Sexy Tinder Hookup

Sexy Tinder Hookup


Sexy Tinder Hookup

Posted on 15 Feb 2022 by Louis Farfields

in Tinder hook-ups

Sweet, smiling photos
An overdose of pettability : pictures your newborn nephew, you with your family over Christmas, …
Boyish vacation pictures
A well-behaved profile text
Signs of a successful, balanced life

Asking boring interview-style questions
Completely unnecessary use of emojis
Long aimless conversations
Fake get-to-know-you topics like ‘her day’

I love the name Nikki don’t know why

How are you? 🙂
What do you do for work?
How was your day?
What are you doing?

Do I feel comfortable?
Will I be safe?
Will it be awkward?
Is he respectful?
Do I feel attracted to his personality?

I guess I don’t need the cheeks then

Tinder is FULL of absolutely CLUELESS men. You can stand out on the app, but you’re still in her Tinder inbox. That’s the place where she gets swarmed with peasant openers and other boring texts.
Her iMsg, WhatsApp, whatever inbox using her number, on the other hand, is a place for family and friends. And occasionally a guy that made it past the dating app. It’s a more comfortable and trustworthy place than her dating app inbox.

I’ve got to give it to you. That was smooth. How about you ask my number first?
She replies with a yes, or sometimes, or no, or anything else.
Let’s continue talking over WhatsApp if you don’t mind.
So you lived in a cold garage box for a while, tell me about that
I’ll do that over a voice memo, if you don’t mind.
Hey Louis, how often should I text her once the date is planned?
—Guys in my emails

You’re still alive
You’re still interested
You’re still funny, interesting, and all those other good things

Come across a funny video? Share it with her
Someone send you a meme that makes you giggle? Share it with her
See something worth sharing throughout your day? Share it with her
See anything that reminds you of something you and her talk about? Share it with her
None of the above? Make up a joke and share it with her

Just so you know, I’m about to buy a lottery ticket so the chances of our meetup Friday becoming legendary just went up with 0.00000000001%
Hey what color socks are you going to wear this weekend? I might need to run a quick laundry if we want to match.
Did you watch The Joker? Why are people so enthusiastic about it? It wasn’t even that good…
Did you watch The Joker? Why are people so enthusiastic about it? It wasn’t even that good…
You fucking wot m8? It was good. I enjoyed watching it! Joaquin Phoenix deserves 10 Oscars for this masterpiece.
Yeah I don’t know. I liked the movie but it’s not as good as people say…
that knows how to show a lady a fun time.
Lost a star for the kiss fumble at the end
I like your attitude it’s hard to explain
Like going for it? Dutch guys are so annoying and try to make me do all the work so it’s not fun but I didn’t get that vibe with you

Make her think you are in love and will die if you don’t see her again ASAP
Make her think you see her as a sex toy and scare her off

Hey Sarah, thank you so much for last night. I enjoyed every second with you and I can’t wait to be near you again.
My god, you are so good with dick. Damn. Let’s do that again sometime.
I had fun last night. I hope you did too 🙂

Photos with your pets
Suits and other signs of successful independency
Cozy holiday photos with the fam
Non-macho hobbies (board games, hiking, …)
Anything else that screams ‘boyfriend material’ Like cooking.

A serious/focussed look
Showing off your muscles (not in a cheap way, keep it classy)
Manly, relaxed, casual poses
Leather jacket or ink (Yes, nerd, ink means tattoos.)
Adventurous hobbies (Surf, snowboard, BMX, mountain biking, climbing, bungee jumping, martial arts, …)
Any shot that shows authority (e.g. You giving a presentation for an audience.)
Use the photo trick to have a better jawline (A defined jawline is subconsciously associated with higher testosterone levels.)

If you could have a Tinder Hook Up tonight…
If the answer is yes, then you’re on the right page.
If the answer is no, then what the hell is wrong with you?
Getting hook ups from online dating apps is an easy feat…. If you know how to present your profile the right way. I’ll guide you on how to start the conversation, get her number, fix the meetup, and get the hookup. All while focussing on being authentic, fun, and respectful.
Tinder is a hookup app if you want it to be .
But the men and women looking for a relationship will be served by Tinder as well.
Since you came here looking for tips on hookups, I won’t yap about relationships.
(These tips also work on Bumble, PoF, Hinge, Badoo, and any other texting app.)
But just so you’ve seen it, here’s a screenshot of one of the many Tinder marriages:
And even though you’ll rarely see a Tinder bio like this:
Not here for anything serious. I just want some quick fun
There are plenty of women on Tinder who are open to a casual fling.
But they won’t be as transparent about it as you’d like.
I’ll tell you how to spot these wily women later in this article.
Because most of the time, there will be some clear signs that show her true intentions:
But let’s start at the CORE. In the next tip I’ll give you 2 things you HAVE to know if you want hookups on any dating app.
In this tip, I’m going to tell you something you wish you’d known the day you downloaded Tinder.
As you likely know, most men are open to hookups.
I see it all the time when coaching clients.
Even the ones looking for relationships are open for an adventure on the way.
But all of them make the same mistake:
They UNKNOWINGLY send out the wrong signals.
Although they might be looking for a hookup, the women they’re talking to have no clue of their intentions.
The ladies only see a profile and bio that labels them as a platonic friend or boyfriend.
And you can’t blame our Tinder brothers.
Most men suffer from the massive misconception that you have to be hyper gentle and sweet to get women. In short, the male majority believes that women don’t like casual sex.
Plot Twist: women are sexual just like you
Profiles that show what they THINK women want to see.
And end up making the following profile mistakes:
The anti-casual sex belief also infects the way men text women.
When it comes to texting, misguided men make the next mistakes:
Ask yourself, do you think the above profiles and lines get girls in the mood for a Tinder hookup?
Let me answer that for you in case you’re still unsure:
No, they don’t. Not in the slightest.
It’s up to you to show her your MANLY side.
You need to be sending a clear signal that says you are hookup material.
And that’s exactly what I am going to teach you in this article.
We’re starting off with your hookup texts and lines.
And further down we’ll tackle your profile.
Time to arm you with the best hook up openers.
And possibly shock you with a plot twist.
In the last tip, I just told you to step away from aimless chit chat.
If you want to hook up, you want to arm yourself with texts that are funny, teasing, and even challenging
Here’s an example of a guy safeguarding his virginity:
It looks like the girl of this screenshot is way more likely to get laid than our virgin buddy.
Just to make sure you won’t ever copy his mistakes, let’s quickly analyze his texts:
This is the peasant opener . The ultimate display of lack of creativity. It’s rumored to put more girls to sleep than melatonin .
When she asks him what’s up, he says ‘nothing’. He has nothing going on. Nothing happens in his life, I guess. Then he follows it up with a couple of abbreviations.
One of the quickest ways to scare a good amount of women is by using childish abbreviations, poor spelling, and incorrect grammar.
And last but not least, he hits her with a compliment:
Not like she had to work to get it. As she politely points out.
By now, chances of him getting a reply have gone down by about 69%.
The opposite side of the spectrum is also very real.
Guys making it VERY clear what they’re after:
Depends on your profile but probably somewhere around 0.8%
Let’s look at a Tinder hook up line that does give the girl an idea of what you’re after…
…without being hyper boring or too explicit:
And her reply is a guy’s wet dream.
And while I agree that you want to telegraph what you’re after, the very start of the conversation is not the best time for radical honesty.
Break the ice and start a conversation.
Hook up openers don’t have the highest response rate.
So why not use an opener that DOES get tons of replies, and leads to the hookup part afterward?
The goal of your first text is to get a reply and start a conversation.
There’s one text that does this better than ANY other.
I’m not exaggerating when I say that I get multiple emails every week with guys thanking me for this opener.
Besides the opener, you also get free access to my secret video.
Where you’ll see me explaining exactly how to use this icebreaker, and what to text next.
Plus, you’ll get 7 screenshot examples along with a few bonus tips.
With the whole hook up opener myth demolished, let’s look at the texts to send AFTER breaking the ice.
Because after the opener is where you get her excited for the hookup.
Now, I’m going to show you real texts that got guys laid and texts that got dudes unmatched.
To seduce someone, and have a successful Tinder hook up conversation, it’s important to realize that the basics still apply.
You both liked each other’s profile. So looks don’t appear to be a problem.
Now before she asks “wanna bang?” , which she will 99% of the time do in WAY subtler ways, there’s one more thing you need to do:
Here’s an interesting approach from a girl.
Rather than boring her match with horrible classics like:
Note that she doesn’t instantly go for the number.
She makes it seem like there’s an actual computer problem that she needs help with.
And I don’t know about you, but about 69% of men have been contacted purely for their computer and IT skills before.
She goes from just using you as a free helpdesk, to complimenting you. Immediately followed by asking your number.
The guy is blown away by her clever trap, and probably instantly gave his digits.
Men are ten times easier than women when it comes to hookups.
Once we’ve approved of her looks, we just want the shortest route toward vayjayland.
Women, on the other hand, run a whole checklist:
And even though the next guy is extremely forward, no women will ever need to ask herself:
“Does he want a hookup, or a steady relationship?”
His opener is straight to the point
(and stolen from this iconic movie scene:)
What’s more interesting about his hook up conversation, is that he opens super sexually by saying he’s here to clap cheeks.
(Which I don’t recommend. In fact one of my texting rules is to never directly sexualize in your opener .)
But then, when she defuses his attempt at sexualizing by saying:
He doesn’t try to persuade her, in fact, he does the opposite. He lets it be. He walks away and he says:
From deflecting the sexual vibe to proposing it.
What this guy does really well, and you can do just as well, is de-escalating in order to escalate.
Have you ever been in a situation where someone showed interest in you over a long period of time?
And suddenly, that person isn’t interested anymore?
For some phucked up reason, it’s very possible that their disinterest in you suddenly makes you interested in them.
Now we’re not going to dive into deep detail and brabble half an hour about why we chase people who ignore us. Instead, I’m going to tell you that disinterest also raises attraction in the short term.
As a matter of fact, that’s exactly what happened in the last screenshot example.
Do note that there has to be SOME intrigue in you to make this work. You can’t show interest in someone who hates you, then take away your interest and expect them to suddenly want you.
Either way, one thing is for sure. If your goal is a hookup, you want to get her number sooner than later.
Because if you lay out your cards on the table, and she doesn’t like what she sees, there’s a fair chance you’ll get unmatched.
Especially if your methods of seduction are similar to the last gent’s approach.
So take her number, and shoot the risky hook up lines there.
Your undercover Tinder score will thank you.
The type of jokes you don’t want to risk sending on the dating app.
In this tip, you get 3 ways to get her number…
…Plus 3 reasons why you have to get the number ASAP.
I just told you that by getting her number, you safeguard yourself from too many unmatches. Unmatches that can potentially harm your ELO score .
Here are two other reasons to get her number sooner than later:
Katie has had it with Tinder’s population of clueless men.
Now allow me to give you three ways to get her number.
Starting with one you can blatantly steal and copy-paste without using a single brain cell.
It all starts with a simple question:
Just like in the screenshot, you’ll also find out if your match has good humor, or if she too, prefers not using a single brain cell.
A more preferred response would be:
And then ideally, she likes your idea and replies something like:
Of course, there’s also the method that we saw in Step 3. That cheesy but cute opener a girl used on a guy.
Or, a bonus way… you can get her number without gimmicks. And just ask for her number on any peak in the conversation.
Or my personal favorite way… Just give her your number. Here are two fresh screenshot examples:
My match and I were bantering about something and the topic fizzled out.
It’s my task to transition into something new.
Or… if you have a solid profile that inspires your matches, SHE can make this transition.
A story I don’t mind sharing, but it’s a bit lengthy to type…
The perfect opportunity to get her number, by giving her your number.
Another screenshot example of a Tinder hook up conversation where I get the number?
First of all, remember what we talked about in Step #3? De-escalation ?
A mix of de-escalation and self-deprecating humor is at work here.
This woman is clearly enjoying our conversation, and now literally asks for more attention:
I agree she does it in a brattish and spoiled manner, but that’s fine.
(Women easily get away with this kind of behavior on dating apps. Because most of us men, unfortunately, jump through hoops for them at the snap of their finger.)
So, I get her number by giving her my numbers.
This is also a good example of getting her number at a peak in the conversation .
Btw, a great side-effect of giving your number and making HER text YOU, is that she’s already investing more. She has to put in the effort to save your number and add a name. PLUS, she has to initiate contact on the new platform.
Alright, I just gave you 5 ways to get her number.
By now you’ll be texting over WhatsApp , iMsg, Wechat, Telegram, Viber, whatever.
After a couple of texts directly to her number, you can usually safely ask her out.
Let’s take a quick break from reading and just watch a video instead.
Everything you need to know to ask her out over text, transferred into your brain in just 5 minutes:
If you’re watching this on your phone and you don’t have limitless data…
…then lol what cave are you living in bro, you absolute primate.
Then just read on and save the video for later OR, open my article on the subject in a new tab.
You can find my tips and tricks on how to ask a girl out over text right here.
Now, once you’ve asked her out, you just need to do one more thing.
Before you actually meet up, you need to keep the conversation going until the date is there.
Let’s see exactly how, in the next step!
You probably don’t even like texting.
A step in the process of meeting the girl you like.
And once the date is fixed, you’d preferably just text nothing until the meetup .
Leave a couple days of silence and then just show up for the date?
Emotions fade quickly at this point of the relationship. And people are busy. Some girls will lose interest when they don’t hear from you for a while. And some will just forget you guys were supposed to hang out.
So you want her to know three things:
You can achieve all those three things VERY EASILY.
You don’t need to ask deep questions , share intimate stories, or pretend to be smart.
Summon a smile on her face and you’re set.
Because it has everything your I-am-still-alive-and-didn’t-forget-about-our-date-text needs to have.
Need another example? Let me pull another one out of my ass:
Not the best text ever, but at least it’s light, semi-funny, and it doesn’t desperately ask her if the date is still on .
What the line does cleverly do, is remind her that the date IS still on in your books.
That’s all you need to know to keep her interested enough until it’s Tinder date time .
If you’re still a bit unsure of what to talk about in general, then I got something JUICY for you.
In the next tip, I’m sharing what is possibly the most important advice in this article.
You’re tired of being the one having to prove himself on dating apps.
Sometimes it feels like as a guy, YOU always have to win HER over…
You’re the one trying to get HER to like YOU.
So how can we make this less sucky?
Because I have one simple Tinder trick for you.
In fact, I don’t really like the words ‘trick’ as it could be confused with tricking someone.
And we’re about to do the opposite of tricking someone.
Look, here’s what most men do to ‘trick’ people into liking them.
They mold their behavior and speech into something what they THINK the other person wants to hear.
Imagine you get this text from a girl you like.
And you’re trying to make her like you.
What will your natural reaction be?
Makes sense right? If she likes the things you say, then she’ll also like you.
Your grandma probably used the same tactic on you back in the day. Always giving you a sweet when you came around. To encourage you to visit her more often. (And probably also because she loves you <3)
It doesn’t work for online dating (or offline) dating. It just doesn’t work in dating.
There’s a ton of potential outcomes but the two most common results are these:
Only a connection based on authenticity is capable of lasting healthily.
Prevent this scenario by being authentic.
Now that you’ve endured my little psychology speech, let’s get to that ‘trick’.
Sometimes girls send you texts that’ll send you reeling.
“How the heck do I answer this?” you think to yourself.
But why hurt your head inventing your own material, if you can steal my material?
Grab the 10 Texts That Always Work, and you’ll rarely worry about how to reply.
Remember what the girl that you like just texted you?
Let’s assume that you saw The Joker and actually liked it.
If you’re completely honest with me, then I think we can agree that even though you want to text something like:
I know, this isn’t exactly what you would say. You’d never use these exact words. I haven’t met you face to face, so I don’t know how you phrase things.
The point is the nature of the message.
It’s brutal and authentic. It’s what you really think.
But you’d probably end up texting something like this:
Not only diplomatic, but also ready for the friendzone.
Opposite opinions shouldn’t be stashed away.
It’s by sharing them with her that she understands that you value your own opinion, and therefore yourself.
You’re not the Average Joe she walks over and kicks into the friendzone.
10 quick tips to make your meetup so smooth she thinks you’re a player.
Some you have to apply BEFORE the date, and some DURING the date.
This first tip is so
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