Sexualities Test

Sexualities Test


Sexualities Test

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10 Questions - Developed by: JessieAndMegan - Updated on: 2020-02-17 - 647,089 taken - User Rating: 3.5 of 5 - 44 votes - 224 people like it

What do you think your sexuality is now?
Who have you found yourself most attracted to over the past few years?

Both, but personality matters more to me

I've had crushes on people because of their personalities, not their sexes

Have you dated someone of the opposite sex?

Only after I got to know them really well

Yes / No, but I have crushed on them

Yes, as many times as the opposite sex

I am only attracted to the same sex

Only if I got to know them really well first

What's your opinion of bisexual people?

I think dating both genders is fine as long as you have a good friendship

Would you rather be in a relationship with the opposite or the same sex?
Do you think you can tell if other people are gay? ("gaydar")
If you have a crush at the moment, which sex is it on?

A friend of either the same or the opposite sex

After taking this test, what do you think your sexuality is now?

i already knew i was pan, i just decided to take this for fun and it told me i was pan

"christian" faith is inhumane (24966)

The comments are depressing as 🦄. You either don't accept your sexuality or you are delusional

2 genders only (24966)

To the person that said there are 8 genders: SAY IT WITH ME. THERE ARE ONLY 2 GENDERS. IDGAF.

Hi… my parents are both christians (to make matters worse my dad is a pastor) but I’ve usually been into guys. For years I’ve identified as straight. Now I met someone at a fair near my house and I think I like her. I don’t want to be bi, but everywhere I look I’m thinking I’m bi. I’m 40% straight and 40% bi. I want to change this, I only want to like guys! Any tips…?

why did i get 10% gay haha???/nm thankfully it acknowledged my asexuality though so that’s nice ^^

IM BI YESSSS (already knew I was but YEEES)

bisexual_FOX ;3 (08370)

@🍄 gay is liking the same genders as one, specifically if you are a man and like men, but can also be referred to women liking women. bi is liking genders same and opposite of one, reference to both men and women. also you can be romantically attracted to people but not sexually attracted, for example I would be biromantic if I were romantically attracted to same and opposite genders of mine. just wanted 2 put that out there

bisexual_FOX ;3 (08370)

i got 40% bi and 40% asexual, 10% homosexual and 10% pan. AWESOME TEST

I’m omni and being bi is similar but I like every gender

I'm 70% pan and 30% bi i guess im pan

I’m gay 💅 and I plan on being gay till satan takes me away 🙄🫃

I got Bisexual yes depends if i had crush on both boy or girl depends. I really like it

I have struggled to except the fact that I am a homosexual, but now I except it and I just want to find that perfect man for me.

um. which two genders? male and female? agender and bigender? trans and pangender? I'm confused

I've got bisexual. I am actually biromantic and gray-asexual. I think that this test is mostly refers to romantic attraction, not sexual.

II have bisexual attraction but choose to want to date only males because of my Christian faith. There are many like myself that resolve that struggle between faith and sexuality that way.

It says I’m straight which I very much believe so thanks for the quiz. I took this because I am friends with some gay people and I wanted to see if it had an effect on me

honestly atm i have no idea if i'm gay or bi with a preference, any ideas how to tell the difference? sorry to bother yous btw

@Recycle You can still be a lesbian and like gender neutral people I believe

The test said i'm Pan. Totally true. Genders don't matter. Personality does. If they are mean, i don't like Them. Only if they are nice. So yeah
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Co-created by a heterosexual and a bisexual, this quiz aims to offer you deeper insight into your sexuality if you're wondering about it, like so many do. The best bisexuality test out there! If you've long suspected you might be bi, confirm it (or not) right now.
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What are the most widespread sexualities in modern society? Among the few widely accepted ones are 
These are the few sexuality types that are widely recognized in modern society. However, the list is not limited by these five labels. There are dozens of more specific sexual orientations you can identify as. Moreover, some people prefer to avoid labels to feel free from social constrictions. If you feel uncomfortable limiting yourself to only one specific sexuality, I encourage you to neglect any label and just be you. 
In this Sexuality quiz, I’ve included several widely accepted and most numerous sexuality types. I wish I could fit all the minor titles, but that would create an enormous quiz. FOr now, I’ll just leave here a shortlist of some interesting and unusual sexualities for you to read about. 
I bet you’ve never heard this term before. But you may be more familiar with the term narcissus? Autosexuals are not true narcissists in phycological terms (as in a diagnosed disorder), but they still take pleasure and satisfaction in their image. Such people get sexual gratification from looking at their bodies. 
That thing about being unwilling to label yourself? That is a very modern thing to do. Thus, it’s gotten its own name - pomosexual. It describes people who just want to feel what they feel without putting a label on it. 
Though, in a way, the fact that they’ve got a name of their own is a sort of labeling on its own, right? 
Tell me what you think about this controversy. 
This is a bit more complex sexuality to grasp. It identifies people who can be sexually aroused or attracted only under certain circumstances. One of the most common criteria is having a deep romantic relationship with a person. Some call it common sense but do not understand - they are literally unable to be sexually attracted otherwise. 
This is more of a romantic orientation (not a sexual one) that lies in-between romantic and aromantic. And here I should expand on the aromantic term. It describes people who don’t develop romantic attractions. They can still be in a relationship, but not romantically-based. Do not confuse it with asexuals; it has nothing to do with sex. 
In fact, any sexual orientation can be aromantic! 
These are some of the most exciting orientations I’ve discovered. Now, if you experience any sexuality-related problems or simply want to make a difference in social and legal acceptance, the following organizations may be of help. 

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10 Questions - Developed by: Yankeenoodlebaggy - Updated on: 2021-09-20 - 5,321,434 taken - User Rating: 3.5 of 5 - 384 votes - 2766 people like it

In the past, toward which have you felt the most sexual attraction?

I haven't felt sexual attraction toward anyone yet.

I tend to go for personality more than for someone's sexual identity.

Which sex do you find more physically attractive?

I find both attractive, but I am less about how people are sexually and more about how they shine and live their lives.

Man or woman, I am sexually attracted to both equally.

Have you dated someone of the same sex as you in the past?
Do you feel sexual attraction toward the opposite sex?

Yes, I am absolutely attracted to them.

It depends on his/her personality and our emotional connection.

No, but then I don't really find anyone sexually attractive yet.

Do you find the same sex attractive?

No, but I don't really find anyone attractive - man or woman. I just like to have friends and fun.

My attraction depends more on personalities than on sexual identities/sexual behavior.

Yeah, I am sexually attracted to some extent.

Do you dream of kissing/having sex with the opposite sex or the same sex?

Neither. Physically, it doesn't really happen for me. It's 100 percent about personality.

It depends. Most of the time I identify as straight/heterosexual...but I have fantasized about a different sexual orientation, too.

So far, I have only dreamed of kissing or having sex with the opposite sex.

It happens with every gender identity.

I have to get to know a person before I fall in love with him/her.

I've had feelings for someone, but never more.

Have you ever been in a solid relationship?

No / Yes, but I didn't want to make it physical.

No, I haven't. I just don't know what I want.

Yes, with someone of the opposite sex.

What is your opinion on homosexuality?

I think I am homosexual, and I accept it fully.

It's not my thing, but I accept it.

Since you came here, you probably have an idea of what you might lean towards. What do you think your sexuality is?

Seeing how I've really not dreamed of or really had sexual desire towards someone...I might be asexual.

I think, I am able to love everyone equally.

I think, I am heterosexual after all.

apparently im 40% homosexual, 40% asexual, 20% pansexual, 0% heterosexual and 0% bisexual. i knew i wasnt straight

I am panromantic and trans af!! As far as sexual attraction, well I'm a teen...but if I had to define it I'd say either homosexual, pansexual w/a female pref., or sexfluid?? I don't know if the last one is real but um yeah.... also I've had a gf, but I have a ROMANTIC crush on a guy. Figgerin myself out one step at a time... but I'm pretty sure I am a ✨gay QUEEN✨lol haha I screamed that from the diving board at the pool once

im biromantic asexual with a preference for men

Aulus Cornelius Laterensis (82833)

Well, 60% homosexual, 20% asexual, 10% bisexual, 10% pansexual and 0% heterosexual. I can cope with it.

Bi ? I suppose I can deal with that, but about 2 years ago (before COVID-19), I met a real man at a homo party who let me exam his length and girth whereas I began to drool. Unfortunately, he had his eyes on something else so I couldn't continue. Made me want to cry. But where there is a big one, there is always someone bigger.

This made me a bit more confuse, though I already have an idea of what I am. But I just got bi (10), ace(50), hetero(10), homo(10), and pan(20).... For three years I was just bi, for a few moments I considered pan, now I'm able to say I'm asexual. though most people know me as bi, I'm not sure how to come out ace, my brain is constantly telling me that everyone will begin assuming I'm just confused (especially my parents as they never really accepted me liking girls too), especially since I'm learning that being ace isn't well known as gay, lesbian, bi, pan etc. To the few people I've told never even heard of it, which doesn't help with how I fell inside. Sometime I feel like maybe I really don't know who or what I am, and I have no one around to guide me. Hell, sometimes just for assurance I turn to these quizzes, even though I know most aren't entirely accurate or I can easily manipulate answers. Times like these I feel alone.

💋 sexuality’s I don’t know what the hell I am anymore


Hey, probably you won't be able to help me with this, but it's worth a try, I guess :D Since at least four years I'm trying to figure out my sexuality (even though I'm sure, I never thought I was straight - I drew lesbian couples in kindergarten). But everytime I think I found my labels and start feeling comfortable, they seem to change again. It's a curse :3 Like, during the last 2 years I literally had over 50 labels for my sexuality and a little less for my romantic attraction (and several different combinations of them) - what is wrong with me!? So, this year I finally got diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome and realized, it probably influences my sexuality. I also know, that my sexual attraction is fluid (on both who I like and between allo/ace). For example, I always have a preference on my own current gender (genderfluid). At the moment I have about 20 (didn't count) labels, but none of them really fit. The most important ones are abrosexual, acefluid, aegoflux, neurosexual, pomosexual, queer, homosexual and omnisexual. I look for one label, that describes my sexuality. I already looked through different lgbtqia+ wikis, but I don't find one. Maybe sb of you has an idea? I know the following about my sexuality for sure: - ace-spec - changing - influenced by my Asperger-autism - complicated Anyways, thank you for reading this mess. I hope, my English isn't too bad (I really try XD) and maybe you can help me.

Mostly asexual, ofcourse. Also think I'm Aromantic. I can love someone, but as a person or friend. I could never date anyone.

djdjchufjwkaoncjeo (41681)

80%bi 10%hetero 10%pan When I was first figuring out my sexuality I thought I was bi but then for ages I thought I was pan but now I'm starting to think I'm bi again and it's confusing 😕

Am I perfect? No I ain't but im proud %uD83D% (34451)

40% lesbian 30% bi 30% pan. I've felt like I was all these in the past and rn I'm in a lesbian stage, so this is accurate👍

imalilconfused (72648)

honestly, im so confused. this might sound weird but im like probably 80 % lesbian and 20 percent pan idk. i find men physically attractive but not sexually, and i find women physically and sexually attractive. and i have a major crush on someone who's non-binary and i've had a crush on them for abt 2 months so i honestly have no clue what i am. whatever 💃.
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