Sexy Teacher Striptease

Sexy Teacher Striptease


While playing truth or dare with her students, this German teacher goes a little too far and performs a striptease for the class. Note, she was not fired as the school stated she was a valuable asset to the staff!
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If this happened in America, the teacher would have been fired, arrested for sexual misconduct, and forced to register as a sex offender. The kids would have been sent to a councilor and had a documentary made about them.
same thing would have applied.......
I'll bet it's the Art teacher... it's allways the art teacher.
Fat chicks are always so god damn jealous of sexy chicks. You ever notice that every time you try to get a hot girls number she always has her fat ass butt ugly friends try their hardest to cockblock? I just want to spray them with pepper spray or throw hydrochloric acid in their faces first before i make my approach.
DUFF: Designated Ugly Fat Friend thats why you need a wing-man!
anyoneelse get the impression she has done this before ?
fucking fat bitch stopped it she's just jealous
i think she had to do a little somethin somethin to not get fired
She had to eat out the lady at the end that covered her up.
i thought that lady was a man for a second................
this isnt german . no one had a fist shoved up their puss
i was elbow deep in my sister's cunt when i watched the vid

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