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Точнее наверное сказать, что под экстази занимаются любовью, а не сексом, потому что он сильно усиливает чувственную сторону. Поэтому особенно хорошо, если с вами будет ваш любимый человек. Но у мужчин часто бывают проблемы с эрекцией, и может быть сложно достичь оргазма. Между тем прикосновения на физическом уровне настолько приятны, что под экстази в принципе можно просто обниматься, целоваться и прикасаться друг ко другу, это само по себе приятно, и может быть даже достаточно, а секс приобретает очень чувственную, романтическую форму. В общем, это в чём-то можно сравнить как если заниматься любовью с человеком, в которого ты сильно влюблён, и секс порой имеет меньшее значение, чем сама интимная близость и чувства. В отличие от ситуаций, когда испытываешь в большей степени физическое влечение, как например бывает, когда человек выпьет алкоголь и у него повышается либидо. А ещё, МДМА очень располагает к доверию и снимает барьеры, и поэтому с партнёром очень легко делиться своими фантазиями или любыми мыслями, просить его чего-то, не стесняясь. Это всё верно, если в экстази будет именно MDMA. Если там есть что-то другое, то ощущения конечно будут другие. Бывает 'экстази', в котором содержится много метамфетамина, и он наоборот сексуально очень возбуждает и вызывает сильное желание заниматься сексом много и долго. Моя лента Новые Топ. Поиск Задать вопрос Войти. Авторизуйтесь на TheQuestion. Анонимный пользователь ноябрь Секс Наркотики. Ответить 1. Ссылки для кампаний 1 ответ. Тик Так Самсунг Самсунг. Читайте также на Яндекс. Правила Помощь Реклама.

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My ex-girlfriend and me were always taking exctacy and having sex, I mean vaginal, anal and oral we lubed each other with skin cream and coconut oil and I took a viagra not ashamed I did a lot of e and it was pure euphoria for hours but watch out if you have sex on E a lot you can get hooked to e because you only enjoy sex when you are using it. My ex girlfriend broke up with me after I went into psychosis and I beat up our mutual best friend who is still my best friend after excessive amphetamine use and a whole lot of weed smoking and the amphetamine I snort is the purest shit my dad has After I got married, my wife and I also took it on several occasions, and again, we used to have incredible sex. We also never always went out, just got the setting right at home, and then took the Ecstasy at about 9 or 10 at night, after which we would soon get naked and just enjoy each other. We also used to get up to things which we typically never usually did. For example, it was during one of these sessions that we first tried snowballing, and damn, it felt so hot at the time, as did eating her out after I had ejaculated, something which really turned her on like crazy. For what it is worth, I also had a few bi experience on Ecstasy before I met my wife. These were all with the same guy who also happened to be my best friend. Again, totally incredible all-night sessions with multiple orgasms. Admittedly, we would sometimes lose our erections when our minds started drifting, but it was always short lived. What I have written here is simply about my experiences. But if you get you get lucky and manage to get an erection, it is often a sex- life changing experience. For men, one benefit is not just the ability to prolong the act practically at will. Talking about sex and experimenting also come much more naturally under this particular influence. These may actually the most me Sign In. Quora uses cookies to improve your experience. Read more. Update Cancel. Answered Apr 29, A lot of people, both men and women, report having trouble getting aroused. This is partly accurate in my experience. Could I get an erection on ecstacy? Could I get an erection at will on ecstacy? It can also be tough to keep an erection for a long period of time. This is why people wh Continue Reading. All of the physical sensations start off heightened, and will fluctuate throughout the act. But, in addition to the arousal maintenance thing, it can be straight-up difficult to impossible to orgasm. What can be fun is to roll with just your partner, at home, fooling around whenever the mood strikes you. A guy told me he loved me and wanted to spend the rest of his life with me when he was on ecstasy should I believe him? Is MDMA a psychedelic? What feels better than drugs or sex? Answered Dec 2, Sex can be great but it can also suck. I have noticed two radically different reactions depending on the gender and situations. Keeping warm is essential when using mdma. However, you also must be careful to not overheat or dehydrate yourself. Being around people who you trust and can feel open around is also essential to taking mdma Being around people who you trust and can feel open around is also essential to taking mdma. Having good people around means you can let go and also that you have people to look after you if anything goes wrong. Reason for this vary from people wearing too skimpy of clothing during colder weather to people simply trying to go too hard. The heightened touch and senses and feeling of openness makes foreplay and sex amazing. All the genital areas are sensitive. However I have seen that sometimes it is difficult for a woman to achieve orgasm. Male : Men can suffer from 'meth dick' sometimes. Also, it makes it very difficult if not impossible to get a hard on. Warm environment with a regular dosage is less likely to have 'meth dick. One of the great benefits however is how much you enjoy exploring your partners body. This leads to incredible foreplay. Orgasm on mdma is big, really big - or can be. But when you are high orgasm is the least concern you have. Answered Jul 11, Quora User , Self proclaimed advocate for sexual freedom and liberation. Would you do it again? What happened? Did I miss out on the most fun I could have? This was, in your terms, real X and was over 20 years ago. The only other time I heard a comment like this was after a night if cocaine. The second time, we were both on X with some serious base music playing and we were going after it for about 4 hours before collapsing from exhaustion. At the time, we both said it was the best sex either of us had ever had. Good times. Answered Apr 14, I cannot answer your direct question because I have not tried it myself, but it is reported that getting an erection is not easily achieved while on MDMA and similar reports are known about other substances that affect the serotonin system. This has to be taken with caution as hypertension is possible. Apparently, it gets easier during the comedown and is still enjoyable and different than sober sex. Answered Apr 13, View more. Describe your experience with sex on drugs. Why do people experience heavy hallucinations on MDMA? What do you know about doing molly MDMA daily for several months? What is it like to overdose on MDMA? What is sex like on heroin? Does having sex feel better than doing all kinds of drugs? Can you describe the feeling of being on MDMA? What are the first time effects of taking ecstasy?

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