Shared Masturbation and its Advantages

Shared Masturbation and its Advantages

When we think of masturbation, we often imagine it as a solo activity, but it can also be a shared experience. Mutual masturbation occurs when individuals masturbate together. Many people have tried mutual masturbation at least once in their lives, often exploring it during their early sexual experiences.

While shared sexual pleasure usually focuses on intercourse, mutual masturbation is often overlooked. However, it can awaken sensations across the body and add variety to pleasure, breaking through feelings of monotony and stagnation.

Exploring Mutual Masturbation

One of the benefits of mutual masturbation is its versatility. It can be enjoyed through phone sex or video calls, making it accessible even for those in long-distance relationships.

In person, mutual masturbation doesn't always involve reciprocal touching; it can simply mean masturbating next to each other. There's no requirement to touch each other during every session; instead, the focus is on sharing the experience and connecting, rather than physical contact.

Advantages of Mutual Masturbation

Engaging in mutual masturbation offers numerous benefits that can enhance relationships and provide enjoyable sexual experiences.

Closing the Orgasm Gap

Mutual masturbation offers a non-penetrative way to explore sexual intimacy. By shifting focus away from penetration, it allows exploration of both partners' bodies through sensual stimulation of various erogenous zones. Engaging in non-penetrative sex like mutual masturbation not only introduces new pleasurable sensations but also maintains spontaneity and contributes to reducing the orgasm gap.

Encourages Vulnerability

Vulnerability is crucial for experiencing sexual pleasure in any form. It involves relaxing and letting go of daily stresses in the presence of another person, which helps calm the parasympathetic nervous system, enabling enjoyment of sexual sensations and orgasms. Mutual masturbation provides a relaxed environment where partners can take their time exploring each other's bodies sensually, discuss boundaries, and consent to different types of stimulation.

Appeals to Exhibitionists and Voyeurs

Mutual masturbation caters to individuals who are aroused by watching their partners pleasure themselves or by being watched. It allows for a shared experience where partners can enjoy putting on a show or indulging in voyeuristic pleasures. If one partner is shy, using a blindfold during mutual masturbation can enhance sensations while respecting boundaries through open communication.

Learn More About Your Partners Likes and Dislikes

Mutual masturbation serves as a platform for partners to demonstrate their preferred stimulation techniques and areas of pleasure. They can guide each other's hands or sex toys to enhance mutual satisfaction and explore new realms of sexual pleasure. Introducing sex toys during mutual masturbation sessions can also aid in understanding each other's preferences and experimenting with different settings.

Enhanced Connection with Your Partner

Whether done in person or long-distance, mutual masturbation strengthens the bond between partners. In long-distance scenarios, it fosters communication and understanding of each other's desires. In-person mutual masturbation requires both verbal and physical communication, fostering empathy and understanding of each other's preferences. It also builds positive connections and triggers the release of feel-good hormones in the brain, enhancing pleasurable moments and enriching future sexual encounters.

Exploration of Different Positions

Engaging in mutual masturbation allows exploration of various positions, enabling partners to discover new areas of each other's bodies. It offers the opportunity to try positions not feasible in penetrative sex, some of which are less strenuous and more accessible.

Experimentation with Power Dynamics

Mutual masturbation offers the flexibility to explore different power dynamics. Partners can experiment with taking control or relinquishing it, whispering preferred techniques for stimulation, or allowing surprises with different sensations.

Remember foreplay

While many consider masturbation as foreplay, true foreplay involves activities that enhance arousal and set the mood for sexual pleasure. Whether engaging in in-person mutual masturbation or long-distance sessions, create a relaxing environment with music, massage candles, scents, and appropriate lighting. Ensure both partners are comfortable and positioned for enjoyment.

Main benefits of mutual masturbation:

  • Spontaneity maintenance
  • Encourages vulnerability with a partner
  • Facilitates mutual education about preferences
  • Appeals to voyeurism and exhibitionism enthusiasts
  • Focuses on connection beyond penetration
  • Promotes relationship connection
  • Less physically demanding than penetrative sex
  • Reduces performance anxiety
  • Facilitates learning of body boundaries and consent
  • Ideal for long-distance or virtual sexual activities
  • No requirement for touch if not desired
  • Opportunity to explore sex toys together
  • Strengthens intimacy through shared experience

The G-spot Bullet

This versatile bullet is not limited to genital stimulation but can be used all over the body. Its compact size makes it ideal for introducing to your partner for penetrative exploration, as it's easy to insert and maneuver, reducing discomfort often associated with larger toys. Additionally, its powerful motor and user-friendly controls allow for seamless use.


This app-controlled butt plug offers customizable vibrations, allowing your partner to take control of your sensations whether you're together or apart. App-controlled toys simplify usage by eliminating the need to fiddle with buttons, and they provide the receiving partner with control over placement, aiding communication about preferred stimulation areas.

Massage Candles

Massage candles facilitate sensual full-body stimulation and contribute to arousal with their enticing scents. They are particularly beneficial if you're unsure about which areas to explore on your partner, helping you discover various ways to stimulate different erogenous zones.

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