Sex Slave Sex Stories

Sex Slave Sex Stories


Sex Slave Sex Stories
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Princess Rhune never thought she would actually be picked.
A feline hermaphrodite anthro uses the sex slave's mouth...
A marriage made in Heaven turns out to be ticket to Slavery.
A captive Amazon becomes the dancing-girl for a Greek party.
A young girl meets a pair of older men with dubious intent.
A gangster hires tough PI Sam Malone.
On the Dolorous Origin of the Lottery with sad histories.
No wishing for more wishes, but it only takes one.
Many changes and much sex but the Lottery goes on.
Some get what they don't deserve and others do.
Playing risky games can lead to sex slavery.
Our Heroines take bigger risks with the Lottery and at home.
Insane hostage taking, many assaults and worse slavery.
Zenith of the Plague - Humiliation and Enslavements.
A story of sex slavery in a dark future.
A young woman has her mouth and ass trained to serve.
The final day of slavery unless Master changes his mind.
Scott begins planning for Julia's potential slavery.
Scott Finds What Julia is Reading, Offers Reality.
Caris helps Judan start the day with his new slave.
Dr. Harmon medically examines Ander's newest slave.
Just when you think Brett's life can't get wilder, it does.
A young person's sex slave fantasies are made very real.
Will Arie accept being kept by Xavier's friend Philip?
Part One of Joan's tale comes to a conclusion.
Justice, Impregnation threats and scheming to the End.
Aftermath of the coup and the dominations that followed.
All hell breaks loose with sex, violence and more sex.
Security Police, Kidnapping, and a Hot New Slave.
Historic and current plots, assignations and copulations.
Laurel continues to probe and be probed.
Testing and Being tested for Sex Slavery and espionage
Spies, Strip Poker and Scary Sex in New Jersey.
Laurel stars in a very rough sex porn movie.
A special sex slave lottery, humiliation and rough sex.
Mining, embezzlement, sex and other business.
Dirty talking stepmom and son get further involved.
New owner hosts party. Kristie provides entertainment.
Lois receives a final dose of punishment.
I get to know my 3 carwash cheerleader slaves.
A woman decides to make a fundamental change.
Two bed slaves are trained and tormented.
A young slave is spanked, probed anally, humiliated.
Submission training for two female slaves continues.
A slave loses her anal virginity before an audience.
Philip enjoys some quality time with a newbie.
Two loving instructors address a new slave.
A slave is confronted by a troubling repetition.
Natasha becomes Angel's new sex slave and whore.
Betrayed by her parents, Katie moves in with the Brownings.
Sometimes right or wrong no longer matters.
Indian woman is forced into sex slavery.
My girlfriends and I get taught a hard lesson on the mat.
She begins a space voyage as a sex slave.
Allen is given a unique birthday party by his landlords.
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Unfortunately, sex slavery is more common than you think. These devastating stories from Ask Reddit should shed some light on the issue — and let you know you’re not alone in your pain.
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“My father killed my mother and himself when I was younger, I had two older brothers, but we were separated because our house was abusive. I was in a foster home until I was 6, when I was finally adopted.
At first, things seemed amazing, I had a loving family that were really looking out for me and loved me, but in the end, it was anything but that.
Growing up, the first I began to notice was that my ‘stepdad’ was VERY touchy with me, and made me feel super uncomfortable, I was about 9 when everything first started.
It began as him just taking my pictures, he would buy me underwear that a nine year old should not be wearing, he would make me do various poses, with different types of underwear. Eventually, it became nudes, I started to get boobs around 10 or so and he would constantly take pictures of me rubbing them etc, he would also massage them because he told me it would ‘help them grow.’
This happened for about a year, my ‘Stepmom’ then joined us, which made things much worse. I felt very insecure and was constantly comparing myself to her.
So this began their process of preforming sexual acts in front of me, it was like she was teaching me what to do with penis, I just remember being so jealous of her, how stupid is that?
So after this happened, they would both perform sexually acts on me, taking pictures, videos and stuff like this, really terrible stuff.
After sometime I began to “enjoy” it, I liked sex, and going through puberty only made it harder, I began to enjoy what was happening to me.
Over the next 4 years 11-15, my dad took my virginity on camera, forced anal penetration, constant degrading, and forced clit stimulation.
Now that I am older, I realized what was happening: My ‘parents’ were running an underground rig, where they would sell videos and pictures to people who paid for them over the internet.
In the chatrooms, I would be on webcam and people would pay money, and whoever paid the most, got to tell what they did to me.
There were some regulars that I will never forget:
Ex1-Hymen guy, my dad would show this guy my hymen for about 3 years, where eventually he paid enough for my dad to brutally and purposefully rip it. (the worst thing to happen to me is this, he raped me).
Ex2-There was always a guy who wanted me to urinate on myself, he also wanted me to cry. I couldnt cry on command, but I cried because of how bad it hurt to not pee for long periods of time.
There tons of things like this, but the last time, they really messed up.
I had been homeschooled by them, not like they would actually teach me things, I dont think they wanted me in public.
But, one time someone paid money to have two underage boys have their way with me, I don;t know where my parents got the guys from, but it ended up saving my life.
Both guys had their way with me, one being extremely forceful, the other very timid, after everything was done, the timid guy whispered in my ear asking for my full name, I told him.
About a week later, I am dressed up and preparing to perform when the police raid our house and take me.
The best day of my life, the police officer who was there was very upset, as I sat in the ambulance, he came up to me and asked for a hug, and I of course did it.
What he said to me “I am sorry that this has happened to you, nobody deserves this, you’re the strongest person I have ever met” while holding me tight with a hug, at this moment, it was like everything hit me and I just cried.
This happened some time ago, I am now an adult with a good job living by myself, though this has messed me up for the rest of my life, I am in therapy attempting to recover.” — throwawayonetime11
“From the age of 3 to 12, I was a child prostitute and abused by my father. My father groomed me and sold me to his friends and clients. I lived a seemingly charmed life; I went to exclusive private schools, owned a horse, even went to charm school. But after school and on the weekends, when my mother thought I was at various activities or hanging out with my father; I was being sold to the highest bidder. After every ‘date’ we would go over what I did wrong and if I wanted to see him again. Dates, videos, pictures, outfits, playtime, everything was monetized. It ended when he died of a hemorrhagic stroke while I was on a ‘date.’ We were in another city, booked in a hotel, I spent the night with a client and came back to our room to find him in a puddle of his own piss. I smoked 6 cigarettes before I called 911.” — throwawaydndname
“My father abused me from about 1 year old until I was 8. He and my mum had broken up due to his anger problems and violence however he was allowed to have me on weekends and holidays. He would use me in these times to ‘lure’ single mothers and abuse their kids as well as myself. One time in particular I remember was being abused in my recently deceased uncles bed. He had me convinced for a few years that it was actually my sisters mother (who he previously tried to kill with a hammer on Christmas eve) who had abused me, and didn’t let me meet my sister until I was 17, when I’d cut contact with him. I kept all this a secret for 12 years before anyone discovered what had happened. I still suffer flashbacks and paranoia, scared I will see him as he didn’t get convicted (his mother and auntie wouldn’t help us prosecute).” — VSR-94
“Not sure if anyone even cares about my story but I was kidnapped when I was three and rescued when I was 15.
I was sodomized orally every day since I was three. And started being anally raped almost daily from when I was 7.
The man who kidnapped me was basically my father and even though he brutalized me I still loved him. I would also have sex with other men to make him happy. I did not know at the time that he was making money from it.
I am now 19 and I feel like my actual family are strangers. I am too depressed to function normally and attempted suicide three times now.
A part of me misses my kidnapper. Because right now, I am filled with too much shame knowing that my family is aware of the stuff I did. Living with them is unbearable. They are sick of me too I am sure. At least when I was with my kidnapper, my fucked up life was treated as normal.
I am also gay but my catholic parents blame it on the abuse. I just wasn’t meant to be happy this life I think. Hopefully it all ends soon.” — toThrowFar
“I was taken my my boyfriend at the time when I was twelve. He beat and vaginally raped me daily for two years. Sometimes he’d have his friends over for ‘fun’ too. I hate him and thankfully someone killed him, but sometimes I still hear his voice in the back of my head telling me I’m worthless.
To this day I still get flashbacks if my partner pushes me too far, but thankfully he’s hugely understanding and is actually the reason I can even be touched anymore (even like a simple hug, I couldn’t deal with before).” — ivory_skin
“My stepfather never touched me, but because he hated me, and as a way to punish my mother, he started to rent me out when I was 3.
There was many different men, and I don’t remember them all, but the first one rented me all the time, his name was Willy. My mother knew what was going on, but was to scared to do anything.
One time Wille rented me on Christmas eve when I was 5. I was dressed up, no panties and forced to sit on Willys lap, while my half sister opened her present, my mother and stepfather making smalltalk. Willy had a cigarette, he held it against my arm and told me, that the more fuss and crying I made while he burned me, the harder he would punish me later. I still have the scare. That night he penetrated me anal, while choking me till I paced out.
My half sister was told, that what happened to me was okay, since I was such a bad child. She was the golden child, and I was just a thing.
Some of them got of on pain, the more I screamed and cried, the more pleasure they got. I have scares all over my body, I have had all of my fingers and toes broken. They would force me to drink their piss, hitting me with their belts till I bleed. Hitting and demeaning me, until I just lay still, not reacting to the abuse, covered in blood, urine and seamen. They only stopped when they knew that they had broken me.
Other was almost kind, they gave me candy, told me that they loved me. That thy only wanted to give me pleasure. They would praise me, when I pleasured them “the right way”, cuddling me while they penetrated me, telling me to stop crying, and just enjoy it. Makinf me thank they, when thay were done with me.
It stopped when I went in to puberty at 11.
To all of you that have experienced something like me: you can get better, you can get a good, normal life, the dreams will go away some day, the flashbacks disappear. I know that because I live that kind of life now.
It takes time, it takes oceans of tears, it hurts, it’s so, so confusing learning to live in the “normal” world, learning their “normal” rules, not falling back to the ways we were forces to live by our abusers.
You can do it, because you are stronger than you know. You have lived in hell and survived demons and devils. Forgive yourself, it was never your fault, any of it, no matter what they told you, no matter what they made you do.
Remember that they were the ones that should have protected you, you were just a child. Children do what they are told, they believe what they are told. Your mental and physical reactions were something that was groomed into you. You had no choice, but to do what you did.
Find someone that can help you. Talk to a therapist. Show them that you a a fighter. Know that they were wrong. Know that they are the monsters.
You are a strong and beautiful human, you are miles above your abuser.
I believe in you, I’m proud of you. You are a hero.” — Stuebirken
“I grew up in Alaska. There is a large AF base there and our family became close friends with an AF family. My (grandmother raised me I call her Mom) Mom was and RN as was the wife and that’s how we met. They had so many kids: I believe 7 children in all. They were a large enough family that the AF put them into 2 homes on base and modified a door between the houses to connect. So like a duplex that had a connecting internal door. As a kid I thought this was so cool. Two kitchens living rooms etc…and the “Kids” side had Atari, games, and radio. There were 2 rooms in that side locked and were a “no fly zone” per the dad. The kid fridge had an unbelievable stash of ice cream sandwiches.
We would hang with them often. Skiing, camping, fishing, and general family stuff.
So my Mom came home from work one day and all the sudden I was being grilled about my times over there and the spend the nights. Was I ever uncomfortable? Did the father or brothers ever upset me? Where did I change into my pajamas? Did the girls ever say anything or tell me anything? I was like 7 or 8 so I was confused.
The parents had been arrested by the AF version of the FBI (not sure what agency) for child porn and prostitution. They had set up hidden camera recorders (Beta tapes) in each of the main kids rooms.
It was all over the news and I was shaken to the core. The kids, all of them my friends, were being raped? By their mother and father? And strangers? It was horrible. This happened in around 1984 and I still wonder what ever happened to the kids. For a long time we had the news paper with the story.” — ECU_BSN
“I wasn’t allowed to lock my door. And apparently my dad used to wake me and my sister up in the middle of the night to ‘watch tv’ which was probably just porn to be honest. I’m not a very light sleeper. And my sister can only sleep with white noise or dead quiet. Sometimes I turn on the nightlight in my room. some of the best sleep in my life has been in crowded rooms during daylight hours. It just felt so safe.” — nettlesome-fiend
“There was a story on reddit a few days ago about a little boy that was sexually tortured and abused by a group of grown men for years and years. These men passed him around a circle watching each other torture this child for sexual gratification over and over. No one can tell me that this little boy was ok in the world or school all those years and there weren’t signs of something being seriously wrong. People need to get engaged again. Start looking for the signs and reach out to these children if they suspect something. Everyone is so afraid of interfering and it not being their business, it is our business if babies are being raped.
We need to start demanding way harsher penalties for these kinds of abuses, so many children on this thread said their abusers were let off with no punishment. That’s insane. You are right, chemical castration needs to be discussed. Seriously.
Starting to demand stricter regulations around the porn industry is way way overdue,. Why are we not protecting these young people from the predators in that industry that are feeding this beast? How is it ok for an 18 yr old girl to make the decision to be a “porn star”, have no idea what that means and then end up choking and licking her own vomit off some old mans dick on camera. Do you really think she ‘chose’ that path? I know when I was an 18 year old girl the thought of choking on an old mans dick was certainly never something that turned me on.
It’s heartbreaking that young people are sexually coming of age with this shit and no one is teaching or explaining or protecting them from it in any way. Why is this stuff not even being talked about in schools yet all the kids are watching it?
People don’t want to talk about these things, start talking. Right here we are talking and people are reading it. Maybe it will spread. Pedophilia exists because there are dark shadows of shame for it to hide behind. People are ashamed to stick their necks out and expose this. We should he screaming from the roof tops. Put out more ideas, what do people think can be done? Because doing nothing is no longer an option.” — abicus4343
“I raided a house of a rapist/pedophile a few years back, in my early days of swat. I’ve told this story before, but the guy was raping his granddaughter and filming it. He would show her other child porn and tell her that’s what grand daughters did for their grandpa.
The girl ended up making friends with a girl at school who was the victim of it. She told her about what her grandpa does and the little girl told her mom. The rest is history. I’ll never forget breaking the grandpas door down in the basement. He had this shitty little room made, locked, but a garbage hollow core door. He had so many hard drives and cameras, and a box full of sex toys he would use on her.
He’s in prison now. I never met the little girl. I only executed the search warrant and arrested the guy. But I’m glad you were rescued from that situation. That case will stay with me forever.” — Zending
“My grandfather sexually molested me starting at the age of three. My first boyfriend raped me when I was 12, and he and his stepdad got me started on hard drugs, and I ended up doing some things with some men in order to get my fix when the boyfriend and I split up. I ended up getting sent to a special boarding school when I was 15, and getting physically away from that situation allowed me to get/stay clean for a while.
I was so fucked up psychologically that I was expelled the first year I was there, ended up in a homeschool/tutor situation. They took me back to the school a year later and I was expelled that year, too. Graduated second in my class in public school, clean, sober, and no longer self-harming.
The end of my senior year, I got in contact online with this kind-of friend from the boarding school. Looking back, he had been grooming me for a while even then, but he gave me what I’d learned to expect from men, and the attention, the specific attention towards my body as something desirable and needed and coveted, did what it was supposed to. Even though I wasn’t attracted to him, knowing he was to me was enough to make me hook up with him. He told me to go to college near where he was, so it’s the only school I applied to. I did what he said because I was used to having to do what men said, I guess. I don’t know.
Things got bad quick up at school. 6 weeks after school started he held me hostage, beat me, forced me into a special outfit he’d bought to make me look like his “slave,” and tied me to a bed and physically and sexually tortured me while ex
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