Sexy Korra Big Boobs Inflation

Sexy Korra Big Boobs Inflation


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Korra released the heaviest, most frustrated groan that she could muster, her solemn eyes wanting, yet unwilling all the same, to tear themselves away from the sight she saw reflecting back at her. She was standing in one of the numerous bedrooms scattered throughout Asami's family's home, using the full-body mirror to inspect the damage that several months of peace had done to her body.
She typically shared the same bedroom with Asami whenever they were staying here. They were girlfriend and girlfriend, after all. However, as of late, the Avatar had deigned to keeping herself to another bedroom, a private one, during those times in the day where she changed her clothes or got dressed after taking her shower. She used the excuse of wanting to do it for Asami's privacy, but honestly, that was the flimsiest excuse she could ever come up with and Korra was amazed that Asami hadn't called her out for it yet. Unfortunately, the real reason that Korra wanted a room to herself for changing was because she was afraid. She had fought a dangerous cult determined to rid the world of bending, battled against monsters straight out of the spirit world, and even confronted a literal giant robot. Yet not a single ounce of courage seemed to exist inside of her to come forward and admit her weight gain to her lover.
This wasn't just 'baby fat' or an 'extra layer of fluff' like some might have been willing to call it in an attempt to please her. No, there was no need to beat around the bush in circumstances such as these. It was already so out of hand it was a little frightening. Korra reached down and let both hands latch onto the prominent sphere of copper-colored pudge. It clung so firmly to her abdominal region, but even if it had been some bloated parasite at least then it could be removed. Something like this would be impossible to recover from without extensive effort on her own part.

Basically, Korra had gotten downright obese within the past few months. Her abdominal muscles, which had once been hard enough to take the blows of even the hardiest of opponents no problem, had melted away under the heavy onset of fried chicken, burgers and delicious cheese-sauce-covered noodles. It had all been warped into this squishy little dough-ball she was forced to conceal behind thick jackets and long t-shirts all the time. Not even screaming could have made Korra feel better, because the fat would still be there regardless. She had been eating like crazy lately. Everything from her arms to her thighs to her backside had been marred by the build-up of blubber inside. Her face hadn't changed very much, however, which was probably how she'd managed to get away without drawing attention to her weight for so long. Her arms were lacking their original tones, her thighs were starting to touch when she walked, her butt was getting chunky, and her breasts were starting to droop.

If she didn't start figuring out some way to work these excess pounds off, then she was only going to get bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Then, how would Asami end up reacting? What would she think if she knew her lover got so out of shape? Especially when she was supposed to be the Avatar. She was depended on to be the world's heroine, not to mention the most powerful bender alive.
Suddenly, she heard the bedroom door from behind her begin to open.

"Korra, are you in here?" Asami asked.
Korra scurried for the mattress nearby and grabbed the top blanket. She wrapped herself in it. She knew it would look stupid, but it was better than being seen a half-naked fatso. For the past several days, Korra had avoided even letting Asami cuddle or kiss her for long periods of time because she was afraid of her belly being found out. Korra hated doing that and doing this, both to Asami and herself, but she was too afraid, as well as far too proud, to give up and ask Asami for her help. She trusted Asami with her life, but damaging her image in Asami's eyes wasn't something she could stand happening.
Asami shook her head, offering up a flighty chuckle in response to Korra bundled in sheets like a cocoon. "Korra, you're being kind of silly, you know that?"

Korra whipped around to face her. "Silly? Me? Surely you jest, Asami...!"
"You're not going to hide your weight that easily, Korra," Asami said. "So, please...let's...let's just stop this, okay? We don't need to hide it anymore. If you're going to go this far, then it's time we do something about it."

Korra's jaw dropped. Then, she shrugged. With the pretense of trying to appear thin now a pointless endeavor, Korra saw no reason to continue covering up in the blanket. She let the covers drop around her feet, exposing herself fully before the gaze of her lover. 
"I...I got fat, Asami. I got really fat. I'm sorry." Korra lifted her arms and then dropped them, her hands smacking against her bulging thighs.
Asami approached her girlfriend with that usual swagger in her step, the confident and sexy kind that made Korra want to drool all over her. She took Korra into her arms to embrace her. However, Korra couldn't help but let out a tiny squeak when she felt Asami's left hand latch itself onto her backside. Asami's manicured fingernails dug themselves a neat little wedge into the dimpled surface of Korra's chubby buttock. The Avatar forced out a sheepish grin when she realized that Asami wasn't removing her hand anytime soon. The other woman kissed her in response.
"I don't mind the extra softness, Korra."

"Y-You don't? Seriously? I mean, like, seriously, Asami?"

"Honestly, I don't. It's kind of, um, cute, like the chubby puppies I used to play with as a kid!"

Korra rolled her eyes. Their relationship was a little different than one that was between a person and their dog, so that comparison didn't sit too well with her.

Asami continued, saying, "Besides, you should have known I'd have already been aware of it, or else I wouldn't have let you get away with your little attempts at hiding your belly, like changing in a different bedroom and avoiding cuddling with me for too long. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to upset you, not because I had any personal problem with it. I should have said something sooner, Korra. I'm sorry."
"I'm the one who should apologize, Asami. This is MY fault, after all."

Asami gave Korra another peck on the cheek. She should have known. Nonetheless, she gladly took Korra's hand and led her along, taking her through the mansion until the two of them eventually arrived in front of another door. This door looked exactly like all of the others Korra and Asami had walked past so far. The only thing that helped distinguish it was the lone golden plate hanging above that said 'REC ROOM'.

"So here it is. You know, I haven't used this room myself in a long time either. I think the only people who have been in here for the past several months were the cleaning crew. You can probably get a lot of private exercise done in here."
Asami opened the door, allowing Korra to waddle inside. There were a fair number of different machines and equipment strewn about the spacious room, each one offering a different type of experience in regards to the muscles they would help muster and the calories they could burn. There were weights of various sizes, going from 5 pounds to 20 pounds and beyond. There were machines she was meant to walk on or ride on. A lot of hi-tech, new equipment. This was definitely a step above the training grounds back at Tenzin's place. Korra could imagine really bulking up fast if she visited this room every day. It was going to totally reek with her musk before long.
"So where do you want to start?" Asami asked her from behind.
Korra shrugged. She had not been expecting to see this many options presented to her all at once. It was a tad overwhelming, even.
"Uh, where do you THINK I should start?" Korra grinned sheepishly.
Asami brought a hand to her chin as she mulled it over. She looked Korra over. Her girlfriend wasn't a little plump or just verging on the edge of obesity. The Avatar was definitely fat now. However, Asami didn't think that Korra had to immediately dispel herself of all her pudge. In fact, she believed that Korra could make this look work with some extra 'sculpting' done. She could become stronger than she ever had been before. However, for it to work, it would require having her follow a very specialized schedule, as well as a unique dietary course. Asami started to grin, so wide so that it actually scared the other woman seeing it. Korra didn't know what her girlfriend was planning, but it was probably something totally unexpected. That would be just like Asami.
Asami ushered Korra to follow her further into the recreation room. She picked up one of the weights, a ten-pound one. She held it out for Korra to take it.

"Why don't we start with one of these?"
Korra snorted. "Ten pounds? Come on, Asami, you know I can lift way more than that, especially with my bending!"
"Well, it's best to start off small, especially after all of the muscle mass you've let go to waste. You need to work it back up to its original state." Asami said right before reaching out and giving Korra's belly a diminutive pat. It refused to stop jiggling after that, even when a whole two minutes had been.
Korra begrudgingly held out her hand. Asami, smirking, placed the weight into her palm. She gave her girlfriend a kiss on her cheek and then reached over to pat her other cheek again.
"I'll leave you to your work. Good luck, Korra."
"Where are you going to go?" Korra asked as she watched Asami turn and walk toward the door.
"I'm going to go down to the kitchen to make a special request. Even if you think you eat too much, you still need to eat. It's important to keep to your meals, whether you want to lose weight or not. You might not realize it, but food can help you a lot on your way to getting stronger again, Korra. I'm going to have the chefs prepare you a very special meal for dinner tonight. You'll love it, I promise."
Korra's stomach grumbled, even before the Avatar could get a word out edgewise. She could only imagine the sort of decadent, fulfilling feast that Asami wanted to prepare for her. She could trust it would be something good, since Asami did want to help, but despite knowing her so long, Korra couldn't quite say she could figure out everything her girlfriend planned. Well, that was something to worry about later. For now, nothing to do but start getting fit. 

Korra looked down at her belly. She wondered how long it would take before this...this thing would finally leave her.
It was hard for Korra to really get into the groove of the workout at first. However, as she continued to push herself, she grew to adapt to it. The exercises eventually became a constant in her routine. She alternated between weight-lifting and exercise machines every so often. There were times where she'd let Asami watch her too. Korra kept her suspicions to herself, but she was beginning to think her girlfriend might secretly be some kind of pervert. From the way she stared so intensely across the room, it was clear that she was enjoying all of the tantalizing sights. Korra was wearing a small top and short-shorts, ones that exposed a gratuitous amount of potbelly skin and thunder thighs. No surprise, it was a workout outfit that Asami had given her.
On the eating side of things, Korra left everything up for Asami to decide. The Avatar didn't really know the differences between 'good fats' and 'bad fats' or anything else like that, so thankfully her girlfriend was there to pick up the slack in that regard. Korra completely trusted Asami, no matter what plans she might have had for her, so she never raised a single question about the dishes that Asami insisted she should eat. Asami really was doing what she thought was best for Korra. However, the only thing she kept under wraps was what sort of ways she was helping Korra become stronger. Her belly might not shrink down as quickly as she might have hoped, working so closely under Asami's regimen.
"Do you think this is going to work, Asami?" Korra asked one night as she climbed into bed to be by her lover's side.
"Whatever do you mean?" Asami asked, her face half-buried into her pillow.
Korra lifted her blanket to examine her stomach. She briefly but firmly pat her stomach several times. She grabbed hold of it. She sank her fingers into it. She gave it a squeeze and a shake. Korra frowned at what she saw. Her stomach had a long way to go. A little smaller than before, sure, but not nearly close enough to satisfy her fitness goals. It was still a fat belly with a good amount of jiggle in it. Her thighs weren't touching any less either. Korra plopped her head back against her pillow and stared at the ceiling. Her confidence in her workout was starting to wane a tad.
"Korra, you're doing great with your work-out. Don't worry about your belly getting smaller or anything. You're on the right track so far. I know you are; I've been keeping a very close watch on you the past few days."

"I know you have," Korra said, recalling all of the times that Asami had been her one-woman cheering squad in the rec room.

"The food you're eating is going to do good by you too. It just takes some more time. You'll see the results soon, I promise."
Korra rolled over in bed so she could look in Asami's eyes. It was the last thing she wanted to see before she fell asleep that night. She smiled at her.
"So, I guess I just need to keep at it, huh?"
Asami winked. "That's the spirit." she said.

Then, she kissed Korra good-night. She couldn't wait for tomorrow. She couldn't wait for the day after, or even the day after that. It wouldn't be long before Korra finally saw the fruits of her training begin to manifest themselves.
It was some time later that Mako and Bolin were called over by Asami to stop by and see Korra's 'transformation'. When they asked for more information, Asami refused to give any more details. She clearly wanted to keep things a surprise. They weren't thrilled with it, but the brothers went ahead and walked their way out to Asami's place to see Korra anyway. It had been a while since they'd last gotten to speak with her. It wouldn't be a bad thing, getting the old gang back together again for a little while. Korra and Asami had been on their little 'pre-marriage honeymoon' for too long as it was, if you asked either man.

"So what do you think of it?" Bolin asked.

"Of what?" replied Mako, kicking aside a wayward stone in his path.

"Whatever it is that Asami wanted to show us about Korra."

"Probably not much. Ever since they got together, Asami's been wanting to show off her Avatar girlfriend to everybody. Even us. Multiple times."

"Korra's really helped her come out of her shell, huh?" Bolin noted aloud. Despite everything that had happened over the years, Asami had become a more open person thanks to Korra's influence. She could even be described as something of a jokester when she wanted to be.

"She probably helped her lose some weight. Last time we saw Korra, she was looking a little chunky, if you ask me."

Bolin shrugged. "We should just be nice and say 'yes, we agree' to whatever it is they ask us, alright?"

"I already decided on that at the start." Mako replied.

"Yeah...calling Korra 'fat' right to her face...I can't imagine how screwed we'd be after that..."

"We wouldn't even be screwed. We'd be dead."
By the time that Bolin and Mako saw the mansion looming in the horizon, they also saw a pair of figures standing out on the front steps, clearly waiting patiently for their eventual arrival. Korra was wearing her work-out outfit, while Asami was dressed in her casual attire, nothing special. However, the closer they drew, the more obvious it became, the changes that Korra had undergone with Asami's help. Their jaws dropped. Mako and Bolin looked at one another. 
"How's it look, boys?" Korra chuckled, flexing her arm and making a football-sized bicep pop up.
Asami's choice of words had been apt. Korra hadn't just changed, she'd 'transformed'. She still had a very prominent, very substantial gut hanging over her waist, which would have drawn the brothers' attention foremost in any other scenario, but her potbelly was easily overshadowed by how the rest of her had grown. While her stomach may have been big, her limbs were far bigger, yet it was not with the same marshmallowy-soft plumpness like her abdomen, and instead there was dense, powerful muscle.

Korra's muscles were explicitly defined. The numerous bulges, creases, bumps and veins could clearly be seen in the reflection of the mid-morning light. Korra smirked; she got a not-so-subtle kick out of seeing those speechless expressions that Bolin and Mako were wearing. Her chest was still big but they were also firmer in shape than before. Every successive breath that she took made her enormous breasts surge, threatening to burst like bags of popcorn out of her workout top. Mako felt a cold shiver crawl up along the length of his spine. Korra flexed again. It was not entirely out of the question that she could use just a single one of her brawny arms to take down both young men. In fact, Mako looked like a stick figure compared to her. Korra's thighs were no less lacking, of course. Her gigantic, box-shaped thighs were stretching her workout shorts to their breaking point. She could crush a man just as easily with her lower limbs as she could with her upper limbs. Her belly might have still been that pudgy sack of blubber strapped to her abdomen, but it really did little to make light of just how HUGE Korra was as a woman, as a person, now. She was a real giant.
"Korra, you look..." Bolin started to say, but before he could speak another word, Mako elbowed him in the rib. "Ouch!"

Korra, however, was very much interested in hearing her friend's opinion. "How do you think I look, Bolin? Don't worry, I won't clock you or anything for it. I'd probably knock your head right off your shoulders if I tried with these guns of mine! Ha ha ha. No, seriously, I'm not going to hurt you."
"You look, uh, really," Bolin looked over to his brother for help, but Mako would offer no aid. Bolin got himself into this mess on his own, so his brother, as much as he cared for his sibling, wasn't going to risk sticking his neck out for him on this one.
Korra flexed a third time. Her belly trembled and her breasts shuddered when she did so, but man, did she look intimidating as anything ever before. More than she could have feasibly been back in her thinner days. Asami was holding herself back; it took almost every ounce of her willpower to not try and pounce her girlfriend right then and there.
Bolin flashed a sheepish smile as he finally said, "You look really, erm, beefy thanks to your workout!"
Mako slapped a hand to his forehead.
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