Sex Story Thailand

Sex Story Thailand


Sex Story Thailand
A couple of tourists and their Thai lady friends.
Pattaya Beach Road during daylight.
The Billabong bar on Pattaya LK Metro.
For as long as I can remember, a Thai sex vacation has had a reputation for being the living embodiment of a naughty boy's paradise. Stories of hedonistic excess have been shared by many a man in bars across the world about Thailand's nightlife services.
Modern technology is having a big impact on the bars in Thailand...
the best girls have always been reluctant to work in bars for fear of
being seen by someone from their hometowns, but there are lots of girls online at:
Even people who have never visited, and never intend to visit, are aware of what is openly offered here. But what about the future of the pay for play (P4P) industry in Thailand?
As an heads-up, the future will of course remain fun-packed.
However, just because things have been the way they are for so long does not guarantee that things will always be the way they are, so what are the drivers that might cause the industry to change?
And before getting into that, just how good was it and how does today compare with glories of previous decades?
It is fairly well understood that what we commonly regard as the Thai sex vacation industry started in Bangkok and Pattaya during the Vietnam War days, but it is often not fully appreciated that P4P in the land of smiles preceded that time by a long margin… it’s just that it wasn’t serving foreigners until war.
Even today the vast majority of the Thai sex industry serves a local clientele that most foreigners never see anything of!
With regard to the tourist focused Thai sex vacation, it wasn’t until the 1990s that the industry reached its zenith, with tens of thousands of sweet, lovely Thai girls eager to snag a potential wealthy husband.
The most important thing that needs to be said about the past is that virtually everyone who remembers it agrees that the naughty nightlife scene was even more fun back then than it is today.
I'm not sure that I agree completely, but I don’t doubt that the ladies were even more tender and caring… at least outwardly.
It was certainly cheaper at one time, and even the past few years have seen substantial increases in prices, but the fun factor is still there in spades!
If current prices interest you, you can get a baseline of what to expect on my page:
Many long-term visitors feel that the attitude of the Thai girls in tourist areas has changed over time, and whilst there is truth in this and don’t think that it is the whole truth.
I think that most guys are a little unfair.
I've never read a single report or heard a single story where a long-term visitor has acknowledged any change in his own attitude and perception. Most long-term visitors have been stung at one time or another by a somewhat unscrupulous individual and that taints the way that a person looks at things thereafter.
It is also true that Thai girls are, believe it or not, human…
Those western guys who lament about the treatment they received in days gone by need to factor into their memories the fact their bodies were younger, slimmer, and more attractive back then.
The younger guys today can expect to be treated well by the girls today, but fat old men have never really been greeted with lustful enthusiasm even in the glory days of old.
That said, I do think that the once common sweet traditional girl is being steadily replaced by a new generation of somewhat westernized ladies, and for many of us that's exactly what we are trying to get away from!
There are tens of thousands of Thai girls searching for romantic adventures with western men online. You can easily find good-looking girls for casual sex and fun times, or someone suitable for something more serious with:
Luckily for you, access to those sweet and lovely girls is actually easier than ever, but the hunting ground for these ladies has increasingly moved online. To get the best out of the online scene, you’ll need to use my online dating strategy at:
The existence of the Thai Sex vacation industry is considered to be deeply offensive by many people in the west, but I have no particular objection to consenting adults earning some money or having some fun, so look elsewhere if you want to read any damning reports.
Whatever your viewpoint, there is no denying that this sort of thing is big business in Thailand. Just about every town has got a venue where sex is available for money, but there are some stark contrasts between the tourist-orientated Thai sex vacation practices and those which cater for local Thai men.
Since the Thai girls involved in the oldest of professions do have the ability to ‘vote with their feet’ and choose where to ply their trade, my guess is that the tens of thousands of working girls in Pattaya alone is testimony to the better standards and rewards that are available there.
I’d advise any supposedly well-intentional naysayers who would like to stop westerners from going on these vacations to consider how the working-girls involved would be affected.
My guess is that restricting their options would not benefit them…
The Bangkok red light district, Bangla Road in Phuket, and just about everywhere in Pattaya are much more 'in-your-face' than the industry that serves Thai men, and I believe that this is the main bone of contention.
It’s also worth noting that things are not as sordid as they once were. Even Pattaya has got much more to offer its visitors these days than just the naughty stuff. In fact, most of the growth in tourism to Pattaya over the past ten or twenty years has been of the mainstream variety.
There are many reasons why Pattaya, sometimes referred to as sin-city, is the number one destination for a sex vacation in Thailand (and the world).
Put all this together and you have all the ingredients for a thriving sex tourism industry i.e. high demand (from international visitors, local expats and Bangkok expats) and high supply (from the nearby Isaan ladies).
I can't see this situation being reversed anytime soon.
The following Thai sex stories have all come from verified freelance writers who are based in Thailand and who have many years’ experience of the adult entertainment industry. I don’t publish explicit stories, but neither do I leave you guessing about what goes on:
Why bother with the bar girls and hardcore hookers when you
can meet someone much better online? If you prefer a more slow paced and
intimate way of meeting ladies for sex and romance, you might be
interested in checking out:
When it comes to attitudes towards sex in Thailand you should be aware that there is a LOT of rubbish written about the whole thing, and that most westerners have no clue about it. This is especially true of the self-proclaimed experts, many of whom base their entire knowledge of Thailand on a 2-week vacation in Pattaya.
First and foremost, Thailand is a very conservative country at heart and it’s important not to confuse mainstream behavior with the sort of activities that you see in the tourist areas.
With that said, there is a big difference between reality and the words that you will read or hear about from a Thai lady as regards the pace at which a sexual relationship might progress from being platonic to a full on intimacy.
Almost all Thai women will insist that a respectable lady will hold back on the intimate stuff until such a time as she deems it right and proper to become intimate. In reality, as with ladies the world over, much will depend on the nature of how you meet and who you meet.
For anyone who
wants to impress the loveliest ladies in Thailand, and win their hearts,
my instruction rich mega book is here for you:
Find beautiful, trustworthy girls for long-term romance, or fun-loving ladies for casual sex with no-strings attached.
Learn all about Thai Dating Culture, what to talk about, what to avoid, how to present yourself, and how to impress.
Comes with my ongoing support, i.e. you'll be able to ask me questions and get my answers.
I’ll use an analogy to put my point across – consider your typical western girl on a vacation (holiday if you prefer) somewhere far from home. She’ll likely get up to all sorts of stuff that she wouldn’t dream of doing back home because, when operating in her usual social surroundings, she will want to protect her reputation.
Take her outside of those usual social surroundings and put her in the company of men that she’s unlikely to ever see or hear from again, and you can bet that she’ll be far less inhibited as regards intimate relations!
The same logic applies to Thai dating.
Don’t be surprised if a first date leads to a red hot steamy encounter, the weight of evidence suggests that it is quite likely.
Thai girls know that western men are not likely to end up interacting with anyone from their own social or professional circle of contacts, so they tend to have much less fear of damaging their reputations by jumping straight into bed…
Of course, if you do meet a regular Thai lady from within a shared circle of friends or work colleagues, then you can expect things to progress much more slowly!
For girls under the age of about 25, depending on the girl, sex may be more readily available just as it is with young girls in western countries. However, as with western countries, it will sometimes only be available to similarly young men (be they western men or Thai men.)
If you want to date a sexy, younger Thai lady that you can put your trust in, don't go looking for her at a bar. Thai bar girls can be lovely, but they're not great at loyalty... online dating is much safer, so check:
That’s not always the case, and sometimes a significantly older man can get lucky with a much younger Thai lady, but in this case it is far more likely that payment will be expected.
A lot of westerners love to brag about the successes they’re having for free with regular girls, but in a lot of cases the girl involved would have been expecting some money even if nothing was mentioned. A Thai man would understand this and the Thai lady might simply expect you to understand without the embarrassment of an actual request for payment.
For older groups, sex for fun is sometimes seen as being a little unwholesome in the traditional areas, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen… just that an older woman would almost certainly want to keep things much more private.
That is a big selling point for westerners – the extra privacy offered by a guy who does not interact with her friends and neighbors means that many a mature Thai lady will turn to westerners for their fun.
It’s also true that a high proportion of Thai men are not interested in the ladies from an older age group, so westerners have a lot of opportunities there.
Any particular girl that you meet might behave quite differently depending on what she is expecting from a relationship. As explained already, if you meet a girl in the workplace and set about winning her heart, don’t expect to get her into bed anytime soon. She will know that there’s a big risk of workplace gossip causing damage to her reputation, so she’ll play things in a much more reserved fashion.
If, on the other hand, you met that same girl online and she felt that she could keep her relationship with you as a completely private thing with no chance of your lives crossing paths in a social or professional capacity, then she might well decide that intimacy on a first date is fine.
Thai dating in secret usually leads to much more sex in general!
If the girl in question is hoping to meet a lifelong partner then she is going to want to make a good impression, and there’s no way that she is going to hop straight into bed with a prospective husband. A casual acquaintance on the other hand might be someone to share intimacy with on a ‘no-strings’ basis.
Many respectable ladies and gentlemen in Thailand have got secret acquaintances with whom they shrug off their prim and proper personalities and let themselves indulge in passionate encounters.
Obviously, these sorts of relationships are kept very secret.
Sex with regular Thai girls tends to be relatively straight laced. Vaginal and oral sex is certainly commonplace but if you are hoping to find a lady that enjoys something a little more adventurous e.g. anal sex, then this is much less common than with western girls.
Many regular Thai ladies can be quite naïve, and some will allow you to progress things much more quickly than she would choose. If you are not intending something serious, then using a regular girl to satisfy your urges is a very bad idea, and can quite possibly lead to serious repercussions.
Thais have no problem with westerners using the services of a working-girl to satisfy their needs, but take advantage of a regular girl with no intention of ongoing commitment, and they will despise you with a passion!
Whilst the heartlands of the kingdom are still very conservative and traditional, there is something of a revolution going on that is something akin to what happened in the western world during the 1960’s. Things are changing a bit more slowly than that, but there is a definite evolution of attitudes towards sex in Thailand.
I imagine that, to some degree, this is an inevitable consequence of the effects of globalization.
Regardless of this changing mind-set, were you to have an open and frank conversation with a group of Thai girls about when it is appropriate to have sex with a new boyfriend, they would all insist that the first date is way too soon (even if, in practice, they will happily indulge!).
Finally, if you ever intend to meet a lady in Thailand for anything serious, DO NOT ever let her or anyone around you know that you have any experience of the Thai sex vacation industry. If you do then you’ll be regarded as wholly unsuitable, and no decent girl will touch you.
This lovely petite young lady, 28 years old and only 47kg, is looking for a western man to be her boyfriend. If you would like to meet up with girls just as lovely, you can with
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My Thai Girl Story


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My Thai Girl Story

Written by JW
December 31st, 2012
5 min read

Your Bangkok commentator since 1998

A bit of background before I begin. I am early 40s, have a good job, divorced 10 years and up until 2 years ago I had never thought about a visit to Thailand, or going with a Thai lady. Then 2 years ago I met a Thai lady through my work here in the UK. She had been in England 10 years, married to an Irish guy and then divorced. At first she was sweet, loving and kind and naturally I grew to love the things she told me about Thailand. After maybe one year she went out a lot with her Thai girl friends into the city I lived in and partied, staying out all night with no contact…so we broke up.

It planted a seed for me to one day visit the country I was curious about.

So in the summer of this year I booked a 3-week trip. I wanted to travel and see as much of it as I could. I had a few Thai female friends a spoke to on Facebook, a couple were honest and were bar girls and asked me to barfine them, saying they would travel with me. I thought no, that’s not what I wanted. I want to travel and experience single life.

The day before I travel one of the girls who is 27 and has a 2-year old son from a former farang boyfriend says she wants to meet me. We had some chemistry and she assured me she never worked bar and lives with her parents in North Thailand. She did tell me that she has a place in Pattaya that she stays a few months a year with her son.

So the day I land we meet later in the day and spend one week together, in Bangkok and then Phuket. I felt touched that she showed me so much, from temples and places to eat and drink.

After one week she told me she had a family emergency and had to fly back north. I gave her 10, 000 baht and paid for the flight. She said she would come back soon, but then something strange happened. Rather than fly to her city in the north she told me she would fly to Bangkok, then taxi to Phuket to pick some paperwork up for her son, then fly same day back north.

For one week I waited, visited various places and had ok time but was lucky if I got 3 SMS messages from her a day. I had a suspicion that she had gone back to Pattaya to meet some guy from what I read on her Facebook wall, but I had no proof.

Anyway, the last 3 days of my holiday we reunited and had an ok time. I met her son and her stepfather but she did not take me home to her parents’ home. She told me she had split from her ex boyfriend 3 months earlier and did not want people to gossip.

I fly home and for the last 6 months we have chatted and SMSed every day. She says she is my girlfriend but I know deep down I am been played. I have over a period of 6 months sent her 70, 000 baht. She says she has to pay 20,000 a month for her car. Don't ask me what model but I have been in it and it is nice. But I think if you do not have lots of money why would you commit to that amount per month? She tells me her only Income is from her parents who have a small business. She also she spent 3 months in Pattaya with her son so I keep thinking why all that time in Pattaya, and then I try to think surely she is not working as her son is there! I see them on Skype every couple of days, and she has Facebook and maybe 600 guys on it. She refuses to accept me as her boyfriend and when I ask why she says she does not want the world to know her business. Also she wants to come to the UK for one month in March 2013 and insists she needs 100,000 baht in her bank before they will give her tourist visa. She also she spends a lot of time travelling in Thailand, Hua Hin, Pattaya, Samui etc. sometimes for one week or two. I think I know the answers but would love some advice. I guess I want it all to be true but have big doubts. When I do not give her money she gets angry and her language is shocking. Her English is very good. She insists she has made mistakes in the past and is not perfect. But I worry I am a sponsor, one of maybe 4 or 5 and not really her boyfriend who she says she loves.

I never went to Pattaya and she kept me well away and also insists when I go back next year we can go anywhere but there. I had an amazing time and it was not my intention to meet a Thai girl. It is an amazing country with people who are friendly and I would love to come back more.

Anyway that's my story. I would appreciate any feedback. I can take criticism. I am not looking for replies like you idiot, another poor farang. I want some good honest feedback please guys…

This woman is showing all the classic symptoms of a bargirl plying her trade online (and she is probably working in the bar too). It is very, very obvious what she is up to and unfortunately you appear to have been a remarkably willing victim. There are so many red flags with this lady that I really don't know where to start, so let's not bother and just go straight to the advice. RUN!!! Absolutely no good can come from any further contact with this woman! Really, don't even think about trying to reason with her or ask her to explain what she is up to. Doing so will just create more frustrati
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