Shapeshifter in the Palace Ch. 01

Shapeshifter in the Palace Ch. 01

I kinda want to make this into a series. This first chapter is pretty light on the sex and is mostly solo and story set up. I'm new to this so constructive criticism is appreciated.

Zoie moved quietly through the bitch's room. Her Royal Majesty had a new love and she'd, as usual, put a lock of hair in her locket, so as to 'keep her love close at all times.' Thankfully, she thought it wasn't worth keeping her love close while she was asleep, the 'locket is simply too heavy' she had explained to Zoie. She just smiled and nodded, as she always did at the Princess' prattle.

"There you are," Zoie thought to herself as she found the locket. It was always in one of three places in the Princess' chambers, 'To keep it safe from malefactors' she claimed. Zoie pried it open and just as she had expected a lock of hair was snuggled inside, no portrait this time, she usually had a miniature of whatever boy she was snogging in there.

Zoie didn't wonder too long at the irregularity, instead, she carefully took on a single long strand out and wrapped it safely around her horse-hair bracelet, before quickly returning the locket to its original place and leaving the room.

Once out in the corridor, after making sure the coast was clear, she quickly threaded the hair into her horse-hair bracelet for safekeeping. She had the hairs of at least a dozen people in wrapped in there, the Princess, all the boys she had courted, and most of the other handmaidens.

The bracelet had been a stroke of genius on her part, perfect for storing an artifact of whoever she wanted to transform into, after all, hair was the perfect candidate. Teeth were rather hard to get a hold of, naturally, and toenails... well, were quite disgusting and to be caught with a stash of them...

Zoie quietly entered her chambers and set herself down on her small cot. She wondered how big the new penis she'd get to play with would be, she loved beating off since her natural form was completely sexless. She had no pussy, no dick, no boobs or even nipples, the only way to really tell she was a girl was her voice. It was a very boring body. It was part of the reason why she loved to transform. The other being the endless opportunities.

Zoie, comfortably seated, closed her eyes, and started to transform. She felt the familiar tingling feeling as blood rushed to fill the new tissue. Suddenly, she heard a ripping sound, and her eyes snapped open, worried that someone walked in on her.

But there was no one there. She looked into her mirror and realized that it was the simple handmaiden's shift that had torn. Instead of the lightly muscled chest that she was expecting, there were these perfect pairs of tits. They were high and pert and her slight pink nipples were rock hard, poking through what was left of her shift.

Zoie was certainly not expecting this, to say the least. She worried for a moment about how she'd explain the torn uniform before being entranced by the ravenous red-head staring back at her through the mirror.

"Oh, my, what has the Princess caught this time," she thought as she gave her new full breasts a jiggle. She started to very roughly strip of her clothes, the shift was torn anyway so she didn't care. Of course, she had no bra or panties to contend with as she didn't need them.

She stood up to admire herself in the mirror. Standing up she realized she was sexier than she could ever imagine. She had gravity-defying boobs, beautiful long red hair that ran down to a muscular ass with thighs to strangle a man, the very sight of herself made Zoie's new pale face flush a deep crimson. She stared into her own new emerald eyes as she fantasized about everything she was about to do to herself.

She gave her tits a quick squeeze and almost jumped at the sensitivity. She left behind a clear pink handprint on her ghostly skin.

"Oh Zoie, you've hit the jackpot. Maybe we should send this girl off somewhere and then we'll be her forever," Zoie said aloud in a voice like honey.

She was just about to test out her cunt when there was a knock on the door.

"Fuck," she said a little too loudly. "Just a minute!"

She transformed back into herself, slipped on some new clothes and mussed up her hair as if she'd been sleeping.

"Do you know what time it is!" she exclaimed as she opened her door, "This better be—"

She stopped dead. Facing her now was the very same girl who she had been fondling a moment ago. This version, however, was a bit dirtier and had shorter black hair.

"Who are you?" she said kindly hiding her shock.

"I'm Heather, Cassi— I mean my lady, hired me a few days ago. She said to report to you as soon as I got in," she explained.

"Oh, poor thing, you just arrived? Come with me I'll show you to your new chambers," Zoie replied, "Have you got your things?"

"The porter is bringing them up," she answered.

"Good, good, tell me, Heather, where are you from?" She asked casually as she led her along.

"I'm from Davenport, ma'am, my Lady, hired me there a few days ago."

"Oh yes, she stopped there on her cruise down the river didn't she. You've made good time, you were on horseback, I assume?" Zoie said


"Marvelous, our lady only arrived back yesterday. You must be a stellar equestrian no wonder your as—" she caught herself, "arrival was so quick."

"Thank you, ma'am," she replied sheepishly. She was intimidated by the tall boyish handmaiden.

"Here we are at the baths, there should be one ready, always is you know, why don't you slip out of your riding clothes, freshen up and I'll get you settled in," Zoie instructed.

"I— Uh..." Heather stuttered.

"Of course, I'll give you some privacy," Zoie smirked as she left the bath. "If only she knew I was I was groping her tits a minute ago," she thought.

She toyed with her precious bracelet while the new girl washed.

"Ma'am," she called, "there aren't any, uh, clothes to change into, Ma'am."

"Yes, umm, there should be a robe in there somewhere, slip into that and you can dress in your chambers later."

Heather got out of the tub. She carefully dried her body and her hair before searching for the robes. She found them but realized they were at least two sizes too small. It hugged her ass and tits a bit too much for her liking. It also put a scandalous amount of cleavage on display. It didn't go low enough for her either. She had never worn anything above the knee and she felt very exposed.

"Ma'am, the, uh, robe doesn't fit," she called out.

"Oh, I'm sure it's fine. There's only me out here. You'll be okay," Zoie replied jovially.

Heather came out rather shyly. Without a corset, her magnificent tits bounced about rather obscenely. She was carrying a bundle of her clothes which Zoie promptly relieved her of.

"This way," she said. She decided not to comment on the robe, she felt that she had been a bit to mean to the girl.

"Here we are," she said gesturing to the door, "I'll let you settle in tonight if you need anything you can tell me tomorrow. You know where my door is, and you know where the baths are, what else..." she thought a moment, "Yes, the Princess Cassandra's room is down the corridor from mine. Big door, hard to miss and the Servants dining is 4 doors down from the bath. Breakfast is served at 7. Don't be late, the cooks a bit anal about tardiness. Anyways, I think that covers it, any questions?"

"No, ma'am," she replied while taking in the barrage of information that had been dumped on her. At that moment the porter finally arrived. Heather quickly ducked into her new room to preserve her modesty, so Zoie, setting the dirty clothes on the ground, took the chests from him instead.

"My, my, Heather these boxes weigh a ton. What have you got in them?" Zoie asked as she dragged them in.

"Just some personal belongings ma'am," she stammered.

"They seem to be made of lead, girl," Zoie lamented, "Right, that should do it. I'll let you settle in. I'll see you tomorrow," she said as she grabbed the washing and left.

On the way back Zoie considered the implications of Heather's arrival. The fact that the Princess had fallen in 'love' with her own servant, a female servant moreover, who was a mere commoner was very interesting. Lots of people would be very interested in the details... Powerful people...

She mused over the possibilities as she made the trek back to her rooms. It was past midnight by the time she had dropped off the washing and gotten back, she wondered whether it might be better to sneak out and have some fun in the brothels. She had a few forms that had some nice cocks. Hell, it didn't even have to be a brothel some were some nice fighting rings around town.

She decided against it, Heather was probably going to be more fun. She locked her door this time and remembered to disrobe before transforming.

"I think I should have a closer look at you, Heather, before fucking you raw," she thought.

She stood up and posed in front of the mirror with her hands on her hips. She noted her shaved pussy and tiny nipples. She gave her breasts a squeeze, she was prepared this time for the jolt. She then turned to the side and jogged on the spot to watch her ass and tits jiggle. To her surprise, her ass stayed in place.

"Fucking hell, girl, who knew ponies could be so beneficial. Now, all we need to see is how a dick looks like in your ass," she said.

She grabbed her dildo from the chest she had hidden under the false floor of a chest, one of the many things she had acquired on her escapades. She gave it a quick suck, admiring how her lips fit around the 12-inch long shaft before bringing it down to her, Heather's, pussy.

She positioned herself down in the bed in a way to give herself a good view. She eased the dildo in slowly, tensing up at the waves of pleasure.

"Fucking hell, I think I need to get a real dick in you soon," she thought. Zoie started to slip down the bed, as she started pumping the dildo in faster and deeper.

"Fuck, I'm so sensitive, this fu— fucking whore, shit, must be a goddamn virgin or something," she panted as her other hand squeezed her tit. "I'm gonna cum in a minute at this rate!" she moaned shrilly.

Zoie, Heather's, moans became more shrill at this point. She worked hard at her pussy, thrusting the whole twelve inches in while squeezing one tit letting the other bounce around. She let go for a moment to get some of Heather's red hair out of her face.

"Homestretch now Zoie, come— fucking, on, shit!" she screamed. "Fuck, ah ah, ahhhhh, Yes! YES!" she moaned in Heather's sweet voice.

She let out a low moan as she came before collapsing in her bed, tit still in hand. She slowly pulled her dildo out of her sore cunt as she caught her breath.

"I'm gonna get my dick in you, Heather, soon. Fuck. The fucking princess caught a goddamn nymph. It'll feel so good to cum in you, won't it," she panted as she gave Heather's tits a last squeeze before transforming back.

"I'm gonna make you my little slut," she muttered as she fell asleep.,38220855.html

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