Sexy Sluts Behavior

Sexy Sluts Behavior


Sexy Sluts Behavior
Last updated on June 11, 2022 by April Maccario
I'm a huge nerd when it comes to understanding how relationships between men and women work, and what drives a certain behavior. I spend much of my time getting into the nitty-gritty and try to share my findings on this site with the hope of making life a little easier for women that are struggling in their relationships or love life.
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Dressing like a slut does not that you are asking for sexual assault, or that you’re a slut. There is nothing wrong with using your closet to be center stage , or for self-expression. Most women enjoy dressing a certain way, and thanks to women’s rights, we can dress however we want. 
Dressing like a slut doesn’t mean that you have to leave the house in whatever your version of inappropriate is every day. It also doesn’t mean that you have to wear lingerie to a PTO meeting. 
Instead, it’s about dressing how you want and wearing what makes you feel amazing about yourself. You are your own woman, and it’s time to show it! Take a few of these 33 tips to spice up your wardrobe. 
If you’re out to dress like a slut, show off more skin than you normally would. Whether it’s legs, boobs, or short shorts, let it out. Don’t worry about what another woman would say about your clothes, either. Sluts don’t. 
Cleavage is the way to go if you’re ready to dress to show off the goods. Pick up a nice push up bra and show off what you’ve got. 
Dressing like a slut is similar to girls playing dress up, just the skanky version (and I mean skanky in the most fun way possible). Pick up some high heels to pair with any outfit. These can be worn with jeans if you really want. 
These will help you show off your body more, but can also be worn without a side-eye from another woman. If you’re just getting used to dressing like a slut, these shirts can act as a perfect transition. They are always in fashion and can help show off your sexuality to the world. 
Short skirts are always in a girl’s wardrobe. Pair them with some of the tops on the list, and remember to wear what you’re comfortable with. 
Big earrings are not going to instantly scream sex goddess to other people, but they are a wardrobe essential. They’ll look amazing with everything else on this list. 
Thigh-high boots are another must-have. They are comfortable and can be paired with anything from shorts, to short skirts to oversized sweaters. 
Sheer tops can be worn overtop of another shirt, or as a shirt themselves. This is one of the items on the list that is pretty versatile , and a must-have for your new wardrobe. 
Show off the cookies without showing them off by letting your bra show. Wear a lacy bralette that can be seen, a sheer top as a shirt, or simply enjoy wearing a bralette as a shirt. 
If a sheer top is a bit too much for you , pick up a light-colored shirt. Then, pair it with a bright or dark-colored bra to have some fun. 
Ditch the tennis shoes. While these are acceptable in the street or at work, they are not an acceptable part of a slutty wardrobe. Instead, it’s heels or strappy sandals. (No gladiator sandals, either.)
Fishnets are another must-have accessory. These also seem to make a show at every women’s rights walk, such as slut-shame walks. So you should feel right at home if you’re wondering whether you can wear them to one. 
No one ever said that you can’t look slutty without showing skin. Pick up a shirt that says “Daddy Cum In Me” and you’re good to go. 
Clothes always come with holes, so you can find these anywhere that says fashionable clothing. You can also do it yourself !
Latex is so skin-tight that it’s always going to make women look slutty in the best way possible. 
Women that want to look slutty need to pay attention to what they do with their hair. Ditch the donut buns and opt for curls, messy hair, or fashionable hairstyles instead. 
The makeup rules of wearing dark or bright makeup for night time no longer apply to women that dress in slutty clothes. Wear your makeup however you want. 
Lace shirts. Lace bralettes. Lace everything. This single fabric instantly makes any outfit seductive in nature. 
She’s known for cutting holes in her own clothes, and this can add a slutty appeal to the wardrobe of any woman. Start with one cut. Then, and one after another until you have just enough holes in your clothes. 
Throw them in the box with your tennis shoes. These are for work or when playing with children, not looking like a slut. 
There is a time and a place for cute barrettes or headbands. When paired with the right outfits, these can add a certain amount of appeal. However, if you’re just enjoying showing off your sexuality, avoid them for now until you develop your own style . 
Frustrated that he doesn't pay you as much attention as he used to? This is one of the most common issues our female readers face. The number #1 factor that causes men to behave this way is actually relatively easy to change with a few subtle things you can say to him today.
Watch this free video (click on the link to watch) that my friend recorded which explains how you can become his priority!
Pair an over-sized sweater with a pair of thigh-high boots and you’re good to go. Women can wear this anywhere for a slutty yet chic look. 
These can double as shirts. Women can wear these anywhere, and it’s not illegal. 
Purchase longer garters to show them off under a short skirt. 
Grab the sides and pull them up over your hip bone. Then, wear your shorts lower than most women to grab the attention of men everywhere. 
Keep those skimpy summer dresses and throw some leggings underneath. Then, you’re done. 
Leather pants, thigh-high leather boots, etc. This sleek material can make any outfit look both badass and slutty. Wearing it the right way paired with some slutty accents is key to making this work. 
These show off the perfect amount of skin for one to get used to dressing slutty without going overboard. 
Close to your private area without going close enough to get you kicked out of anywhere. Use the holes in your clothes to show off your assets. 
Secretary glasses add a certain amount of sex appeal that men just love. They pair great with any outfit, whether you’re going to the club or just enjoying the day. 
Braless with a thin shirt will make men everywhere stare. If that’s what you’re going for, this is going to help you get it. 
French manicures have no place in this style of wardrobe. Instead, it’s all about self-expression, including your nails! Opt for unique nails that let your personality shine through. 
When all else fails, just imagine what you would wear to the club. Usually, these outfits are less conservative than other ones in your closet. 
Opt for monotone or neutral colored clothing that fits your body well. Then, jazz up the outfit with a few fashionable accessories. Pair outfits with boots, loafers, or heels instead of tennis shoes for a look that is both timeless and elegant. 
Sunglasses and other accessories make any outfit look fashionable . For clothing, go with a motorcycle jacket, boots, and uniquely styled shirts. Clothes should always coordinate in both style and color. This will instantly make an outfit more chic. 
Wear casual clothing with a sexy piece from your closet. For example, pair jeans and tennis shoes with a crop top, heels, and big earrings. You could also wear a casual shirt with a mini skirt. Wear what you normally would with one sexy piece of clothing . 
To dress like a lady , opt for more conservative pieces in soft colors. Sundresses in light pink or soft sweaters in muted fall colors that are not revealing will make you appear more like a lady. Avoid clothing that shows too much skin, showing off cleavage, or slutty styles. 
Simplify. The top billionaires of the world prefer muted colors or neutral colors so that they don’t have to worry about what to wear. This might not be ideal for everyone, but it can make you look rich . You can also make sure that your clothes are tailored, and focus on high-quality items. Then, fill the rest of your closet with cheaper items. 
Dressing on the sluttier side doesn’t mean that you’re a whore, no matter what anyone on the street says. Instead, it says that you love your body and want to express yourself. Have you ever made this wardrobe overhaul? What would you add to the list?
Do you hate it how everything seems to always revolve round him while you just seem to be an afterthought sometimes? We hear this all the time from women that contact us asking for help with their relationship. The thing is that which causes men to behave this way is actually something how men are wired. Once you understand how this works, it's relatively easy to change with a few subtle things you can say to him today.
My friend uploaded a quick video which you can watch here (click on the link to watch) where he explains how you can turn this behavior around!
Hi April--
Thank you for these wonderful tips!
Especially noting "no gladiator sandals", lol
I wore strapy sandals to WalMart and jeans late one evening and the store stock clerks fawned and gushed over me. Even getting those high up items into the basket for me
Ps hope I don't get pregnant doing this. I see several large bulges sometimes and it makes me feel hot
I love it I'm already a bitch I wear my clothes so tight that you can see my black panties in my white shorts
I love everything you wrote, I am learning.
Y0u are a piece 0f femaIe fiIth!!!!!
Are you saying that like it's a BAD thing?
I was a Dancer for Ten Years & my favorite Band is Motley Crue, so that gives you an idea as to how I think. I was also in Army & worked Civil Service for 6 yrs. Now as I approach 65, my style of clothing has returned, but instead of fishnets (which I love!) I prefer the garter or thigh high stockings with the seam down the back. Some even come with rhinestones on them. Men LOVE stockings, & the seam down the back is Super sexy! I still have my 5 - 6 in. stiletto heels & several thigh high boots. Cute lace up black leather crop tops go green with a jacket & don’t forget the bracelets! In 12 days I’ll be enjoying the Motley Crue/Def Leppard Stadium Tour we’ve waited 3 yrs for & I wanted to wear a Steampunk/goth type dress or the plaid mini ones that Walmart actually has, but they’re actually SOLD OUT! So im using a few of your ideas mixed with some old school ones of mine! My real nails are over an inch & a half long so bright red is a must for a Crue Concert! Smokey, dusky eye makeup, not to heavy, false eyelashes & mascara with only a touch of blush & a deeper lip color with gloss (but not heavy). I don’t think there is a certain look per age. I feel like you should dress the way you feel. And keep it appropriate for the occasion. It may be my last show but im gonna have a blast!
this male loves a female looking like a true slut ...its a real turn on for I and I well know for her too the camel toes and upper thigh gaps !
I’ve always loved this style. The boldness and confidence of this style are weirdly comforting to me. I always thought girls who dress like this are really cool because they are just so comfortable with their bodies. I’ve always wanted to dress this way myself, which might be hard at first as a plus sized girl, but I will definitely try this out!
Im going to show this to my wife for a refresher haha. Don't forget a hot corset with those thigh high boots.
My usually conservative mother once went out in a totally shear shirt. It was pale turquoise with a turquoise matching bra clearly showing through. She'd even got a matching turquoise watch strap to go with the outfit!
It was a bit of a shock but I thought "wow! Releasing the inner slut... More power to you mum!" 😀
Well, I love what you wrote and I guess I fit the profile. I am 34, 5'7 tall weigh 118lbs and my stats are 34D 22 37.I always dress to show my figure, stockings and garters never any panties with micro mini skirts or dresses, or very low cut tops.
I love getting the attention and it REALLY turns me on. Susie.
Though I already do most of these, it was good to see a list that confirms what I aspire to be! Some may not like it, but that's empowerment and freedom of choice.
My best friend suggested I try choosing a selection of some kinky lingerie in different online shops. So, thanks for the tip of choosing lacey material so I could look sexier. I hope these efforts would spice up my marriage.
My wife took your advice and looked amazing as a slut . Now the only problem is she doesn't know who got her pregnant!
Love what u wrote. I tried the fishnets with my short skirts and got extremely perverse looks and some awkward ones lol. Loved it when men tried to flirt for no reason even though hubby was next to me.
Don’t forget off the shoulder tops. Gypsy style, lace up’s, or Lacey, men love bare shoulders & women's neck’s! White also keeps it angelic or “innocent “, & it makes you feel so pretty!? A sexy crocheted shawl is PERFECT for a coverup as well! Shawls are tasteful, sexy, romantic & can be very playful later!
Hi April. I enjoyed reading you article. It is refreshing to hear a woman admit that she and other women actually dress like sluts on draw attention to themselves. So many women today deny that!!!!! So, do you have any pics of yourself dressed like a slut??? I would love to see them! Joe
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The Four Levels of Slut Sleeping around carries an unfair double standard, but sluttiness does have levels.
by Nathan DeGraaf | June 21, 2006
Points in Case is a daily literary humor publication featuring enlightening and irreverent comedy from seasoned writers and fresh voices, since 1999.
Main: Man, she’s a whore?
Nathan: How can you say that? She never got paid.
Main: I stand corrected. She’s a slut.
I think it’s unfair that women are often considered sluts for sleeping around. Women say that this perception of them propagates a double standard because men are never considered sluts for rampant sexual activity. (Although, if that were truly the case, then why do so many women I know call me a slut?) And recently, because I just dumped a girl who cheated on me, I have been pondering exactly what it is that makes a girl a slut .
Now, when I get to pondering, well, sometimes I just have to get out a pen and write down my thoughts. This was one of those times. You see, there are many different kinds of sluts, and there is not one hard and fast rule that simply defines a woman as a slut. But there are (at least) four levels of slut.
“Sadly, the Cheating Slut is really what most men mean when they say ‘slut' or ‘whore.' The first two levels are just people being people.”
This woman is not technically, by definition, a slut. She is the woman who gets stereotyped as a slut simply because she likes to fuck around. This woman typically has no boyfriend (or a boyfriend who doesn’t care that she fucks other men) and simply goes out looking to get laid. She doesn’t feel that she should have to settle down, and she thinks it’s unfair that other women degrade her for this. She is right. She is also one of the reasons I get up in the morning.
Of the last four women I’ve slept with, three fall into this category because (as far as I know), they were not cheating on anyone, were not lying about who they fucked, and were not asking for anything more than sex. Women love sex, too; they should not be blamed for seeking it. Stereotypes hurt everyone. Ironically enough, usually other women hate this girl because she can fuck who she wants, while men bare her no ill will. She is, after all, simply doing what she likes. And men, for the most part, respect that.
Unlike the whores that make up the second level of slut.
Much like the Sexually Liberated Woman, this slut has no boyfriend. She does however, and for whatever reason, feel she needs to lead men on. She fucks several different men at one time while tricking the men she fucks into thinking that they are pursuing a relationship. Which is to say that every one of the suckers she fucks happens to think that they’re the slut’s soon-to-be boyfriend. She also loves seeing men fight over her, which may be (at least in part) the motivation for her leading these poor bastards on.
The main thing that separates her from the Level 1 Slut is that she is not honest with the men in her life because she derives pleasure from wrapping suckers around her little finger. The women representing this level of slut usually leave me alone. I’m not sure why, but I’m pretty sure the Garden Variety Slut has a radar for suckers, and because I am not one, I hardly have to deal with these bitches.
I can’t say the same for the sluts in levels 3 and 4.
Cheating Sluts come in three different categories. There are those who simply cheat on a boyfriend they’ve had for a few months and then tell him (no big deal); those who cheat on a guy they’ve dated for a few months, never tell him, and force him to find out from his friends (a slightly bigger deal because these sluts lack honesty); and then there are the worst kind—the sluts who fuck around on a man they’ve been with for years and never tell him about it.
The first girl I fucked after the breakup belonged in last category. The bitch was engaged. She fucked me late in the afternoon and left early in the evening because her man would soon be arriving from work. To her fiancée, I say, “I hope your parents are proud of you for preparing to marry a 21-year-old waitress with no education. Oh, and by the way, I’ve never met a girl who had a tell for her female ejaculation before. I mean, her leg quivers like an epileptic in mid seizure and then she squirts. That’s kind of weird. And yes, I like her body, too.”
Sadly, the Cheating Slut is really what most men mean when they say “slut” or “whore.” The first two levels are just people being people, not people being disloyal bitches. What separates this level of slut from the fourth and final level of slut, is, quite simply, the motivation for cheating.
Fortunately for me, I live in a college community where finding a man with his own car, no roommates and a steady income is like hitting the jackpot for most girls. Unfortunately for me, this means I often get hit on by the Money Grubbing Slut.
The saddest thing about the Money Grubbing Slut is that she really does like (or even love) her boyfriend. She simply expects more from her man in terms of monetary consideration. She doesn’t make her own money and can’t live off her boyfriend’s petty McDonald’s wages, so she seeks out men who will take her to nice places and buy her shiny objects. This is the worst kind of whore because she’s pissing on love and respect all in the name of a few dollars.
I love promising this girl I will take her some place nice, then fucking her and ordering a pizza, explaining to her that I’m broke. After this, I
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