She Dominates

She Dominates


She Dominates
How to Dominate a Woman: 4 Examples
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How to Romance a Woman in 3 Simple Steps

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It’s no secret that women feel sexually attracted to dominant men.
However, the good news is that you don’t have to go to extreme levels of dominance to make a woman respect you, feel attracted to you and fall in love with you or remain in love with you.
Most women don’t require a guy to be completely dominant all the time and simply want a guy who has the ability to be dominant when necessary.
For example: If a guy can’t work up the courage to be dominant, he’s not going to be able to attract and keep an attractive woman who wants a confident guy.
She might be nice to him and even like him as a person because he is a good guy, but because he lacks the confidence to be dominant with her at times, she just won’t feel enough of a spark of sexual attraction to justify seeing him as more than just a friend or random guy that’s met.
On the other hand, if you are a confident good guy who is fairly dominant at times, then you will be able to attract the majority of beautiful women and keep a woman happy in a relationship.
She will be happy and excited to meet a good, confident guy who makes her feel feminine in comparison to his masculinity and occasional dominance, while also treating her well.
It’s very rare for a woman to meet a good guy who is confident and also has the ability to be dominant when necessary, so when she meets a guy like that she opens up and hopes that it leads to a phone number, kiss, sex and relationship.
Finally, if you are very dominant man, you will be able to attract a lot of hot women, but in order to keep a relationship together you will also need to be a good guy who is loving and respectful towards the woman.
If a guy is just being dominant and doesn’t care about a woman’s feelings (e.g. a jerk, an asshole), she might follow his lead and begin a sexual relationship with him, but she will eventually dump him when she’s had enough of being treated like crap.
So, in this post, I am going to give you 4 different examples of how to dominate a woman when you first, while you’re on a date, during sex and in a relationship.
A simple way to dominate a woman when you first meet her is to pass her confidence tests with a relaxed smile.
When you approach and talk to an attractive woman who is looking for a confident guy, she will always test your confidence by playing hard to get, teasing you during the conversation, not contributing much to the conversation or making it difficult for you to talk to her.
The way to dominate her is to show her (via your body language, vibe, conversation style, behavior and actions) that you’re not crumbling under the pressure, you’re not panicking and you’re not getting angry or frustrated about it.
Instead, you are calm, present in the moment, confident and relaxed.
When she tests you, just pause for a moment and smile as you look her in the eyes.
Then, look her up and down (from her eyes to her feet and back up to her eyes) with a relaxed, charming smile.
Just stand (or sit) there looking relaxed, at ease and with a relaxed, confident smile on your face. She will love it.
Looking her up and down like that in a relaxed, confident way with a relaxed smile instantly makes a confident, attractive woman feel a lot of respect and attraction for you.
Of course, she will almost always continue to test your confidence by smiling and asking, “Why are you looking at me like that?” or “That’s a weird that you just gave me” and so on.
Yet, what she is hoping to see from you is that you don’t suddenly crumble under the social pressure and feel like you’ve made a mistake.
She wants to see that you have the balls to dominate her in the moment by remaining relaxed and easy-going, rather than thinking that you have seriously screwed up by looking at her in that way.
She might act like thinks the up and down look is weird, but it’s just a test to see if a guy really is dominant if he’s just another nervous, self-doubting guy who is trying to act dominant, but doesn’t have the balls to back it up.
Most confident, attractive women find it very difficult to meet a guy who is not intimidated by them and be confident and dominant, while also being a loving, respectful guy.
It’s really difficult to find those sorts of guys because most guys either lack the balls to be dominant, or they go way too far with the dominance and act like an asshole or a jerk.
So, if you are a good guy and you can add in a bit of dominance to your interactions with women, you will see that women are instantly attracted and interested in you.
The equivalent attractive value of a man’s dominance (and the effect that it has on a woman) is when a woman wears a short skirt, shows her cleavage and wears make up.
In just the same way as those three things (a woman wearing a short skirt, showing cleavage and looking pretty with make up) enhance her attractiveness to men, a man can enhance his attractiveness to women by displaying attractive traits like dominance, confident and charm.
Watch this video to understand how a woman’s attraction for a man works and how you can use traits like confidence, dominance, charisma, charm and humor to naturally attract women…
As you will discover from the video above, being dominant is not the only way to attract a woman.
Dominance definitely makes a woman feel attracted, but it has to be done right (i.e. don’t go overboard with it unless you have the confidence to back it up) to be truly enjoyable for a woman.
An example of how to dominate a woman when you’re on a date is to simply decide which table you’re going to sit at a restaurant, rather than asking her, “Where do you want to sit?”
So, you would say, “Okay, let’s go sit over there” or “I like that table…let’s sit there” and she will then follow along.
If she says, “No, I like that table over there” it’s fine for you to consider her option and if you like it, you can say, “Okay, yeah – that table is better. Let’s go sit there” because you are still leading the way and making the final decision.
If you don’t like the table she has pointed out, you can say, “Nah, I don’t like that table…stop being fussy…let’s sit over here – I like this table” and she will go along with it, especially if she was only trying to go against your initial decision to test your confidence.
Another example of how to dominate a woman on a date is to put your arm around her shoulder as you walk side-by-side towards a destination and then gently, but assertively lead her into certain shops or in a particular direction (e.g. to cross the street, to turn a corner, to avoid an obstacle on the footpath/sidewalk, etc).
You don’t have to lead all the time and push her around like she’s some sort of rag doll and you don’t always need to decide on which table to sit at when you go to a restaurant or café.
Instead, simply just relax and take on the role of being a dominant man who decides to do what he wants to do when he wants to do it, but is also respectful towards the woman.
Women aren’t impressed by guys who try too hard to be dominant, when it’s really not necessary to be dominant (e.g. ordering food for her at a restaurant when she wants to order herself, telling her to stand up when she wants to sit down, etc).
Women are impressed by guys who can just relax and be dominant whenever it is necessary.
Some examples of how to dominate a woman during sex are:
You don’t have to be dominant 100% of the time.
Some women are into hardcore dominant sex and want a lot of it, but most women are happy with displays of dominance being added in 20% of the time and the remaining 80% is simply normal sex.
Being a dominant man in a relationship isn’t about being in control of everything all the time, making all the decisions and bossing a woman around like she’s some sort of slave.
Only a very small percentage of women seek a master > slave relationship where she is 100% submissive to her man all the time, in and out of the bedroom.
The majority of women simply want a man who has the ability to take the lead and then be dominant when necessary.
It’s completely fine to allow a woman to take lead and make decisions at times, but for the most part it needs to be you who leads the way and takes on most of the decision making.
The reason for you taking the lead is to allow her to relax into being your feminine woman, rather than her having to take on a more masculine way of thinking, feeling and being.
If you want a woman to feel addicted to being around you, it’s essential that you allow her to escape the logical way of being that she will be forced into at work or university and allow her to relax into being an emotional, feminine woman around you.
If you’re currently not used to dominating women, the first few times that you try to be dominant, it might feel a bit awkward or forced on your part.
However, that awkwardness is the same with any interpersonal skill that a human adds to their personality.
Initially, there will be a stage of awkwardness that you have to get past, where you’re not able to do it 100% correctly the first or second time and you will almost feel as though you’re forcing it.
However, if you just continue on, you will get used to it and you will naturally take on a more dominant role whenever you feel like it.
Eventually, being dominant with a woman will become a part of your normal, automatic expression of personality and women will love you and respect you for it.
Watch this hidden video where Dan exposes his BIGGEST secret to success with women, which allows you to easily get laid or get a girlfriend.
This video is only available here and you can watch it for free right now.
Dan Bacon is a dating and relationship expert. He knows the secret to attracting and picking up women for sex and relationships, which has allowed him to enjoy his choice of women for many years. Watch this free training and he will share the secret with you.
Dan Bacon used to be hopeless with women. He lacked confidence in himself and couldn't get women to like him. Despite being a good, honest guy, women just weren't interested.
When he created the controversial attraction techniques that he now teaches here at The Modern Man, beautiful women began flooding into his life and wanting to be with him.
Dan has already helped 1,000s of guys to get instant results with women ( success stories ) and he would love to help you too.
So, if you are sick and tired of not getting results with women and would like to try something new that is absolutely guaranteed to work for you, then get started here .

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She Dominates - Giantess Published: Jan 26, 2019
Mindy being Mindy. Going where she pleases and taking what she wants. Some unlucky guy got stuck in a giant piece of chewing gum, crushed into the tread of her boot. But who would be chewing gum that size? Mindy would, she totally orchestrated the whole thing. Started as a doodle, ended up as a one page comic. ' You are the master I am the slave, willing to be your depraved'
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Women & Female Led Relationships Survey
When A Man Requests A Female Led Relationship
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Sounds like a scary term for radical feminists who hate men. Nothing could be further from the truth according to Elise Sutton, the often debated and elusive firecracker of the BDSM world who teaches couples how to actively engage in a dynamic she calls- Female Led Relationships.
What is a female led relationship? It is a romantic relationship where both parties are NOT equal and men willingly admit their inferiority and defer to the woman’s will. They both enjoy this dynamic as she uses her intellect and feminine power to lead the relationship toward success. The woman should dominate her relationship if it is to become a relationship of pleasure and progress.

Elise Sutton offered me the opportunity to learn more about the unique relationship model she presents in her website Female Superiority.Com. ~ Te-Erika
Do you believe all women have a dominant side to their personalities?
I view dominance, when it comes to relationships, as more of a mindset and an attitude than a personality trait. We are what we think we are. I know a lot of women that are quiet, reserved and rather laid-back who are the dominant partner in their marriage. So to me, dominance has nothing to do with temperament but it has everything to do with attitude. Therefore, I believe that any woman can assume the dominant role in her marriage or any personal relationship. And furthermore, I believe women should be the dominant partner within male/female relationships. Why? Because women are best equipped biologically and intellectually to be the head of the household.
Over the centuries, society has mistaken the softness and the gentleness of women for weakness and submission. Likewise, society has mistaken the aggressiveness and the macho ways of men for strength. But by in large, men are only stronger physically. Women possess the real strength, which is intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and sexually. Unfortunately, most women do not realize this due to being programmed by patriarchal institutions that teach women are the weaker sex. However, we live in a day where knowledge abounds and studies have shown that women are in fact biologically and intellectually superior to men.
In my book, “Female Domination” I devote an entire chapter to the superiority of women. I cite academic research that demonstrates women are intellectually superior to men. For example, The Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America did a study that showed that while the male brain is, on average, approximately ten percent larger than the female brain, women actually have a larger corpus callosum, 55.4 percent vs. 50.8 in men.
Men listen with only one side of their brains, while women use both. Thus women do better in memory tests and women have better language and communication skills. Women have excelled in the college classroom thus almost 60% of all college degrees have been earned by women over the past decade.
Biologically, women have better senses (smell, touch, taste, and sight). Women tolerate pain the best. Pound for pound, women are in fact stronger thus men are physically stronger only because of their overall size advantage. Women have greater flexibility and endurance. Women, as a rule, eat healthier. Girls mature faster than boys. Women are less susceptible to most diseases and women live longer. The research is clear, men and women are not equal and women are not the weaker sex.
I was out in front of this going back to the 1980’s when I first discussed how society is slowly and methodically evolving from male dominance to female dominance, and it is very satisfying to see so many today reaching a similar conclusion. I have in my private collection over 500 articles written in the past ten years that talk about the superiority of women and how it’s becoming a woman’s world. Articles with such titles as: “The End of Men” (Atlantic Weekly), “It’s a Woman’s World, the phasing out of men” (National Review), and “The incredible shrinking Y (chromosome)” (New York Times).
Women have become the main decision makers within marriages as more and more women are in charge of the checkbooks and the bank accounts. Women are becoming the main breadwinners in many families, and even in families where the husband has a higher income it is the wife who makes the financial decision.
I also believe women are sexually dominant by nature. Again, when I say “dominant” I do not necessarily mean aggressive. While more women are choosing to be more sexually aggressive with their male partners, some dominant women prefer to be sexually passive in bed with a man. Be that as it may, the woman who understands how males and females are sexually designed will be able to take control in the bedroom using her natural feminine power.
Men are often led by their lower heads and the smart woman is the woman who learns how to utilize the male sex drive to her advantage. Too many women become victims of the male sex drive instead of taking control of it via the power Nature has bestowed on the female gender. And then there is also the biology of the female orgasm vs. the male orgasm, which is a fascinating study itself. I often tease my husband that sex was designed for the woman’s pleasure, not the man’s pleasure, and the male orgasm can never measure up to the intensity and pleasure of a woman’s orgasm(s) once she comes into her sexual prime.
So all of these reasons are why the female should be the dominant partner. It really doesn’t equate to aggressiveness, although the University of Michigan recently did a study that showed that estrogen is more of a power fuel than testosterone.
Why is it beneficial for women to recognize these traits?
I believe a female-led relationship makes for a happy relationship. Too many people strive for a 50/50 relationship and then wonder why life is so stressful. A 50/50 relationship sounds good in theory, after all we should all strive for equality. But 50/50 means there is no decision maker and everything must be negotiated. That doesn’t work because at the end of day, someone must yield their opinion and their wants to the other person’s opinion and wants. There must be a hierarchy in any structure, be it a corporation, a business, the military, the government, the Church, you name it, there always has to be authority, else there is chaos.
The female contains the attributes best fitted to be in authority within a marriage or a male/
female relationship. Women are the gender with the womb, the child-bearers, the life-givers, thus the nurturers and the gender best able to see the
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