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Sexy Mexican Strip


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Deja Vu Showgirls Tijuana
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Overview of the Red Light District in Tijuana

Last updated: February 26th, 2021
| in Latin America | Mexican Girls | Mexico | Nightlife | Tijuana

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Oh man. Tijuana. Easily one of the most popular mongering locations in Mexico , and its proximity to San Diego makes it popular for Americans as well, since it’s just a few minutes away for the most part.
This place is popular for a reason, and it’s not just because of how accessible it is. Tijuana crams a lot of action into a very small area, making their Red Light District one of the craziest ones you’ll visit, and also one of the best.
This article will give you a quick overview of the most important aspects to know about visiting Tijuana, including the best way to get there, and your options for girls once you’re down there.
The easiest way to get into Tijuana is to first go to San Diego, and then head South on I-5. You can drive into the country, but I’d recommend parking at the border and walking over. Definitely pay to park – free parking is sketchy.
Taking the Trolley train to San Ysidro right at the border (just 2.50 USD from downtown San Diego, leaves every 30 minutes) and walking across is a good choice as well. Just know that walking across is a lot faster than driving across due to the border agents and car searches, especially on the way back.
Once across, look for an Orange Libre taxi and ask him to take you to Zona Norte , or just walk towards it (20-25 mins). You’ll see several signs guiding your way.
Alright, now you’re here. Where to go? Since everything is very close in Zona Norte, you could really just walk a few laps around the area to get a good feel for the place and stop in some spots, but I’ll go ahead and tell you the best places to check out.
Here’s the deal with strip clubs in Tijuana. For the most part, they are really just brothels, with the “strip club” part really just a way to showcase the girls until you pick one out to either go to a room with, or bring back to your hotel, or a short time motel often right next to the club.
That’s not to say some don’t have shows, and throw in some typical strip club aspects as well, it just depends on where you go.
Depending on who you talk to, this is the most popular strip club in Tijuana. Adelita is sort of a strip club in a way, but it’s really just a brothel.
Yes, there certainly is stripping. You can go sit right at the stage, tip the girls dancing, and even get a feel if you’d like. No lap dances though, which is the one main drawback. Still, the atmosphere is nice, and it’s not nearly as clubby as some other places nearby. Adelita is a bit more reserved – if that’s possible for a strip club/brothel.
On average, you can expect to pay about $60 for a half hour with the girl including sex. You’ll also need plenty of $1 and $5 bills to tip people such as the room cleaners and towel attendants, and of course pay for the short time hotel visit.
Hong Kong has arguably become the most famous strip club in the red light district of Zona Norte, and once you walk in, you’ll see why.
This place is built to party. It’s nice, has excellent lighting, multiple stages, multiple bars, tons of security, and a blaring sound system. There is a lot going on here. You can watch the girls on the stages and tip for a handful of boobs (or more), or just mingle around with the girls who are out and about.
There isn’t a cover, but you’ll need to buy a drink when you come in (around $3-4), and will be pressured (nicely) to keep buying them as you stay. Lady drinks cost $7. Lap dances are $20, and you can take a girl to the nearby motel for around $12, plus her sex price of anywhere from $50 to $80 for a half hour.
Some of you old timers may have heard of this place, but the rise of clubs like Adelita and Hong Kong have turned it into a ghost town during the week. Weekends are a little better, and some guys will come here if they think Hong Kong or Adelita are too crowded. It’s worth a shot.
If you’re looking for a better bargain, the scores of street prostitutes outside are a much better value. Here’s the thing about Tijuana prostitutes: normally I discourage picking up street hookers in Latin American countries , but it’s a little different here.
First of all, the girls are incredibly hot, and the majority are ones that haven’t yet found a club to work in. Most of them are registered with the government, and undergo health tests several times a month. There’s also a girl basically every 10 feet outside in these areas. You have so many to choose from.
Find a girl, ask her how much (usually $20, not kidding), and take her to a hotel such as Hotel Cascadas (picture above), where you can either get a room for the night, or for the hour (usually $5). Simple as that. And since everything is so crammed down here, it’s never a far walk.
Again, I normally don’t recommend walking around looking for sex massages in a foreign city, but it’s different in Tijuana. They are spread out all over the red light district, and clearly advertise what they do on the outside. You’ll end up paying around $80 when all is said and done, but if you’re not down with the club vibe, or want to avoid getting a motel room, this is a great option.

…Your source for EVERYTHING Playa Del Carmen…
Posted on June 5, 2015 by Rufus — 10 Comments ↓
…like a baby in an ancient Roman nursery…
But whenever I walk along the beach in Playa Del Carmen I see quite a lot of boobs.
Rather than put semi-naked women in handcuffs, the local policemen are far more likely to just give an admiring stare.
Ever since the hippies landed in Playa Del Carmen many decades ago, topless laws haven’t really been enforced.
But stripping off your bottoms is definitely ‘below the belt’ (e.g. taking off your bikini bottom is not acceptable).
As is walking around the streets pretending you’re auditioning for Ron Jeremy’s next film.
And what are the risks of going topless in Playa Del Carmen?
Read on as I strip bare the facts from the fiction.
You can take a quick look at this video and see what it would be like if you were topless at the beach.
Of course, you may get a few wandering eyes, but would you really expect less?
Hell, you get it all the time when wearing a short skirt, right?
In any case, don’t let it bother you and just do what you want.
You can check out some boobs in the video below. It was made by some chicks who are clearly packing some plastic and are quite obsessed with boobs! If a dude like me made the video, some over-zealous “metoo” movement adherents would try to have my site taken down. But, because it’s girls who talk about boobs, it’s perfectly fine.
In any case, see how many boobs you can count in the video…
All beaches in Mexico are federal land so whipping off the bikini is a criminal offense.
However, the definition of lewd behavior is at the discretion of the local authorities.
It’s up to them to decide whether public nudity is immoral.
So getting naked elsewhere in Mexico generally isn’t acceptable.
However, Playa Del Carmen’s local authorities don’t consider a beach full of bare-breasted women “lewd behavior.”
In fact, Playa Del Carmen has the reputation of being the place most open to boobs in the whole of Mexico.
So, while it is illegal, the law isn’t really enforced.
It’s important to respect local culture and not go over the top.
Topless sunbathing and swimming is generally acceptable.
Waving your jubilees at every passing local is not.
Once off the beach, it’s very risky to go topless.
At minimum, you’ll get some unsavory stares – both from unhappy local women (read: jealous), and young American males who think all their Christmases have come at once.
As mentioned above, going completely nude is also not acceptable.
In all my time in Playa Del Carmen I’ve never seen anyone do the full monty.
I’m sure the day will come, however.
There used to be a completely nude beach in Playa Del Carmen, but that disappeared under a bad stormy season and a load of condos .
If you really want the naked truth then there are still a few small beach resorts in Tulum where clothing is very much optional.
Others prefer to say something along the lines of naturism .
Either way, while in Playa Del Carmen it’s important to keep your bottoms on.
At these popular beaches baring your chest isn’t going to raise many eyebrows.
First of all, because the private resort beaches generally have their own security that could care less what you do–so long as you pay your bill.
Second, the local police/beach patrol don’t spend a lot of time in these areas because they know there is already enough private security to make sure things are safe.
At the more “local-friendly” beaches, you’ll probably find Mexican / Mayan families swimming in t-shirts (usually trying to hide their extra rolls of fat).
It’s not okay to take your top off at these places as it upsets the locals. Honestly, most of them are probably jealous, and that’s why they get angry.
If you’re in doubt, have a look around.
If you can see boobs then it’s probably okay to whip off the bikini top.
If you see Mexican families that have come straight from church then it’s best to relocate before getting the all over tan.
He will likely try to prolong his interaction with you as long as possible so he can stare at you longer as well.
That’s it. That’s the only “punishment” you’ll have to deal with.
The police are only likely to make an ordeal out of the situation if you’ve crossed the line and ventured into something that’s considered lewd behavior (i.e. taken off your bikini bottom, having sex with your BF/GF on the beach, etc…).
If the police question you, this is my advice: just run into the water. Most Mexicans can’t swim, and there is no way the cops are going in after you!
Kidding (about the “going in after you” part; not kidding about the “can’t swim” part). They will just wait for you. Honestly, most of them just stand around anyways.
If your don’t feel like playing hide-and-seek with the local police, you can easily talk your way out of it by claiming that your bikini fell off, or a vicious gust of wind undid the straps.
But if you’ve been taking things too far then you could be in trouble.
Getting completely nude, or going topless on a beach that’s only got locals, is likely to result in some more serious questioning.
Just because topless sunbathing is acceptable on some beaches, it doesn’t mean you can start getting frisky with your man.
Touching and feeling is a big no no – on any beach here .
Playa Del Carmen has more than enough sand to go around.
If you don’t like the topless women next to you, it’s easy to relocate elsewhere on the beach.
It could be that you like the topless women too much, and start taking secret photos on your smartphone.
Perhaps you think those boobs are an invitation?
Pour some water on your shorts and forget about it.
They came for a tan not a bad pick up line.
And as long as you have a sprinkling of common sense, there shouldn’t be a problem.
But I forgot one vital piece of information!
Remember the sunscreen. Sunburned boobs are not funny.
Whether they’re yours, or you have to look at them.
Do you have some experience with topless beaches in Playa Del Carmen? Leave a comment below!
How does one hide, uh, an enlarged organ cuz heck, even topless women can turn me on?! Thanks for ideas/suggestions!
That’s what beach towels are for!!!
I’ve always gone topless in Europe. Don’t like tan lines and I feel more comfortable topless. I haven’t been to mexico before so I just hope I won’t have a problem it’s a very natural thing to do and would never want to embarrass anyone we’re in the 2020 and people are more liberated now so I honestly can’t see a problem.
Shouldn’t have a problem. As long as you’re not flaunting it too much and throwing it in people’s faces who are more conservative than you, it’s not a big deal.
You see topless women here almost every day. Worst case scenario, the police would ask you to put your top back on.
If you wanted to be excessively careful, stick to the southern Playacar beaches. There are more Americans, Europeans, and tourists who could care less what you do with your boobs in Mexico!
Good luck, send some pictures for this page, and let everyone here know how it went!
Thanks so much very informative reply. I just cant go on holiday and not go topless. It looks awful when you’ve got tan lines. Roll on for my holiday to Mexico can’t wait.
You are welcome, Kath. Enjoy your trip!!!
I’m Luciano, 24 years old… brn in South Italy…I love topless babes…mmmmmmmmmm….i like submaechineguns….TTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRATATATATATATAT…
Hahaha….Nothing could be more natural. Most guys do!!
My husband loves when I go topless in Playa and Cancun. Thanks for the write-up. Hope more women feel confident and follow the sexy topless wave!
Thanks for the feedback! Come back again. You forever welcome to strut your stuff on my beach anytime of the year!
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More stories to check out before you go
MILLIONS of tourists flock to this resort town for its famous beaches, but lately something strange has been happening.
HMM, they didn’t mention this in the guidebook.
It’s famous for its “dazzling beaches, quirky shops and lush palm-covered mountains” with Lonely Planet declaring it one of Mexico’s most enticing coastal destinations. Attracting millions of tourists each year, it’s definitely a tourist drawcard.
But now, the resort town of Puerto Vallarta is making headlines for a strange new reason: A naked mystery that’s shocking locals and baffling officials.
A group of people have been abducted, stripped and tied naked to lampposts, with their buttocks red raw.
Local police have confirmed that the incidents and have opened an investigation, but declined to say how many people were involved. However, local media have reported at least 10 cases.
The victims also had the letter “R” marked on their heads — potentially referring to the Spanish word for “rat”, or thief.
There’s speculation it could be a bizarre twist in the gang wars. But with the victims refusing to talk to police, or claiming they didn’t remember anything, it’s hard to know for sure.
Only one victim has given away any information, stating he was taken from his home by people unknown to him, before being beaten on a farm.
Mexico has come under the spotlight this year for skyrocketing murder rates .
Travel advisories from Australia and the US state that visitors should exercise a “high degree of caution” when in Mexico — the second-lowest of four travel advice levels.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) warns of high levels of violent crime and drug-related violence.
“Murder, armed robbery, sexual assault and kidnapping are risks, including in popular tourist destinations and beach resorts. Risks increase after dark,” the department says.
This is DFAT’s main advice for Australians considering visiting Mexico:
• Pay close attention to your personal security at all times
• Avoid travelling at night outside of major cities, including on major highways
• Avoid changing money at the airport if possible, or change only small amounts to avoid attracting attention
• Use only official taxis from airports. Pre-pay your fare at one of the official taxi company booths located in the arrivals hall at airport terminals
• Use only radio-dispatched taxis or taxis based at designated stands (sitios), especially in Mexico City
• Using toll (cuota) roads may reduce the risk of crime when driving
• Don’t leave your drinks or food unattended, especially in bars or nightclubs
• Don’t accept food, drinks, gum or cigarettes from new acquaintances
• Monitor the media for information about possible new safety or security risks. Avoid trouble spots.
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