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Items with: Princess Cadence

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Stuff going on here.

Cadence Pregnant With Shining Armor 3
Energizer's hearth's warming eve feast 2/2
Energizer's hearth's warming eve feast 1/2
There was a different atmosphere in the room this morning. Twilight's sleeping form- still clad in her brother's pelt and now also leaking cum from her escorts- was carried to her usual spot at the front. Word had spread that Celestia had been devoured during the night. All eyes were on the now noticeably chubbier form of Ocellus, who felt rather self-conscious about how fat Celestia had made her.There was only one royal left now, after nearly a week of fun. The rest were nothing than lined up
All things considered, playing spin the bottle was a bit out of place amidst all the sex, rape, murder, and worse. Yet, after a nice but uneventful dinner, all royals, both pony and changeling came together to partake in this ancient party game. Ocellus, Thorax, Twilight, and Celestia, this would prove to be quite interesting. As he was technically the host, or rather the one who ate the actual host, it was Thorax’s duty to do the first spin.He held the "bottle", which turned out to be the sev
The next day, everyone was assembled in the dining room as per usual. Thorax looked even pudgier than before, but digestion such a powerful being had restored his strength tenfold and he looked especially proud today. Behind him sat Ocellus. She had been scolded for not showing up to help- she had claimed that no one had informed her of the seriousness of the crime. Thorax had forgiven her but she still sulked a little after being admonished. Still, she was looking forward to hearing who was nex
It was the dawn of the next day and another execution would take place. The various royals were woken up and again lead to the big dining rooms. Well except Luna, she was rather dragged to it, angrily mumbling about the insane time for waking her up. All around the room, a crowd of changelings had gathered and, as the day before, the royals were left standing in the middle of the room. Even Cadance’s pelt was dumped on the same spot the pony stood yesterday. Everyone waiting for whatever Thora
Thorax woke up that morning covered in a warm comfortable blanket – the pelt of one of the unicorns his changelings had brought in that night. He smiled as he pulled it off and simply threw it into the corner of the bedroom, knowing that one of his subjects would clean it up for him later. The sun was shining through the window when he opened the blinds – it must have been about midday. In other words, lunchtime. He had thought hard about who he would eat first, but had managed to come to a
The rest of the night was comparably uneventful. Most ponies and changelings alike preferred to rest for now, sans Luna of course. But activities picked up the next day. It was the last safe day they had left, after all, and each Royal had utilized it in a different way. Luna was currently sleeping off her intoxication in one of Fancy's dining rooms, around her several exhausted changelings both stallion and mares. Unlike the others her night was spend drinking, eating, and enjoying more carnal
Hopefully, this wouldn’t get too boring. While the ball wasn’t as big as the Royal Gala, it was a rather important event, hosted in fancy pants own villa, and most of Equestria’s nobility attending. So, of course, the Royals were obliged to attend; all of them. Except for Flurry Heart, of course, safe back at home with a team of dedicated nannies. But as anything involving large amounts of nobleponies went, it would be a rather dull and stuck up event. None of the Royals were particularly
Cocktober Fest [cooking] by MisticHobo
“Uhm, do you think the talks will go well?” Flash Sentry asked gingerly, hoping the changeling mare wouldn’t mind the breach of protocol. Technically he should just stand to attention and stay silent, but he didn’t see the point. All they were doing was standing in front of a pair of richly decorated double doors, while their respective rulers inside hashed out the treaty. They were not even providing any actual security, there were enough crystal and changeling guards spread throughout
“Oh, come on!” Shining Armor exclaimed as he was beaten yet again by Sunburst’s fighter. He was almost of a mind to just fling the controller away. This was getting ridiculous, at this point he would be happy if he could score at least one victory at this. And Cadance’s amused giggles weren’t helping this situation at all. Yet, the evening had begun so well, finally a chance for Shining to give his nerdier side a bit of attention. Ever since he became the prince of the Crystal Empire h
Cadence Pregnant With Shining Armor 2
Cadence Pregnant With Shining Armor 1
The Witch and her Thralls.

A Heartful Side-Story.

Princess Cadance. The Alicorn Princess of Love. Niece to Celestia. Foal Sitter of Twilight Sparkle. She was not a Witch Hunter. However, she had trained Twilight Sparkle in the art of sensing Witches. Now she was here. In Ponyville. Rarity smiled to herself, a gr
Canterlot was on its highest alert in decades. The whole city was surrounded by a bubble that wouldn’t allow anyone in who wasn’t explicitly approved – even Princess Luna had to have the barrier opened for her, since the residual energy of the Tantabus would still be considered enough to block her out. The security was top-notch – no outside attacker would be able to get in.
But no one really planned for the attacker to already be in the city, of course. No one would ha
Canterlot Wedding - Alternate Ending
Changeling for the Badder
Final Chapter – Time After Time
by Jonathan “Fanfic Fetishist” Spires
All characters copyrighted to their original owners. If you like what you see, please support me on Patreon or with a one-time Paypal donation. Every little bit helps keep the lights on and keeps me writing!
Three years later...
Sunlight shone down on the temple Chrysalis was resting in. The su
Changeling for the Badder - Chapter 8
The maid knocked on the door of the royal bedchamber, and when she heard her princess speak, she opened it wide and smiled at the alicorn.
"She's here! Trixie the Devourer's train has arrived!" she announced breathlessly. Before her, reclining on her bed, Princess Cadance smiled at her servant.
"Ah, that's wonderful to hear. I'll be right down to greet her. Does Flurry know?"
"Oh, the news is spreading fast." It was true- the Crystal Ponies were excited to see the one who had not only devoured t
the Crystal Tapes (a Princess Tapes story)
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