Sex Sit Out Fox News For

Sex Sit Out Fox News For


Sex Sit Out Fox News For

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60,559 people have signed. Help us reach 100,000 signatures.
We are also pleased to receive the endorsement of the American College of Pediatricians: "The American College of Pediatricians applauds these parents for demanding the best for all children - namely, sexual risk avoidance curricula." - Michelle Cretella, M.D., President, ACP.
We have also received incredible media attention. The message is getting out there: Hands off our kids! Please join us on Monday, April 23rd , for the Sex Ed Sit Out!

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The Sex Ed Sit Out is on for this coming Monday, April 23rd! Will you join us?
With only one week to go for the Sex Ed Sit Out (April 23rd) our momentum is growing! We now have special events planned for 12 cities:
A grassroots movement of frustrated public school parents is turning their frustration into action. These parents want to end the sexualization of their children during class time. To achieve that purpose, they are holding a “Sex Ed Sit Out” protest on Monday, April 23rd, 2018.
This protest was initiated by a few moms on social media who were troubled by the graphic nature of current sex education resources in schools. It has since grown into a global movement with protests being planned in the U.S., Canada, and Australia.
Parents are demanding to know why their children are being taught how to have anal and oral sex, masturbate one another, and question their gender . Caryl Ayala, a former public school teacher and organizer of the Austin, Texas protest, said, “We are uniting with parents across the globe to demand that our rights as parents be respected regarding the teaching of sexuality and sexual orientation. Hands off our kids!”
Cities such as Rocklin, California and Fairfax County, Virginia have recently been the focus of news headlines because of controversial, gender-bending, and graphic sex education and anti-bullying programs. Parents say they were not informed that these programs would be taught to their children, sometimes as young as five years old.
“Why are our tax dollars going to pay for curriculums and resources that teach dangerous and promiscuous behaviors which most parents find morally abhorrent and the CDC [Centers for Disease Control] has stated are a health risk?” questioned Elizabeth Johnston, viral activist blogger and concerned mother. “Furthermore, why aren’t administrators being transparent with parents about the content of sexuality resources? It’s as if they have something to hide. That should frighten parents everywhere .”
Education Chairwoman of the Indiana Liberty Coalition and one of the protest organizers, Rhonda Miller, stated, “ Follow the money . Comprehensive sex ed is being rolled out across America, often sponsored by special interest LGBT groups like Human Rights Campaign, and disguised as anti-bullying programs. If it’s not okay for special interest groups like the NRA [National Rifle Association] to be buying classroom time to push their agenda, then how is it okay for HRC monies to be buying schools off to teach gender-bending ideology and anal sex tutorials?”
On April 23rd, parents around the U.S., Canada, and Australia will be pulling their children out of school for the day . They will be protesting dangerous and graphic sex education and uniting at various locations to hold press events and field media questions. Special events are planned for the following cities:
More details will be released on the Sex Ed Sit Out web site and Facebook page .
Please join us by signing our declaration to say NO to graphic, immoral sex education for our kids! And join in the “Sex Ed Sit Out” protest on Monday, April 23rd by pulling your kids out of public school for the day.
We, as concerned parents and community members, are sick of the sexualization of our children! We say NO to graphic, gender-bending, promiscuity-promoting sex education for our kids.
We demand that public schools stop treating our children like guinea pigs in some social engineering experiment. We demand that schools respect parents’ values and parents’ authority.
We will not stand for our tax money being used to promote sexual liberation, deviance, and gender confusion to our precious kids. In protest, we stand together with those parents pulling their children out of public school on April 23rd for the sex ed sit out.
We, as concerned parents and community members, are sick of the sexualization of our children! We say NO to graphic, gender-bending, promiscuity-promoting sex education for our kids.
We demand that public schools stop treating our children like guinea pigs in some social engineering experiment. We demand that schools respect parents’ values and parents’ authority.
We will not stand for our tax money being used to promote sexual liberation, deviance, and gender confusion to our precious kids. In protest, we stand together with those parents pulling their children out of public school on April 23rd for the sex ed sit out.

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Fed Up Parents Plan Sex Ed Sit Out | CitizenGO
Fox News faces racism lawsuit – on top of multiple sex scandals
Fox News admits 'error' over Trump-Epstein photo ahead of... |
Fox News Reporter Taunted With “Fuck Fox News ” Chants as Protests...
24 Apr, 2017 04:20 / Updated 3 years ago

The shameful legacy left by former Fox News CEO Roger Ailes is proving hard to overcome for the company, which is already embroiled in multiple sex scandals. Now, several employees are adding a racial discrimination suit to the litany of alleged abuses.

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Fox payroll manager Tichaona Brown and payroll coordinator Tabrese Wright have accused co-worker Judy Slater of making “racially charged comments, including suggestions that black men were ‘women beaters’ and that black people wanted to physically harm white people,” reports Think Progress , citing The New York Times.
The lawsuit also alleges that Fox’s accounting director, Tammy Efinger, participated in, or tacitly approved of, the ongoing racist behavior.
Slater was dismissed in February once litigation against the network began.
An additional seven employees are now expected to join the racial discrimination lawsuit this coming week.
However, even more damning claims have since come to light in a letter to the network’s attorneys from the plaintiffs’ legal team, reportedly seen by New York Magazine .
The plaintiffs’ attorneys now allege that Slater demanded that black employees compete in “arm wrestling matches’” with white female employees in an office located close to Ailes’ old office.
The legal team also claims that Efinger spoke of her desire to “fight” a black employee.
Fox's parent company paid out $13 million in sexual harassment settlements against Bill O’Reilly since 2002
In the wake of repeated sex scandals, Fox is already hemorrhaging advertisers but the latest racial allegations are sure to add many more to the list of companies jumping ship.
The company’s tumultuous 18-month period following the unceremonious departure of Ailes amid widespread    accusations of sexual harassment only seems to get worse as time goes on. Arguably Fox News’ most well-known presenter, Bill O’Reilly, was also ousted this past week amid a similar scandal.
Both men will reportedly receive tens of millions of dollars in payouts .
Before O’Reilly’s dismissal during the week, car giants Mercedes-Benz, Hyundai, BMW of North America, Mitsubishi and Lexus all pulled their sponsorship from O’Reilly’s show while big pharma companies like Bayer, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Consumer HealthCare soon followed suit, reports The New York Times .
Bill O’Reilly show down to just 7 advertisers amid growing sexual harassment scandal
In the lead up to O’Reilly’s dismissal, there was a major online campaign pressuring advertisers to renounce O’Reilly’s alleged behaviour and let their wallets do the talking, rallying under the hashtag #DropOReilly.
Women, let's use the power of our voice and tell advertisers to #DropOReilly . Share your own stories of sexual harassment in the workplace.
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