Sex Teen Mania

Sex Teen Mania


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Teen Mania: Why We're Shutting Down After 30 Years of Acquire the Fire

Teen Mania: Why We're Shutting Down After 30 Years ...
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‘T here are three stages of every great work of God,” Hudson Taylor, the well-known British missionary to China, once said. “First it’s impossible, then it’s difficult, then it’s done.”

Teen Mania founder Ron Luce quoted Taylor when explaining to CT why the nearly 30-year-old ministry announced today that it would cease operations.

“Honestly, the hardest part about our closure is for people to misinterpret what the closing of a chapter means,” Luce said in an hour-long, exclusive interview. “Scripture talks about old and new wineskins. Sometimes old wineskins don’t need to be used anymore."

It’s not necessarily a bad thing, he said. "There are plenty of Christian organizations that become institutions, that are dead and dry, and they’re old wineskins.

"We don’t want to become that," he said. "Teen Mania has completed this assignment."

Luce became a Christian at the age of 16 and immediately devoted his life to youth ministry. An Oral Roberts University graduate, Luce participated in Young Life and Youth for Christ. But at age 25, Luce was hungry for something larger. So he consulted with God about his next move.

“I felt God whisper in my heart, ‘Build an army of young people who will change the world,’” Luce said.

In its nearly three decades of ministry, Teen Mania used an array of strategies to reach millions of young people.

Its most popular event began in 1991: Acquire the Fire, a 27-hour youth gathering filled with music and teaching. Over two decades, more than 500 Acquire the Fire events were held in 33 cities nationwide, drawing more than 3 million attendees. Earlier this year, Teen Mania organized its first international Acquire the Fire in Yangon, Myanmar. More than 13,000 attended.

Global Expeditions, Teen Mania’s short-term missions program, sent more than 75,000 young people abroad to 67 countries. According to the ministry, more than 1.3 million people made professions of faith as a result.

But Teen Mania’s most intensive offering was the Honor Academy, a full-time internship program for high school graduates; more than 7,000 young people passed through since 1994. For years, the academy took place at a 472-acre campus in Garden Valley, Texas, purchased when the land was a “great deal.”

It also may have been the program that ran the organization into the ground.

In the beginning, Acquire the Fire was meant to be a “new and edgy” event with affordable ticket prices. (Luce himself played in the worship team.) “The question was, how do we fund that passion? How do we make it work financially?” said Luce.

Teen Mania relied on donors to make up the difference. But as the event outgrew typical church sanctuaries, then later megachurches, auditoriums, arenas, and even stadiums, “costs exploded.” To keep their events popular with teenagers, Teen Mania threw money into production costs, including lights, sound, technology, state-of-the-art facilities such as AT&T Park, and booking popular Christian speakers and bands.

“We didn’t buy ostentatious things for our ministry,” said Luce. “Our money was usually going back to reaching more kids.”

One of Luce’s highlights came in 1999 when 71,000 young people attended an Acquire the Fire event in the Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan. Jack Hayward and John Maxwell were among the speakers for Teen Mania’s first stadium event.

“From that point on we did a lot of stadiums,” said Luce. “We were in Indianapolis, Tampa, and San Francisco.”

Teen Mania employees studied and shadowed Promise Keepers and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

“We tried not just to have a great event each weekend,” said Luce. “We wanted to train and empower youth pastors, so that we might leave a city, but there might be 300 churches that had vibrant youth ministries.” To that end, Teen Mania developed curriculum and leadership training to support the local church.

In 1988, Teen Mania began offering internships to college graduates, meant to be an intense year of spiritual growth, “like Red Bull for your spiritual life.” In 1998, the program was renamed the Honor Academy.

At first, the money rolled in. In the 2001 fiscal year, Teen Mania recorded $23.1 million in total revenue. By 2007, revenue shot up to $35.6 million.

“I don’t think people realize the difficulty and complexity of running a multimillion-dollar organization,” said Luce. “All they know is that they brought their group to this event, and it changed their lives and it was awesome.”

But the organization’s finances began to sour in 2008. Revenue was just $20.1 million after a dissatisfied donor canceled a $6 million pledge. Teen Mania's IRS Form 990 also revealed that the ministry had lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in the Creation Festival, an annual Christian music festival it had purchased a 50-percent interest in a few years earlier. A 2014 audit reported that the $4.5 million investment resulted in a $2.5 million write down in 2008.

Teen Mania’s total revenue decreased every year since then. Its 2013 Form 990—the most recent available to the public— lists total revenue as $13.8 million.

Teen Mania was also losing money on the Honor Academy—or more specifically, on the physical campus needed to house the program. Their bookkeeping system prevented the organization from seeing that, Luce said.

“The Honor Academy was losing a significant amount of money every single year,” said Luce, “and it was eating into the whole rest of the organization.” Teen Mania was a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and had some of the “brightest business people on its board,” said Luce. But he said the organization’s accounting practices—while "perfectly legal"—did them in.

“Anytime a ministry gets into financial trouble, people conclude that there’s someone who did something financially wrong,” Luce said. “Well, I guess we’re guilty of reaching as many kids as we could, thinking that our business model was sound. And it was for 30 years. My heart is so full of gratitude to the Lord.”

In addition, some alumni accused the program of spiritual abuse. “The Honor Academy was built to produce character and … ‘put fight’ in a younger generation. That never changed,” said Luce. “What changed was what was deemed acceptable by the younger generation.”

Luce said coaches and military leadership used to be able to motivate young people by verbally threatening them. “Don’t you dare demand something hard out of me,” gets construed as “you’re abusing me,” he said.

“These things happened in culture without us fully appreciating and understanding that maybe we should change our programs,” he admitted. For all the alumni that loved their Honor Academy experience, he said, social media over-amplified the voices of the “few dozen that complained.”

Things began to unravel publically in 2014. When World magazine reported on Teen Mania’s financial difficulties, Luce publicly refuted the charges . Then Teen Mania shut down its Honor Academy. And Compassion International sued Teen Mania for more than $160,000, saying it didn’t receive a refund after paying for child sponsorship promotion at canceled Acquire the Fire events. Luce said that he was “reluctant to comment” on the lawsuit, as the situation was still pending.

“We are still doing our best to resolve everything with them,” he said. “We worked with Compassion for more than 10 years. We think they are a fine organization. We’re very saddened that the turn of events became what it is, and we hope that we can resolve that amicably.”

Earlier this fall, Teen Mania canceled many of its events for the rest of this year, leaving many frustrated about the difficulties in obtaining a refund.

“We are working with churches to make [a refund] happen,” said Luce. “We have refunded or partially refunded hundreds of them. We’re doing everything we can to make it right with youth groups and churches.”

Teen Mania, which was founded in Oklahoma, will proceed with liquidation through the state’s bankruptcy court.

"After receiving counsel from pastoral leaders, Teen Mania board and legal counsel, it has been determined the best way to draw a close to this season is by liquidating all assets of the ministry in an attempt to satisfy vendors,” it stated on its website.

Luce did not discount plans to return to ministry, and said that he and his wife would like to serve young people overseas.

But he plans to devote his immediate future to spending time with his wife. “When we started Teen Mania, Katie and I realized that if we don’t have a strong marriage, we have no center of strength to give from,” said Luce. “If you want to have a high impact ministry, you’ve got to have a family that is strong and together as well.”

Luce said he always took Mondays off and cleared everything on his trip schedule with his wife, who homeschooled their children. He also regularly traveled with his wife or one of their children on weekend trips and tried to “sneak away” from events to take them out to do something fun.

“I didn’t want ministry to ‘take Dad away.’ Rather, we were doing ministry together,” said Luce. “I can honestly say that ministry didn’t take a toll on our family.”

Luce acknowledges that his schedule did affect him personally. He enrolled in Harvard Business School, read dozens of leadership books, and attended business seminars. But they only increased his stress level because they highlighted everything he wasn’t doing, he said.

“In the last 10 years of the organization, I found myself getting increasingly tired, and tiredness takes a toll on you in a strange way,” said Luce. “When you’re tired, you don’t give as much, you don’t love as much or as deeply, you don’t listen as carefully. All of those things start to add up.”

Teen Mania’s shutdown comes with few regrets for Luce, who pointed to the organization’s move to Texas and decision to do stadium events as the “zest of life and zest of ministry.” He hopes that when those who interacted with Teen Mania think of the ministry, they “remember a highlight of when they really encountered God.”

“The problem is that we get nostalgic,” said Luce. “But nostalgia doesn’t help us unless it points us to a moment where God really intersected our life. Don’t let the sadness of an organization overshadow the moment that God intersected your life.”

The question he asks: “Am I in love with the memory or I am in love with Jesus who created a lot of great moments for me?”
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5 Foods to Avoid if You Have Bipolar Disorder
This mental health disorder can often be missed or mistaken for another illness or condition. Find out why, and what you can do. … Learn More
Editorial Sources and Fact-Checking
Compulsive Sexual Behavior. Mayo Clinic . February 7, 2020. Kopeykina I, Kim HJ, Khatun T, et al. Hypersexuality and Couple Relationships in Bipolar Disorder: A Review. Journal of Affective Disorders . May 2016. Hunt GE, Malhi GS, Cleary M, et al. Prevalence of Comorbid Bipolar and Substance Use Disorders in Clinical Settings, 1990–2015: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders . December 2016.
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An increased sex drive is a common manic symptom of people with bipolar disorder.
Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which a person experiences drastic mood swings — from feeling elated, energetic, and risky to feeling sad and disinterested. These mood swings, called episodes of mania and depression, are the classic signs of bipolar disorder.
When someone with bipolar disorder is having a manic episode, impulsive, reckless sexual behaviors and significantly increased sex drive are quite common. Such hypersexual behavior is often a warning sign of a manic episode.
It’s not unusual for people to experience a heightened sense of sexuality during a manic episode. And while an increased interest in sexuality on its own does not present a problem, when the heightened sense of sexuality is paired with the symptoms of bipolar mania — such as impulsivity, risk-taking, and poor judgment — the behavior can be destructive to many aspects of day-to-day life.
Experts aren't sure why some people with bipolar disorder experience symptoms of hypersexuality and others do not.
"In general, hypersexuality is a symptom of hypomania or mania — it goes with that particular mood episode," says Adele C. Viguera, MD , a psychiatrist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio. Mania is one of the two main episodes that someone with bipolar disorder may experience, while hypomania is a milder form of mania.
"Hypersexuality can be one of the characteristic symptoms of both," says Dr. Viguera. Other symptoms include:
While there isn't a clear-cut definition or criteria for being hypersexual, for a person with bipolar disorder , it means being more focused on sex and risky sexual behaviors than the person normally is. What's significant is the change or difference from the normal behavior.
People with bipolar disorder who are experiencing hypersexuality may:
Hypersexuality with bipolar disorder isn't a separate condition or problem that needs its own treatment — it's a symptom of bipolar disorder . Once the condition is successfully treated and mood swings and symptoms are under control, those hypersexual feelings will dissipate.
"When bipolar disorder is not being treated effectively, hypersexuality is often a symptom that can wreak havoc in a person's personal life and lead to poor decisions with possible serious and negative consequences. Treating the bipolar symptoms and getting hypomania and mania under control will often target and help hypersexuality as well,” explains Viguera.
"You treat the disease, not the symptom," she adds. “Treatments usually involve medications such as mood stabilizers or antipsychotics , as well as psychotherapy such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or interpersonal social rhythm therapy,” she says.
Once the disease is under control, people with bipolar disorder often react differently to sex and their past behaviors.
"You often see a lot of regret for the past behavior, because they put themselves in very bad situations," says Viguera. "When they're well, they reflect on that, and there can be a lot of regret and remorse. It's just another clue that shows you that it was not their normal state.”
In addition, hypersexuality can be one of the most difficult and challenging symptoms both for people living with the condition and for those close to them.
Sometimes the inability to control sexual urges leads to broken marriages and relationships. Both people in a relationship can suffer if these urges result in infidelity: The partner with bipolar disorder may feel distraught over having hurt the other partner, who in turn feels confused and angry for having been cheated on.
The study found substance abuse disorders to be quite common in people with bipolar disorder. The disorders with the highest prevalence in conjunction with bipolar disorder were alcohol use (42 percent), followed by cannabis use (20 percent) and other illicit drug use (17 percent).
Stimulants in particular can be problematic: The study authors point out that if stimulants are being used or abused, they could mimic symptoms of mania. In addition, alcohol and cannabis use can be linked to poor judgment, which may further contribute to hypersexual behavior.
Bipolar disorder is usually treated with:
The right combination of these various therapies can reduce or eliminate bipolar mood changes between mania and depression, as well as prevent or reduce symptoms, including hypersexuality.
Those symptoms of hypersexuality may be a red flag for some people with bipolar disorder indicating that they are slipping into a manic episode. If a person with bipolar disorder starts to notice themselves thinking more about sex or engaging in promiscuous behavior, they should notify their doctor of this onset of symptoms.
This organization supports people with depression and bipolar disorder. Learn more about treatment options for bipolar disorder , and check out the DBSA Wellness Toolbox .
A top U.S. hospital, Mayo Clinic has educational information about bipolar disorder on its website and also offers care for bipolar disorder at its four locations in the United States. Learn more about how to schedule an appointment .
NIMH is a part of the National Institutes of Health, which is the world’s largest biomedical research agency. If you’re interested, consider participating in a research trial to help researchers discover more about potential treatments for bipolar disorder .
Additional reporting by Barbara Kean .
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