Sex Vs Love

Sex Vs Love


Sex Vs Love
Home / People / Relationships / Difference Between Love and Sex
There is much difference between love and sex. It is interesting to see that both love and sex fall under the category of top 1000 frequently used words in the Oxford dictionary. That shows how much important these two words, love and sex, are. Love is mainly used as a noun and a verb . Apart from that, there are many phrases for love such as; for the love of God and love me, love my dog (this is a proverb ). Sex, just like love, is also used as a noun and a verb. However, as a word, sex does not have much varied uses like love.
Love is an emotion of personal attachment and strong affection. In philosophical context, the term love is a virtue showing all of human affection, compassion and kindness. In the religious context, the term love is not just a virtue but is the foundation for all golden rule or divine law and the basis for all being. There is no one meaning or definition for love since the term “love” could mean several different things for different people. Love is an emotion or feeling. Love involves feelings of romance and attractions. A love could be a strong feel towards a person, object or to his or her goal only if one values them greatly, deeply and is committed to it. Since love is not a physical activity, as it is more related to feelings and emotions, therefore, it will not have any impact on the physical health of a person. Love is a relationship that could be between a father and son, between a girl and boy, mother and child, husband and wife, between two males, between male and female, between two females, etc. Love could be with or without sex. Love could be shown towards animals, towards one’s country or nation, etc. Love is the express of love without nonsexual ways. Love could be kissing, hugging and touching without any sexual intentions or desires. Love is a serious commitment between two persons and one could do anything for each other. Love could be towards god or ones religion. It is a strong connection between two people with the aim of developing their relationship. Sometimes love would end in marriage and then sex. Love occurs all the time with the person, object, god or anything. Love is mental feelings between two partners.
On the other hand sex, is a biological event. Although there are several types of sex, however most of the sexual acts have certain things in general or common. Sex is a physical activity between two opposite genders. Sex is defined as making love. Sex could happen between a female and a male, between two males, between two females, between more than two persons or by one’s self. Sex is an act for getting sexual pleasure and for reproduction purpose. The term used for not having sex is called as abstinence . Some of the people, particularly who think it is not right to wait to have sex, think that abstinence is a completely bad thing. Sex could have physical effects in one’s body. A female could give birth after having sex with male. Sometimes there are chances of getting an STD . Sex is an intercourse with the aim of reproduction or sexual pleasure. There could be or could not be serious commitments or seriousness between two partners. However, sex cannot happen continually. Sex is a physical feeling between two partners.
Love and sex are involved with each other; however sex could occur without love and love could exist without sex.
• Love could be a strong feel towards a person, object or to his or her goal only if one values them greatly, deeply and is committed to it. It is an emotional bond between two.
• Sex is a physical act; it could be between two or more than two persons or by one’s self.
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Contributing Sex & Relationships Editor
Contributing Sex & Relationships Editor
Kelly Gonsalves is a sex educator, relationship coach, and journalist. She received her journalism degree from Northwestern University, and her writings on sex, relationships, identity, and wellness have appeared at The Cut, Vice, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and elsewhere.
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Signs someone is making love to you:
The sex is initiated after an emotionally connective experience or conversation. There is intense eye contact throughout the sex. There is a lot of kissing before, during, and after sex. They hold you close during and after sex. They're gentle and affectionate with how they touch you. There's a lot of touch beyond just genitals—they put their hand on your cheek, they intertwine their fingers with yours, they kiss your shoulders and thighs, etc. There's no rush; instead, they take their time with each act, making sure each one is special. They take their time making you feel good. They're less concerned with receiving from you; they're more focused on giving pleasure or in mutual pleasure. The sex is more "romantic" and "emotional" than "sexy" or "dirty." They're saying romantic things during sex. They say they love you during sex. They cuddle with you afterward rather than withdrawing or falling asleep.
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1 . Connect with your partner prior to sex.
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2 . Learn about their intimate needs.
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5 . Touch different parts of your partner's body.
Contributing Sex & Relationships Editor
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There's a certain connotation when we talk about two people making love as opposed to having sex . But is there any real difference? We asked a sex coach to explain. 
Making love is another way of saying having sex , though there is usually an implication that making love involves a type of sex that's more intimate, romantic, or even spiritual. When two people make love, the physical acts are seen as an expression of love between them, explains sex and dating coach Myisha Battle, M.S. .
"When people say 'making love ,' they tend to mean emotionally connected sex, or sex with someone with whom they are in love," she explains. "It's linked to spiritual seekers, hippies, Tantra practitioners, or anyone else who seeks transcendence through sex."
The term likely arose in relation to the idea of traditional courtship, Battle notes, but it has since evolved from its original meaning to have the meaning it has now. Today, the term "making love" is more commonly used among more religious, spiritual, or traditional communities, or it can be a way of talking about sex without saying the word "sex," which some people find to be too crass.
Meanwhile, others have consciously moved away from using the term "making love" because of the way it can create a moral hierarchy around sexuality, implying that sex is most valuable when romantic love is involved—which is not the case for everybody.
"Some argue it's an outdated term because there is more cultural acceptance for sex outside of the context of a loving partnership," Battle adds. "There is also a growing understanding that all different kinds of sex can connect two people emotionally."
"Some people believe there is a qualitative difference between 'making love' and 'having sex,' where lovemaking is more deep, even spiritual," Battle explains. "By contrast, having sex is more utilitarian or less emotionally connected."
The difference between making love and having sex is subjective, as they can look and feel exactly the same and involve exactly the same sexual acts, behaviors, and connection. The biggest difference is in the intention behind the sex: Making love is about using sex to express feelings of romantic love .
Importantly, any and all of these things can be present during sex between non-romantic partners, too. Many people emotionally connect with their sexual partners and enjoy being affectionate with their sexual partners, even if they're not in love. Even casual sex can be very passionate, romantic, and filled with mutual care. The only real way to know if someone is using sex as an expression of love is if they tell you that's how they feel about it.
Making love starts way before you get to the bedroom. There needs to be an emotional connection already building between you that you can then lean into during sex. Part of this is about knowing exactly how you feel about this person—when you're confident about your feelings for someone, it's a lot easier to express those feelings through intimacy. 
"Spending time prior to sex connecting with your partner, learning more about them and their wants and needs, can allow for more deeply connected sex," Battle explains. "Talking about sex when you're not having it can actually increase the quality of the sex you have tremendously!" Ask them exactly what makes them feel loved and connected in bed, and then do those things when you get there.
"Romance is relative, so communicating what you like is also important," Battle says. What does romance mean to your partner—and to you? Is it about a lot of kissing and cuddling ? Is it about whispering sweet nothings to each other during the act? Is it about a sensual, romantic environment with candles and roses? Talk about it together, and then make it happen!
Slow down! When it comes to making love, there's no rush and no finish lines you need to rush toward. Spend more time savoring each moment. Draw out each touch so it lasts even longer and feels even deeper.
Genitals aren't everything! Getting away from exclusive focus on the "sexy bits" can particularly make sex better for women , according to sex therapist Cyndi Darnell, MHSci, MNT . "Explore different erogenous zones on her body including neck, shoulders, scalp, ears, belly, inner thighs, inner arms, back, buttocks, and feet," she recommends. "Try experimenting with speed or pressure."
Eye gazing is a tantric sex practice where you and your partner sit up straight on your bed or couch and just gaze into each other's eyes for a full several minutes without talking.
"In the powerful gaze of your partner, there is nowhere to hide, and you practice fully revealing yourself to the other with all that you feel and all that you are. You see them fully while at the same time letting yourself be seen," writes tantric sex educator Leslie Grace, R.N. "Let the love that is in your heart shine out through your eyes. Gazing at your beloved, see the divine spark in their eyes, marveling at the pure life force that is animating them. Feel the sacredness of this simple moment together."
Making love is about expressing feelings of love through the act of sex. So if you want to make it clear that you're making love—and not just having sex—the key is to make sex more intimate , focusing on emotional intimacy in addition to the physical. 
Kelly Gonsalves is a multi-certified sex educator and relationship coach helping people figure out how to create dating and sex lives that actually feel good — more open, more optimistic, and more pleasurable. In addition to working with individuals in her private practice, Kelly serves as the Sex & Relationships Editor at mindbodygreen. She has a degree in journalism from Northwestern University , and she’s been trained and certified by leading sex and relationship institutions such as The Gottman Institute and Everyone Deserves Sex Ed , among others. Her work has been featured at The Cut, Vice, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and elsewhere.
With her warm, playful approach to coaching and facilitation, Kelly creates refreshingly candid spaces for processing and healing challenges around dating, sexuality, identity, body image, and relationships. She’s particularly enthusiastic about helping softhearted women get re-energized around the dating experience and find joy in the process of connecting with others. She believes relationships should be easy—and that, with room for self-reflection and the right toolkit, they can be.
You can stay in the loop about her latest programs, gatherings, and other projects through her newsletter:
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Over half of Americans in a relationship are set to enjoy the best sex of the year this Valentine’s Day, according to a new survey.
In fact, 58 percent of American couples say they have better sex on Valentine’s Day than any other day of the year.
But that’s not all — 85 percent of Americans in a relationship say that their sexual needs take a backseat to their partner’s needs on V-Day.
The new survey of 2,000 Americans in a relationship, conducted by OnePoll on behalf of sex toy brand EdenFantasys , offered an intimate glimpse into the sex lives of Americans when it comes to the most romantic holiday.
The data backs up the claim that our partners’ needs are more important when it comes to Valentine’s Day — 54 percent of survey respondents say that their partners are noticeably more generous in bed when Feb. 14 rolls around.
Interestingly, 52 percent of Americans say they won’t be having sex on Valentine’s Day — they’ll be making love.
Wait a minute…there’s a difference? According to 82 percent of Americans surveyed: yes.
And making love is very distinctly different from having sex, so say the results. For example, 68 percent of Americans say making love is “more passionate” and another 54 percent say making love consists of a lot more eye contact.
Four in 10 say that making love lasts longer than regular old sex, and 26 percent say there’s a lit candle present, too.
So how do you know if you’re making love or having sex? Say 81 percent of Americans, “you’ll just know in the moment!”
But there are some surefire ways to know if the sex you’re having is not considered making love — 59 percent say there is no choking in a lovemaking session, and another 55 percent say you absolutely cannot “make love” during an orgy.
“There are infinite number of grades between f–king and making love. As one respondent said, their special word for sex is ‘hacer cositas ricas’ or ‘making rich things.’ Everyone has their own special recipe for making passionate love. This is what makes us human,” Fred Petrenko of EdenFantasys said.
While there is undoubtedly a difference between having sex and making love, using that term may be ill-advised, as over half of Americans polled say it’s cheesy to call sex “making love.”
And if you’re looking to get lucky, don’t use any of these following words as a synonym for sex either.
Shockingly, one in four Americans polled (26 percent) say they consider it a turnoff when people use the word “f–k” to refer to sex.
Also scoring high on that list was fornicate (29 percent), smash (24 percent), hump (23 percent), pound (23 percent) and bang (23 percent).
“Have sex, make love, get laid, screw, bang, fool around — whatever you name it — EdenFantasys wishes everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day!” Petrenko said.

The effect of sex on the brain and body
Sex is a powerful boost to healthy relationships
People with great sex lives are happier
Gigi is Thrillist's Sex and Dating staff writer. She's new to love sex and is pretty into it. Follow her lovable crazy on Twitter , Facebook , and Instagram @GigiEngle.
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Have you ever had sex with someone you really, really loved and had an out-of-body, mind-boggling experience? Or afterward (and during) felt so close to that person you thought you were speaking to their SOUL? Have you ever had such incredible sex that you momentarily think you might actually melt into the bedspread and ooze into the floor cracks?
If so, then you, my dears, have experienced "love sex."
I'm a girl who's had plenty of casual lays -- but it wasn't until my current boyfriend that I experienced love sex in all its glory. And it was AMAZING. I even cried, but in a good way. It was the happy, empowered cry only love sex can provide -- what your mom probably refers to as "making love."
It's when you connect with someone on a spiritual level, when the sex is so full of meaning and emotion. This is very different than casual sex. Casual sex is fantastic, but love sex only really happens when you're in a relationship with someone you actually love.

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