Sexting & SnapChat

Sexting & SnapChat

Ashleigh Kane - Student No. 7001 930 82)

My presentation is based on SnapChat which is a mobile application for smartphones. SEXTING Its rise to prominence and the idea of disappearing content created a false sense security, and young people believed that it was safe to send messages. I have based my research on Week 6's readings.

My argument is that people are not aware of the implications of these practices. The ramifications of their actions could last for a life time, rather than the SnapChat promise of a ten second delay.

I look at the ramifications of this sharing culture and how SnapChat has contributed to a sloppy and uneducated public, as well as an outdated and unprepared legal system unequipped to deal with technological advancements.

I employed the Powerpoint Slideshow strategy to compile the necessary information for the project. While I created most of the images, video content and video content, the images I sourced are referenced in the video. Voiceovers were also used to play around with the slides and provide information to make the video more visually appealing. All video and images were captured on my iPhone or iPad in order to incorporate how Sexting appears and operates using a mobile device which is used in order to participate in SnapChat.

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