Sexy Games For Couples Online

Sexy Games For Couples Online


Sexy Games For Couples Online

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6 Sexy Games for Couples to Play in Bed



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Have you been with your partner for a while? Are you finding things getting stale in the bedroom? It can be easy to let the spark start dying out, especially if you’re both busy with work and your daily lives.
However, having some sexy games up your sleeve can help reignite the passion between you! Check out some of our creative list, then make some time with your partner to let loose and have fun.
If you like foreplay, you’ll love this game. Set a timer for between 15 and 30 minutes. Until the timer goes off, you’re only allowed to engage in foreplay! Both of you can work to see who winds each other up the most – but no penetration of any kind is allowed until that timer bell dings!
This game involves some preparation but can be a ton of fun for both of you. Write down a set of questions revolving around trying things. For example, you could write down, “What do you want to try in bed?” or “What position do you most want to try?”
Put the questions into a pile and mix them up, then take turns drawing a question and reading it out loud. The reader counts to three and both of you give your honest answer. If your answer is the same, you do whatever you said!
This fun bedroom game gives you a chance to learn more about your partner and build up anticipation! Stand in the doorway and have your partner lie on the bed (both of you naked, of course!). Your partner asks you questions about themselves – things like “What’s my favorite scent?” or “Where do I like to be kissed?” For every item you get right, you get to move a step closer to the bed until you finally get close enough to claim your winning prize!
This sexy game could be a fun one to switch up, as well. Take turns standing in the doorway or try this out in different spots in your house!
Although the title might give this bedroom idea for couples away, it is still effortless and can definitely spice things up! One of you volunteers to wear a blindfold, and the other person takes charge. The person who can see leads the blindfolded person anywhere in the home and gets to do whatever they want to their partner. Set a timer for an added twist; when the timer goes off, you have to switch!
Another great game for couples that love foreplay! Have one partner choose a place they want the other person to kiss, but don’t say it out loud! The partner doing the kissing has to kiss all over until they find the spot you wanted. Switch roles and have fun!
This last game can get quite naughty quite quickly, but that’s the fun of it, isn’t it? Have your partner sit or kneel on the ground, with their eyes closed and mouth open. Then you place different body parts against their mouth and make them guess what it is. Switch roles to keep things interesting!
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30 Hot Sex Games for Couples to Play Tonight

By Sylvia Smith , Expert Blogger

Approved By Angela Welch, LMFT

Sylvia Smith loves to share insights on how couples can revitalize their love lives in and out of the bedroom. As a writer at, she is a big believer in living consciously and encourages couples to adopt this principle in their lives too. Sylvia believes that every couple can transform their relationship into a happier, healthier one by taking purposeful and wholehearted action.

Spice up your sex life with these sexy games for couples and make your sex sessions steamy and passionate. Marriage intimacy games certainly deliver in the fun department.
Whether intimate romantic, sexy games are your thing or you’re leaning more towards hot fantasy games for couples, we have got you covered. The fun, sexy games for couples create a naughty and flirty tone to enhance your sex life .
Playing sex games for couples can be a great prelude to a series of nights filled with passion and risque.
A fun approach is often the best. Constant engagement and entertainment have a unique way of making things click in our brains. That is just how we, as humans, work.
Those dealing with intimacy issues in their marriage might want to go in the more free-spirited direction to fix the problem and have a blast while doing it.
So without whiling away any more time, check out the sex games for couples and naughty games to play with your spouse below. They range from thoughtful and sweet to red hot sexy games.
There are many marriage intimacy games out there, but this is an excellent way to get started. Admiration is an essential part of a relationship .
For this game, you take turns to be each other’s, secret admirers. The admirer leaves gifts and clues while the recipient plays along “discovering” the admirer, and this ultimately lead-ups to a great date.
You can have anonymous gifts delivered to the house, place love notes in the car, pant-pockets, and leave clues leading them to a date location.
This is one of the best adult sex games to play with your boyfriend or girlfriend because it starts cute and playful but has the potential to end in something hot and steamy if you know how to play. The more romantic and thoughtful you are, the better the game.
This hot sexual game serves as an entertaining way to hone your romance skills. Although spouses know who the admirer is, the sweet gestures promote closeness and romance (the thought does count) while the unknown (the date) gives the game suspense.
Sometimes all couples need is something to look forward to.
We have all heard of or played the drinking game. The Kissing Game is a very similar and much hotter sex game for couples.
When cuddled up watching a movie or TV show, pick a word, and whenever you hear that word, kiss. You probably won’t finish the film/show, but who needs television when you’re making out with your spouse? That is a win!
Kissing is a very intimate act that often leads to more physical intimacy . The problem is, couples with intimacy issues don’t kiss enough, or they stick with short pecks that do very little for their connection.
This is one of the best sexy games because it gives couples a reason to connect on a physical level.
Truth or dare can easily be shifted to the category of naughty games for couples.
For the truths, ask something meaningful or go with questions that will reveal your partner’s wild side. Examples would be something along the lines of, “When did you know I was the one?” or go with, “What is one of your deep, dark fantasies?”.
This presents the opportunity to open up and reminisce or tap into your partner’s sexuality. Both are steps towards a more intimate marriage .  
As for dares, ensure they are nothing less than naughty and dirty games. Anything from a striptease to something more daring and nasty is on the table.
Marriage intimacy games or romantic bedroom games must encourage closeness, and this one will get spouses close, both mentally and physically.
If you are planning to play good sex games with your spouse, a blind date is the one to go for. Blind dates have a reputation for being miserable, but this game will yield nothing but good times.
For this game, plan a date and meet up at the location playing your selected character. Become a completely different person than you know your spouse will be into and commit to the role.
Act like strangers, engage in dinner conversation, flirt, someone should invite the other for a nightcap and then allow that to turn into one unforgettable night of passion.
Roleplay can build intimacy in a marriage by exposing another side of your personality, which builds a greater connection between partners. Such games involving sexual role play demolishes barriers by encouraging individuals to open up.
The fantasy box can be about a week’s worth of fun, and free sex games for couples rolled into one.
All you need to play couples’ sex games like the fantasy box are a few pieces of paper, a vessel to put those papers in, and an anything-goes kind of attitude.
Both players write down five fantasies on five pieces of paper, put the pieces of paper into a vessel (a small box, bowl, or hat will do), mix them around and take turns picking one. Fantasies may include taking sex out of the bedroom, trying a new position , or experimenting with dominant and submissive roles.
After making a selection, that is what you try. This will result in many mind-blowing nights together. Everyone has fantasies they would like to live out, but sharing those fantasies, especially the deep, dark ones, can be uncomfortable.
This game is a lighthearted way to share things you would like to try with your partner. Along with ensuring a good time, the game increases fulfillment since both are given the opportunity to live out their fantasies.
Painting is fun, but body painting can be one of the best sex game ideas for couples ever. This activity can be turned into exciting and dirty games for couples. Here’s how!
For playing this game, only some washable organic paints and brushes are required. Couples use each others’ bodies as canvases and paint whatever they feel like. They can also shower together afterward.
Soft and smooth brush strokes stimulate erotic sensations and propel intimacy between partners. Apart from that, this intimate game also allows couples to express their feelings and emotions more creatively, which helps them get closer emotionally as well.
This is one of the naughtiest bedroom ideas for couples. It is easy, thrilling, and can surely add oodles of spice to their sex lives .
This couple’s sex game requires a scrabble board and scrabble letters. It is the same as regular Scrabble, and the only difference is that the players can only make romantic and sensual words. The one who loses the game has to do whatever the winner says.
Through this sexy game, couples tease each other and generate a mutual desire to get intimate. It gives them a break from regular intimacy rituals and makes their nights a little more exciting.
Adding some twists to the popular twister game can turn it into a very rousing kinky sex game for married couples. 
This game requires a simple twister plastic mat and a spinner. One partner has to volunteer to spin. The twister game is played as usual, but it allows the couple to get physically closer .
At the end of the game, the loser has to fulfill whatever the winner wishes. The game gets couples in an intimate position but restricts them from doing anything else.
This way, partners get to tease and arouse each other. This makes their act of intimacy more pleasurable.
One of the primary reasons why relationships lose their spark over time is reduced and monotonous physical intimacy routines. Believe it or not, these amusing, intimate ideas for couples can actually rekindle the lost passion in a relationship.
These sexy couples’ games give a chance to interact more freely and explore their fantasies. Thus making their sex lives much more thrilling.
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