Sexy Women Talking Dirty

Sexy Women Talking Dirty


Sexy Women Talking Dirty

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Curious about how to talk dirty and make your lover seriously blush? These 64 dirty talk examples will get both your heart’s racing and make your lover desperate to come back for more.
Whether you’re sexting at work, whispering in their ear at a bar, kissing in a corner, or in the thick of the action, dirty talk makes things even hotter .
With a few flirty words, you can make them immediately want to rip your clothes off, turn a casual conversation into a primal session, initiate a role play, make sure they think about you naked all day, or tell them what you want and how you want it - so you get exactly that later on.
If you’re worried about what dirty things to say, relax. You don’t need to memorize dirty talk examples, put on a show, or say anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.
How to talk dirty? Basic and effective dirty talk is about being honest and not holding back. Tell your lover your desires, how aroused you’re feeling, what you like about their body, what you want to do to them, what you want them to do to you…
Once you’re confident you can get more kinky and explicit.
As we said, when learning how to talk dirty, the most important thing to do is be comfortable. And remember that everyone is turned on by different things.
Did any of these dirty talk examples particularly turn you on? Share these with your lover, and experiment until you find out what dirty talk turns them on.
Be warned: once you discover the power of dirty talk, you can’t go back!
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I think it has to be so in the moment and so natural,
if it's forced you sound ridiculous.
Good dirty talk is the perfect combination of like,
well the perfect middle ground between
being anatomical and then being like, metaphorical.
Like I don't want explicit names, anatomical names,
like I don't want you to call it a vulva.
But I definitely don't want you to call it like,
Good dirty talk I would say is kind of
I don't like the name calling too much, you know.
just keep it kinda clean but nasty at the same time
when you're really confident and like you know what you want
like if you say it with confidence and not sound awkward,
What makes bad is definitely when someone's like
trying to be more macho than they are.
You like have to be into it otherwise
I just am gonna start laughing at you.
If it's too intense and if it's too,
it's got too much energy behind it,
it gets a little bit too much and then I can't stop,
you know, cracking up cause I'm nervous.
Bad dirty talk is definitely when you say
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Dirty talk can feel like walking through a minefield.
Most people feel completely embarrassed and ridiculous at the thought of trying it, because they’ve never been taught the basic guidelines.
In the bedroom, when someone says “Talk dirty to me baby…” the hopefully-soon-to-be dirty talker suddenly freezes up like a soaking wet roll of toilet paper thrown out of an igloo in Antartica.
“What should I say? What do they want me to say? Could I go too far? What if I can’t go far enough, or just sound lame, or stupid?”
Dirty talk is an often overlooked but very powerful aspect of eroticism. It activates the imagination, supercharges sexual polarity , and adds a steamy air of liberation to your naked shenanigans.
Just like sex itself, dirty talk is something that needs to be calibrated to whoever is receiving it. Maybe something that you qualify as ‘dirty talk’ is something the other person might find offensive, silly, or straight up insane, and vice versa.
Let’s clear the air and lay some ground rules.
This is the ultimate guide to dirty talk. I’ll walk you through the things to generally avoid, include, and steer clear of altogether, in order for you to dominate the world of dirty talk.
(For the record, I don’t believe in the phrase “dirty talk” since there is nothing dirty about sex, or talking about sex. Alas, this is what people call it, so I have to meet society where it’s currently at. I prefer to call it “erotic talk”, but that’s a subject for another day.)

I’ll get into specific phrases you can use momentarily, but first, some guidelines to help you get your black belt from the dirty talk dojo.

A good rule of thumb with dirty talk is to tell your partner what you want to do to them/with them before you’re actually doing it, and then, while you’re doing it, specifically describe what it is you like about it.
This is especially crucial if your partner is a woman. Women, in particular, are often aroused through the imagination. This is why erotic books like 50 Shades of Gray are infamous smash hits among female readers. Meanwhile, guys are dominating porn usage because their arousal has more directly visual triggers.
It can take a little more time to get a woman’s water boiling, so to speak, whereas a guy’s can go from Lake Placid to full-on tsunami in a matter of seconds.
This is partially because men and women are wired differently. Guys are more singular in their focus, whereas women can hold many things in their mind at once when it comes to sexual arousal.
You need to captivate her attention and replace whatever else is happening in her head with a stronger, sexier signal. If you do, those juices will start to flow and she’ll be way more receptive to getting intimate.
For example, you might have a female partner with a relatively high sex drive, but she only seems to get revved up when she’s “in the mood”, and you’re always left guessing as to when that is. She wants to have sex more frequently, but it just doesn’t cross her mind all that often. The solution? Dirty talk.
This skill is what separates the black belt lover from the fumbling grasshopper. Instead of trying to wishfully cold-start the engine with escalating physical touch, the master primes the motor by walking her to the climax with his words before he’s even laid a hand on her shoulder.
What you say will be based on what you authentically desire in the moment , or what’s turning you on, but it could be something along the lines of “I’m trying to get work done right now, but I can’t stop thinking about last week when we were 69’ing and your delicious juices were flowing into my mouth” . A comment like that will probably push them over the edge and have them pouncing on you.
Any statement about what you have enjoyed doing with them in the past, or that you are envisioning doing with them in the future, is a great way to ease into a more vocal sex session.
And while you’re fooling around, give your partner real time feedback about what you’re enjoying. It’s a great way to encourage them to give you more of that thing, and also gives your sexual play the added edge of becoming more of a multi-sensory experience.

If so, stop what you’re doing right now and watch this video I just finished creating for you…
Women have been BEGGING me to teach these strategies to men for years. And I’ve finally put them into one video for you.
If you use them, I guarantee by tonight your woman will be left breathless, wondering, “Who ARE you and how did you do THAT?!!”
Just a few minutes of watching this training could change your whole sex life…

For a lot of people, it’s the details of dirty talk that make it so much of a turn on.
For the record, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with statements like “Yeah, I like that,” “You look so hot right now,” and “I love having sex with you.”
But they can be supercharged in a massive way if you shift them each with a bit of descriptive detail.
“Yeah, I like that” becomes “Oh my god, keep doing that. I love your big/little hands all over my ass/balls/chest/etc.. You are the sexiest person on the planet.”
“You look so hot right now” turns into “You are better than any fantasy I could ever come up with. I fucking love you and your perfect/delicious/sexy big/little (body part).”
“My love, I love having sex with you” transforms into “I love it when you grab the sheets when you’re about to come. I love how your breath pauses when I put my mouth on your (insert partner’s preferred name for their genitals here). There’s no where else I’d rather be than inside of you/on top of you right now.”

One of the fastest ways to boost the power and erotic, engaging quality of your dirty talk is to start using multi-sensory descriptive words.
Most people dirty talk with two of their primary senses: sight and touch (i.e. “You look so hot/You feel so good”).
While there’s nothing wrong with sticking to your comfort zone by staying within the parameters of these two dominant sexual senses, there’s so much fun to be had by letting your descriptive imagination run wild.
A few examples of dirty talk phrases that use multi-sensory descriptions:
– I love how you taste/smell. I could get drunk off of your juices/scent so easily.
– You sound so sexy when I’m going down on you
– Mmm, baby, I love the sounds you make
– I want to fuck you until I can feel that sweet little pussy clenching around my cock
– I want you to cum so hard that I feel your cock pulsing inside of me

Every person has their particular trigger words that feel too jarring for them.
Some people adore their dirty talk to be filled with swear words, others hate it.
Some people want their dirty talk to include very clinical descriptions of their genitals (penis, vagina) while others want the dirtier street slang (cock, pussy, dick, cunt, etc.).
Other people like being called “you whore” while others prefer “my whore” while others still would never want you to call them anything close to the word whore during any of your lovemaking, ever.
Make sure you check in with your partner (outside of the bedroom, when you aren’t being sexual with each other) to see if there’s any words that they want you to avoid during your dirty talk.
And no, it doesn’t take away from the sexiness of your dirty talk if you check in with them. It’s a sign of respect. It’s the same well-spring of respect that makes you think to ask your partner if their penis/clitoris prefers softer or firmer stimulation. It doesn’t ruin the mood to check in… it enhances the feelings of safety, comfort, and connection .

You might already notice some internal tension building so far as you’re reading this, just by thinking about saying some of these things out loud.
At first, the simple act of opening your mouth and letting these words fall out can feel like standing on the edge of a cliff.
That paralyzing feeling of risk most often generated by a fear of negative judgement from the other person, which can be amplified by having been raised in a religious or sexually repressed family, or culture.
Your mind locks up because it thinks it’s unsafe to go where you’re going, and wants to protect you from messing up and ruining your partner’s positive image of you.
If you’re feeling this resistance, you need to intentionally set up a safe container for dirty talk with your partner before you begin actually exploring it.
Tell them you’d love to spice things up with a little dirty talk, but you’re feeling a little apprehension and shyness around doing so. Talk about your intentions and why you want to do it. Make a mutual agreement to take risks and accept each other, no matter what you say. Give each other full permission to experiment without shame , for the betterment of your relationship.
This initial chat is also a great opportunity to talk about your turn-ons, turn-offs and boundaries around dirty talk. Sussing out the other person’s parameters going in will ease your mind by knowing in advance what’s okay and what’s not.
Having this simple exchange out loud will evaporate a huge amount of anxiety around your future dirty talking sex-capades.
But that said, even though you’ve had this discussion, and even though you KNOW it’s safe to take the leap, your mind will still try to keep you back from stepping out into the unknown.
If you find yourself in that moment of stuckness: breathe. Look into your lover’s eyes. Remember the permission they gave you. Remember their love for you and that you can trust them with anything. Smash through that block in your throat as a big ‘fuck you’ to the irrational part of your brain that wants to hold you back and keep you from being fully expressed, totally seen and truly loved.
If you can muster the courage to break through these moments, I promise you’ll reach a whole new level of trust and intimacy with your partner, boost your self-confidence, and your entire relationship will be upgraded in unexpected ways.

If you’re extra terror-stricken when beginning your foray into verbalized dirty talk, one good way to test the waters (and to get more comfortable) with your partner is to send them some naughty text messages and see how they respond.
Once your mind has proof that they like it, and encourage you in expressing your dirty thoughts, you’ll feel much safer and comfortable to voice them in-person.
Saucy texts are also the perfect way to build the tension before dates, or keep the fire burning between them.
( Side note: read my totally free companion article The Ultimate Sexting Guide: 100 Sexy Texts To Turn Them On Like Crazy for more ideas of what to text your romantic interest.)
Read on to the “Dirty Talk: Beginner Level” section for some examples of places to start, or go with something from the heart (or crotch).
Want some soft/easy starters for your titillating texts? Try out any of the following:
– “I’m really looking forward to seeing you tonight. I think we should have some fun ;)”
– “You should probably already have your pants off when I get home… I’m feeling playful.”
– “Baby, I’m really horny. What do you want me to wear for our date tonight?”
– “I had the sexiest dream about us last night… and it gave me some inspiration for our date night next weekend ;)”
– “I’ve got a sexy surprise waiting for you tonight…”
– “I’m having a really hard time focusing at work today… can’t stop thinking about what we did on our date last night ;)”
-(With a sexy photo already prepared) “I just got out of the shower… want to see?”
– (If you don’t live with your significant other) “What are you doing later tonight? Mind if I stop by to blow you/go down on you? I’m really craving your cock/pussy in my mouth right now.”
-(With a sexy photo already prepared) “I’m touching myself right now thinking about what we did last night… want to see a photo I just took for you?”
– “Mmm… I still feel deliciously sore from last night. You certainly know how to show a lady/guy a good time.”
Want to create your own customized teasing texts? A great rule of thumb here is to think of a specific moment during your last romp that really turned you on, then describe it and let them know it’s on your mind. For example:
– “I’m daydreaming non-stop about you on my kitchen counter. Can’t wait to get my hands on you
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