Sex Teenagers Sleep 2022

Sex Teenagers Sleep 2022


Sex Teenagers Sleep 2022
Your 2022 Sleep Reset Wellness Home
Sleep Reset 2022: Getting Your Sleep Back to Normal

Reestablish waking and bedtime rituals.
Avoid overexposure to stressful news and social media.
Ease away from blue light and screens before bed.
Get a handle on alcohol – when and how much you drink.
Reduce afternoon caffeine.
Set clear boundaries between virtual work and home life.
Put your bedroom – especially your bed – off-limits for meetings, emails and assignments.
Keep a 'worry journal' to release anxiety pressure before bed.
Go outdoors and experience natural daylight.
Exercise and be physically active.
Teach kids to prioritize sleep.
Don't wait – start reintroducing good sleep hygiene now.

Take a break from social media stimulation and the 24/7 news cycle. Reduce worry and stress by turning off the TV and going offline at night. "When people watch stress-inducing news, particularly close to bedtime, that can keep them awake," Ramar says. "Shutting off social media, news and online channels – a least one to two hours before bedtime – will all help."
Cut back on nightcaps. "That has some negative consequences related to falling asleep, particularly if you have alcohol too close to bedtime," Ramar says. "Though it may help you fall asleep, as long as the alcohol is in your system afterward, it tends to disrupt you and wake you up periodically." Daytime sleepiness and fatigue then follow. "If you're having alcohol, consider moderating consumption and making sure you stop at least one to two hours, or even earlier if possible, before bedtime," he advises.
Set limits on coffee. Caffeine stays in your system for about four to six hours, Ramar notes. A late-afternoon or early-evening cup of coffee – or other caffeine product – could keep you from falling or staying asleep. "Just limiting caffeine intake and trying to avoid having any, ideally, after 2 p.m., if not noon, would be something to think about," he says. Getting into a vicious cycle of drinking more alcohol in the evening – and then chasing it with free-flowing coffee during the day to feel alert – is another pitfall to avoid.
Make clear transitions between phases of your day. Instead of letting virtual work or school bleed into your downtime or family time, set boundaries that allow you to wind down. "Keeping a routine where you really allot time for work during the day, then say, 'I'm done with my work,'" after a certain period is important for a healthy lifestyle and well-being, Ramar says. "That also translates to making sure you get good sleep, too."
Exercise. "Just like good nutrition and regular exercise, sleep is one of those three pillars for a healthy lifestyle," Ramar says. In particular, being more physically active will help you sleep more soundly.
Ease anxiety by journaling. "If you are carrying a lot of worries to bed, try having a journaling time or what we call a 'worrying time' for 20 to 30 minutes before bedtime," Ramar suggests. "Taking things off your mind and putting them in a journal or diary tends to clear the mind."

Reestablish a timely routine. "That's easier said than done, but it's worth the effort," Okorie says. "Even try to reestablish that routine slowly, depending on the needs of the family. That means trying to wake up at around the same time, going to bed at the same time, even having a set time for meals, if possible."
Get natural daytime light. It's also helps to have scheduled times to go outside safely – in natural light, if possible, Okorie says. "Some people are in snowy areas right now," she notes. "But trying to get some light during the day might be good."
Don't let beds become desks. As bedrooms morph into virtual workspaces and classrooms, sound sleep can go by the wayside. "If you're doing homework or classwork, do it at a table or somewhere other than your bed," Okorie recommends.
Encourage kids to make sleep a priority. "Start talking to your kids about the importance of sleep," Okorie says. "You may want to help them prioritize it to get them onboard. That's something I recommend, especially for school-age teenagers." Let kids express their priorities, too. "Definitely, some shared decision-making is needed."
Start retooling sleep now. "We're not out of the pandemic yet, but anytime is a good time to start to try and reestablish your routine and get your schedule back on track," Okorie says. "Whatever makes most sense for families." Each family is different, she emphasizes. "Every family might have their own path for getting to where their ideal state is – or closer to their ideal state. But let's say they try and it doesn't work – they can try again."

Develop a pre-bedtime ritual. "That could be reading a book – but not too exciting a book – whatever it is that helps you relax," Mordecai says. It could mean exercising earlier in the day, he says, and perhaps practicing mindfulness in the evening.
Reserve the bedroom for sleep and sex. "Don't use it to do your taxes and emails," Mordecai says. "You're essentially training your brain to think of your bed and your bedroom as this multipurpose place." Instead, keep your bed – and entire bedroom space if you can – separate from your daytime surroundings and workplace trappings.
Save jammies for bedtime. On a similar note, it's possible to work from home in pajamas – but that doesn't make it a good idea. Think about it: If you work in your pajamas during the day, it means you're sleeping in your work clothes at night. Create separation in your day and find some kind of workday outfit, even if it's just comfy sweats.
Watch out for light-emitting screens. Blue light, or any light, is not conducive to sleep. "We know that light around the time of bedtime is really distracting for your brain," Mordecai says. "It tells your brain basically to stay awake, that it's still light outside. If you have to use the screen late at night, or you really like to read on the screen, try to use dark mode or really dim it down."
Create a sleep-friendly environment. Brush up on sleep-hygiene guidelines, like keeping your bedroom dark, cool and clutter-free. A nighttime heat setting of 70 or 72 degrees at home is typically too warm, Mordecai says. Lower your thermostat to mid-60s or lower, if possible.

Updated on March 29, 2022 : This story was published at an earlier date and has been updated with new information.
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This article is based on reporting that features expert sources.
Sleep quality took a nosedive 2021. With sky-high anxiety over COVID-19, along with family disruptions and financial setbacks, a good night's sleep was hard to find. Patients frequently complained of sleep disturbances to their doctors and online searches for insomnia skyrocketed.
Now, in 2022, it's time to reset your sleep routine. Start by focusing on sleep hygiene – not just hand hygiene – as a health essential. When you hit the pillow, turn on the white noise and tune out dire pandemic news flashes and stress-inducing online chatter. Try a different kind of mask – a light-blocking eye mask – to promote better sleep.
Below, sleep experts offer multiple tips for improving sleep and building sleep-promoting habits as part of your routine:
"Unfortunately, people have been suffering," says Dr. Kannan Ramar, president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Pervasive worry is a major factor in sleep disruption, says Ramar, who is a pulmonologist, critical care specialist and sleep medicine specialist at Mayo Clinic , and a professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science.
When it comes to COVID-19 concerns, "Interestingly – but not surprisingly – people have more worries about their loved ones than about themselves," says Ramar, who shares this sleep-restoring advice:
Children and parents alike are experiencing pandemic-related effects on sleep, says Dr. Caroline Okorie a pediatric pulmonologist and sleep specialist with Stanford Children's Health in Palo Alto, California.
"As sleep experts we are seeing, anecdotally, more people have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep," says Okorie, who is also a clinical assistant professor with Stanford University School of Medicine. "A little more fatigue during the day and just parents feeling like they don't have that reliable sleep that they're used to."
Sleep problems are worth nipping in the bud. "Good sleep helps kids grow and helps them learn," Okorie says. "Sleep is good for your immune system, it's good for your mood. And we know that poor sleep is associated with low mood, and some kids can be more hyperactive and have a hard time concentrating."
During pandemic restrictions, multiple factors – lack of routine, less time outdoors, less light exposure and less physical activity – can all play a role in disrupting sleep for kids, Okorie says. Take these steps to help get your family's sleep back on track:
The pandemic has created a few silver linings. "Some parents have said it's been nice to have time home with their families," Okorie notes. "They're able to tuck their kids in at night, which some weren't able to do when they were commuting home from work, and things like that." But overall, she adds, "It's been tough on families, for sure."
"Sleep is a big issue for a lot of people and certainly was even before the pandemic," says Dr. Don Mordecai, national leader for mental health and wellness at Kaiser Permanente. With the pandemic, it's been easy to fall into a rut and let self-care slip for people who are primarily staying at home, he says.
Good sleep doesn't always just happen, he emphasizes. It's important to develop habits to prepare for healthy sleep, says Mordecai, who is also an adjunct clinical professor of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine. In this pandemic transition period, he says, "Ideally, you would use this as an opportunity to build some of those habits." Incorporate these steps into your daily – and nightly – routine:
What if you're still having trouble getting enough rest? Consider seeking professional advice , experts suggest. "If people have had symptoms of difficulty falling asleep, and maintaining sleep in particular, that's lasted beyond a three-to-four week period – despite trying different measures including some of these healthy tips – they should consult their primary care physician, or a sleep physician if one is close to their area, to get some help," Ramar says.
The U.S. News Health team delivers accurate information about health, nutrition and fitness, as well as in-depth medical condition guides. All of our stories rely on multiple, independent sources and experts in the field, such as medical doctors and licensed nutritionists. To learn more about how we keep our content accurate and trustworthy, read our editorial guidelines .
Mordecai is the national leader for mental health and wellness at Kaiser Permanente. He is also an adjunct clinical professor of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine.
Okorie is a pediatric pulmonologist and sleep specialist at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital, part of Stanford Children’s Health in Palo Alto, California, and a clinical assistant professor with Stanford University School of Medicine.
Ramar, president of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, is a pulmonologist, critical care specialist and sleep medicine specialist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He is also a professor of medicine at Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science.
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A guide to COVID-19 and wellness from the health team at U.S. News & World Report.
Oona Hanson and Charlotte Markey Sept. 6, 2022

Research shows that physical activity and avoiding screens before bed are both strategies to protect your teenagers’ sleep. (Unsplash/Andrea Tummons), CC BY-SA

Adolescents' growing brains and unique sleep-wake patterns mean they might need more snooze time than adults.

Wendy Hall/The Conversation

Published Mar 6, 2019 9:00 PM

Parents worry about whether their teenagers are getting enough sleep. Research studies suggest that teenagers are suffering an “ epidemic of sleep deprivation ” globally—one that will have long-term health impacts .
So how much sleep do adolescents really need and how can parents help them achieve it?
The first thing to understand is that teenagers are still growing and their brains are still developing—so they need more sleep than adults.
They also have different sleep-wake rhythms and release melatonin (a natural hormone to prepare for sleep) later, which means evening sleepiness takes longer to occur and they have a tendency to go to bed later and to sleep later in the morning. Of course, they still have to rise early for school.
Peers also influence teenagers more than they influence younger children. Increased social demands —in the form of online chat, social networking, and web browsing—combine with greater academic pressures as children enter high school. At this age parents also tend to exert less control over teenagers’ bedtimes.
So what are optimal sleep times to support adolescent health? Experts reviewed 864 papers examining relationships between children’s sleep duration and health. They suggested that those between 13 and 18 years of age should sleep eight to 10 hours per 24 hours on a regular basis to promote optimal health.
A recent report indicated that only five percent of adolescents in the United States meet recommendations for sleep, physical activity, and screen time. Older adolescents were less likely than younger adolescents (14 years or less) to achieve the recommendations.
A lot of action takes place in teenage brains due to their developmental stage. During adolescence, there are major changes to thinking, emotions, behavior, and interpersonal relationships.
Changes to brain connections contribute to improvements in thinking abilities and changes in brain signaling. Shifts in balance between brain systems create a period where teens may take increased risks or engage in more reward seeking .
Teenagers react a lot to stress and their stress-response systems are maturing. Sex hormones affect the neurotransmitters in their brains and increase their reactivity to stress. When we add inadequate sleep time to the picture there can be many implications.
A recent review identified increased risk for suicide, being overweight, high rates of injury, poor sustained attention, and low school grades for teens sleeping less than eight hours.
Sleeping nine or more hours has, on the other hand, been associated with better life satisfaction, fewer health complaints, and better quality family relationships for teens .
And a recent study in two high schools in the Seattle school district found that a later school start time led to an increase in teens’ average sleep duration, which was associated with an increase in average grades and an improvement in school attendance .
Teen drivers sleeping six or less hours per night on weekdays and on weekends reported riskier driving, sensation seeking, and greater drug and alcohol intake than those sleeping more than six hours.
Less than six hours per night of sleep time increased the teenagers’ risk for multiple vehicle crashes , after taking into account exposure to driving.
There is also evidence that teens who sleep for more hours and have better quality sleep have a decreased risk for high blood pressure and cholesterol, insulin resistance and larger waist circumference than teens with shorter sleep times and lower sleep quality. This is after taking into account other risk factors such as body fat, physical activity, television viewing, and diet quality.
Finally, a recent report has highlighted links between teens’ sleep time, screen time, and poorer mental health .
Parents can work with teens to set bedtimes. They should encourage the use of beds only for sleep and for relaxing before sleeping.
Using electronic technology before bed and during the night increases the risk for shorter sleep time . Research shows that physical activity and avoiding screens before bed are both strategies to promote earlier bedtimes and protect your teenagers’ sleep .
Parents can support screen downtime before bedtime and through the night by parking phones at a charging pad away from bedrooms.
Parents can also help their teens achieve the recommended eight hours or more of sleep by engaging in relaxing family activities with them in the evening.
Wendy Hall is a Professor at the School of Nursing at the University of British Columbia. This article was originally featured on The Conversation .
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The Sleep-Deprived Teen: Why Our Teenagers Are So Tired, And How Parents And Schools Can Help Them Thrive


2020 © All Rights Reserved. Northwestern University
In 2015, when Lisa L. Lewis started looking into why high schools start so early in the morning, she had no idea where it eventually lead. After the 7:30 a.m. start time at her son’s high school prompted her involvement, her writing on the topic sparked California’s landmark law (the first of its kind in the nation) requiring health secondary school start times and her new book, The Sleep-Deprived Teen: Why Our Teenagers Are So Tired, And How Parents And Schools Can Help Them Thrive.
Her book synthesizes the research on sleep, provides parents with practical guidance, and also includes a deep dive into tech use and sleep, along with an examination of how sex and gender, sexual identity, socioeconomic status, and race and ethnicity can affect sleep. The book has been described as “a call to action” by Arianna Huffington and “an urgent and timely read” by Daniel H. Pink.
“Adolescents are chronically sleep-deprived, with far-ranging implications for their well-being – including their mental health,” Lewis said. “My hope is that
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