Sex Tips With A Taurus Man

Sex Tips With A Taurus Man


Sex Tips With A Taurus Man
The Taurus Man in Bed: 9 Things to Know About His Sexual Side
Sign: Taurus Dates: April 21 – May 21 Ruling planet: Venus Planetary principle: Production Element: Earth Mode: Fixed Quality: Feminine
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Settle in for a comprehensive dissection of the Taurus man’s sexual nature. This is the most in-depth article you’ll find online about the Taurus man’s sex life!
Sex is undoubtedly an essential part of life for the Taurus guy. He loves it and needs it. But he can also go for long stretches without it when he doesn’t have the right partner on hand.
Part of the reason for his earnest desire for sex comes from his love of women and his passion for raw, earthy sensuality. Venus rules him, and the scent or sight of an elegant woman is all it takes to turn his mind to sexual thoughts.
If the right opportunity presents itself, he could happily have sex every day of the week. Partnered Taurus guys usually settle on 4-5 days out of the week.
Single Taurus men don’t have a set time frame for having sex with a new mate. It could happen on the first date or within several months. He’s one of the more patient men in the zodiac. Still, physical expressions of intimacy are central to his style of connection, so sex often happens sooner than later in his relationships, so long as there’s comfort and trust.
Usually, quite long. Patience is his sexual virtue, and quickies hardly satisfy him. He prefers the occasion to feel more like a lavish, seven-course meal. These guys like to take their time with virtually everything they do. It’s rare to find a Taurus who’s in a rush to finish the act.
Sex that lasts about an hour is usually right up his alley. But 2+ hour sexcapades accompanied by 30+ minute foreplay sessions also pique this guy’s interest. He won’t turn down a quickie, but he won’t find it particularly satisfying. 
Rushing him in bed is rarely a good plan of action. He’s a slow, meditative lover. He wants to sink into a space of immersive sensuality in a way that only marathon sex sessions can provide.
He loves to tease, roll around and explore bodies, and become awash in sensual stimulation. While he can certainly live up to his symbol, the bull, he tends to be on the slower, sleepy side of sexual expression. What he lacks in variety (more on that later), he makes up for in endurance.
Taurus men usually aren’t premature ejaculators; instead, they can have the opposite problem of erectile dysfunction or delayed ejaculation. And it’s not always due to impotence, but just a symptom of his high threshold for stimulation. It takes some time to warm this man up.
He may be highly sexual, but Taurus men are not your typical predatory animal. He’s the strong silent type, and passivity marks his style of sexual pursuit. He signals his readiness and expects the woman to do the prerequisite pouncing. He plays the patient, aloof sex object – which woos women into jumping his bones. 
As such, most of the time, a Taurus man falls into a sexual tryst; the pattern is him seemingly being seduced into it.
He’s usually well aware of what’s happening. It’s not that he’s manipulative or cunning; he finds it simpler to use his natural appeal to attract her. Taurus men are simply fond of finding the easy route in such matters.
When he’s truly at ease and the moment is right, he’s often comfortable initiating the sexual act itself. He does this slowly and cautiously. Taurean men can have more insecurities than their quiet confidence lets on. Some genuinely are pretty shy and struggle with fears of rejection.
Taurus men will often enjoy having sex with one or more partners when they’re not in a relationship. Having other people desire him also gives him an exquisite sense of satisfaction. These guys love women and feminity and have a large capacity for feminine presence in their life.
Safety is paramount for Taurus men, though. They are security-minded and usually a bit more cautious than other males in the zodiac. He prefers the comfort, control, and familiarity of having sex with someone he knows. So one night stands aren’t huge on their list of sexual desires.
There’s certainly a distinction between how he shows up for hook-ups and his deeper relationships. Even though he’s very physically focused sex-wise, he’s still a highly romantic man, and sex has a profoundly emotional appeal to him. He remains pretty detached with casual flings. And only serious partners get that out of him.
Taurus guys are decent at communicating sexually. Typically more so than his words. They’re very touch-focused, so you can learn a lot from him by his body movements and hand gesturing.
A lot of Taurus guys do struggle with being silent. When they are vocal, it’s usually subdued: whispering, not yelling. But the less inhibited ones will make a lot of sounds, which indicate his pleasure.
Ultimately, expect him to ask and direct primarily through touch. 
On a scale of 1-10 (vanilla to full-on kinky), Taurus men usually fall somewhere around 6-7.
They’re strong and enjoy athletic lovemaking (once you get them warmed up). But they’re usually more consistent than experimental. They oscillate between two primary flavors: slow and sensual and full-on Bull thrusting.
A quiet, cozy setting with oils and candlelight usually tops their lists of fantasies, as does some quaint, outdoor, picnic-style scenario.
They’re very tactile and oral. Oral sex is big for Taurus men and a key component of foreplay. They love to give and receive it (they’re usually excellent at cunnilingus). They love deep kissing and highly sensual touch. Exploring with hands and tongues is ecstasy for them.
BDSM can have some appeal for Taurus. Lighter bondage (collars, restraints) and teasing usually tickle his fancy. They’re usually on the dominant end but are often comfortable dropping into a submissive role from time to time. He might not introduce too much in the way of kinks, but he’ll usually be open if presented to him.
Sex toys and gadgetry aren’t usually big for Taurus men. He’ll more likely enjoy introducing food to the bedroom than toys. He may find sex toys pleasurable, but they usually won’t hold his interest. He’s much more earthy and skin to skin in his approach to sex. He’s more of a sensualist than an eroticist. 
Above all, he loves watching his partner during sex. He loves to see how much he gets her off. Her enjoyment and climaxes greatly excite him.
Looks. Looks are critical, as Taurus is a highly physical sign. Natural beauty appeals to his earthy aesthetic. Hygiene and cleanliness are essential. A sweet smile, openness, friendliness, and physical attributes like weight are also important to him. He’s turned on by a partner that takes care of herself. 
Confidence. Taurus is the sign of self-esteem, and a good deal of it in a partner is necessary to turn him on. A self-possessed and assured woman arouses him. Neediness and insecurity don’t excite him at all. Security and stability are aphrodisiacs to him, and he wants a partner with a tremendous inner strength that won’t crumble from life’s challenges.
Authentic femininity. Taurus is ruled by Venus, which makes him turned on and tuned in to feminine energy more than most men. A confident, intelligent, and submissive feminine spirit lights him up. Crassness and prissiness put him off. Superficiality repels him. Any artificial behavior gives Taurus the sense that sex will be efficient and tidy, which is a Taurus turn-off.
Devotion energy. Taurus’s energy is very devoted, and he likes to see that reflected in his sexual partners. He’s turned on by a woman that focuses her attention on him in a way that garners a strong connection. Insensitivity, wishy-washiness, and a ‘who cares’ attitude send him running.
A keen ability to activate his senses. Taurus men are slaves to their senses. He loves to see, touch, taste, and smell. This is especially true in the bedroom. He loves the natural scent and musk of a woman (so long as she follows general hygiene etiquette). He loves food and wine, especially before sex. He loves his whole body to be stroked, adored, and pampered. Nice feeling skin and fabrics are essential. Sweet perfumes, with tastes like vanilla and tobacco, really get him going. 
The atmosphere is pretty important to these guys. Outdoor sex grounds him is often quite appealing to his earthy sensitivities. Lush settings will heighten his trysts substantially. 
Attention to decor and ambiance goes a long way with him. Candlelight is always a guaranteed win with him. Dinner, a bath, and good music get him hook, line and sinker. Comfort is essential, above all. 
Absolutely. Taurus is very touchy-feely. They love to stay home, relax, and cuddle after sex. Showering together, watching a movie, or playing a game before bed is his idea of perfect after-sex care.
If you like to stay bodies entwined after sex and enjoy some loving, intimate pillow-talk – then he might be your guy. 
So, how do you feel about Taurus guys after reading this? Is his unhurried pace exciting enough for you? Do you have experiences of your own to share? Let us know in the comments below.
Hi, I’m Loren. Welcome to Popular Astrology. You can learn more about me and this website here .
Well that was very helpful thank you for this article on tauraus sexual side I was very comfortable in reading it the reason I read it is because I have a soulmate and he is a tauraus and so I wanted to know I geuss about this it feels very interesting to me thanks and by.Also one last thing to add in I am a Capricorn so yeah it really is a blessing having him a strong tall handsome taurus in my life ok by now.
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By Maressa Brown
On May 2, 2020
In Astrology

Hot, heavy, sensual, and carnal. It’s no wonder why Taurus is one of the best zodiac signs in bed. Taurus’ compatible signs are usually those who can match this sign’s need for pleasure—thanks to its planetary ruler, sensual Venus . As the second sign of the zodiac, earth sign Taurus (born between April 20 and May 20) is known for being a homebody and a lover of creature comforts.
This slow, sweet, grounded approach often translates to languorous, soulful sessions between the sheets for the Bull. Taurus owes much of its romantic, sensual between-the-sheets style to their key planet Venus (which rules beauty and love).
As a fixed sign, the Bull has a tendency to get stuck in a rut, opting for the same positions or scenarios time and again. They’re drawn to whatever is comfortable and bolster feelings of security and stability with their partner.
Here are five sex positions that can elevate a Taurus’ lovemaking routine.
How you do it: Just like the name suggests, spooning is a natural extension of the cuddling position, in which both partners lie on their sides and partner #1 (the one who is penetrating) enters partner #2 from behind. Taureans have a rep for being lazy—or simply just taking their time to get going—so they’ll love the chill vibe of this position, perfect for sexy, slow-paced Sunday mornings. Plus, it allows for the partner doing the penetration to caress any and every one of their lover’s erogenous zone.
How you do it: A more intimate version of traditional Cowgirl/Cowboy, Partner #1 begins by sitting with his legs extended. Partner #2 then lowers herself on top of him, wrapping her legs around his torso. Both partners can place their hands behind their back for extra support, and then partner #2 can control the tempo, which is matched by partner #1. A Bull will most definitely love this equus-themed position, which gives lovers the ability to not only make eye contact but enjoy all kinds of sensual touch—from caressing one another’s hair to face to neck (Taurus’ ruling anatomy!) and chests.
How you do it: Taureans abhor being rushed and love making something extremely pleasurable last for as long as possible, so this “break” position is a perfect choice for the earthy sign. The gist: Partners get onto their sides and face one another with legs intertwined and chests pressed together, as the penetrating lover remains inside his partner the whole time. After having the opportunity to cool things down, sensual touch and kissing is sure to bring the moment back to a major boiling point.
How you do it: The Glowing Juniper takes the cowgirl position and makes it far more relaxing and languorous for the partner being penetrated. Partner #2 lies on her back with her legs outstretched, and partner #1 (doing the penetration) faces her with her legs stretched out. She can lean back into a pillow or against a wall for more support. She then lifts partner #2’s hips to penetrate her. This deeply sensual position gives partner #1 the ability to kiss, caress, and thoroughly love on partner #2. 
How you do it: Doggy style gets a subtle but powerful tweak in this position, which simply requires that the partner being penetrated (partner #2) presses his legs tightly together between partner #1’s knees. This makes for an even more intensely intimate experience—something a Taurus will never turn his nose up at—and partner #1 has the ability to let his hands roam all over partner #2’s body.
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A Taurus man’s sexuality is something he’s often very in touch with. Taurus enjoys sex and he enjoys having a lot of it.
Good thing for you, he’s also typically good at having sex. You’ll both have a great time.
For the most part, Taurus is an excellent lover. He’s attentive, he aims to please, and he’ll let you guide the way so he knows how to make you feel great.
Taurus has high stamina. He often has a lot of sex. Don’t be surprised if he wants to have sex every day or even multiple times a day. That can take some getting used to for certain people!
Taurus also needs emotional intimacy and affection during sex if he’s with somebody he loves. Sex becomes an emotional affair in that case.
Is a Taurus man a womanizer? Some are, honestly. This is because many of them just love sex.
If he’s in a monogamous relationship, he’ll be perfectly happy having sex with just his partner. He won’t stray just because he likes having sex.
He will feel unsatisfied if he’s not having sex often, though. You can expect that a Taurus man will want to have sex a lot.
He has sex when he’s bored. He has sex when he’s down and wants to cheer up. He has sex just because. He honestly doesn’t really need a reason.
A Taurus man’s stamina is high. He can sometimes have sex for hours if he wants to. Be prepared to keep things going for a while when you two get intimate.
You two might have to compromise if you are somebody with a lower libido or less stamina. He won’t leave his partner if they aren’t having sex with him every day but it will take some getting used to.
Taurus men are passionate people. This can make them excellent lovers.
His reputation often precedes him. Taurus men are known for being good in bed. You won’t be disappointed to find that the rumors are often true.
Even an inexperienced Taurus will make up for the lack of experience. He’s passionate. He aims to please. He’s attentive and will listen if you tell him to do something you like.
Taurus’ free spirit comes through when he has sex. He might be embarrassed later by something he’s done but in the moment, he just goes with it.
This means that he’s not going to hold back when you two are having sex. He’s going to make sure it’s an excellent experience for both of you.
A Taurus man in bed is attentive to his lover. He’s not just focused on himself and his needs. He’s also focused on her.
This doesn’t mean that Taurus is selfless in bed. He’s just not completely focused on his own pleasure. He wants his partner to have a good time as well.
If you tell him you like something, he’s going to remember that. If you respond well when he touches a specific spot, he’ll keep coming back to that spot.
If he notices you’re not having a good time, he’ll stop to see what the problem is. Even if you don’t say something is wrong, he’ll notice. He’s an observant person.
He’s attentive to his lover’s mood before, during, and after sex. If they seem hesitant before having sex, he’s not going to push. If they seem upset after, he’ll make sure he finds out why so he can comfort them.
Sex is a sensual experience for Taurus. Sex isn’t just about touch. It should indulge all his senses. It’s not just about the release or the “main act”. It’s more than that.
Taurus usually has expensive bed sheets. They’re great to sleep on and great to have sex on. He likes to be comfortable. Sometimes soft, smooth fabric is just the thing to heighten the experience.
He likes perfumes and scented candles as well. He’ll love being able to smell your shampoo while you two make love.
He loves it when his partner wears lingerie. It looks good and it feels good.
Taurus might also enjoy eating in bed. Don’t be surprised if he brings some whipped cream or strawberries into the bedroom.
Music is another thing Taurus likes to have in the bedroom. He’ll enjoy listening to some music before you two have sex or having something on in the background while you’re going at it.
Taurus often likes to let his partner lead. This might seem odd, as he also likes to be dominant. He doesn’t like to be controlling in bed, though.
Tell him what to do. That’s the only way he’s going to know for sure what you like and what you want.
If you like to be touched in a specific place, guide him to where that is. If you like to be kissed in a certain way, show him.
Don’t be afraid to boss him around a little. He might act stubborn but sometimes what he wants is a little power play. Just don’t be too controlling and back off if he seems uncomfortable.
This doesn’t necessarily mean Taurus wants a demanding or domineering partner. That can sometimes be what turns a Taurus man off.
Are Taurus men selfish in bed? Certainly not. They have a much better time when they know their partner is satisfied.
This is why Taurus gets a reputation for being great in bed!
If you’re not having a good time, he’s not going to have a good time. He’ll be able to tell if you don’t like something. He’s not going to have any fun if his partner isn’t also having fun.
This means that when you ask him to do something, he’ll be receptive. If you say you like something specific, he’ll at the very least try to do it. Once he gets your likes and dislikes down, you’re in for a good time.
He’ll also listen if you want to try something new. He doesn’t want you to get bored, just like he doesn’t want to get bored. He’ll be receptive to any ideas you might have.
A Taurus man in love is going to desire emotional as well as physical intimacy during sex.
If he’s in a relationship with you and he loves you, sex is never going to be just sex. He can separate the two but if he loves you and he’s having sex with you, why would he separate them?
He’ll tell you how much he loves you while you two have sex. He’ll compliment you, say he adores you, and tell you how good you make him feel.
He’ll love it when you do the same. Don’t be afraid of saying something embarrassing in the heat of the moment. Just be honest and genuine. Just go with the flow.
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