Sexuality Quiz For Females

Sexuality Quiz For Females


Sexuality Quiz For Females

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26 Questions - Developed by: Cassidy - Developed on: 2020-12-28 - 9,040 taken - User Rating: 4.2 of 5 - 9 votes - 18 people like it
Have you ever been in a relationship with a woman?

I’m in a relationship ship with a woman right now!

Have you ever been in a relationship with a man?

No and I wouldn’t like to / Yes but I didn’t enjoy it and wouldn’t like to do it again

Yes, I liked it and would only date boys

Yes, I liked it but I have also dated / would like to date a woman

No and I absolutely don’t want to! / Yes but I hated it or wouldn’t like to do it again

I have kissed both a girl and a boy or I would like to kiss both genders

Yes and I liked it and would only kiss this gender

No but I would like to / it could happen!

Have you ever looked up on the internet or on other apps photos or videos of two girls kissing/making out?

Yes, I often do that... ( that’s perfectly fine by the way!:)

I wished I was one of the two girls/ it really turned me on

Nothing special, I was just curious!

When you imagine yourself doing sexual things, which gender is it with? ( sorry if this is too intrusive )
Which gender do you fantasize more in your dreams? ( Sorry if it’s too intrusive again:(

Girls only or most of the time and I enjoy it:)

Both but the when it’s with a woman it makes me uncomfortable...

In general, do you feel sexually attracted to women?

Yes but more when I think of doing it with a woman than when I’am actually with women

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends of the girl

How far would you go with a girl ( that you like )? ( based of what YOU want, not what other would think )

I’d give it a try, kiss her if I feel like it!

All the way without any hesitation ;)

In your daily life have you ever caught yourself checking out other females?

I never realized it before you asked me this question but I often check out women, especially their body and shapes...

Well, yes actually I do this all the time

Yes but with everybody actually! I pay the equal attention to both men and women

When a girl ( other than your family or your platonic friends) touch you, what do you feel?

I kind of feel something but I’m unsure what it is and I can’t explain it..( it’s okay cutie! )

I get butterflies in my stomach and I can’t stop thinking about it and actually I want to be even more close to her and I-...

I feel attracted to her but it also happened when guys touch me

When you go out which gender do you more often notice?

I notice both gender and I can’t decide who to pay more attention to!

Girls...I mean look at them they are WAY more attractive:)

Girls but it’s more like a style thing or something like that

Have you ever crushed on a girl? ( When you see her you get butterflies, you can’t stop thinking about her, you want to be closer to her,....:)

No, I have never felt this way for girls ( but for guys yes! )

Who do you feel emotionally closer to? ( Or who do you have more emotional attraction for )
How many of these tests have you already taken? ( it means nothing special don’t worry! )

Too many to count... ( questioning is perfectly fine don’t worry:)! )

Have you ever desired to be naked with another woman?
Recently have you wanted to touch a woman intimately?
If a really pretty girl asked you out right now, how would you react?

I would say no but a part of me would regret it or a part of me is still curious

I’m not sure of what I would say, maybe yes? Would I like it? I’m not sure...

I would totally say yes without any doubt! I’m so ready, I can’t wait!

What if a really nice and pretty boy asked you out at the same time?

No thanks, the girl seems better even tho he seems great, so I’m going for the girl!

Yeah I think I would prefer that even tho the girl seems great too! I’m going for the guy!

I choose him! The woman doesn’t attract me anyway

Have someone already questioned your sexuality?

No they haven’t, they KNOW I’m straight

No they haven’t, I’m already out to them as a part of the LGBTQ community

No they haven’t, they think I’m straight

Yes, more than once! They see me as gay or they think I’m attracted to women

If a really pretty and super nice girl tried to kiss you at a party what would you do?

Kiss her back! What a question...she is so attractive

I’d rather kiss that pretty boy over there...

I’m still not sure... I’m a bit lost and I don’t know what I would do ( it’s okay, take your time and if you’re confused that’s totally valid!:)

You see two cute gay girls together ( through internet or in real life ) how do you feel or what do you think?

I look at them discretely, not really sure of what I feel but knowing it kind of makes my heart skipping a beat...

I respect them but that couldn’t be me!

I get butterflies 🦋🦋... I want this kind of relationship

Could you be in a long term relationship with a girl?

Yes! but I think would prefer it with a man

Yes! I could also be in a long-term relationship with a man but I would prefer with a girl I think

I don’t want to be in a long term relationship or I just want to experiment for the moment OR no I would only date boys so no

Actually I would like to have a long term with any genders equally!

When did you start questioning your sexuality? ( this doesn’t affect your result )

It’s quite recent but I realize I never was really sure

It’s been ages! I have never known what my sexuality was

I just want to be sure I’m straight

I just want to be sure I’m a lesbian

I’m a bit lost. I noticed recently that girls attracted me

I've been so confused for the part 8 months, I keep switching from Pansexual to a Lesbian, I always think I wanna be with men- But I wanna be with women and do things with women (sexually) with them. I don't know, people get upset or sad when I say I'm a lesbian and guilt trip me into being Pansexual, and I do really care for the gender of people, I don't know anymore, I've taken a LOT of tests and I've got Lesbian on each. I'm a lesbian, but people are making this really hard for me

i'm lesbian i always thought i was bi because my sister is older than me and she has a gf and i have always looked up to her and if i tell her this i know she would support me

I'm lesbian? I thought I was bi, but it kinda makes sense. (I'm 11 btw0

i feel attraction to every gender except men ???

I think am pan put I would Date girl and Boys and girls that Transition in to a Boy put not a Boy That transition into a girl

@Help needed, well its seems as if u got ur answer. Take no offence to that tho cos being lesbian or attracted to women more than men is GREAT. (I am 12 btw)

Help needed (97478)

it says that I’m a lesbian because I took it again

Help needed (97478)

I dated a guy and it was nothing he did not talk to me so we broke up so now I’m questioning myself but I think I’m either bi, lesbian or A sexual because I’m not really attracted to anyone but I would date a girl but I would date a boy but if I date a boy it might be like the first relationship so please help if you know something I ’m starting to think I’m pan PLS HELP

I used to do swimming with friends every week together so we where naked then... and one of them are my best friend EVER and she is pan and she might have a crush on me (we Are 11)

Help needed (79898)

It says I’m a lesbian but I dated a guy and it was💝but I would date a girl but I would date a guy but I’m not really attracted to anyone but I would date a girl so please tell me what you think

Ayy it's me ✌ (60306)

Alright so I'm out to my best friend as pan but this told my I'm a les I'm confused now ✌

So i'm pretty sure i'm Pan but i"m confused again

Thanks for making this quiz. I had a crush on a girl last winter, and it just felt different from my crushes on guys. I kinda freaked out, and buried those feelings. But after reading numerous books and seeing representations in the media, I decided to revisit those feelings. I’m still far from knowing for sure, but through thinking it through, taking quizzes like this to ask myself different questions about my sexuality, I’m getting it closer. So I just wanted to say thank you for helping us question and not letting our felling get buried in our heteronormative society. Thank you!

Artemesia Otterdawn (89947)

@Help me I'm so confused, I'd just like to let you know I've been feeling the same right now, I was overly straight, actually a bit too straight until 3 months ago when I just started... Yeah. Just wanted to let you know you are not alone

I got the result as lesbian and I'm only attracted to girls ONLY GIRLS So I would probably date my friend

Help me Im so confused - not anymore (70859)

Ok I’m sorry for bothering y’all I did some research and I think I’m sexually fluid bye now sorry for taking up the comments 😔

Help me I’m so confused (44119)

Help me I’m so confused (44119)

I’ve thought my whole life I was straight, when my friends would ask (no pressure involved ofc) I would say straight without a second thought. I’ve never really been attracted to girls. Then about a week ago I started feeling things... when I saw or thought about some girls... and now I’m really confused because it’s just getting stronger. Most of my friends are not straight, whether that means gay, bi, pan, or whatever they feel like and that’s caused me to wonder about what it would be like to like girls but I didn’t linger on it for long until a few days ago. I don’t know what is happening and I just wanted to share my feelings and see if anyone felt the same. Idk lol

it said i got lesbian. i already know I'm bisexual with a preference for men. great quiz tho :)

Yeah im just so lost bc i thought i was bi but i realized i am attracted to femboys and girls but aaaa this is hard to explain,,, also this whole thing is so cute!!
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This test is to help confused girls finding out their sexual orientation. You might be straight, bi-curious, bisexual ( with a preference or not ) or a lesbian! Discover if you are attracted to the same sex only or the opposite or both:) Remember that I’m no one to tell you who you are, I’m just trying to help because being confused can be really difficult...! Whatever result you get, know that you are valid and you should be proud of who you are. Love is love! ( Sorry for some of the really intrusive questions)
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