Sexuality Test For Men

Sexuality Test For Men


Sexuality Test For Men

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16 Questions - Developed by: Peter - Updated on: 2020-05-01 - 327,791 taken - User Rating: 3.7 of 5 - 63 votes - 99 people like it

Have you ever had a crush on a girl?

I've never gotten very excited about girls

Yes, but I didn't like it (not because the kiss wasn't good, but because I felt like it was wrong)

No, because I've never been interested (yet)

Have you ever imagined having sex with a girl?

No, I just never thought of doing it

Have you ever had a crush on a boy?

I've never been interested/That's gross!

Yes, but I didn't like it (not because the kiss was bad, but because I felt it was wrong)

No, I've never thought of it/That's gross!

Have you ever imagined having sex with a boy/man?
Have you ever thought about changing your gender?
Which of these would you be most likely do if you were to become a woman for one day?

I'd try to have as much sex as possible

When you masturbate, which of these do you imagine most (unless you are watching porn)?

Having intercourse with a man (giving)

Having intercourse with a man (receiving)

What do you think of LGBTQ+ society?
If you were able to have sex with the perfect man for you, and nobody else would ever know, would you do it?
If you could have a dream relationship with a man without being judged by others, which role would you generally assume?

I would never have a relationship with a man

This question might seem stupid or bad, but the answer is important. If you could have sex slaves in your basement, what gender would they be?
Most modern gays have had some kind of intercourse with another boy when they were ages 6 to 12. Did you have that, and how do you feel about it now? (These include things like actually trying to have or having sex (any type) or looking at/touching each other's genitals, etc.)

Yes, I did that, and they are good memories

Yes, I did that, but now I feel it was wrong

Yes, I did that, and have good memories, and don't really care what happened back then (we were kids, after all)

No, but as child, I was imagining those kinds of things a lot

Have you ever tried anal sex, or masturbated anally?

Yes, I do it because it gives me really good physical satisfaction

Yes, and I do it with other people sometimes, too

Yes, I did it due to curiosity/I keep doing it for the same reason

Yes, and I constantly do it because I'm scared to do it with a man

Have you ever tried to wear female clothes of any type?

Yes, dresses or high heels/other feminine shoes

JustAGuyWhoIsStraight (24851)

I just thought that a guy was good looking, so I decided to take this test. Thankfully I'm straight

Mine got it wrong. I am bi but it says that I am straight with bi traits.

MrThiccness (58129)

Yes! Totally straight! Woohoo! --also (apparently) with the possibility of homophobia... 😑 (I'm not homophobic--my best friend is Bi. Lol)

The result is right, i'm homosexual

It says I'm striaght with some bisexuality and if I was in a relationship ship with a man I would be Top. I mean I'm still confused this is the second quiz i got and it also said im heterosexual I'm attracted to feminine traits weather that being with a ciswoman, Transwoman or even non binary so I'm either Gynosexual or pansexual

Shivam Chauhan (53468)

so i got straight as i thought, only took this test cause my gf wanted me to as joke and stuff, but the test also said i could be homophobic, which i ain't and i'm a transguy as well and my gf is bi so yea, just felt like saying this

I can't be gay so this shows am of the hook

homosexual later in lifeunder the category of bisexual. This is quite ordinary for any human being.


Im demisexual and almost no one knows what that is

It is later in life and I am a homosexual and very submissive. I love muscular hunks.i just look at women as friends I have no interest in them sexually.

I find these quizzes so arousing lol. Waiting for it to tell me I’m gay but I get bi.

I've taken at least a dozen of these quizzes and only one of them said i was straight. not this one though this one says I'm bisexual and guess what y'all I'm bi 🐬 sexual. i do have a preference for the female🐬but over the past two years that has weakened a lot. i can say I'm still bi and not pan because of that small attraction to the female🐬and femininity as a whole. but i'll date anyone. some of these answers are incomplete though they're missing a lot of bi or pan options. like the🐬slave question i wouldn't have🐬slaves personally but there was no option for equal amounts of both. just because I'm bi with a preference doesn't mean other bisexuals aren't exactly 50/50. I'm more of 70/30

someoneigues5 (30105)

the fact that "if you were a woman for a day" doesn't have a freaking "i'd be myself and not care" as an option disgusts me greatly, i'm saying this as an asexual that's curious if i was really asexual, thank you for proving to me that i am, in fact, asexual... by giving me disgusting answers as the only picks.

So many of these quizzes are incomplete, with a range of answers that don’t cover a proper range of options, meaning you have to give an absolutely untrue answer in order to continue. Weak.

RandomGuyOnTheInternet (71868)

It says I am bisexual but I don’t like or fantasize about women. I have had 4 male crushes this year (I’m 13 BTW) for varying reasons. Though TBH my crushes more fit my sexuality (I think I am gay and I do fantasize about men so all in all, I think that I am gay). LGBTQ+ rights, people! 🏳️‍🌈

Already know im bisexual just did this for fun
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If you're worried/wondering about your sexual orientation, this test should help you understand your preferences. Answer every question with deep thought, and be honest. If you aren't completely truthful, and just answer to get the result you want, that result isn't likely to be accurate.
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