
In a one-line order, the justices refused to pause a lower court decision that cleared the way for prosecutors to enforce a grand jury subpoena.
You basically spend all of your time at home, so you might as well make it as beautiful as it can be.
What happened at the Beer Hall Putsch and other events leading up to World War II and Hitler's rise to power
Introducing the youngest poet to ever speak at a U.S. Inauguration.
From Mickey Mouse–themed gloves to a handheld garlic press, you're bound to find something new to love in this post.
"It's hard for me to even think about."
Who says kitchen products can't be both?
He's done more in four years than some people do in a lifetime.
Get fit in 7 minutes with these home workout hacks!
I'm starting the Elizabeth Olsen and Kathryn Hahn Emmy Awards campaign now, who wants to join?
BRB, starting a petition for Zendaya as Regina George.
Who's the ~best~ prince of them all?
"I think it's time we take this relationship to the next level." —your living room
Black women try to create themselves in The Sims without using any custom content, then CC Creator EbonixSims remakes them with custom content.
Kale? Mango? Grapefruit? Dragon fruit?
Please talk to your loved ones about this.
I, for one, would gladly hire Molly Ringwald as my defense attorney.
After two days of radio silence, Kim returned to Instagram on Sunday night.
*Standby sign shows up.* Us: First of all, how dare you.
"I got this label of being ballsy and outspoken. No, I was just defending myself."
It's time to hear from the villains of Disney!
Even if you’re not liable, recouping your losses after a car accident isn’t easy.
"This is gonna be a gas!" —Agnes [Spoilers ahead!]
Cruella is back and better than ever.
Obvious and out-of-the-box options for those who already own a million mugs. ☕️
It's basically a regency vibe check.
These Mexican moms are not having Gordon's "spicy Mexican eggs."
Don't go up the stairs when the front door is right there? Maybe? I'm no expert, but????
If you can ace this quiz, groovy smoothies on us!
Might be the candle set with a special playlist or the wine + book club sitch for you. 😍
Everything in the sale section is 20% off, so there no better time than the present to up your workout gear game.
Please, please, please create your AI significant other. It will change your life.
Have you ever been in love with your BFF?
Are you Bilbo, Samwise, Frodo, or Pippin?!
Juicy marinated meat, pickled side dishes, fresh vegetables… It’s all about the epic spread. The second of a three part series featuring unique takeouts in the city. In this episode, I'll be learning about, and having a great time with The Original Butcher's Feast® from Cote.

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She Got Switched

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