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Advanced reconnaissance Engine unit (adapted by Eli Wallace ) Video and audio recording and data storage Wireless loudspeaker
Outer ball: 11" circumference Inner ball: 8" circumference 3.5" diameter

" Flying camera ball. I'm calling it a Kino. "
― Eli Wallace [src]

" That's marvelous. "
― Nicholas Rush [src]

" It comes with a remote. I thought we could use it to look around. "
― Eli Wallace [src]
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A " Kino ", named by Eli Wallace after Russian word "kino" ("кино") meaning "cinema", is a sleek, softball-sized, self-levitating orb designed and built in mass quantities by the Ancients for use on the starship Destiny . Kinos contain a vast variety of sensors , able to scan atmospheric makeup and record audio and visual input. The device's movement can be controlled by the user, using either remotes or control consoles on the ship, but it is also capable of self-guidance.

A Kino is comparable to a Mobile Analytic Laboratory Probe in its use as a probe sent through the Stargate to an unexplored world, but far more sophisticated. It is much smaller than a MALP, meaning Destiny can carry a significant supply without taking up much space. Its size also allows the Kino to maneuver in areas a MALP could not. Its ability to levitate likewise gives it greater mobility. Kinos are harder to be fired at than a MALP as they are harder to see. Finally, whereas a MALP is entirely remote-operated, a Kino is capable of self-guidance.

When a Kino is deployed through a Stargate , it automatically links with Destiny's computers, allowing the ship to track planetary details such as atmospheric conditions. It can record data such as audio and video for later viewing, but has a finite memory. A Kino can be directed to follow a preprogrammed course or simply engage in a standard search pattern, and is even capable of recognizing landmarks it is set to search for. ( SGU : " Air, Part 3 ", " Darkness ")

Kinos are incredibly rugged, able to withstand the vacuum of space unprotected, as well as close proximity to a star. They can also withstand extreme cold, less than -47 degrees Celsius. Despite their small size, Kinos can carry several times their own weight; a few dozen Kinos in conjunction with a board can carry several hundred pounds with ease, though the remote control is unable to guide so many at once. ( SGU : " Light ", " Water ")

Kinos may be sensitive to moisture, causing the video filmed to be choppy with periods of distortion. While being otherwise relatively durable, Kinos are susceptible to damage, including projectile weapon fire. A damaged Kino may still function, however, depending on the level of damaged incurred. When MSgt. Ronald Greer shot a Kino on the Jungle planet , its flight capability was disabled but it otherwise functioned correctly. ( SGU : " Time ")

There are an untold number of Kinos aboard Destiny , which are dispensed by a station in the Kino room . As one Kino is taken from the dispenser, a new one is automatically generated, provided the ship has the power and resources to do so. ( SGU : " Air, Part 2 ", " Water ")

Eli Wallace found the Kino dispenser during the Destiny expedition 's initial exploration of the ship, and quickly made use of them. He uses them to explore the ship, record messages for posterity (both from himself and other crew members), and to document pretty much anything he feels is noteworthy, such as his first use of the Long-range communication device . ( SGU : " Air, Part 1 ", " Air, Part 2 ", " Air, Part 3 ", " Darkness ", " Earth ")

When the ship lost power, Eli Wallace sent a Kino on a general search through decompressed sections of the ship to search for an active console. Later on, when death seemed unavoidable, he set a Kino with recordings from every crew member into space in the hopes that someone would find it, incidentally giving the crew the first look at the exterior of the ship for a brief period. The Kino eventually moved out of range, never to be heard from again. ( SGU : " Darkness ", " Light ")

Eli would later use a few dozen Kinos in conjunction with a table in an ill-conceived attempt to fly. He succeeded in creating the Kino sled , an anti-gravity cart capable of holding several hundred pounds while being easy to push, albeit impossible to remotely control. It was used to help transport ice to Destiny from Hoth . ( SGU : " Water ")

During a mission to a Jungle planet , Eli Wallace found a damaged Kino which contained a recording of an alternate future (filmed by the alternate-timeline Eli Wallace) where the entire team died from continued attacks by the local wildlife and a fatal illness . Ultimately, it was determined that the Kino was accidentally sent back in time through a wormhole connected to the past because of a solar flare . From the video, they deduced that the venom of the creatures held the cure to the illness. A team was sent to capture one of the creatures, but failed, so Lt. Matthew Scott used a second Kino to record a message detailing the illness and the cure, which he then sent back in time through the Stargate . Now in possession of both Kinos, the expedition was able to safely capture one of the creatures and cure the illness. ( SGU : " Time ")

A Kino was used during the hearing of Colonel Everett Young , who was suspected of murdering Sgt. Spencer , to record the due process. Later on, evidence found in the record of another Kino showed that Spencer committed suicide , clearing Young of all charges. Additional footage, known only to Eli and Young, showed Dr. Nicholas Rush taking the gun to frame Young. Eli hid this fact at Young's request. ( SGU : " Justice ")

A Kino was attached to the railing in the gate room to watch the Lucian Alliance when they arrived. The Kino was shot and disabled by Commander Kiva . Lt. Matthew Scott would later position another Kino in the Control interface room vent following the Alliance's successful takeover of the ship, in order to spy on their activities. This was used to learn their plans and then spy on them from the Hydroponics lab as Rush tried to force their surrender. ( SGU : " Incursion, Part 1 ", " Intervention ")

When Destiny docked with a disabled Seed ship , the exploration team deployed a Kino and left it on search mode. The Kino was eventually found by the aliens inhabiting the ship , and they disabled it. ( SGU : " Awakening ")

When Destiny dropped out of FTL next to a derelict Ursini spaceship, Young used a kino to move himself to the ship from Destiny's airlock. ( SGU : " The Greater Good ")

Kino Webisodes are a series of 34 interdependent brief episode segments that accompany the first season of Stargate Universe . These brief segments are usually continuations of an episode that aired just prior to the webisodes' release. However, some contain content relatively unrelated to recent episodes.

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Browse: Home / 2010 / January / Watch every SGU kino webisode!

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In case you missed them, here you can see all 22 kino webisodes released during the first half of the season!
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117226 views / Posted November 7, 2018

56408 views / Posted January 26, 2019

50742 views / Posted April 24, 2021
Matthew Scott records a very important kino message. From "Time"
Friday nights on Syfy Channel this past fall wasn’t the only place to get a fix of Stargate Universe . Each week MGM also released new kino webisodes — short scenes that complement the TV show. Some of these are general introductions to the ship and its (reluctant) new crew; others tie in directly to an episode, functioning as something of a deleted scene.
The kino is the “flying camera ball” discovered by Eli Wallace on board the Destiny . Thus the webisodes often have a “hidden camera” feel to them, as the kino roams the corridors of the ship (sometimes on automatic, sometimes under Eli’s control) and picks up those moments you didn’t see on TV.
In case you missed them, below you can see all 22 kino webisodes released during the first half of the season! The kino webisodes were directed by Ivon Bartok (friend of the site), with a total of 30 installments to be released during SGU’ s first season.
Stargate Universe returns with brand new episodes on April 2 ! In the meantime, stick with GateWorld for continuing coverage of the new show and the entire Stargate franchise.
1 – Get Outta Here
Colonel Young has little patience for Eli’s attempt to see what he is doing.
2 – Not the Com Lab
Eli uses his excellent sense of direction to give his documentary viewers a tour of the Destiny .
3 – No Idea
Eli’s tour of the ship continues … but leads him to a room he’s never seen.
4 – The Stargate Room
Eli introduces us to the very impressive Destiny Gate Room.
5 – Eli’s Room
Eli shows off his room, and hints at the fractures between Dr. Rush and Colonel Young.
6 – Don’t Encourage Him
Greer gets ahold of Eli’s kino and gives him what-for.
7 – Corridor Conversation
The kino spies on Matt and Chloe conversing in a corridor.
8 – Marked Hatch
Eli finds a room open to the vacuum of space … probably.
9 – Not Supposed To Be In Here
Eli’s tour of the ship takes viewers into one of Destiny ‘s shuttles.
10 – Nobody Cares
Eli tries to interview a down and disinterested Chloe.
11 – Kino Race
Eli and Sgt. Riley race kinos in the corridor.
12 – Covered Kino
Vanessa James prepares to take a shower, only to find someone spying on her.
13 – Variety
After the events of “Water,” a scientist helps Pvt. Darren Becker create artificial flavors for the ship’s menu.
14 – You Okay?
Before “Earth,” Matt and Chloe share an intimate moment.
15 – Do I Look Stupid?
Riley and Dr. Brody try out the Ancient environmental suits (“Earth”).
16 – All Telford’s Fault
Following “Earth,” Brody reflects on the accident that has left Sgt. Riley near death.
17 – What’s That Light?
A couple of scientists test out the ship’s broadcast system, not realizing they’ve turned it on.
18 – New Kind of Crazy
A postscript to “Time,” in this kino episode Eli and Matt explain how the crew found two kinos on the alien planet and avoided a grisly fate. Riley explains how solar flares can send a Stargate’s wormhole into the past or the future.
19 – Only Run When Chased
Lt. Scott tries to get Eli and the scientists to run laps, but Eli has a better idea.
20 – Want Me To Bust Him Up?
Before (or during) the events of “Life,” Ronald finds Lisa Park in tears, and tries to make her feel better.
21 – The Apple Core
Eli and Brody argue over what to call Destiny ‘s control interface room.
22 – Not Just For Posterity
Lisa records a video diary, revealing that she has a boyfriend back home …
Darren created GateWorld in 1999 and is the site’s managing editor. He lives in the Seattle area with his wife and three future Stargate fans.
It would be a lot better, if Syfy advertised this fact because some like the post-Time webisode would kinda needed to explain events outside the episode.
As a matter of fact I did miss them. All of them when I cut out after episode 5. The whole Kino thing wears off after 10 seconds. In fact, I think the whole episodes are filmed by a camera floating in turbulence although that wouldn’t account for the incessant and unnecessary zooming reminiscent of the Monkees. I don’t even listen to the podcasts anymore either as there’s nothing of interest anymore except SGU character gossip. I no longer subscribe to the producer’s fantasy of “keep watching it’s going to get better”. It never did. And even I’m beginning to … Read more »
@Mentat : I feel your pain, my friend. Unfortunately, the cast of Atlantis seem to have gone their separate ways. If TPTB wait too long, it may even be too late to make a decent Atlantis movie. I keep hoping someone over at SyFy comes to their senses but I won’t hold my breath. I enjoyed the Kino videos, though.
Atlantis is gone, deal with it for crying out loud. I liked the show but I’m so sick of hearing people whine about it that at this point I hope it never returns.
I miss Atlantis too, but I agree- the show is gone for good and there will not be a
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