



DuesPaid : Ribs & Wings..My Mary made the big three salads,,,,Mac cole and potato

Binnie_Coll : i'll take the cole, and potato,with a dinner roll please ahith a dinner roll please with a dnner

Binnie_Coll : bide going down the toilet with the voters

Binnie_Coll : i had high hopes for the guy

DuesPaid : What about the ribs & chicken?

hoodlum : the study of korean food..I do know how 2 make kimchi though..have some in my fridge as we speak.

Signor Vitelli : I'm pretty good at fermenting foods, but that's only when I'm lazy doing the sinkful of dirty dishes!

hoodlum : The Real Kimchi..they do in a old clay pot & bury it underground...that's the good shit..

hoodlum : Also..Korean bbq is all in the marinade

VanillaLimeCoke : Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there

Binnie_Coll : jan 6 hearings, maybe put trump in jail.

DuesPaid : Rediculous…the only reason they r doing this is to try to get him charged or have to plea so he cannot run…wake up no one has any common cense anymore.

Binnie_Coll : trump is done,put a fork in him'.

Binnie_Coll : ridiculous? what do yo call it when a

Binnie_Coll : president tries to overthrow

Binnie_Coll : a free election.... TREASON

DuesPaid : President Trump made America Great Again and will do it Again and Again. Hopefully he can fix what these whackos have sent into disastrous times for all.

DuesPaid : I wonder if Lee can take it

hoodlum : Oh..what's up Dues..I'm o.k....finally got a gas grill , a no frills Weber..its awesome & a nice size & where my daughter found it was @ an upscale thrift joint that gets new stuff cheap..only 200.oori

hoodlum : No smoker or nuthin' but still great.

hoodlum : what happened 2 the whos on line box?????whoa , thjs is f..cked it my laptop or new format??????

Binnie_Coll : 100 in cda idaho, looks like weeks of 100

Binnie_Coll : what happened to carmella?

DuesPaid : That’s a great grill and price HOOD.

DuesPaid : Enjoy, let’s see some of your Q’in

hoodlum : 2 stupid 2 know how 2 post pics..I told u guy's that yrs. ago..

hoodlum : plus..I dont own ( probably the only person on earth) who doesn't own a mobile phone , camera , whatever u call it..I call them toys who get ppl. in trouble..back in my day , if you were caught filming me without my consent ., I would attack u brutally.

hoodlum : Not u Dues ...I mean per se..

hoodlum : What ever happened 2 the old school members??..Cabrini racing..Dixie mafia...Alfonso Girl?????

hoodlum : This , sadly , is a jawn hanging on by a pun intended.

DuesPaid : PB was a great part of the site for a long time. Missed 4 sure.

DuesPaid : Home Run Derby…. Let’s Go Alonzo!

Binnie_Coll : killer heat here in no.idaho

VanillaLimeCoke : It's very hot here. And it's gonna git even hotter

dixiemafia : It's been freaking hot in the South. Normally 105-110 heat index. Ugh

Binnie_Coll : jesus, how can you take that.finally my georgia dogs shocked the world, new dynasty is here! y dixie, by the way,

Wanted to start this thread on here for members in USA,Canada or other countries to keep them up to date on OC in ireland,im gonna keep updating daily-weekly with all the newspaper articles,clippings and pictures. "TO SEE IMAGE I POST BIGGER RIGHT-CLICK THEN CLICK OPEN IMAGE IN NEW WINDOW"

Last edited by DonMega; 02/18/13 11:28 PM .

Target No.1 - Sunday World 10/2/2012 1. Death-list man put under jail protection as RIRA step up hunt for ryans killers. A dublin man arrested in northern ireland this week with false passports and 60,000 in cash is in protective custody in jail over fears the RIRA plan to whack him. "Jonathan Gill" is on a "Real IRA" hitlist after the dissidents declared war on north dublin gangsters in the wake of the murder of its former leader "Alan Ryan". The 31 year old was charged with money laundering offence in dungannon magistrates court on wednesday and is due to appear there again next week.Authorities in northern ireland fear the well-spoken man could be attacked by revenge-thirsty dissidents and have placed him in isolation for his own protection. Gill is the subject of a massive garda investigation because of his suspected involvment in money laundering on behalf of a criminal gang based in coolock.The criminal assets bureau (CAB) is in the final stages of a massive investigation into gill and are likely to hit him with a demand for a five-figure sum of undeclared income. 2. Infiltrate. He is also being investigated by gardai with a view to bringing charges before the special criminals court under the anti-gangland legislation,Which would see him go on trial without a jury. Despite being suspected of being a serious player in the coolock gangs schemes,Gill has no serious charges brought against him and only has a handful of convictions for road traffic offences.Gardai have identified at least 12 hard core members of the gang and say its a extremely tight-knit and disciplined and is impossible to infiltrate. "Sources say that 'Jonathan Gill' or Giller as he is known is a very smart operator",He comes from the malahide area of north dublin and a respectable family. He no longer lives at the family home and spends his time moving between various locations in skerries,rush and swords.He is said to be extremely conscious of surveillance by gardai and is hard to keep tabs on.Gill attended school in leafy clontarf and teachers regarded him as being very smart.He is involved in a long-term relationship with a woman from clontarf and is a devoted boyfriend and very good to his friends,although he is said to bear grudges and is highly strung. Gill first came to garda attention when,in his mid-teens because of his association with serious criminals and has been on gardai's radar ever since.The gang gill is involved with is just one of a number that have been targeted by the 'Real IRA' in a bid to get revenge for 'Alan Ryans' murder last september.The RIRA kingpin was shot dead close to his home in donaghmede on the orders of a criminal from north dublin who is nicknamed 'Mr Big'. 'Mr Big's' gang has been linked to at least seven murders,including the savage petrol slaying of two cousins in a case of mistaken identity.The gang is suspected of controlling the drugs trade in north dublin and being behind at least half-a dozen tiger kidnappings,including one in the northeast last year where several young children were held hostage.Over the past seven years 'Mr Big's' gang have become the main drug-dealing outfit in darndale,coolock,raheny on northside dublin. His main rival in the drugs trade was 'Micka The Panda Kelly',who was shot dead two years ago by 'Alan Ryan RIRA Gang' clearing the way for them to take over.Gardai have linked the gang to several unsolved murders.They suspect the gang was responsible for kidnap and suspected of 'Patrick Lawlor',who disappeared in donaghmede in decemember in 2004,it is thought he was killed over a drugs debt but no body has ever been found. Detectives have also linked the gang to the slaying of 22-year old 'James Purdue',who was shot dead in donaghmede in june 2006.Purdue was a low-level drug dealer and was also a close pal of 'Patrick Lawlor'.Two brothers from darndale nicknamed 'The Taliban',act as assassins for 'Mr Big's' gang.They were responible for the double murder of innocent cousins 'Mark Noonan' and 'Glen Murphy' were tragically murdered instead.The taliban brothers have been blamed for the double murder of 'Anthony Burnett' and 'Joseph Redmond' in march 2012,after the pair were found shot dead in a car in dundalk,co. louth. 3. Hatred. 'Mr Big' is known to have a serious hatred of gardai and regularly abuses members of the force.He has also been investigated for a number of incidents involving violence,including a man from coolock who was left with a number of serious stab wounds to the back. However many people are afraid to make complaints against him because they are so fearful about the reputation of the gang.The mob is conscious of not displaying wealth and they travel around in a fleet of battered cars so as not to attract attention from gardai.For years,'Mr Big' and his fellow gang members existed in peace with 'Alan Ryans' RIRA gang,with boths sides turning a blind eye to each others activities. However around christmas 2011 there was a incident in a well-known spot in swords co dublin,when one of ryans lieutenants recieved a serious beating at the hands of three members of 'Mr Big' gang,who were out of their heads on cocaine.This led to serious bad blood between the two gangs.The RIRA issued death threats 'Mr Big' and his associates and the gang boss left for spain last march. The following month members of 'Mr Big' gang collected a cache of guns they had hidden in balgriffin cemetery and drove to 'Alan Ryans' home with the intention of murdering him.One of the masked men knocked on the door,but when a woman answered they lost their nerve and fled.This alerted ryan that his life was under threat and an all-out war broke out between the rival sides. 'Mr Big's' mob decided it was a case of kill or be killed and put in place an operation to get rid of ryan and that the key lieutenants who would replace him were very weak.Between leaving ireland in march and the time of ryans murder in september,gardai believe that 'Mr Big' returned to the country on three occasions,travelling through belfast airport.There is no suggestion that 'Mr Big' pulled the trigger when ryan was shot dead,but gardai have identified his associates as being responsible,as has the 'Real IRA'. While in spain,'Mr Big' mixed with several notorious dublin drug-dealers including 'Paul Burger Walsh' from donaghmede,who was a long-time associate of 'Micka The Panda Kelly'. 4. Contacts. His gang has extensive contacts among dealers in spain and sources its drug supply from there.'Mr Big' Permanently returned to ireland in november after it became clear that the 'Real IRA' was too busy with internal struggles to avenge their murdered comrade. On december 4th 'Mr Big' and one of his closest associates was arrested on St.James street in dublins south inner city and gardai believe they had foiled an attempted assassination on up-and-coming drug dealer 'Greg Lynch'.

Last edited by DonMega; 02/19/13 08:04 PM .

1. B-Ride Of His Life. How X-rated pictures of groom and his lover led to a mass brawl at mobsters wedding. These are the Xrated snaps that sparked murder on the dancefloor at a tallaght-based mobsters wedding last week. The notorious gangster can be seen in a steamy clinch with a woman he was seeing behind his financees back. However the criminal illicit activities came to light at the worst possible moment last weekend when his new bride to be was about told about the images and the affair at her wedding reception. 2. Vicious. A vicious brawl erupted in a posh hotel in the midlands,with two groups of women exchanging punches on the dancefloor. It is believed the mistress suffered horrific facial injuries after she was confronted at around 2.00AM on sunday when she dissapeared with her lover.The woman was rushed to the hospital after suffering a broken jaw and having lost a number of teeth after being kicked in the face.'A source described the scene as absolutely chaotic,the women did all the damage,it was total carnage,ive never seen anything like it'. The savage assault is now being investigated by gardai.The mobster is a well known to gardai and is a close associate of armed robber 'Paul Rice'.He is currently before the courts in connection with drugs and weapons charges and has served a long sentence for a serious crime.Following the wedding the newlyweds are believed to have gone their seperate ways and have not been reunited. Last week,a number of facebook pages where setup by the brides friends.The bride wrote on one 'She is welcome to my husband' another pal wrote 'A**** is a home wrecking whore,dirty damp yoke is probably riddled lol'.The criminal is believed to have gone underground after the wedding and is understood to be back home living with his mother in tallaght.

Last edited by DonMega; 02/19/13 08:06 PM .

Don, i did not see you had this story up already, before i put this on Criminal Action Force thread. will have to keep my eyes open.
Don, i did not see you had this story up already, before i put this on Criminal Action Force thread. will have to keep my eyes open.
Extortion Thugs Use's RIRA Name. Criminal figures with links to 'Alan Ryans' former gang have been using the name of the 'RIRA' to extort money in sligo. Gardai have arrested three men in castlebaldwin last monday during a routine checkpoint and found balaclavas in the car. The arrest's happened shortly after four masked men called to the home of a family and where demanding 40,000 euros. They said he had to pay up the money because he assaulted someone they knew.However,he was not present at his home at the time the men arrived his sister started screaming and the gang fled the scene. Shot Three men were later arrested during a routine checkpoint.They were released later the next day and investigations are ongoing.One of the men arrested is a criminal figure who is a pal of 'Fat Deccy Smith' and sligo man 'Aaron Nealis'. Smith was shot shot in the legs by the 'Real IRA',Who now call themselves the 'I.R.A' after merging with 'Republician Action Against Drugs' 'R.A.A.D' and other former 'Provos' groups. Nealis was with ryan when he was killed and suffered a gunshot to his leg but survived the Assault.Both smith and nealis associate with two brothers arrested on monday.The brothers are from baldoyle area,and sources say they have robbed drug dealers before using the name of the 'RIRA'.

Last edited by DonMega; 02/19/13 08:08 PM .

Yes Don got the Criminal Action Force photo from Irish Daily Star paper but was not on their web site.
Extortion Thugs Use's RIRA Name. Criminal figures with links to 'Alan Ryans' former gang have been using the name of the 'RIRA' to extort money in sligo.Gardai have arrested three men in castlebaldwin last monday during a routine checkpoint and found balaclavas in the car.The arrest's happened shortly after four masked men called to the home of a family and where demanding 40,000 euros.They said he had to pay up the money because he assaulted someone they knew.However,he was not present at his home at the time the men arrived his sister started screaming and the gang fled the scene. Shot Three men were later arrested during a routine checkpoint.They were released later the next day and investigations are ongoing.One of the men arrested is a criminal figure who is a pal of 'Fat Deccy Smith' and sligo man 'Aaron Nealis'.Smith was shot shot in the legs by the 'Real IRA',Who now call themselves the 'I.R.A' after merging with 'Republician Action Against Drugs' 'R.A.A.D' and other former 'Provos' groups.Nealis was with ryan when he was killed and suffered a gunshot to his leg but survived the Assault.Both smith and nealis associate with two brothers arrested on monday.The brothers are from baldoyle area,and sources say they have robbed drug dealers before using the name of the 'RIRA'. Pipebomb found in park just 500m from garda station. Ken Foy Crime correspondent – 12 February 2013 03:15 PM A PIPEbomb discovered in a Dublin park last night was less than 500 metres from a garda station. The viable device was found at a park near Rossmore Road in Ballyfermot at around 5.30pm which led to officers calling in the army bomb disposal unit. Sources say that the pipe bomb had been left in the park by a criminal gang for collection later. A Defence Forces spokesperson said: "The Defence Forces deployed the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Team in response to a request from the gardai after the suspect device was found in a green area near the Rossmore Road. Controlled "The team arrived on the scene at 5.30pm and a cordon was put in place around the scene for public safety. "The suspect device was rendered safe in situ without the need for a controlled explosion and was then moved to a secure military location for further technical examination and testing. "The scene was declared safe at 6.15 pm. The device has now been confirmed as a viable IED following further testing and it's component parts will be handed over to the gardai to assist in their investigation into the incident." Meanwhile, gardai from Ballyfermot were investigating a suspected arson attack on a car which is understood to have happened in the early hours. The car was completely gutted in the blaze with a number of officers attending the scene at around 8am. A distressed woman in pyjamas was observed in conversation with gardai. A source said: "There is absolutely nothing at this stage to suggest that there is any link between the two incidents." Separately, tensions have been high in the Ballyfermot area since local teenager Luke Wilson was shot at point blank range in an Inchicore park last month. Last night, gardai re-arrested a man who was previously questioned about the gun attack and he is being held today in Kilmainham Garda Station. Gardai believe Luke was targeted after a pub row with a gang of his former friends who branded his uncle John Wilson, who was shot dead last year, a "rat". A number of people have been arrested as part of the detailed investigation including a 35-year-old career criminal from Ballyfermot and a 23-year-old woman from Clondalkin, who were arrested on suspicion of withholding information. Sources said that the Rossmore Road incidents are not linked to the shooting which led to Mr Wilson losing an eye. Rattigan directed drug deals from cell. In what is believed to be the first successful prosecution of its kind, a man has been convicted in connection with directing the supply of drugs while in prison. The Special Criminal Court has found Dublin criminal Brian Rattigan guilty of the possession and supply of €1 million worth of heroin. The court was told that the president of the High Court, Mr Justice Nicholas Kearns, made an order that Rattigan should be tried at the non-jury court following an application by the Director of Public Prosecutions under the Offences Against the State Act. The court yesterday agreed with the prosecution case that Rattigan (32) was the director of a drugs gang conducting a €1 million heroin deal. Rattigan, Cooley Road, Drimnagh, had pleaded not guilty to the possession of heroin and two counts of possession of the drug for sale or supply on Hughes Road South, Walkinstown, Dublin, on May 21st, 2008. The court cleared him of two counts relating to the possession of two mobile phones at cell 42, E1 landing, Portlaoise Prison, while a prisoner there, on May 22nd, 2008, which he had also denied. Returning a written judgment, presiding judge Mr Justice Paul Butler said the court was satisfied that a “tick list” was sent by Rattigan to a Nokia mobile phone found with the heroin at the house on Hughes Road South and this, in conjunction with notes found in his cell, amounted to directions as to the distribution of the drugs. Mr Justice Butler said that no other reasonable inference could be drawn from evidence before the court. Text message The court heard that gardaí who raided the house discovered 5kg of heroin valued at over €1 million and a Nokia phone in a shed at the back of the property, while a search of a bedroom yielded just over €36,000 in cash. Drugs expert Det Garda Sgt Brian Robertson gave evidence that a text message printed out from an analysis of the No
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