Sexual Rimming

Sexual Rimming


Sexual Rimming
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Welcome to the wonderful world of analingus.
Anal play is all the rage at the moment. Everyone is talking about butt stuff —and no, we're not just referring to anal sex . With people trying everything from anal toys to pegging , there are no limits in this game, friend.
For those curious about expanding their anal repertoire, might we suggest the rim job? Rimming—also known as analingus, tossing salad, ass eating, peach munching, eating the booty like groceries, etc.—is when you use your tongue and lips to stimulate your partner’s anus. The move "is referred to as 'rimming' because often, the rim or outer edges of the anus [are] the focus area[s]," says Dr. Kristie Overstreet , a psychotherapist and clinical sexologist. "This doesn't mean that only the rim is stimulated."
Rimming can involve penetration of the tongue into the anus, circling around it, or licking or kissing all the around the rest of the butt. “This region of your butt is a highly erogenous zone with a plethora of nerve endings,” explains Dr. Evan Golstein , founder and CEO of Bespoke Surgical and The Future Method . This is why rimming feels good, regardless of sexual orientation or gender. "The sensations are indescribable,” he says, "though most people compare it to having their most sensitive and ticklish areas kissed or licked.”
Although rimming has traditionally been thought of as a fringe sex act, it's been on the rise recently, with shows like Girls and Nicki Minaj's " Anaconda " bringing it into the mainstream. In fact, according to a 2008 study of American men, 24% said they had performed analingus on their partners, while 15% said that a partner had performed it on them. More recently, a 2012 Esquire poll of 500 men found that 12% secretly wished they were getting more anilingus. Alas, it's tough to find more recent data. Most studies have focused on how common anal sex is, but not rimming, specifically.
It's possible. Hepatitis A, herpes, HPV, syphilis, and gonorrhea can be transmitted through a rim job, Goldstein says. Hepatitis A is directly spread through feces, whereas syphilis , HPV (genital warts), and herpes are spread through skin-to-skin contact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). While herpes is usually located in the mouth or genitals, you can also get it on your lower back and buttocks—known as sacral herpes . Oral gonorrhea can be spread by rimming, too.
There are a couple of things you can do to decrease the likelihood of STI transmission during rimming. First, keep an eye out for cuts or abrasions on the tongue, lips, gums, or rectum. These cuts can become entry points for infection and transmission, the CDC notes.
Second, there's the option of using a dental dam, Goldstein says. Dental dams are thin, latex or polyurethane sheets used between the mouth and vagina or anus during oral sex. They’re not as easy to find at local corner stores as condoms, but you can pick them up from Planned Parenthood or purchase them online .
“You can get bacterial infections like e.coli and salmonella from rimming,” Goldstein says. “Giardia, a microscopic parasite that is passed through feces, and other parasites can also be transmitted through rimming.”
Luckily, this is pretty easily preventable. The key is washing around your anus with soap and water. But make sure to use antibacterial soap! Also: “Avoid rimming if you or your partner has been sick or is experiencing symptoms of a possible stomach bug,” Goldstein says. That’s because “bad” bacteria usually comes from contaminated food, and most people experience diarrhea or stomach pain after ingestion. So if your partner's stomach is upset, they’re more likely to transmit bad bacteria to you through rimming.
Contrary to popular belief, you don't need to douche or enema to prep for rimming. “Doing an enema is typically for play that goes a bit deeper," says Alicia Sinclair, a clinical sexologist and CEO of the sex toy company b-Vibe . When you rim, you don’t penetrate the anus. You’re licking the external anus, for the most part. (Perhaps you can get a half-inch inside the anus with your tongue, but that’s really it.) So an enema is not necessary the way it is if you’re being penetrated with a penis or dildo.
Let's get one thing straight right off the bat: before you put your tongue or mouth on anyone’s butt, you have to ask for your partner's consent. Make sure both you and your partner are down to give this a try. “Being able to trust your partner and talk about what does or does not feel good makes a big difference in the experience,” Overstreet says.
If you go down south without asking your partner if it's OK beforehand, that won’t be fun for anyone. It could even be traumatizing for them. “Shock or discomfort also makes the anal muscles tense up, which means less pleasure for all parties involved,” Sinclair warns.
Once your partner has given you the OK (or you've given your partner the OK), you can simply incorporate it into your regular sex session. “If you are the receiver, you can ask your partner while they are giving you oral sex [or a hand job] to back up and stimulate the anal area,” suggests Overstreet.
Sinclair suggests stimulating your own anus to get used to the sensation beforehand. It’s important to figure out what might feel good for you. You can do this using your fingers or with a small butt toy. Be sure to use lots of lube .
You might be wondering: OK, so how do I actually lick this butt now that I’m down here? Start by trying to put your partner at ease, says Sinclair. "Massage around the bum a bit, slowly making your way in towards the anus with gentle movements,” she says. This will help them relax.
Sinclair says one of the best analingus techniques is to “swirl the tip of your tongue in a circle around the opening,” she says. “You can [also] flick the tip of your tongue up and down just over the opening.” Another tip? Try softening the tongue and licking up and down the entire anus, “sort as if you were eating an ice cream cone.”
Again, communicate with your partner about what feels good and what doesn’t, and always listen to your partner’s body. “When the receiver gets more aroused, or when you find a move that really works for them, you might notice that the anus relaxes and expands a little bit," says Overstreet. This is a good sign. It means the body is responding positively to the pleasure.
If you're receiving, offer feedback about what feels good to you. Overstreet says to breathe into your body, focus on the pleasure, and try to relax as much as possible.
If you find you enjoy it, go forth and experiment! Try rimming on your back, or maybe give facesitting a try. Don’t be afraid to venture into new territory. Sex is fun and we should all get a little creative every once in a while. Otherwise, what’s the point?

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All your questions about anal foreplay, answered.
You might have heard of rimming, also known as anilingus, but you’d be forgiven for not knowing exactly what it means. The term refers to anal foreplay with the tongue – specifically licking, penetrating, sucking, kissing, or otherwise orally stimulating your partner's anus.
People of all genders and sexual orientations have been engaging in anal play for centuries. We know this thanks to the saucy pictures depicted on Ancient Greek pottery dating back to 500BC. But is rimming safe and does it come with any health risks?
We speak to psychosexual and relationship counsellor Carolyn Cowan and GP trainee Dr Elizabeth Dapre about what a rim job is, safety tips and how to enjoy anal play responsibly:
Rimming, also known as anilingus, is part of anal pleasure. 'It is licking the anus, the anal sphincter and the perineum,' explains Cowan. 'It is often performed alongside genital touch.'
Although it's an enjoyable foreplay experience, those who engage in rimming are unlikely to climax from it alone. 'Most will not orgasm through rimming alone and it is considered as a part of sexual foreplay,' adds Cowan. 'However, it is a great way to discover if you find your, or your partner’s anus, or anal play, arousing as it does not involve penetration and so there is no risk of pain.'
As with any sexual activity, how rimming works depends very much on the couple. Cowan suggests: 'It's best to discuss with your partner if they would like to try to play in this way, first. For some, the anus is no-go area and it is important to respect this.
With a little bit of preparation and some basic hygiene, there's no reason why you can't still enjoy anilingus.
'If playing with this for the first time you could begin with oral sex and genital play and they work your way down. It can be enjoyed across the gender and gender preference spectrum, and is considered a gentle form of anal play.'
While rimming is an enjoyable experience for many, some of you may be concerned about the hygiene risks associated with putting your tongue on your partner's anus.
'In addition to the common sexually transmitted infections, such as herpes and warts, which can be passed on via any type of oral sex, venturing that little bit further to experiment with anilingus does increase your risk of contracting specific infections carried within faecal matter,' says Dr Dapre.
Rimming is one of the riskier choices of sexual play because of the potential for contracting infections.
In short: 'rimming is one of the riskier choices of sexual play because of the potential for contracting infections which can be transmitted via your poo,' explains Dr Dapre. But with a little bit of preparation and some basic hygiene, there's no reason why you can't still enjoy the activity.
As with most sexual activities, there is a risk of catching a sexually transmitted infection (STI) if you engage in anilingus with an infected partner. Dr Dapre outlines the following potential risks that comes with rimming:
Hepatitis A is a common viral infection which can cause inflammation of the liver and can make you feel very unwell.
Salmonella, shigella, E. coli and campylobacter are all bacterial infections which can cause diarrhoea , abdominal pain and fevers, and which are also transmitted via the faeco-oral route.
Parasitic infections such giardiasis are also transmitted in this way, and produce similar symptoms, often requiring treatment with antibiotics.
If you are concerned about contracting or passing on an STI, make an appointment with your local sexual health clinic to get checked out before engaging in sexual activity with a new partner.
Don't let the health risks put you off – if you want to try rimming, there are steps you can take to make the activity as safe as possible and still have a great time, as outlined by Dr Dapre:
The anus is rife with bacteria and so cleanliness and protection is key. Ensure the area is completely cleaned before engaging in sexual activity.
The safest way to engage in oro-anal play is to ensure that you and your partner are up to date with your STI checks .
Using barrier methods, such as dental dams , can significantly reduce the risks of catching or passing anything on. Dental dams, for those who are not familiar, are sheets of latex that can be used on genitals to protect against STIs and infections.
You may also wish to douche the area before rimming in order to ensure cleanliness and help you both relax. If so, ensure you use a douche or enema designed specifically for anal use.
If you intend to continue with foreplay or sex after analingus, it's extremely important to wash your mouth efficiently before putting your tongue anywhere near your partner's mouth, penis or vagina afterwards, to avoid spreading infection.
Aside from our rimming safety tips, anal play can be great fun so use your imagination and enjoy!

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"Rimming" may sound like a neat skateboard trick. And "toss the salad" may sound like a simple cooking instruction. But actually, both are euphemisms for a sex act that can bring big time pleasure: analingus.
And though people are more open to talking about it now, butt play isn't anything new. It's been a thing long before Nicki Minaj was rapping about oral-anal in "Anaconda," or Desi made love to Marni’s bum with his tongue in Girls.
Still, it wasn’t until peach play entered the cultural zeitgeist that rimming started to get the attention it deserves. But here’s the thing: A sex act as pleasurable as analingus could always get more attention (and experimenters), since rimming can be pleasurable to receive and/or give.
"As a stand-alone act, receiving rimming can be just as or more pleasurable than any other kind of anal sex," says Carol Queen, PhD, sexologist with sex toy company Good Vibrations . "Giving anal-oral can also be hot because you’re turning someone on, doing a service act for them, and it's super naughty."
Intrigued? Ahead, renowned sexologists and educators share all the intel on exactly what rimming entails. (Just be warned: You’ll be aching to bend over or bend someone over after reading about it.)
Rimming is the colloquial term for the act of licking in and around the (ahem) rim of another person's asshole. Also known as analingus, it's oral sex performed on a butt, explains Queen.
"Rimming often involves circling the entrance of the ass," she says. But just as is true with oral on vulvas and penises, there are lots of options for oral-anal play, she explains. "Tongue penetration can be part of it, too," she says.
"It's definitely a legitimate source of sexual pleasure for many people," says Kimberly McBride , PhD, Associate Professor of Public Health at the University of Toledo, who's extensively researched anal sex. In fact, she encourages people not to "shy away from that kind of an exploration because it can be very pleasurable."
Why does it feel so good, exactly? "There are a lot of erotic nerve endings in the anus, so people can really find themselves having a different, better orgasm from rimming," explains Joe Kort , PhD, a certified sex therapist in Royal Oak, Michigan. Plus, you can even get more aroused than usual since the area's typically unexplored, he adds.
Oh and btw, it's totally possible to orgasm from analingus without penetrative sex , according to both Kort and McBride. But even if a ride to rim town doesn’t bring you a Big O, incorporating it into your sexual repertoire can still enhance the overall experience. Accord
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