Sex With An Aries

Sex With An Aries


Sex With An Aries
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Aries sexuality traits reveal that love and sex are both prominent aspects of life. One can be had without the other, and that’s why this whole article is about the sexual desires of Aries. The things in this article hold whether the Aries person is a man or a woman, straight or gay, having sex with a lifelong partner or hooking up with a stranger for the first time.
According to the sexuality traits, Aries people are energetic, exciting, determined , a bit aggressive at times, and full of life. All of these personality traits translate well into their sex lives.
Anyone who is with an Aries person, whether it is just for one night of passion or for a lifetime of love, is sure to have a great time. Aries people love to please themselves, and they are sure to please their partner in the process.
Sex is important for the signs, but what happens before an Aries person has sex is important, too. As per the Aries sexuality traits male and female, both of them love to have sex. They can be impulsive in many areas of their lives, and their sex life is no exception. Aries people love the thrill of impulsive sex.
Aries always need to have sex with strangers. They can be content in long-term sexual relationships, as long as things stay exciting. To keep the excitement, Aries people will often act quickly. There are usually two ways an Aries person goes about foreplay: being hard and passionate or avoiding it altogether and getting right to the point.
What they do will probably depend on who their partner is and how many times they have been with them before. As per the Aries sexuality forecast, when trying to impress, they are more likely to use foreplay. When in a committed, stable relationship, they may jump to it to make sex more exciting.
Aries people are extremely passionate. It doesn’t matter if they have been with someone for years or if they have only just met their new partner. They love to impress their partner. However, they often care more about pleasing themselves than pleasing their partner.
Luckily, Aries often please their partner while they are focusing on pleasing themselves. Aries people love to play the leader in both their work life, social life, and in their sex life. They prefer to be dominant, and on topmost of the time, so they will be the happiest when they are with someone who prefers to be submissive or on the bottom.
According to Aries love compatibility , sex with Aries people is energetic and passionate. If a person can’t keep up with an Aries person, things are not likely to last long with them.
Among the zodiac signs, Aries is one of the kinkier signs. They will get bored easily if they only have “vanilla” or plain sex. They like to mix things up and keep things fresh and exciting. These people don’t constantly need new partners to be happy, but they do need to keep trying new things to be content in their sex lives.
Aries people love to be dominant in the bedroom, and they can sometimes be a bit aggressive because of this. Sometimes Aries play this off as being sexy, but some may just be abusive. People in relationships with Aries need to understand this difference if they want to have a healthy relationship.
The Aries sexuality facts show that when being aggressive in a sexy way, Aries will often have sex a little rougher than the other signs do. They may also be into bondage or other kinks that make them more dominant and their partner more submissive. An Aries will sometimes act submissive to mix things up, but for the most part, they will be happiest when they are in charge.
Aries loves to have sex, but that doesn’t mean that sex with every sign is going to be great. Some zodiac partners are just better for Aries than others.
Aries people are sure to have a great sex life when they are with another Aries person. Their energy will help to drive each other to try new and creative things. It may be difficult at times because both people will want to be in charge, but they can learn to make it work.
An Aries person should not expect much from a Taurus person in the bedroom. They like to take things slow and steady, and they can’t keep up with an Aries person. However, their submissive attitude may be seen as attractive at times.
Gemini people love to have a good time. They are highly creative people, which can help to entertain an Aries person. As per the Aries sex drive, together, they can have a passionate sexual relationship full of energy and some kinks.
Cancer people are okay in bed when they are with Aries people. They aren’t the worst partner, but they aren’t the best, either. They tend to be submissive, and an Aries person will love knowing that they can do just about anything they want to with them.
When Aries and Leo get together for sex, it is sure to be electric. Leo is insanely creative and just as energetic as an Aries person. However, Leo people also love to be in charge, so this dynamic pair will need to learn how to take turns.
Virgo people may not seem like they’d make a good match for Aries, but when it comes to sex, they are nearly perfect for each other. Virgos tend to be submissive, which leaves Aries to be in charge as often as they want. Although they look tame, Virgos can also add some passion to the bedroom as well.
Libra people like to be dominant at times, and submissive at other times. Sometimes they feel kinky, and other times they want plain vanilla sex. All in all, Libra people make good sometimes partners for Aries, but an Aries would likely get bored to sleep with Libra people all of the time.
Scorpio people are some of the most passionate out there. They are also creative, and they don’t mind playing the submissive or trying out new kinks. Based on the Aries compatibility in sex, they can make for a great sexual partner for Aries people.
Sagittarius people are creative and carefree as anyone could be. They are not shy about hooking up and pushing sex to the limits, which an Aries person is sure to find attractive. These two will make a great pair, whether they are having a fling or a serious relationship together.
Capricorn people are not so creative by themselves, so they do not come up with many of their ideas. However, they are willing to try new things if someone else thinks of something fun to do, and Aries people almost always have something new on their mind.
Aquarius people are creative like Aries people, and they love trying out new kinks, but they don’t want to be submissive all of the time. Aries people will need to learn to be submissive at times if this relationship is to work.
Pisces people are more romantic than sexual, but they still know how to be passionate in bed. They will love to try new things, but they aren’t usually the type to want to have sex as often as an Aries person will want to.
The zodiac sexual compatibility shows that Aries people lead an exciting sex life, and only those with enough energy and creativity will be able to keep up. Anyone who sleeps with an Aries person, whether it only happens once or a hundred times, is sure to be in for a good time.
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By Maressa Brown
On March 29, 2021
In Astrology

An Aries sex drive is not just hot-and-heavy, it’s also spontaneous! Why do you think Aries and Gemini compatibility is so high? They can’t help but mix things up in the bedroom. Whether it’s a new position or an in-the-moment rendezvous, fiery Aries ( born between March 21 and April 19) is notorious for childlike, energetic, playful, and, at times, impatient nature in the bedroom. 
At the same time, Aries’ between-the-sheets style is fueled by the cardinal sign’s key planet, go-getter Mars (which rules energy, sports, strength, sex, and courage). There’s very little the Ram won’t try at least once. They’ll be drawn to anything a bit rough, competitive, or even exhibitionistic—and may struggle with a sexual practice that requires concentration or time (like tantric sex).
Here are five sex positions that any Aries will adore and will set out to master.
How you do it: Just as the name suggests, reverse cowgirl—or cowboy—is basically the classic woman- or man-on-top position reversed, with the rider facing away from their partner who’s lying on their back. Taking a classic position and reversing it initially seem like NBD, but it actually takes athleticism and quad strength to make it work. Flaunting both of those traits and proving they’re more advanced than less fit or “vanilla” couples will certainly appeal to an Aries.
How you do it: Partner #1 stands with his or her feet together and knees slightly bent. Near partner #1’s feet should be a pillow where partner #2 can press her elbows. Then, partner #1 takes ahold of #2’s ankles, with knees bent, and can penetrate from behind. A whole bunch of factors go into making this challenging position work, from strength to balance to partner #2 simply being cool with blood rushing to her head. But a gung-ho Aries would most definitely be up to the task of experimenting with Plow.
How you do it: The partner who’s doing the penetrating sits with his knees bent and hands behind him. Then, the riding partner sits in a classic cowgirl position but throws his legs over partner #1’s shoulders and his arms around his neck. Partner #1 then rises gradually into a bridge pose, booty off the ground and back parallel to the floor, after which both partners can move up and down however feels right. This seriously dynamic position requires whoever is on bottom to have phenomenal core, back strength, and balance. But a fitness-obsessed Aries will love putting their powerful body to use in this position.
How you do it: This one is basically missionary, but the partner who’s on bottom rests his or her lower legs/calves on the topping partner’s shoulders. Eagle not only allows lovers to stare deeply into one another’s eyes and/or kiss, which can bring an enjoyable layer of softness and sensuality to an active, exciting set-up that will hold Aries’ attention. Plus, it’s the perfect position for a quickie—which a fast-paced, on-the-go Aries loves.
How you do it: For this one, a couple stands face-to-face and the one doing the penetrating (#1) picks the other (#2) up. Partner #2 bends her knees and presses her legs on either side of #1’s body, as #1 holds onto their ankles or bottoms of their feet. Partner #2 can wrap her arms around #1’s neck for more support before going for it. This standing sex position requires both partners to be fit and fired up, so it’s a no-brainer for an ambitious Aries.
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A hot and passionate Aries like you loves a challenge in bed, and you need a flirtatious nature and non-stop motion to match your own fast pace -- the sign of the Ram craves plenty of excitement. You love to be on top! Intelligence and witty banter will also keep you interested long after the initial passion wears off, giving your relationships a chance for more than just a one-time fling.
The good news about this match-up is the two of you won’t have many awkward pauses before you get down to getting busy. Your need to do what you want as immediately as possible could mean that you pounce as soon as you can tell there’s a mutual attraction. Given the Ram’s propensity toward lust, this frequently occurs within nanoseconds! You’ll love groovin’ on one another in a big way, so if you bother to get a room, make sure there’s a sturdy surface in there. If the bed is the least bit delicate, just go for the floor. Don’t worry if the blinds are open, because most people will conclude you’re practicing some kind of crazy martial arts or wrestling! After you exhaust one another with all those fast and furious moves, the afterglow will reveal that you’re up for more than a one-night stand.
It’s nice that you both like many of the same things, but given that competition is number one on your list of pleasures you treasure, this could be a problem. Constant rivalry not only gets on other people’s nerves, it can prevent you from keeping the focus on the great things you share. The best thing might be that, after those unavoidable emotionally-charged explosions that resemble a re-enactment of an ages-old Godzilla movie, the story goes on even after all the fire’s been breathed out. You’ll forget what you were fighting about, lock lips again, and probably proceed toward make-up sex that’s as sensational as your first time. Your karmic lesson is understanding that fast and nasty is nice, but non-Ram-like things such as patience, non-competitiveness, and staying power are the keys to making your love last.
The attraction between the two of you will be palpable -- at least at first. You both adore pleasure! The only issue? The two of you have different philosophies about it. Whether or not you get together for more than one try at total bliss will depend on how well the Aries' fast and furious charge coerces Taurus’ slow-and-steady, wait-and-see attitude to spring into action. Aries would do well to remember that a kiss or a stroke might at least give Taurus an idea of what your intentions are. Taurus can be a real horn dog, but will be far more fun if convinced that the whole thing wasn’t just your idea! Looking for that sensitive spot on your bull-headed bud? Head for the neck. If you nuzzle away, a ticklish sensation that sends tingles everywhere is bound to follow.
You’ll have to kick back and relax now and again, and learn how to wait ... a lot! This might not be a bad thing. Taurus will teach you that good things come to those who wait -- and you might have to redefine the way you enjoy sex when you get used to being on the other end of the slow-handed Bull. Once you get out of bed, this relationship can be more challenging. Although there will be a lot you have in common, you could get pretty frustrated when you realize that when it comes to getting your Taurus to get up and go, there could be a whole lot of "hurry up and wait." Your karmic lesson is, when someone is teaching you how to be patient, it’s nice to learn how to stop and smell the flowers.
The first thing you might want to say to this talkative partner might be "Shut up and do it, already!" Indeed, you’re pretty close to being pure physicality when it comes to sex, but Gemini ... isn’t. Gemini is all about the act of flirting, batting eyelashes, and displaying body language that seems to say they’re ready for action ... but are they, really? If you take your normal club-them-over-the-head-and-drag-them-away approach, you’ll probably be able to get what you’re after. Still, once you get horizontal together, you might find that you come from two rather different worlds. Your overt physical passion might be met with a stream of consciousness that seems bent on talking the whole way through a night of intimacy. Be prepared to answer a lot of questions, especially the kind that force you to talk about things you might not want to think about in a moment of lust, like whether or not you like the new slim laptops that were just released. It’s not that Gemini is trying to un-inspire you -- these talkative types really do get off on words! Drink a couple of coffees beforehand and maybe you’ll be able to keep up your end of the conversation before drifting off to sleep.
This is not someone who will get stuck like glue to you, and you’ll appreciate that. In fact, getting Gemini to come back for a second night in your arms could be a challenge. You will have to learn a lot about connecting through the mind if you want to stay together with this fly-by-night-but-fascinating person. The answer might hit you over the head when you see that practicing the karmic lesson of learning to listen sets Gemini off into a very sexy frenzy.
Cancer people should probably warn their sexual partners just how deeply they plan to connect with them. This is anything but a wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am kind of situation. Cancer wants to merge with you with both body and soul. Lucky for you, this doesn’t necessarily mean a long courtship, and if you enjoy peering deeply into your lover’s eyes and becoming enveloped in a way that you haven’t been maybe since you were in the womb, take this Crab to bed. Cancer has a way of knowing what will please you before you even begin to talk about it. Any area on your body where you wish to be touched, caressed, or otherwise stimulated will not go wanting for attention. You might want to stay away from anything too rough, kinky, or otherwise heavy-handed with this delicate type.
You can make inroads assuring Cancer that you will always be there to offer protection -- but make sure you realize whom you’re saying that to. Cancer makes deep, lasting bonds almost instantly. If you’re not up for a long-term relationship, you might have to live with the guilt of inflicting emotional pain on someone who’s incapable of ever really letting go. This can have its plus points in that you’re the baby of the zodiac and Cancer is a natural mother, whether female or male in form. The karmic lesson here is that if you want a love that will last, you have to focus on someone besides yourself.
You’ve probably read about the many ways you and the noble Lion are a perfect match. You’re both motivated and outgoing, and Leo will never disappoint you when it comes to expressing exuberance and charm. Sexually speaking, the fact that this energetic type can keep up with you is also a good reason for getting together to go for a ride. Not unlike you, this partner loves flattery -- so pour it on thick. If you forget to compliment at least one feature (the hair is usually a good start), you will be reminded! You’ll understand, because the fiery, attention-demanding nature that you share makes you instant buddies. This can be great if you first make sure that the two of you can get together sexually and still remain friends. When it comes to a long-term relationship, each of you will have to put in a lot of work, because you both need so much devotion.
From being with a Leo, you might be able to learn that you don’t always have to be on the receiving end. They say that giving compliments can be even more fulfilling than getting them, so give it a whirl! But if you feel as though you need to go outside of the relationship in order to get the attention that you crave, think twice before you make a big commitment. Leo will insist on loyalty, so if you can’
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