Sexy Wives Sins

Sexy Wives Sins


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People are giving away their money to a sex therapist, and their families don't know why! The intrepid detectives go undercover to see what or who is making these people victims or are they voluntarily giving away their fortunes? Our two detectives get help from a world renowned doctor on hypnotic suggestion. Soon they find themselves in danger as they are lured into a web of sexual pleasure. Can they find out? Will it be too late?

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People are giving away their money to a sex therapist, and their families don't know why! The intrepid detectives go undercover to see what or who is making these people victims or are they voluntarily giving away their fortunes? Our two detectives get help from a world renowned doctor on hypnotic suggestion. Soon they find themselves in danger as they are lured into a web of sexual pleasure. Can they find out? Will it be too late?

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Published: 07:36 BST, 17 February 2016 | Updated: 07:36 BST, 17 February 2016
Women are wonderful creatures in many, many ways but we are also capable of winding ourselves into frothing, paranoid panics about things that really shouldn’t matter.
Never is this more the case than when we’re talking about sex.
Sex taps into our most secret, inner fears, which is why it has the power to completely throw us when we should be confident.
All of the following sins can quickly kill a good sex life however the good news is that they are easily fixed
All of the following sex sins have the potential to destroy your sex life yet all are easily fixed. 
Check you aren’t guilty of any of the following and read on for reassurance if you are.
Sex Sin No 1: Being squeamish about sex
Oral sex is how most people have their most intensive orgasms. Your grandmother may still find the concept off-putting, but most intelligent adults don’t.
This means overcoming any misgivings so you’re not approaching his bits with your nose crinkled up and an ‘Ewww!’ expression on your face.
By all means be savvy and jump on him after he’s had a shower but be graciously enthusiastic when you’re doing His Favourite Thing rather than act like it’s a massive favour.
Sex Sin No 2: You’re not willing to try new things
Your partner wants you to dress up as a waitress and balance a cocktail tray on his bits?
According to Tracey nothing kills a sex life faster than a partner who refuses to push themselves out of their sexual comfort zone so trying new things is a must
Lick toffee pudding from his navel? Pretend to be an alien kidnapped by a very curious earthling who finds him oddly attractive?
Instead of having the usual knee-jerk reaction of ‘What planet are you on!’ think about it.
We all beat to a different drum and if that’s what does it for him, why not indulge him?
Just because ‘the average’ population doesn’t appear to need or want the same, who cares?
So long as no one is being hurt physically or emotionally and it doesn’t become a must-have (which then moves it into being a fetish), aim to be a healthily adventurous (just about) anything goes girl.
Nothing kills a sex life faster than a partner who refuses to push themselves out of their sexual comfort zone.
If every time he suggests something new, you refuse, you’re sending a clear signal: your pleasure and needs aren’t important to me.
Being easily embarrassed during sex could make you less likely to relax and enjoy
Judge him for suggesting something ‘bad’ or ‘shocking’ and you virtually guarantee he’ll never suggest doing anything vaguely interesting ever again.
Try to adopt this motto: assuming it’s a request that isn’t going to hurt you physically or emotionally and if you have no real moral objections to what your partner wants to try but just don’t fancy it, try it once.
If you would rather stick pins in your eyeballs than even attempt it, try to recapture the spirit of what he’s suggesting (role play, talk dirty during sex and live out his fantasy that way) or come up with someone else new you’d like to try.
It’s nearly always a desire for variety that’s driving his request.
Sex Sin No 3: You don’t know your own body
Most women have their first orgasm solo because, unlike men, orgasm for us isn’t an easy process and we need to teach ourselves how to do it.
Tracey adds that getting to know your own body is hugely important when it comes to sex
While most boys are struggling to control embarrassing, impromptu erections on the train or desperately counting backward from 500 in a bid not to orgasm, most girls are doing quite the opposite.
We’re locked away in a darkened room, trying to figure out what buttons to press and when to make something happen and desperately hoping our flatmate doesn’t barge in before it does.
Frustrating yes, but ultimately worth it: 95 per cent of women who masturbate, can orgasm that way.
In fact, if you’re a female who has never masturbated, it’s extremely likely you’ve never had an orgasm in your life.
If you’re not as orgasmic as you’d like to be, put the effort in now to work out why.
Experiment with different masturbation techniques and touches until you hit on some that are consistently successful and partner friendly.
Pay attention during sex: be aware of what you’re enjoying, what’s not so nice.
Think about past sex sessions, old lovers and fantasies about new ones until you’re confident you have a clear map of your individual sexual response system in your head.
Sex Sin No 4: You never initiate sex
If you always wait for your partner to instigate sex, you’re seriously missing out.
Power is a huge turn-on and nothing feels sexier than being the one unzipping the trousers and promising the earth in return for having your wicked way.
Initiating sex when you don’t usually, can zip-start the most sluggish libido.
Your partner’s pleasantly taken off guard, you get a buzz from being in the power position.
Make the first move as often as possible - and keep having sex even when you don’t really feel like it.
Human beings are creatures of habit – our bodies thrive on routine because it keeps things simple in a complex world. Have a chocolate bar every day after lunch and within three or four days, buying and eating one will become automatic – your body will wait for that sugary carb rush.
By setting up a craving cycle and having regular orgasms, your body will expect its quota of sex.
Sex Sin No 5: You get embarrassed easily
One minute you’re groaning and moaning with unbridled lust, the next another, less erotic, noise joins in.
Who hasn’t turned on the lights to discover something has arrived early and the bed looks like a battlefield?
Highly amusing but embarrassing sex stories abound – for good reason.
We’re dealing with something which forces you to get up close and personal with someone else and that means there’s very little you can get away with.
Garlic, giggles, smelly breath and bits, orifices which start ‘talking’ all of their own accord – there are so many potential disasters in any sexual encounter, you’d have to avoid doing anything at all if you want to stay looking suave and cool.
Do everyone a favour - give up now, relax and enjoy! has more advice and products. Visit Tracey’s amazon page for a full listing of her books.
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Wife-swap Confessions
Wife-swap confession stories and sins

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My husband wanted a wife swap. I almost slapped him when he asked me first. I came from a conservative family. We don't even think of such stuff. But, he was so adamant for years.

I couldn't believe the same argument went for three years. One fine day I shouted at him and asked 'What is that he wanted from me in his life?'

He came forward, held my face gently, 'Honey, this is my fantasy from childhood. Please, understand at least when I am persistent from years. It's not like you will have sex with some random guy. There is a very good friend of mine and we can trust him, he is very safe in case if you have issues with having a stranger.'

I couldn't believe he told me about this guy. I broke down, 'Why are you doing this to me?' I asked.

He consoled me and literally begged me how badly he had this fantasy from childhood. I understood I don't have any choice to continue this marriage so I nodded painfully.

That weekend in our house the couple came to our house. After small talk of what to do and what not, his friend took me to our bedroom. His wife and my husband went to another bedroom.

He asked me to undress immediately. He wanted to see me naked so badly. I've decided what ever happens I would let this night go by. I undressed. He leered at me like an animal. Then he took me to the bed and things went on. He kissed me, licked me, sucked me. His tongue wandered my whole body much to my humiliation. I could have sex but he was humiliating me with his licking my every inch of body. I was freezed when he pulled my hands up and licked my armpits. He took his time patiently not in any hurry as if the chance wouldn't come again. When he finally entered me missionary position it was hell. I fought back pain and tears. His cock was big, much bigger than what I got used to. I just laid there as he entered me in and out for twenty minutes. When he reached his climax he asked if I could take it in my mouth. I said no firmly. i haven't even done that with my husband. He said he could finish it earlier if I could do so otherwise the sex would go for another half an hour. After all this I had to go through a blackmail? he clearly knew I didn't like the sex and now he is cashing on it.

I couldn't believe my life when he pushed his cock into my mouth.I feel like throwing up. It stinks. I took it out and
told him that I am not able to do it. He told me I could have sex for another half an hour if so. I pleaded him to agree for a handjob but he didnot. And I had to take it in my mouth again. I hated it but I sucked it.He wanted me to use my tongue more. He cums in my mouth and it tastes like shit. He held my face tightly as he came in mouth in case if I take it out, but his intention was something more. He held there long after ha came as a result I forcibly swallowed it. He then left me to take shower.He didn't even had the courtesy to offer me bathroom first. I laid there exhausted getting into terms with what just happened.
Nasty husband basically forcing his wife to have sex with another guy he should have his balls kicked.
Wonder how long the marriage lasted after that. ?
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On a regular basis, husbands call me up and say to me, “ My wife avoids sex. Why does she do this and what can I do to get her to want sex? ”
Moreover, these husbands tell me about:
For these kinds of reasons, these husbands cannot figure out why their wife avoids sex.
By their reckoning, their wife ought to want sex far more than she does. By their reckoning, their wife has every reason to be happy and sexual. Consequently, the fact that their wife avoids sex just does not make any sense to them.
So, why is it that a wife avoids sex with her husband?
Well, there are 12 “husband sins” that sexually turn off a wife towards her husband which in turn causes her to avoid sex with him. Those who have purchased my Wife-Seducer Segment #7 have an in-depth explanation of all 12 of the “husband sins” that cause a wife to avoid sex. But for here on this free blog, here are the most basic 5 of the 12 “husband sins”:
So, why is it that a wife avoids sex with her husband? The main reason is because her husband thinks and operates in an unattractive manner…he commits too many of the 12 “husband sins”.
Why is it that a wife avoids sex with her husband? Another reasons is because she does not want to be sexual with a guy who has done little to nothing that is ACTUALLY romantic with her.
Why is it that a wife avoids sex with her husband? Still another reason is because giving sex to her husband feels very much like she is rewarding his unattractive and bad behavior.
Why is it that a wife avoids sex with her husband? At the core, it is because he has done nothing to develop himself into a man who understands how to lead THEIR male/female relationship into a mutually-satisfying and fulfilling union.
In other words, as her husband operates, interacts, and relates to her in substantial relationship / female ignorance he thinks and acts as if he is an awesomely attractive man…and that just disgusts her.
So, on one side is a husband who THINKS he is a great husband. But, on the other side is a wife who FEELS and EXPERIENCES the turn-off and repulsion of her husband who commits most if not all of the 12 “husband sins”.
Now, in many ways the husband IS a good man…and his wife can see that:
But, because he commits most if not all of the 12 “husband sins”, he is just so UNATTRACTIVE that she cannot bring herself to give him what he wants.
In other words, on one hand, she has a “good and loving husband”…and on the other hand, she has a “needy and repulsive husband”. The result is that because of the “repulsive” part of her husband, she knows she is doing a very poor job of honoring and satisfying the “good” part of him…which causes her to feel a tremendous amount of conflict, guilt, anxiety, depression, and so on…which further causes her to just avoid sex.
And the EXTREMELY frustrating thing for the typical wife is that she DOES WANT A LOT OF SEX…just like her husband does. The problem is, she just cannot bring herself to be sexual with him because of his unattractive and repulsive way of thinking and operating.
How does a husband get his wife to stop avoiding sex with him and be more sexual with him?
Well, STOP committing the 12 “husband sins” and you WILL find that your wife becomes a far more sexual woman.
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