Shayla The Pink Mouse

Shayla The Pink Mouse


Shayla The Pink Mouse

Shayla the Pink Mouse: Sword Lessons

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or explore: easily offended; under the age of twenty-one;
uncomfortable with graphical displays of sex and death; or incapable
of knowing the difference between the written word and “real life”.

A dull silence stretched between them and Yuriko felt this strange sensation of losing him, the teal mouse sitting next to her. He had the softest smile, as he looked down at the ceramic cup in his hands. The tiny fingers easily held the cup and the green tea inside steady, but it was almost like watching a child drink. But, the mouse in front of her was no child, far from it. Instead, he was an unexpected surprise, even after months of emails and the occasional picture. And four years older than her.
Bealzabub sipped at his mug again, almost draining it. His eyes, a bright purple that sent a shiver down her spine, glanced over at her. Yuriko panicked for a moment, unsure of what to do. Instead, she forced herself to smile, pulling up one leg to press her shin against the low table they were sitting at. The low-slung couch below them creaked with the sound of abused leather and age. Yuriko peered around at the dim restaurant, abandoned so quickly only a hour after noon. Well, that is what you guess for a place run by a rat at the end of an alley. At least the food was good.
Her attention drew back to Bealzabub who sipped again at his tea, his smile soft and faraway, lost in quiet thoughts that were beginning to scare her. She had so much in this meeting and he ended up be so much nicer than she expected. The silence grew too loud for her and she forced the words from her throat, cringing even as she spoke.
“I’m really glad we could finally meet face to face, Bealzabub.”
He smiled, holding his cup lower. She could see the small pool of tea at the bottom, with a few leaves swirling around in prophetical obscurity. His purple eyes glittered bright for a brief moment, a pause between two pounding heartbeats. Then, he spoke in his higher-pitched voice, a sensual sound that dripped down her spine and left her feel even more confused.
“So am I, Yuriko, and thank you for lunch, it was delicious.”
“Your welcome. So…” in the middle of the sentence, Yuriko realized she didn’t have anything to say. Gulping, she continued forward, without a clue of what was coming next, “… um, well hell, we’ve talked so much over the Internet-”
He interrupted her, understanding brimming in his eyes.
“-there really isn’t anything for us to talk about, is there?”
The look he gave her, playful and intelligent, left her feeling a more than a little dizzy. A hot flush of… something filled her, teasing along her fur as she felt trapped between the couch and the table. Her feet pressed down on the pillow, as if they would give her some strength.
With him looking at her, waiting for something with his bright eyes and playful smile, Yuriko threw her mind back, trying to figure out what to say next. It came out in spurts, her purring voice filling the space between them before her mind could whimper over the consequences.
“Exactly. Well, I have the whole afternoon free, we could go back to my place and I can show you some of the katanas in my collection…”
Yuriko paused for a moment, looking into his eyes for a clue, to see if she was stepping on some bound that even this mouse wouldn’t step across. Instead, a sparkle exploded in his eyes, followed by the hint of a smile across his lips. Slowly, Bealzabub brought the mug up to his mouth and drank from it silently, his eyes never leaving hers. Encouraged, she finished her sentence.
“…maybe even give you a lesson or two.”
Despite the ending coming out like a toxic spill, Bealzabub just smiled.
“Sounds good, after all, we did meet in an ancient weapons chat room on-line.”
Surprised and shocked, and a little worried she would be the one failing his perceptions, Yuriko stared at him for a moment. Bealzabub gentle set down his mug and stood up, his tiny lithe form easily lifting himself off the aging couch. She followed suit, but it took her longer. Her shoes caught the pillows for a moment, but she quickly stepped off.
He grinned, his fingers straighting the button-down shirt on him. The soft cream color brought out the teal of his fur and drew her attention more to his eyes. He smiled and gazed back at her, his head barely reaching the top of her breasts.
A warning bell suddenly ran in Yuriko’s head.
“Dropped off. That means you were planning-”
“-on calling my sister when I was done. I didn’t know the town very well and it was easier for her or that big lug of a horse to drive me around… at least for the first couple of days.”
The growing fear quieted and Yuriko relaxed a little. Outside, the summer afternoon was bright, casting hard shadows on the concrete and dirt paths that filled this area of town.
“Does your sister mind driving you?”
“Don’t really matter, that’s what sisters are for.”
She looked at him, to see if he was joking. The smile across his lips was more than enough to tell her. He chuckled and she lead him out into the parking lot, toward her vehicle.
“Just good for driving you around?”
“Na, for helping out with every little thing.”
Little thing. A tiny thread of a thought started to twist its way into Yuriko’s head and she smiled to herself, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
He didn’t respond but they reached her SUV before any more words came out. For a moment, she stared at the dark red SUV, with raised wheels and polished clean. Her hands twitched remembering cleaning out the bumper stickers from the previous owner and the horrible foil one from the dealer, the one that took off more paint than dirt. Now, the entire back was completely bare except for some kanji in the corner, the symbol for “katana” of course.
Bealzabub ran a finger along it and chuckled.
His ears didn’t even reach the glass of the back door. The teal of his fur almost shone against the dark red of the side panel and she saw how tiny he was, compared to her vehicle.
“Um… yeah. Here, let me get the door.”
Unlocking the passenger door, she held it open. Bealzabub’s head reached the top of the seat and he turned to smile at her, looking up into the shade of her body.
“Sorry… it was a good deal and I like the height. Do you…?”
Her words trailed off when he chuckled.
Despite the tightness of his jeans, he hiked up one leg and pushed himself up. Yuriko’s heart and breath stopped for a moment as his ass, tiny and perfect, pressed almost up into her breasts. She could see muscles shifting as he crawled into the car, dwarfed by the black leather seat. His ass clenched for a moment before he twisted to sit down. Yuriko found herself able to breath again and her heart pounded hard in her chest.
When Bealzabub managed to pull the seat belt down, which would do nothing for helping him in an accident, she realized he was waiting for her. Careful of his tail, which twisted on the seat before he tugged it into the car, she closed it and padded around the back of the car, out of his sight.
“Come on, Yuriko, you’ve seen a perfect ass before.”
The image of his body stretched out skipped her heart again and she shook her head clear before getting into the car herself. Bealzabub was smiling, a playful grin on his face that left his eyes almost shining with amusement. Yuriko felt nervous for a moment.
The teal mouse chuckled again, his fingers teasing one of his buttons.
It was a loaded “nothing” but Yuriko was too nervous to stop on it. Instead, she started up the car and pulled out into the street. A few moments later, she was on the Interstate, following the herds of traffic. By then, she finally calmed down enough to concentrate on something other than the road.
Around her, the smells of the car were strong of polish and age. For a moment, she was worried that the young boy who she paid to clean it out went overboard, many of the dogs seem to do that, but Bealzabub didn’t seem to act like it was a problem. Instead, he ran his fingers along the leather, tracing some of the seams as he peered up over the dash, watching the cars around them.
“You live in the north part of town, right?”
His finger stopped on the seam and he cocked his head to look at her, “I came down from the north, went through this part on the way to my sister’s. She lives with that pack mule a good number of exits further down.”
“Pack mule… I thought she was living with a horse…” realization came a little too slow and she was glad her fur covered the blush, “oh.”
“You don’t care for him, I take it.”
“All he wants to do it get into her pants. Even I can tell that from the moment I got there, but she is too lost up in her own troubles to notice. Or, she already did and forgot about it.”
Yuriko chuckled herself and glanced over at him. He was grinning at her, his fingers resting lightly on the seat belt. She noticed that his feet barely made it over the edge, and not enough to let him dangle them. Instead, he curled them up underneath him, in a sitting position. The upper strap of the seat belt flapped against the back of the seat.
“Pretty sure. I think all men are trying to get into someone’s outfit.”
Yuriko drove for a few moments, “All men?”
She glance over at him and he smiled for a moment before looking out the window, away from her.
Amusement tinged his voice, reflecting off the glass and she felt a hot rush of excitement fill her. Underneath her outfit, she felt her nipples hardening at the thought of something more between them except for swords and emails. Her second set, the middle pair, was the most sensitive and rubbed against the silk, leaving her feeling slightly jumpy without being able to do anything. Instead, she listened to her pounding heart and guided the SUV around vehicles of all sizes. A sports car, one that would be large for even Bealzabub snapped around her and floored it. As she watched, it punched underneath a massive truck and out the other end. A horn ripped out from the truck and down the road, but the bright blue sports car was already gone.
Silence stretched out even more in the SUV and Yuriko focused on driving, mainly not to think about it. Finally, Bealzabub spoke up.
“Because your driving seems to be directly related to your nervousness and the silence in here.”
Yuriko’s breath locked in her chest as she panicked for a moment, glancing over at Bealzabub in growing fear. But, the teal mouse was favoring her with a friendly smile, one hand on the massive handle of the door and the other on his lap. Her eyes snapped back to the road and she squeezed the steering wheel, unsure of what to say.
“How… why… how?” It came out broken, but he understood.
“I can hear your heartbeat and the engine. Between the two, it’s obvious.”
The hot flush rose up into her and she squeezed her legs together as the leather of the steering wheel dug into her palms. Focusing on the road, she tried to drive steadily, but her heart kept pounding harder in her chest, slapping against her chest when she realized he could hear it.
Something brushed against her side and she peered down to see Bealzabub. He was stretched out across the seat, his feet hooked on the edge of the door and his head hovering a few inches from her lap. His right ear was teasing her side as he looked up and grinned at her.
“Relax… I’m not going to hurt you.”
Seeing him looking up at her, past her breasts, made her even more nervous. There was a confidence in him but somehow she didn’t think he could see past the hard bumps of her nipples, all six of them, even as they poked out against the fabric.
Bealzabub smiled again, his back arching to keep his head off her lap, “Relax. I won’t bite.”
Before she could respond, not that she could find the words, he withdrew his head and peered over his shoulder as he started to turn back into position on the seat.
He gestured in front of her, to the road.
Yuriko snapped her head forward to see the tiny blue car from before swerve into her lane, right in front of the massive tires of her SUV. A pair of long ears, probably a bunny teen with a new toy, peeked out from the driver’s side window, but she didn’t have much time to respond.
Slamming hard on the breaks, she yanked the SUV into the space between the cars and the concrete dividers. She heard Bealzabub grunt as he planted his shoes hard against the door, to prevent himself from hitting it. Yuriko started to brake, then saw another truck, a car ahead, do the same thing as the bunny’s sports car snapped forward. Seeing the massive vehicle diving right into her, she floored it hard and threw the car back into the space right in front of the dodging truck and behind the disappearing bunny car.
Bealzabub’s head landed in her lap as she straighted out the car, her lungs screaming for oxygen until she realized she was holding her breath. Letting it loose with a long gasping breath, she peered in the review mirror to see if anyone was hurt. Behind her, the cars were already lined up again as if nothing happened. The only difference was the truck behind her, instead of in front.
Glancing over, she noticed that Bealzabub wasn’t visible.
His voice trailed up from her lap, “You know… I think I might stay here.”
Looking down, he was resting in her lap, a grin on his face. His toes were stretched out against the door of the car and he looked very comfortable.
His purple eyes closed slowly, “I won’t look, I promise.”
Despite his words, she felt nervous feeling the pressure of his head on her lap. It left her feel hot and tingling, a strange sensation crawling up her spine. Every time she looked down, he was still there, one ear caught between her legs and a playful smile on his lips. The button-down shirt was slightly undone, the first button showing the teal fur underneath. She could also see the tightness in his chest. For a scientist, he seemed to be in remarkable shape. And for someone who claims he doesn’t go to the gym, just digs around in the rock, it was even more impressive.
Then, she remembered the road again and focused on it, feeling a different type of blush rising in her body. Spotting her exit, she made her way off the interstate and down the winding streets leading to her house. Finally, her heart still pounding in her chest, she pulled into her driveway. The right side was empty, Mei-Ling must still be at the gym. The thought of being alone with Bealzabub sent a flutter of excitement in her.
His head peeked up, his ear tugging from between her legs. She felt the heated rush through her veins as he lifted himself and peered around. The drive was surrounded on both sides by pine trees, blocking the sight from everyone else. Spotting that, he grinned at her.
“Well, the gym doesn’t make that much, but at least I have a nice place.”
Spotting movement, she glanced to the door to see him pushing off his shoes. Curious, she watched as it dropped to the floor with a thud, then another as the second shoe followed. Slowly, he curled up and stood up on the seat of her SUV, his ears barely touching the top of the tall ceiling and his ass framed in the center of her view. Yuriko’s heart almost cracked when it started to pound so heavily, leaving her flush. He paused for a moment, and peered over his shoulder, his head at an angle to press against the roof.
His words barely sunk in, her eyes still focused on his ass and the urge to reach out and grab it suddenly vibrating in her fingers.
Amusement filled his voice. “My ass?”
Yuriko tried to speak but the words refused to leave her throat. His chuckle drifted down into her senses as he turned around, so the front of his jeans were now in his face. Bending over slightly, he almost loomed over her as he looked down at her with warm purple eyes. Slowly, she brought her gaze to his, her lips parting slightly as she felt trapped and tiny, even against his lithe form.
“Heard…” For a moment, she screamed in her mind that she couldn’t finish a single word, but the tiny mouse above her had her caught, a mouse catching a cat. He gestured up to his large ears.
“You know, these big ears aren’t just for show.”
Embarrassment burned inside her and she started to apologize.
His kiss stopped her, his lips against hers, the soft tingling of intensity burning between them. It was a short one, but enough to leave her speechless and more than enough to make her forget his acute hearing.
He kissed her again and she moaned, reaching up into his lips as he brought them down. He was so soft and tender, and she melted in his embrace as his strong thin arms wrapped down around her. Yuriko arched her back, pressing her body up against his as she tasted his lips, feeling them like the sweetest wine pouring directly into her veins.
When he broke the embrace, she let loose with a tiny whimper of pleasure. The cocky grin had faded into something more playful and burning with a heat that resonated with the one growing inside her.
She was whispering when she spoke, “That wasn’t a bite.”
His smile was infectious and she felt her body respond. He shifted slightly as he spoke almost directly into her ear.
“No… that wasn’t. And neither is this.”
One leg raised up to straddle her, then he lowered himself down. His hands stroked around her breasts, to stop on her second set just as his thighs rested slightly on hers. Yuriko moaned as his palms slipped down, off her most sensitive nipples and on the third set, holding himself still as his mouth found hers again, kissing her more passionately. When they broke, she gasped for air again, soft moans whimpering with every breath.
He started to kiss her, but she pressed her hand against his chest. Her fingers almost reached across as she nuzzled one, then two fingers into the hole of his button-down-shirt. He smiled and reached out for her top, fingers easily unbuttoning the large buttons against her left side. As he removed them in time with hers, he drew the fabric across her front, exposing more of her soft fur to his hungry gaze. A low rumble of a purr filled her chest as he brushed his knuckles against her spots, then spread out his fingers to push aside the fabric, his fingers curling around the soft, sensitive mound of her right breast. She moaned loudly, her hands shaking in her attempts to unbutton his shirt.
He twisted on her lap, his hips pressing down on hers and pressing a stiff hardness against her stomach, as his other hand slipped into the gape of her outfit and slid down to press tightly against her second left box. At the touch of his tiny, hot hands against her nipple, it felt like her entire skin would burn off from the intense flush.
A long, drawn-out gasp of pleasure filled the cabin of the car. Bealzabub leaned forward, his lips against her ear. His words dripped off his lips like honey as his right hand rubbed up and down against the sensitive nipple.
Gasping, Yuriko shuddered under his ministrations, feeling him press up against her as his lips caught her ear, sucking on it with tiny nibbling pleasures. Her frantically moving hands finally worked an opening into his shirt and she almost tore it off to get at the delectable mouse underneath. He shivered himself as she wrapped her hands around him, her fingers plunging down to grab at the tight ass stretched out across her lap. She saw a brief sparkle of surprise in his eyes and she grinned back.
He sucked on her ear, his left hand slipping down off the large mound of her upper breast to drop down to her second. She felt his fingers wrap around her nipple, almost torturing her with the intense pleasure that arced between his fingers. She felt an answering flush of pleasure between her legs and a hunger growing deep inside her body.
Bealzabub’s body was hot against her skin and she felt his buttocks tighten powerfully in
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