Sex Sperm Pussy

Sex Sperm Pussy


Sex Sperm Pussy
What Happens to Sperm Once They're Inside a Woman?
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A sperm’s journey from vagina to egg is only 15 centimeters long, but it’s a race with attrition.
There are approximately 200 million sperm in each human ejaculation, but only about 2 million sperm make it into the cervix. The rest are killed by the acidic fluids inside the vagina or lost in “ flowback ”—which is exactly what it sounds like.
Out of the approximately 2 million sperm entering the cervix, only about 1 million make it into the uterus. The rest are stopped by gooey mucus, or swim into dead-end channels inside the walls of the cervix.
Out of the approximately 1 million sperm that enter the uterus, only about 10,000 make it to the top of the organ. The rest are attacked and absorbed by white blood cells, which start to appear in force as soon as sperm enter their defensive perimeter.
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Out of the approximately 10,000 sperm cells that make it to the far end of the uterus, only about 5,000 turn in the right direction. The rest head toward the other oviduct, and unless both the woman’s ovaries have released eggs simultaneously (a rare event), those sperm are out of luck.
Out of the approximately 5,000 sperm that enter the uterotubal junction —a twisty space connecting the uterus and the oviduct—only about 1000 enter the Fallopian tube. The rest get caught in the mucus lining the junction.
Out of the approximately 1,000 sperm that enter the Fallopian tube, only about 200 reach the egg. The rest get attached to the lining of the oviduct, or just give out and die.
Out of the approximately 200 sperm that reach the egg, only 1 enters the egg to fertilize it. The rest are pushed away by the zona reaction , which makes the fertilized egg impermeable to additional sperm. Those last extra sperm? Yet more fodder for a woman’s immune system.
Top image adapted from LadyofHats via Wikimedia | CC0 1.0 ; Uterus from Johannes Sobotta, 1906; Fertilization from staff . Wikiversity Journal of Medicine | CC BY 3.0
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Posted on October 7, 2015
- By
Lauren R.D. Fox

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Thirteen years ago, Ed Houben (pronounced who-been) decided to become a sperm donor because he doubted he would ever have a family of his own. As he became more comfortable with his side-occupation, Houben created a schedule where he visited the donation clinic twice a month. However, the Netherland’s citizen began to feel the process lacked intimacy. So, after donating in the icy atmosphere for the umpteenth time, Houben decided to create his own site offering artificial insemination services via house calls.
During his house calls, Houben would get to know his client/s and would then produce a sample of his sperm in their bathroom. The client/s would then insert his sperm into the syringe in order to get pregnant. However, during one visit, Houben’s procedure changed; instead of producing his sperm in a cup, the couple asked Houben to donate his sperm, the old-fashion way. Houben told GQ Magazine , the wife wanted to have sexual intercourse with him in order to expand her family because she felt artificial insemination was an impersonal process.
Interestingly enough, the woman’s husband joined her and Houben in bed, so he could be present when his child was conceived. “We were three persons in the bed, and I was so surprised that I didn’t know what to say. I had this combat inside—my head full of non-stimulating thoughts—but he never even accidentally touched me,” Houben reminisced to GQ . “He wanted to be present when his child was created.” Ever since that experience, Houben has been paid not only for his sperm donation but to travel across the world to help couples and single women create the miracle of life. Although Houben describes himself as “the truly ugly guy with glasses” and has not had a romantic relationship of his own in years, he has fathered over 106 children—something he thought he would never be able to do prior to becoming a sperm donor.
The BBC has hailed him as the “most virile man in Europe” and many in his local community call him the “Babymaker,” though many believe Houben is dismissing his morals and crossing boundaries between married couples. Houben explained his relationships with the women are just quasi-friendships and noted about 20 percent of the husbands are present while their wives and he engaged in sexual intercourse. Other husbands tend to wait outside the room or in the car. Houben also said many of these couples tried every reproductive procedure possible to get pregnant. So, after spending large amounts of money to help with their fertility issues, the option of having sex with another person to conceive a baby doesn’t seem that out of the question or ludicrous.
While I read about how Houben donates sperm, I found it interesting people judged him and the couples who use his services. Cultures and societies, alike, believe producing children is the greatest accomplishment for individuals to achieve. Though when couples are not able to attain that particular goal, they are shamed and ridiculed. By couples taking a more modern approach with how they define marriage and achieve parenthood, they can be more comfortable with their unconventional choices. It also doesn’t allow them to succumb to society’s trick of wanting people to have it all but objects to the options they need to gain what they desire.
Would you have sexual intercourse with a sperm donor in order to get pregnant?
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