Sex Tips With An Aquarius Man

Sex Tips With An Aquarius Man


Sex Tips With An Aquarius Man
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Knowing what to expect from an Aquarius man sexually can be difficult. You should mostly expect the unexpected from him.
He’s a curious, creative lover who likes to mix things up and try new things. Every experience with him is unique.
Aquarius men often make exciting lovers. Even if what he does isn’t always to your taste, it will be something to talk about later.
Some Aquarius men might get more focused on their own pleasure, especially if they’re not in a relationship, but most find things more pleasurable when they can see that their partner is having a good time.
He won’t be as wild as a Sagittarius or as dirty as a Scorpio but he does like to mix things up. He’ll try new things. You’ll never have the same experience twice with him.
Part of understanding an Aquarius man is understanding his curiosity. He wants to learn about the world. He wants to uncover its mysteries.
This curious nature applies in the bedroom, the same as it does in other aspects of his life.
His curiosity makes him more likely to try out new things than other signs. He may not always be up for anything but he’ll at least dip his toe into anything that sparks an interest in him.
If you bring up something you’re interested in, he might not always try it right away but he’ll at least consider it. You’ll pique his interest.
When he hears about something from a friend or sees something online, that will make him curious as well.
He’s not the type to ignore his curiosity either. He won’t be able to stop thinking about something until he eventually tries it out. Even if he doesn’t like it, he’ll be satisfied that he got to experience it.
Are Aquarius men good in bed? They often are because of their creative nature.
If he sees that something isn’t working, he’s not going to let that get him down. He’s able to improvise quickly. He’ll keep coming up with new things to try until he’s driving you wild.
When you’re having sex with an Aquarius man, he’s likely going to do things you’ve never experienced before. If you don’t like it, he won’t push. He’ll just try something else!
He thinks outside the box. He comes up with things other people might never even consider. If you’re down for just going with the flow and letting him try out whatever new thing he thinks up, you’ll have a good time.
Are Aquarius men selfish in bed? Many of them aren’t, especially with people they care about. If you’re a one-night stand, he might get more focused on his own needs but he won’t entirely abandon yours.
Whether it’s a one-time thing or you two have been in a relationship for years, foreplay is often something Aquarius men enjoy.
He can take his time. He can try out new things. He can make sure that you’re as into the experience as he is.
If his lover is bored and not having a good time, he’s not going to have a good time. He’ll make the foreplay last as long as you need before he gets to the “main event” to keep things exciting.
Aquarius men often aren’t in a rush. If you two need to be because you’re having a quickie before work or something, he can be. If you two have time, though, he’s not going to rush through sex with you.
He’ll take his time with getting you hot and bothered before you two start having sex. He’ll tease you a bit. He’ll draw out foreplay so he can make sure you’re both enjoying yourselves.
He likes to try out new things but he also doesn’t want to do anything to make you uncomfortable. Instead of diving right into something new, he’ll slowly introduce it. He’ll check-in and make sure that you’re enjoying it.
He doesn’t mind taking his time getting to know somebody before having sex with them as well. If you two are just getting to know one another, he’s not going to be upset if you want to wait before having sex.
when an Aquarius man is sexually attracted to you, you’ll be able to tell!
He is a highly energetic lover. He’s expressive as well, in ways he normally isn’t. When he wants you, he’ll make it very obvious.
If your Aquarius man is the more reserved type, you might be surprised to see just how much he lets loose during sex.
Most Aquarius men are weird and eccentric. Not all of them are outwardly loud or wild.
In bed, though, he’s going to be a free spirit. He will also likely have a lot of stamina. If you require a lot of foreplay to have a good time, he’ll be able to give you what you need.
If you can keep up with him, you’ll both have fun. If you do need to take a break, he won’t mind doing all the work while you catch your breath.
An Aquarius man in bed can be spontaneous and he might do some things you’re not expecting. Always expect a unique experience when you’re having sex with an Aquarius man.
He’ll surprise you in many ways. He won’t just do something without checking with you first but he might surprise you by asking to do something you never even considered.
He might surprise you with how considerate of a lover he is as well. He shows more emotions during sex than he does normally, especially if he cares about you. You may be surprised by a rare display of emotion.
An Aquarius man may also surprise you by suddenly planning a romantic night for you. He’s all about spontaneity but he does like to woo his partner now and then.
Are Aquarius men good lovers? Many are. Regardless of how you feel about his skills, though, having sex with him is always going to be interesting.
He sees sex as being all about trial and error. He won’t know if he likes something until he tries it out.
Don’t be surprised if he asks to try something and then never brings it up after you’ve tested it out. He might decide he doesn’t like something that he was previously interested in and that’s okay.
If you want to try something out, don’t be afraid to ask him. Even if he’s tried it with a previous partner, he might be willing to see if it’s different with you.
when an Aquarius man is done with you, you’ll be able to tell right away. If he gets bored in a relationship, he stops putting effort into it.
If you notice your Aquarius man is suddenly becoming lackluster in the bedroom or that he doesn’t seem as interested in sex as before, it might be because he’s bored.
The easiest way to resolve this problem is to start spicing things up. This doesn’t just apply to the bedroom! Take him out to a new place, suggest some new things you two can do together, and try to break out of your routine a little.
Even if you two have certain things you like, you don’t need to only stick with those things. You can try new things to keep your sex life interesting.
If you want to know how to kiss an Aquarius man and drive him wild, just make sure you’re mixing things up! He loves kissing and he’ll likely be down to do just that for a while before actually having sex.
The best way to keep an Aquarius man hooked in any sexual relationship is to make sure you’re not always doing the same things. You don’t want him to get bored.
He is going to ask to try new things often. He’ll be fine with sticking to things you already know you like sometimes but that won’t keep him satisfied 100% of the time.
You might not see his silly side in bed if you’re just having a one-night stand or a fling but an Aquarius man in a relationship will show you that he can be both silly and sexy in the bedroom.
An Aquarius man is the type of person who will make you laugh while you two are having sex. He might make an off-hand comment or purposely say something funny to get a few giggles out of you.
Sex isn’t always a serious experience for him. It should be fun, it should be freeing, and sometimes it just needs to be light and silly.
Don’t be surprised if he says something off-the-wall while you two are in bed. Expect that he’s going to say some odd things during pillow talk as well. His filter is going to be off when he’s focused on having sex.
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Panda Gossips > Love & Relationships > Top 10 Tips To Turn On An Aquarius Man In Bed, Sexually
What to understand about an Aquarius man in bed
1. Be cool with an Aquarius man’s stubbornness
2. Approach your Aquarius man with care
3. Target an Aquarius on the ankles and calves
5. Blow his mind away with foreplay in bed
6. Be playful with your Aquarius man in bed
7. Hold a mascaraed party for your Aquarius man in bed
9. Incorporate toys into your sex life
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Men have different preferences in bed and it is highly dependent on their zodiac signs. Therefore, the needs of an Aquarius man are unique.
As far as love with an Aquarius man is concerned, there are quite a number of things that you need to do that don’t apply to a Scorpio or cancer man. First of all, you need to learn their characteristics so that you can use it to excite them in bed without fail.
It is very important, especially when you are in a marriage with an Aquarius man, unlike a Scorpio, Cancer or Aires, that you understand and accept the fact that he is very stubborn. And for that matter, you will make sure that you are satisfying him in the right manner. If he likes taking you from behind, give it to him just the way he wants it but only after he has worked for it and he will love you for it.

If you don’t really understand how to go about this with your Aquarius man while in bed, worry not because, at the end of the day, you can always seek help. The good thing about women is that they don’t have to put a lot of effort when it comes to teasing because, well, you are all beautiful.

So, all you need to do is learning how to make your “goodies” look so near yet so far if you get what I mean. It is the art of teasing that will make him forget his stubbornness and yield to your demands, which will most certainly make it easier for you to make his night in bed.

Teasing your Aquarius man in bed as well as outside of the bed is what will make your marriage super exciting which is remarkably amazing. And the same also goes for Aires men. That said, you will have to invest some time and put some effort if at all you want to sexually stimulate your stubborn Aquarius man in bed which is just too incredible.

Aquarius men, unlike Scorpio men, have a reputation for being aloof. You need to learn the art of reading his moods before making an advance even in bed. If they seem a little detached, then it would be a good idea for you to give them space because that wouldn’t be a good time to try and be intimate with him.

But you should also learn the importance of being able to tease him so that in the end, you can ensure that you are getting him just where you want. Sometimes you don’t even need to get naughty in bed or taking that much precaution when you are approaching your love. Just skulking around in those nice, tight nighties or lingerie can make your Aquarius man want to put you to sleep in bed with you.

If not that, then you can learn to perfect the art of seduction and ensure that you are seducing him the right way. Do this and you will most certainly be in a position to enjoy him to the maximum.

If you get to do this right, you will realize that you won’t even need to approach him because more often than not, he will be the one who will be doing all the approaching which is always good for your marriage. You can also try working out and getting g your sexy on so that your Aquarius man can’t resist you.

A post shared by jeanetelife by Żaneta 👋🏻 (@jeanetelife) on Nov 11, 2017 at 1:46pm PST
Every man across the zodiac spectrum has got their proverbial Achilles Heel. And needless to say, the Aquarius man has his weaknesses on the ankles and calves, which is unlike the other zodiac signs, for instance, the Scorpio as well as the Cancer men. So, it goes without saying that when in bed, you need to use these spots to make them feel in love with you.

You can start by either giving your Aquarius man a slow, sensual massage just to make sure that he is getting all ready for the action. And once that has been done, the next thing you can do is start working your way up with your kisses and strategic and soft touches until he gives in to you. You can also attack these weak spots while telling him sweet words just to ensure that he is having the time of his life which is quite an amazing feat.

Apart from using your magical hands to massage him and make him feel amazing on the above-stated areas, you can also use the softness and sensuality of your lips to make sure that your Aquarius man experiences a little piece of heaven away from heaven which is quite an amazing thing to you. But the only problem with doing this using your lips is that you need some level of skill to pull it off. The good news is that, just like everything else under the sun, you can learn how to go about it and make your marriage a tad interesting while at it.

A post shared by Dominik Wolf (@dominikwolf500px) on Nov 12, 2017 at 2:03am PST
If you don’t enjoy pleasing him, then don’t do it at all. An Aquarius man is always known for his vigor and love for passion so that means that you have to keep up with that kind of energy or else you are definitely going to lose him. So, in order to go about it, just make sure that you are feeling the moment and are actually into making out with him so that he can go with the flow. That way, everything will most certainly work out in your favor.

If you are finding it a tad harder keeping up with your Aquarius man, you can try moaning as he touches you and be naughty just a little. You can whisper in his ear telling him what you want him to do to you and just kick back and experience him unleashing himself sexually. Again, try doing a little bit of practice and you will most certainly get to do it right at the end of the day.

And if you really try your level best and still aren’t getting to do it the way he likes it, then you should do yourself a favor and ask him. If your man loves you, then he would want to show you what he loves in bed and the kind of energy you ought to have. Talking about such things is what makes it better for you and your Aquarius man. However, this may not hold true for Scorpio men.

A post shared by SERGEY ULYANITSKY (@ulyanitsky__) on Nov 12, 2017 at 2:02am PST
Foreplay is a very important part of getting sexually comfortable with any man and not just an Aquarius man. That said, you will be required to do all in your power to get your skills up and since practice makes perfect, then you better start practicing right away. Make sure that you are doing all in your power to learn.

You can start the foreplay with an erotic massage or oral sex, whichever you prefer and make sure that he is into it. And while you are at it, make sure that you are teasing him from time to time so that he gets to a point where he just can’t keep his mind off you no matter how hard he tries.

If you don’t have the proper foreplay skills, adding a couple of adult movies into your personal collection isn’t going to be such a bad idea. You don’t have to be as aggressive as the pros in the videos but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t strive to do just that, especially since it will put a smile on your Aquarius man every time you are in bed.

It is also very important for you to look as sexy as possible before jumping into the foreplay because, well, all men happen to be visual creatures and would love to see that curvaceous body in some hot, revealing lingerie. If you do this the right way, it will turn any man on irrespective of whether he is Cancer, Aires or Aquarius. Again, make sure that you are getting to perfect your skill and you will most certainly reap the benefits in a big way.

A post shared by Marina Mini (@mini13jolie) on Nov 12, 2017 at 2:01am PST
In as much as everyone loves to have a little fun while wrapped in the warm bed sheets, an Aquarius man always loves taking things to a whole other level. In the middle of the foreplay, you can take a “commercial break” just to gently whip him on the side of his head with a pillow and watching him getting excited.

Getting engaged in a pillow fight or any other playful games will not just excite your Aquarius man sexually, but also others including Aires as well as those that fall from under different zodiac signs. Thanks to the internet, you can find quite a number of incredibly cute games that you and your Aquarius man can take part in that will not only be fun but also turn you on sexually.

Again, make sure that you are having a good time playing these games because Aquarius have a way of knowing if you are just forcing things. And while you are wrestling, try your best hitting him with your bum especially if he loves your bum. Also try and cheat while wrestling because, well, we all love a woman that is naughty and uses her femininity to beat us during a wrestling match.

If you can’t wrestle (even if your life depended on it), then you can always try tickling him playfully and get to watch how your life will improve for the better. The good thing is that anything goes and you aren’t tied down to anything specific.

A post shared by Sylvia Schaffrath Fotografie (@schaffrath.weddings) on Nov 12, 2017 at 1:58am PST
When it comes to being naughty and mysterious in bed, no man from any other zodiac signs will beat the Aquarius, not even the Scorpio, Cancer or Aires men. They always love it when you throw in some masks because they are curious in nature and will do just about anything to ensure that you keep their time in bed as interesting as possible.

The good thing about masquerade masks is that they can be found just about anywhere which is quite something. And they are cheap too so it wouldn’t cost you an arm and a leg when it comes to making love to your Aquarius man in bed which is incredible. If you don’t know what kind of masks he likes when you and your Aquarius man are in bed, going ahead and asking isn’t going to kill you.

Besides, he will appreciate the fact that you are putting in some effort to ensure that he is happy in bed and needless to say, he will most certainly reward you for it. So, instead of asking way too many questions, how about you just go for it and change your relationship for the better.

As far as being a little mysterious go, it just isn’t something that an Aquarius man enjoys in bed alone. Everyone, including the Scorpio men, loves it when they don’t know what their women are going to surprise them with.

So, it goes without saying that you need to stay focused at all times and in the end; you will most certainly reap the rewards of your hard work. You can offer to role play for a little bit and it will most certainly go your way without you having to try too hard.

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