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It was started to be serialized in Weekly Manga Action in and moved to Evening in It was discontinued in due to creative differences but returned in and ended in It tells a story of a boy who killed his parents and turned himself into a cold-blooded martial artist. The manga inspired a Hong Kong film adaptation that was released in Throughout the manga Ryo Narushima is depicted as being unrepentant for the murder of his parents who are later implied to have been physically abusive towards Ryo and overly-controlling of his life and is shown committing crimes such as assault and rape for the sake of making himself stronger. Though capable of redemption as evidenced by his care-taking of his sister and various small charitable acts shown throughout the manga ultimately Narushima is a Byronic hero spiraling into darkness, his chances at reform slowly ebbing away as he gives in to more and more of his depraved and brutal tendencies. However, Ryo seems to genuinely care for those close to him, and will not hesitate to help them if they are in trouble. He is also shown to have fallen in love with Yan, the granddaughter of the master he studied under while he lived in China and was crushed by her suicide, which made him hellbent on killing the man who drove her to it. Various supporting characters within Shamo act as dramatic foils to Narushima, with Naoto Sugawara being the primary example of this. This is part of the recurring theme of 'traditional vs. In a beautiful sunny afternoon when cicadas were singing, he stabbed his father and mother to death with a short knife repeatedly before he came to his senses. The year-old bookworm murderer was convicted and sent to a reformatory where he was gang raped by other boys. Ryo survived and thanks to a law that protects minors, was released two years later, but not before beating several would-be attackers with such savagery that his previous tormentors became terrified of him. He also engaged Kurokawa in a sparring match as a final test of his skills. Ryo returns to society with the mindset of gaining strength so as to survive and never be a victim again. Alone in a city full of crime, he tried to look for his lost sister but ends up mistaking a drug-abusing prostitute for her. Ryo started to fight for his living and used all imaginable dirty tricks to defeat his enemies. He also ambushed gangsters in dark alleys to perfect his fighting skill as well as working as a gigolo. He later enters into a Banryukai karate tournament and spends time training his reflexes by kidnapping a woman and forcing her to attempt to kill him, releasing her after he successfully sensed her killing intent. He wins the tournament by blackmailing his opponents anonymously and throwing them off their game with his knowledge of their dirtiest secrets e. Banryukai is possibly modeled after the Kyokushin kaikan and Seidokaikan and Mochizuki is possibly modeled after Kazuyoshi Ishii , the founder of Seidokaikan. Believing that he is the strongest, the 'gamecock' starts to take on other good martial artists. Ryo wants to take on Sugawara. However, Sugawara is much taller and heavier than Ryo, so his chance to fight him was remote. Sugawara vowed to kill Ryo with his hands in the boxing ring to comfort his woman and agreed to a televised fight at the Tokyo Dome. It was the duel between darkness and brightness. Ryo goes through a painful bodybuilding regime where he used steroids to increase his muscle mass and strength. Before the fight began, his left eye became bloody under the non-human torture. He did not care. However, he rediscovered his long-forgotten left-handedness suppressed by his parents since he was a child minutes before the end of the last round. Then he wildly gave Sugawara countless heavy left punches before Sugawara used his broken right fist to punch him out of consciousness. He survives the lethal fight and was defeated only five seconds before the fight was over. Sugawara fails to kill him in front of the crowd. Out of anger and frustration, Sugawara invites Ryo to another private fight three months later in an abandoned temple. Sugawara takes several darts and a long wooden stick. Ryo takes a pair of tonfa with him. After a long and brutal duel where Narushima is almost killed, Sugawara is hit in the back of the neck and was hospitalized. The new volumes 20, 21 pick up with Ryo fighting in a club in Japan. Ryo discovers after one fight that his ability has dropped significantly implied to be due to the experimental steroids he had taken before and he decides to start training hard. Ryo enters a Banryukai karate competition in a mask and after losing in the finals by disqualification, is spotted by Mochizuki. Mochizuki offers him money to enter a grappling tournament fighting against Toma. Ryo, desperate for money, accepts and begins training with the master of the man he lost to in the finals who has since returned to being a hikkikomori. Ryo is placed on Team Banryukai, made up of himself and the four Black Dogi Banryukai masters wearing black gi and Team Toma is made up of Toma and four masters of various styles ranging from well known to esoteric. Ryo also discovers that Kurokawa was the one who trained Toma, as he now desires to undo what he had done by turning Ryo down the path of violence. The first four fights end with two no-contests, two wins by team Toma and one win for the Banryukai. While waiting for his turn to fight, Ryo was stabbed by Moemi Funato. However, he still plans to fight. Ryo and Toma start fighting with Toma at a heavy advantage. However, before he can win a sudden thunderstorm floods the stage. During the aftermath of the fight Mochizuki is replaced as chairman and the Banryukai is split into two factions True and New Banryukai and officially breaks all ties with Lethal Fight, pinning all of the more sordid things Banryukai members did under the label on Mochizuki. After a night of drinking Mochizuki is mugged and killed. Ryo finds out that Kurokawa and his ringside doctor have both died during the night. Ryo begins living with his sister and her caretaker. Shamo was made into a Hong Kong film in It was directed by Cheang Pou-soi and starred Shawn Yue. Tanaka claimed that he, and not Hashimoto, had created the story and the character concepts. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Anime and manga portal. Retrieved from ' https: Manga series manga Martial arts anime and manga Seinen manga Futabasha manga Kodansha manga. Pages using deprecated image syntax Articles containing Japanese-language text All articles with unsourced statements Articles with unsourced statements from September Articles with Japanese-language external links. Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 19 July , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Action , Drama , Psychological. Manga Action — Evening — Anime and Manga portal.


Shamo / Шамо / Coq de Combat

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Манга Shamo | Шамо | Coq de Combat

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Шамо / Coq de Combat / Shamo


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Манга Shamo | Шамо | Coq de Combat

Шамо - порода бойцовских петухов, ввезённая в Японию из Таиланда. Шестнадцатилетнего подростка сажают в тюрьму за жестокое убийство своих родителей. Имея за плечами столь не лестную статью, он становится объектом издевательств сокамерников, а начальство тюрьмы не только закрывает на это глаза, но и всячески поощряет подобное поведение заключенных. В тюрьме его насиловали и регулярно били, но Рё повезло — на него обратил внимание мастер карате, решивший обучить парня самозащите. Когда Рё выходит из-за решетки, он посвящает жизнь поиску своей сестры, подавшейся в проститутки, и подготовке к схватке с признанным мастером боевых искусств — и для того, чтобы оказаться на ринге с ним, Рё готов на все, даже на самые гнусные поступки. Все отзывы 5 Все комментарии Загрузить еще 2 отзыва. Что могу сказать после прочтения манги,что мне безусловно понравилось,дает задуматься о том что каждый сделанный шаг в жизни приводит к определенный смерти. Если рассмотреть главного героя который зарезал своих родителей из за того,что они не давали выбора в жизни от этого он вырос слабохарактерным и психически не устойчивым. Когда начинаешь читать как он попал в исправительное учреждение и как там над ним измывались после чего за него взялся Курогава на тот момент он понимает что он один против всех либо он убьет или его убьют. Это еще раз показывает что общество из не которых делает зверей как например из Ryou Narushima. Даже некоторые его противники были эгоистичны в своих стремлениях и здесь показывают много колоритных персонажей у которых была тяжелая судьба,были и хорошие моменты но они не долго длились от чего я даже чуть слезу не пускал. Все строиться на теме боевых искусств и это интересно читать как будто ты попадаешь в фильм,но если смотреть глубже то увидишь еще больше сюжет так и развивается в мрачной обстановке В манге были моменты где было напутано или не рационально сделано после арки в китае Нарушима один из самых ярких персонажей, сопереживаешь ублюдку, сопереживаешь. Авторы таки смогли заставить следить за его судьбой на протяжении 34 томов, до самого конца. Действительно, не сломлен до самого конца. Боевой петух, который дерется на смерть! Это не первая манга прочитанная мной, где ГГ является отрицательным персонажем истории, но первая где он та еще мразь. По сути большую часть манги сопереживаешь его противникам, а не ему. Особенно это касается Сугавары, ведь у ГГ даже не было нормальной мотивации для своих действий против него. Потом мотивация становится более адекватная, в лице заботы о сестре. В последней арке мотивация еще немного видоизменяется, и там именно противники героя идут как 'отрицательные' персонажи. К несчастью у них довольно абсурдная сила, чем как-то выпадают из вселенной, выглядят нереально. Сюжет держал крепко, серьезный, драматичный. В процессе чтения я не мог представить, чем именно закончится манга, у нее не было логичного хэппи или бэд энда. В противовес последняя арка слишком предсказуемая и едва началась, как было понятно, чем закончится. И история про мастера в горах выглядит почти что филлером. Нет, она хороша, но она никак не повлияла на дальнейшие события. Все 'супертехники' выученные там ГГ забыл сразу же с окончанием арки. И не все сюжетные линии закрылись. История с Сугаварой так и не досказана. Как и с Томой. После окончания великого креста о нем ни слова. Персонажей здесь немного и раскрыты они хорошо. Единственное, мне бы хотелось все-таки узнать побольше о убийстве ГГ родителей. А про это как раз и не рассказали. Лишь общие сведения из разряда 'они притесняли'. А это важно для понимания персонажа, ведь с этого начался его путь. Может сделали это нарочно, чтобы читатель относился к нему за показываемые события, а не прошлое. Рисовка хороша, тут особо нечего сказать.

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