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How pretending to be a horse helped me explore my own humanity.

Adventures in being a queer bionic woman.

There's a lot to learn about yourself when you take your clothes off.

It was basically ComicCon, only sexier.

I didn't even kiss him until we were at the altar.

There are some things you just can't leave behind.

And why it's more important to be having these discussions than ever.

The psychological motivations may surprise you.

Fifty Shades of Grey is fiction, but the kinky sex in its pages is very real.

Including botched engagements and naked wedding-day selfies.

Sometimes, a girl just wants to finish.

The year is 2017 and we masturbate with the mini-computers we carry around in our pockets.

Can squirting be self-taught? I decided to find out once and for all.

It appears we're not as into cuddling and deep-kissing as everyone thinks.

"[There's a] guy who comes to my apartment Saturday mornings with bagels and lox. His thing is setting up the brunch spread and having sex before we eat it."

Unpopular opinion, I know, but hear me out.

"I felt like I wasn't entitled to be angry because I consented to having sex both times."

Bottom line: Don't sleep on these sex toys.

"I don't want to be the 'up the butt' girl!"

Sorry, but reverse cowgirl has got to go.

One writer investigates what a Killing Kittens party is really like.

Literally exactly what you think would happen.

A currently-pregnant former sex worker stands up for a currently-pregnant current sex worker.

Five pro-dommes reveal the inner workings of the job.

"I had to get over feeling like we need to do every single thing together as a couple."

By Lola B., as told to Rachel Kramer Bussel

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"I'd hook up with the husband before hooking up with his wife..."
"My girlfriend said 'Pull the lever Kronk' while putting my hand on her ponytail."
"The 'straight as spaghetti' concept started making a whole lot of sense to me from that day on."
Hey, penises come in all shapes and sizes.
"I got an asthma attack while giving him a blowjob, and his mom had to drive me to the hospital."
"My aunt poisoned my grandma for her inheritance. Everyone in my family knows about it, but it's just not talked about."
"I was told that if I had sex, I would go to both jail and hell."
Abstinence is NOT the only option, people!
An interesting experience makes for a good story.
"I had severe diarrhea during my wedding. While reading our vows, liquid poop started flowing out of me."
TBH, there's no way you're getting out of this unscathed.
Note to self: always check the temp when melting chocolate.
You might want to open this in an incognito tab.
"A piece of shit the size of a golf ball launched right out and slammed onto his lower belly."
Sex toys: they're not all fun and games.
We want to know what gets you going (anonymously if you prefer).
Sure, it was probably embarrassing but I bet it gave you a great story.

My Wildest Sexual Experience: "One Very Hot Road Trip..."
Today, a brave reader tells us her story of a very sexy road trip with her husband...
16 Women Share How Their Life Changed (or Didn’t) After 40
Meet Lola Tung, Star of Your New Favorite Series, The Summer I Turned Pretty
Ben Affleck’s 10-Year-Old Son Backed a Lamborghini Into a BMW
Nicole Kidman Shared a Throwback From Her Wedding to Keith Urban
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To revisit this article, select My Account, then View saved stories
Today, a brave reader tells us her story of a very sexy road trip with her husband...
My husband and I were driving back from a Saturday night dinner. The drive would take 20 minutes, I knew. He was sober, but I had had a very stiff cocktail and was feeling no pain . So as we drove along the empty road under the stars, I started to get...a little frisky.
As he drove, I reached down and started, well, massaging his thighs. And then more than his thighs. He was laughing but obviously was really into it. Finally, I unbuttoned his pants, leaned over and gave him a full-on blow job. While he was driving. He looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his head. It felt like we were in a movie. I was like, I am a sexual rock star!
We made it home safely (thank God! what was I thinking?!) but as we pulled into the garage, my husband was so turned on that he couldn't wait for us to walk upstairs to the bedroom. He unbuckled his seat belt and pulled me into the backseat, where we had sex then and there. It was fantastic, cramped, sweaty, like-we-were-teenagers sex. The funniest part? We have a tiny Honda Accord!
Wow! What do you readers think? Have you ever had a sexy driving experience? When I was in high school, we used to go parking! So old-school. :)
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New York ’s Sex Diaries series asks anonymous city dwellers to record a week in their sex lives — with comic, tragic, often sexy, and always revealing results.

New York ’s Sex Diaries series asks anonymous city dwellers to record a week in their sex lives — with comic, tragic, often sexy, and always revealing results.

This week, a young lawyer has screaming orgasms in her beach cottage with a guy she met online: 30, single, Cape Cod.
9:15 a.m. I’m technically on vacation, so I allow myself to sleep late. I’m renting a tiny house by the beach in Cape Cod. I’m turning 30 this week, so the trip is my present to myself.
10:30 a.m. I both love and hate the fact that this place has no cell service. I have to walk a few minutes down the road to get any reception. I take my coffee down the road and see what’s cooking in my inbox.
11 a.m. I’m pleased to see that Oliver emailed me. He lives out here full time and we matched when I was lining up potential dates. We make a plan to have a cocktail at a beach café. Oliver looks too good to be true. I really wondered if he was a figment of my imagination, or married, or otherwise going to vanish as soon as I arrived.
4 p.m. I’ve been reading and dozing on the deck. I’m a lawyer who works in finance, and my normal life is extremely stressful. I have a lot of friends and a nice social life, but honestly, no time to date. My last boyfriend was a few years ago. I ended up breaking up with him because it was all so boring. He was an unadventurous lawyer with a low sex drive and a real mama’s boy. Sweet guy, but no thanks. Since then, there have been some drunken hookups and interesting online dates, but I haven’t had time to cultivate anything meaningful.
6 p.m. As I drive to meet Oliver, I’m a little nervous. He looks really hot and sounds normal. It can’t be good.
7 p.m. He’s not as cute in real life, but that’s okay. There’s something kind of sad about him, though. Maybe he’s lonely. Part of me thinks I should keep drinking and then we can have a fun night and I’ll have a good story to tell. The other part thinks he’s probably not worth a hangover tomorrow.
9 p.m. I’m not feeling it. I tell him I’m going to head home because I’m tired. He looks extra sad, which makes me even less into him. Maybe I’m a monster. But I truly am tired (and a bit let down) and just want to go back to my tiny house and sleep.
8:30 a.m. I’m bummed about Oliver. I built him up in my head, and that’s on me. Back to the drawing board.
11:30 a.m. I masturbate, which I do about once a day. Since I can’t get online, I close my eyes and think about fucking an (imaginary) hot surfer who’s renting a little house next to me.
2 p.m. Take myself to a nice lunch in town. I’m really happy not to feel like shit today and commend myself for ending the Oliver date early.
4:30 p.m. I do a pretty deep swipe session online. I have three more days here and want to meet a few more men if possible.
5 p.m. Swim in the ocean since the sun has settled down a bit. Today was a scorcher!
7 p.m. I shower, get into bed naked, and start reading a new book. It really doesn’t get better than that. I can hear waves from my window.
10:30 a.m. I take my coffee down the street to see if any of my swiping paid off. I matched with a few cute guys. I cut to the chase and tell the best prospects that I have a free night tonight if they’d like to grab a spicy margarita somewhere. First come, first serve … I don’t say that, but it’s my plan.
12:30 p.m. Oh, I almost forgot, it’s my birthday today. I already celebrated my 30th in New York with friends and family. I feel good about turning 30. I like where I’m at professionally. I’m comfortable with myself. I would like a serious relationship soon, and if not that, some nights of rock-star sex. I know I need to put more effort into dating, and this week is a fun kick start to that.
3 p.m. I read my messages on the beach. There’s a guy named Tyler who is here with his best friends from college. He lives in Boston, and we have some things in common (similar work life, similar family life). We pick a place to meet tonight. I have a really good feeling about him.
5 p.m. Tyler texts that his friends — two married couples — want to come tonight. Ughhh. I don’t need to make a fuss about it, but I’d prefer not to spend my birthday with shitty strangers I have to make small talk with. It also makes it seem much less first-date-y. But I’m not going to say no! (I mean, can I say no?) I tell him it’s totally fine with me.
7:37 p.m. I get there a little late because walking into their crowd feels less awkward than waiting at a big table alone for 5 people I’ve never met who all live in Boston.
Tyler is HOT. The friends are nice, but way less edgy than all my NYC friends. Tyler and I have chemistry though. My brain tells me immediately that I want to fuck him. The key is getting through tonight.
8 p.m. He sits next to me and is already a little drunk. Not messy, but I can smell it on him. The way he cozies up to me without any embarrassment around his friends makes me think he’s the group flirt who always has a new girlfriend. I shouldn’t judge him so quickly, but I don’t want to be naïve either.
9 p.m. They are all telling funny college stories, and I’m like … umm …. Haha.
9:30 p.m. I make the decision to have a third margarita and fuck Tyler tonight.
10:30 p.m. The friends are taxiing home. Tyler asks to see my tiny house. I’m drunk. He’s drunk. We decide to walk.
11 p.m. At my cottage, we rip each other’s clothes off. Tyler has a small dick, but he goes down on me like no one else ever has. He flips me over and licks my ass, and it’s heavenly. Before I come, I tell him to put on a condom and we fuck like rabbits and have explosive orgasms. We probably woke up every tiny house on the row, but I’m choosing not to give a shit.
11:45 p.m. I kick Tyler out and he kisses me on the lips before he goes. We are both sweaty and salty, but the kiss is surprisingly sweet. I would not mind seeing this guy again.
9 a.m. I hear my phone buzz. I guess I suddenly have service? It’s Tyler, checking to see how I feel.
10 a.m. I realize I never mentioned it was my birthday, so I tell him he gave me a great birthday night.
11 a.m. He is shocked and
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