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Pressed pills contain in theory the same substance, MDMA, but this is not a general rule, some pills may have other adulterants added to them like: The actual chemical compound and this is what users want to get when they buy Molly or Ecstasy. MDMA is an illegal drug and as such it is not widely available. The name is used to refer to pills that may contain MDMA. Ecstasy pills may contain amphetamines and some other stimulants that provide an extra high. However, these mixtures can be dangerous. Keep in mind, just because the dealer says that it is Molly, it does not have to be pure MDMA, and you should always test your stuff, no matter if they are capsules or pills. These days a lot of drug dealers sell dangerous bath salts as MDMA. When you compare two drugs, it is impossible to say that one is bad and the other is good, but some drugs are definitely worse than the others. MDMA is safer than many other drugs if you take it in small doses. If you take the necessary precautions, you can use MDMA every few months without suffering any major side effects. Depending on your body weight, a light dose might have none or close to none effects on a pounds kg person, especially if that person is a user with drug tolerance , and in the same time it shake up pretty hard a pounds 45 kg person. Also reaching organsm is harder than usual. If you take MDMA orally, you will notice its effects in minutes. Some users may experience the effects in just 20 minutes and then there are others who might not feel anything for 60 minutes. It depends upon a lot of factors like the dosage, your metabolism, and whether you are taking the drug with food. First-time users may take more than an hour to experience its effects because mild anxiety can suppress its effects. A typical mistake that first-timers often commit is to take another dose if nothing happens in minutes. As the drug begins to take effect, you might experience a sense of light-headedness and tingling skin. You may also feel chilled or warm. MDMA also produces some desirable effects. It might make you feel good and energetic. Depending upon the dosage, these effects may last 3 to 5 hours. The high is unlikely to last longer than that. As the effect wears off, you will start feeling tired. You will probably not want to eat anything and experience fatigue for one or two days. A small percentage of users are susceptible to heart or liver problems. If you are one of them, avoid MDMA or at least stick to smaller dosages. If MDMA is consumed in high doses, you may experience non-fatal symptoms of overdose. Serotonin Syndrome excess serotonin: You may experience this problem within minutes. The symptoms include increased heart rate, twitching, shivering, extremely high temperatures and overly sensitive reflexes. Drug interactions can be lethal so be careful with them. Common symptoms are spasms, cramps, nausea, and vomiting. To get better, take some sports drinks. Hepatic Damade liver toxicity: Possible with drug interactions. Milk thistle silymarin supplement can be helpful. Symptoms are hot and dry skin and headaches. Drink plenty of fluids and get rest. Ecstasy as a drug addictive, in fact, the more you use it the less effect it has and usually weans people off it as they are no longer getting the effect they are looking for. This is why most users most users take it only once in a while. Signs of dependence generally crop up after heavy long term use. The most common symptoms of Ecstasy dependence are:. If you are taking MDMA, you really need to protect yourself. It is powerful stuff that can cause some serious damage to your body. Ecstasy overdose can damage serotonin receptors and increase neurotoxicity in the brain. Proper supplements will help you protect against these harmful side effects. Get the right nutrition and stay protected. It is essential to take the right supplements. The intervals at which you take the supplements are very important too. Your supplement kit will have detailed instructions about how to take them and at what intervals. This interval complements the previous interval. It uses compounds and antioxidants that protect against toxicity. Now that you are experiencing the effects of the roll in full swing, you need heightened protection against toxins. This interval provides that. This interval is meant for the hopeless party manianc. This interval will help you wake up feeling calm and composed. Take it just before you hit the bed. This will lead to a dangerous condition called Serotonin Syndrome. Always pair it with EGCG and wait until the next night. Okay, Ecstasy may contain some substances that you have no idea you are consuming. What sort of substances? Synthetic Cathinones are a common example of these substances. They are commonly found in bath salts. Researchers have shown that less than half of the pills tested are actually MDMA. There is yet another reason to test your stuff and that is to avoid the danger of mixing things unintentionally. Experts can usually tell you how your body will react to one substance. But if you combine one drug with another, you are becoming a drug guinea pig and it is impossible to predict how two substances will react together. The only practical solution is to invest in a test kit. Or get the substance from a reliable source. However, the shady dealer round the corner might not always be counted as a reliable source, so be careful. Before taking the substance, make sure you test it. Here are some popular test kits. Try to obtain MDMA from dark net markets. These markets have a rating system, and are more likely to sell pure stuff. If you are buying pressed pills, check Pill Reports and EcstasyData. We would recommend a strong minty gum and some Vicks Vaporub to increase the fun Many people simply love the way it feels on their skin and makes them roll even harder. And when it seems to wear off, get some caffeine to keep the ball rolling. It just wants to explain ways to reduce the damage. Drugs can be quite dangerous; natural approaches to life is best, but if you insist on experimenting, get informed, know what you are taking, and use responsibly and safely. Please share this guide with your friends on Facebook or Twitter and if you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments section below. Stabilized Alpha Lipoic Acid. This should be taken before bedtime mg Melatonin. In the end you are very right, the only way you can be sure is to test what you are consuming, no matter if they are crystals or pills. Hello, I wanted to ask, when taking supplements is it possible to take MDMA every weekend or you should stick to a month between rolls? Thanks for the article, really helpful. Might be a long time but take in consideration: I am finally getting another opportunity tonight or tomorrow night. The problem is I have a very important Urine Drug test on the 14th, 11 days. I realize that should be ample time to get Molly out of my system but 1 yr ago I failed an UDS for Marijuana that apparently stayed in my system for 60 or more days! The test giver said it was probably due to the fact of my weight. I would appreciate any info or advise! This is such valuable information. I appreciate and acknowledge the dedication you had to put this together. I love the concise, informative, and non-judgmental way this was written. Thank you so very much! Thank you so much for this article. It was really informative, non-judgmental and useful without giving me extreme anxiety as some websites do as they focus purely on the negatives and extremes of the drug. I have only done MDMA three times, but each time taken mg or more — the first time was at a festival and the second and third time were within 3 days of one another. I really wish I had done my research before as I now know that that was a terrible idea and really fucking dangerous. I am a petite, small girl and my third trip —. I was certainly jittery the next couple days and had an afterglow but no depressed feeling. If I only take mg next time in 3 months or later will I still have the same euphoria? Or have I increased my dependence too high already to be fixed? Also the supplements — will this increase the excitement of the high? Not affect it at all? Or are they just health precautions? Hey me and a buddy of mine were at a festaville and we took some for the first time we were toatally drinking more than anything and we havent been to sleep since im beggining to feel my legs but i took 2 small crystals, and my bud took 1 bigger sized crystal, we were thinking about how to fall asleep afterwards because were still wide awake, and would that sleep supplememt be availible at like a walgreens. Has your regime of drinking grapefruit juice and taking magnesium glycinste etc been tested or is is just a theory? Test, over tested, proven by a lot of medical studies for each of the properties that base the decision to include them in your prepping. My sincerest thanks for this article. It is super helpful. I am a pharmacist myself and i enjoys rolling once in a while. May i know which article from your sources talks about the medical studies for the supplements? I have rolled last week in a festival and exactly what you mentioned here happened to me. I took mg waited for 50 min when nothing happened and then took another dose! Finally after 35 min I was dancing and I felt a bit nausiac and dizzy so I immediatelly understood that it must have kicked in. Then next immediate seconds I felt very very anxious and there was a voice in my head telling me leave — leave and also I got stressed that I left my bike unlocked and for 60 seconds I was tripping in these thoughts while super stressed. Finally afterc min I felt a kick and huge euphoria was all over me. But I wonder are these 3 min in the beginning normal even if you take normal dose? Also, exactly 8 days after, and only then, I had huge nightmare which was not very normal for me and next day Super uber depression. Do u think it can last that long like more than a week? I really appreciate the guide you have published, i value my health and have found this very useful. I have bought some of the supplements that have been suggested, although the Alpha Lipoic Acid does not say it is stabilized, will this matter? I had BIO magnesium lying around, will this matter aswell? Hello RollingPro, I go to raves like every sane person. But I keep reading that the doses of the people I meet there are high af. I take a maximum of 1 pill at the whole rave, approx mg mdma I start with mg half , and during the rave I take a quarter or an extra half. Which ends me up at mg. I tend to do this once in every three months. Is it still safe? Thanks for this helpful information! I know multiple are preferred, but some knowledge is better than no knowledge, definitely! My first time taking molly, the girl gave me way too much.

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MDMA (Molly, Ecstasy, XTC): The Ultimate Guide on How To Roll Safely

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