Sex Stories Rape

Sex Stories Rape


Sex Stories Rape
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Most people feel safe in their own home, but I can no longer bear to step foot in mine after being brutally raped and imprisoned for five hours by an intruder. Dean Goodwin, 32, turned up at my flat, in Poole, Dorset, unannounced at 2.45am and forced his way inside. He then subjected me to a terrifying ordeal, during which he raped in me in almost every room.
It was a rainy November evening last year, no different to any other. I had cooked dinner, had a bath and got into my pyjamas before curling up on the sofa to watch a DVD. At midnight, I decided to head to bed as I knew I had an early start for work the next morning. But just before 3am I was suddenly woken by a banging at the front door and shouts of ‘Police… open up’.
Terrified as to what was going on, I dashed to the door expecting to be met by uniformed officers informing me of an emergency. Instead I came face-to-face with Dean – a friend of my ex-boyfriend – who I had met only a handful of times. I had seen Dean once or twice, but I’d never really spoken to him, he always seemed very shy. Groggy after just waking up, I couldn’t understand what he was doing on my doorstep at that time in the morning. Before I had the chance to realise what was going on, he barged into my hallway.
Dean demanded to know where my ex was. But we had broken up months earlier and I told him I didn’t know but he wasn’t at mine. He then calmly asked me to make him a coffee, I refused and insisted that he go, but there was no way that he was leaving and he even started making one for himself. I pleaded that he get out but he ignored me and began wandering around my flat.
He walked into the bathroom, opened the bedroom doors and even checked my airing cupboard. I asked him what he was doing and he snapped: ‘Checking you’re alone.’ I froze with fear and thoughts of what he might do flashed through my mind.
I knew I desperately needed to get out of there, but before I had the chance to try and escape, Dean lunged at me. At only 4ft 10ins and 7st, I was no match for the burly brute. When he ordered me to remove my clothes, pushed me against the sofa – clasping his hand over my mouth – and started to rip off my pyjamas, I was helpless. I tried with all my might to fight him off, but he was too strong.
He hit me around the head and threw me on to the floor, where he violently raped me. I was trapped underneath him and scared for my life. There was nothing I could do. Sobbing throughout, I begged for Dean to stop. When he was done, I prayed it was over but instead he did it again – raping me in the lounge, the kitchen and the bedroom.
What he put me through was absolutely horrific. He raped me over and over again. I thought it would never end. He kept saying he was a bad man and that I would do as I was told. When I tried to resist him he kept gagging me or slapped me around the head. At 6.45am he eventually left, after trapping me for almost five hours.
As he walked out the door, he said: ‘I know you won’t go to the police. I will tell them you were willing and wanted it rough.’ He then added: ‘I’m off now – I’ll see you in court. Take care.’ I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He was sick.
I collapsed on the floor in tears, as the front door slammed behind Dean. In no state to think about evidence, I showered and scrubbed myself raw. I got changed ready for my shift, but when my colleague arrived to pick me up for work, minutes later, I burst into tears and revealed everything. Together we called the police and reported what had happened. Officers met me at my work place. I was petrified but I told them everything and gave a video statement.
I had a medical examination to check for evidence and forensics combed my home for DNA. Unable to return to the scene – the flat I had once called home – I went to stay with my sister, while a manhunt for my attacker got underway. I couldn’t ever set foot in my home again. My mum boxed up all of my things and I moved in with my sister permanently. I didn’t want to hear or think about what I had gone through and stepping inside would bring back it all back.
Over the next few days the story was all over the local news – on television and in the newspaper. I couldn’t bear to listen to or read about it. Fortunately four days later, the police called with good news – they had caught Dean. He was charged with raping me and another woman.
When they told me there was someone else, my heart leapt up into my chest. But it wasn’t until the case came to court in April that I discovered how evil Dean really was. Dean was a serial rapist and went on to attack a second victim, a 49-year-old mum on her way to pick up her children from school during the middle of the day.
The vile sex fiend thought he had killed his second victim – a total stranger – after hitting her on the head with a brick during the barbaric attack and dragging her into an alleyway. He raped her and left her for dead before going on to withdraw £90 from her bank account.
I found out that Dean had been released early from prison for similar offences before he carried out the horrific sex attack on me and his second victim. He was a high-risk offender with three previous convictions for sexual assault and was let out of jail after serving 10 years of a 12-year sentence. On the sex offenders’ register, he was supposed to have been monitored by the authorities. In 2000, Dean was imprisoned for 12 years for two sexual assaults on a 13-year-old girl and a 63-year-old woman.
Bournemouth Crown Court heard how Dean had no self-control and how he later told police he had ‘wanted to go out with a bang’ after attacking me. Dean pleaded guilty to four counts of rape and false imprisonment in relation to the attack on me and attempted murder, rape and robbery in connection with the second woman. The judge sentenced him to nine terms of life imprisonment but told him he must serve a minimum of 15 years in jail.
But despite the outcome, I am still struggling to come to terms with what happened. He’s left me feeling wary of everyone. I find it difficult to trust anyone, especially men. I freak out whenever I see anyone of his build with a similar hairstyle too. Sometimes I just sit and cry. But I won’t let him destroy me, I’m determined to move on and put it all behind me.
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This weekend after my wife and I returned from an evening at the bar she was in the mood to keep enjoying the night and I was tired from working all day. We had a small argument about it and I told her I was going to bed. She stayed up and heard the neighbors next door having a party and I heard her leave. Next thing, she comes in several hours later saying that "he raped me". She had passed out on the neighbor's couch (her girlfriend and her guy roomates live in the house). While she was asleep one of the guys came in and picked her up taking her to her room. She was so drunk and out of it that she thought it was me having s** with her. When she started to make out his face and saw that it was someone else she freaked out and started kicking and hitting him to get off. He held her down and told her he was going to finish. She kept fighting and he pulled a knife on her. Told her that if she told anyone he would kill her. When she told me I went nuts and went to the guy's house. I banged on the door screaming at him. He didn't come out. My wife will not press charges, she feels like it would be too hard to prove and that she doesn't want to be known throughout the neighborhood as a drunken w**** . She even spoke to a detective about it and he told her it would be a long difficult road to get him convicted. I am a very well known business person in the community so me going over there and fighting him or doing anything illegal would end in my life being ruined. Our marriage is falling apart. We haven't had s** since, who knows if he gave her something. Who knows if she would have flashbacks while we are having s** . She has fallen into a deep depression and our world is falling apart. The a****** lives right next door and there is nothing we can do about it. We are in our dream home but due to some financial stuff last year I would not be able to get a loan to move somewhere else. The rage I have for the guy grows daily but I know that anything done to him will be traced right back to me. She is losing her job because she is too depressed to go into work, which leaves her at the house to go through a living h*** of her own as the guy drives by.

So sorry man! I can feel your pain because my wife was raped too! One night when I was away a young black guy broke into our house. Our young girls were asleep in their rooms which this guy used to control my wife! Told her if she cooperated he would not harm her or them if she did what she was told! It was such a trauma to both of us! We went to counseling and he said to discuss the detail and be honest. That's when she admitted she experienced an o***** during the rape! I experienced both grief and erotic feeling as she talked about it! I felt guilt and finally did what the counselor said and confessed discussing what happened caused me to become erect!

Sorry but if she was raped there were plenty around. She didn’t even cry out. I have two daughters god help any man who disrespects them. Your wife, walk away

You are assuming your wife was raped. Was she? Or is her guilt from her behavior the cause of this situation? You are telling me that she could not walk home which is next door? She drank so much that she had to crash at the house? Why would a married woman insist on going to a party while her husband sat at home? Guy your issue is not a "rape" or being a p**** like the previous post are claiming. Your issue is your wife's guilt. You both need to go to a competent therapist. Bty all the s*** advise on this page about kicking ass and taking care of business with the alleged rapist is BS. Do you really want to risk sitting in a prison cage over a potential situation that may or may not be what you think it is?

Funky that your a b**** and deserve to have your life fall apart if she was my wife he would of been dead that night and your wife is falling apart cause you can even defend her and let ppl just rape her and say Im a business man , well get to business man , your wife is falling apart cause this guy who lives next door and all your doing is just watching as loved one are harmed you deserve to lose everything , a husband is not only the provider but also the protectors Of our loved ones,

Lol tough guy, you wudn't even stand a chance against gang of robbers and murderers are not bat man

Really, my wife says that I walk. I would die to defend my family,meshes not family, she’s a ho

I would have my pit bully butt f*** that mother F***** while my wife watches or ll cool j that mf like in the movie in to deep and tie him to a pool table with the blunt end of the que

I was raped b4 My s k y p e is annie price 123

Cant believe you was too much of a b**** to fight him the day he stepped out his house...but more than likely she willingly spread her legs, probably got on top for a bit

Idk if she was raped or not, and neither do you. I guess I’d never let my gf let alone wife go hammered drunk into that situation. JUs sayin. That being said, if you believe her then what you’re doin in wrong. I’d go Dexter. Sheets of plastic.

Sounds like you are too worried about your status position in society than your honor or wife. Your wife likely is a drunken white and you are a p**** . Enjoy your societal status. Keep up the show and enjoy the results

Your story got me hard. You should consider cross-posting it to a s** story site

Ya ur a b**** no wonder why your wife is depressed go kick that mans ass and then f*** him show him what he did to ur wife an eye for eye

You guys are kidding, right? Murder is 25 TO LIFE. NOT 2-5 YEARS. STUDY THE LAW.

Doesn’t it get tired being a victim of everything?

Ps from my previous comment: I would happily commit gennocide, clean half of the world right off to avenge or help my wife. And u are scared of 2 to 5 years of prison.

So basically u are a coward that would rather have the guy who raped and defiled ur wife be laugthing at ur face than simply kill him and do 2 to 5 years in prison? u deserve to be left, weakling trash.

Tell her the only way you can both get over it is if you get to watch them have s** again. She can invite him over and tell him you’re out of town for the weekend. Have her do him where you can watch, in hiding or on webcam and make sure you record it on video. Make sure you can hear what they say while they’re doing it. If she can get him to say he’s glad he raped her then you’ll know she was telling the truth and you’ll have his confession if you decide to use it. You’ll be turned on from watching your wife f*** and she’ll snap out of her depression. Your s** life will be better than ever.

Rape is rape. The marriage can always be saved. Get a counselor to help get her control back. There are therapists that can help you to the point where she'll be willing to have s** again. And know that this man can be called out and identified on social media. My prayers are with you and my prayers are very strong, always being answered. Never leave her no matter what. Fo not let the rapist win. The most powerful prayer you can also have for the marriage is asked Jesus to make it right in your spirit and her spirit. He will avenge you and restore her.

F** therapist hence, the rapist (therapist)(the rapist)

My wife told me that burglars broke into her office when only she and her boss were in, made them undress to their underwear and locked them up in a meeting room.

My wife passed drunk out at a party years ago. Guy who owned the house and his buddies f***** her. She woke up in his bed the next day naked and sore. She sat down and told me a few weeks later. I told her if she didn't want to get f***** by strange guys not to get drunk and pass out at a party. Lesson learned.

She wasn’t raped dude. She was drunk and cheated on you.

People like you make it easy for these animals to get away with what they did.

People like you make it okay for there to be a double standard and he
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