Sexual Orientation Quadrant Test

Sexual Orientation Quadrant Test


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В подростковом возрасте некоторым девушкам и юношам приходится довольно сложно разобраться в себе по многим параметрам. Одной из главных проблем становится вопрос сексуальной ориентации. С помощью этого онлайн теста вы сможете выявить задатки вашей личности, которые до этого вполне могли таиться в глубинах подсознания. Тест в своей основе содержит основные характеристики и поведения как мужского, так и женского пола. Советуем быть максимально откровенными, ведь иначе результат может оказаться неточным. Готовы лучше узнать себя?

Вы гомосексуал– человек, испытывающий эмоциональное, романтическое, эротическое или сексуальное влечение исключительно к лицам своего пола. В современной науке (в частности, биологии и медицине) считается, что гомосексуальность, как и любая другая сексуальная ориентация, – это разновидность нормы, а не болезнь.

Вы бисексуал – человек, испытывающий эмоциональное, романтическое, эротическое или сексуальное влечение к лицам как своего, так и противоположного пола. Бисексуальность – это не «переходный этап», а отдельная самостоятельная ориентация, не менее полноценная, чем все остальные. И если человек называет себя бисексуальным – значит, на данный момент он или она со своей ориентацией определились. Би-человек не может гарантировать, что сохранит одну идентичность на всю жизнь.

Вы гетеросексуал – человек, испытывающий эмоциональное, романтическое, эротическое или сексуальное влечение исключительно к лицам противоположного пола. Натурал – это синоним, который часто используется в беседе со знакомыми. В разговорной речи может также проскользнуть «нормальный человек». Людям, которые считают только такое поведение правильным и единственно верным, свойственный гетеросексизм.

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10 Questions - Developed by: Crunchy-Guy - Updated on: 2020-03-06 - Developed on: 2018-02-26 - 657,036 taken - User Rating: 3.4 of 5 - 5 votes - 135 people like it
Which sex have you tended to fall in love with?
Which sex do you have fantasies about?
When you're out, which sex do you most often notice?
With which sex do you usually have sex (assuming you have done so)?
Which sex have you crushed on more?
Do you feel confident and comfortable with your sexual orientation?
No, because I'm not attracted to anyone
When you picture the perfect relationship, it's with...
I don't want to be in a relationship at all
Do you try to convince yourself you are straight even if you know on some level that you're not?
Yes, because I'm gay and it's hard for me
Yes, because I'm bi and it's hard for me
@hi everyone you seem to be an aro/ace actually
i'm asexual.Sorry but love and😻is only for emotional fools. Only live for science and research, Others are unnecessary...
70% Bi, it’s a perfect fit. Even as a kid I never cared for whether it was a man or a woman as long as they were my type (my real problem is that I’m shallow). Now though I’ve realized that I am truly sexually attracted to em both. Woulda thought I’d come out as 100% but I guess the rest was asexual.
😘 I’m 70% gay? My dad is gonna want to buy me a dress now 🥳
i am a girl constantly struggling with my sex (60775)
I always identified as bi because my first relationship was with a same💋but recently I've been thinking about my desires and fantasies and what I feel and I've realized that I'm actually straight because I don't have any desire for women. I guess my confusion is I've been saying I'm bi for 10 years or so and I wanted to know how common this was? If anyone has a similar story? I know there's bi erasure but this isn't a case of this, I have genuinely only recently started thinking about what💋makes me feel and what I desire.
Naw dude u ain't gettin my name o_o (31390)
Ik that I'm gay but I did this test from my best friend's pov to see if he is gay too (cuz maybe I have a lil thing for him) and turns out he is 80% gay (I already kinda knew he was gay tho) but honestly he is 100% gay cuz this test thinks he is partly asexual just becuz hes a virgin, hes only 13😭, and I'm only 14 (although I'm not a virgin O.O-but still my point is there should be an option for how old u are)
I think I'm bi but I also think I'm gay the first time I took this test it said I was asexual a couple months later it said I was bi then it said I was gay a couple months later so I'm pretty sure I'm bi and I also think I'm gay but I'm not sure
I came out as 70% asexual. (female, 14)
I honestly went most of my life thinking I was straight, I wasn't even sure I wanted to know otherwise. I got really confused about my sexual orientation when I found out my friend was gay. (She has a girlfriend and I'm really happy for her❤️🌺❤️)!!!! But when she started dating I got more confused (???). As I start to think back, my crushes were never big. I💗at social life, the people I do have a crush on are already dating, some crushes last close to a week and I mostly say that I like him to my friends so they'll stop asking who I have a crush on. I tried out a lot of different online tests and they all came out as asexual and I'm not sure what to think about that. I'm just a confused Cancer looking for advice I know will never come because I doubt I'll ever tell my friends I ever took this test or any other. It's really nice to vent to people I don't know and people that won't respond.
I got 70% asexual.
Although, I think some of this quiz especially about asexuality was off. Not all asexuals hate you know what. I mean I do, but not all do. Also I think when you were talking about crushes, that's aromantic. I'm gray-biromantic so I've had very few crushes but when I did have a crush it was a boy or a girl except they weren't strong feelings at all which made it very hard for me to realize I was biromantic.
I'm a guy who has been in a relationship with a girl for a year now and ill say I'm 87% straight. However I've had some fantasies dealing with femboy's soo... Idk lmao😂
You think im giving you my name (96130)
I'm bi and proud to be here though i fall mostly for the same gender (I'm female btw)
I’m Bisexual, and a female. I’m more attracted to my same gender. But I don’t mind the other gender too!
Bold of you to assume I'll tell my name (48318)
i think I'm bisexual. Not at all ashamed. Yay
I got bisexual. I am bisexual. I like girls more but I'm still bi! Sooo.... yeah. it gave me 50% bi but I am 98% sure I'm bisexual. Ye- Bye. I hope I don't get bullied for this at school cuz I think I'll tell my friends. They better not tell the jerks-
I am ASEXUAL!!!!💝is SOOOO weird!!!! I would much rather 💝 by myself. I have an emotional connection to other women, but would like to marry an ACE guy who doesn't need to have💝with me to love me! I have read about aces marrying people who aren't and I think it makes for a difficult relationship.
Bisexual. I am in the closet bi, 14 and my friends will hate me for this.😢
I am bi :) romantically speaking:) but hey! Bi is bi 💖💜💙 (I knew I I bi to some degree when I was younger but it was just so confusing for me because although i wouldnt mind dating a girl i never, till this day saw myself marrying or having💗with a girl and ig it's because i am more of a romantic little bi towards my female peeps ;) makes sense to me now)
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